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1、姓名:_ 班级:_Unit 5 Topic 3随堂练习题一 完成下列句子。1. 今天星期几?_ _ is it today ?2. 他们现在在上什么课? _ are they _?3. 几点开始上课?_ _ does the class _?4. 你们一天上几节课?_ _ do you have every day ?5. Kangkang 多久上一次历史课?_ _ does Kangkang have a history lesson?6. 你认为英语怎么样?_ do you _ _ English ? _ do you _ English ?7. 为什么你不喜欢数学? _ _ you li

2、ke math ? 因为它很无聊又很难。_ its _ and _ .8. 你最喜欢那个科目?_ _ do you like _?9. 每个星期三我都会去学校图书馆。_ _ , I go to he school library.10. 感谢你教我英语。Thank you _ _ me English.二用所给单词的适当形式完成下面的短文。Art, begin, best, draw, activity, finish, sport, class, interesting, konwI go to school from Monday to Friday. I have seven_ ever

3、y day. Class _at eight oclock. I have English, Chinese and Math every day. On Monday I have an_ class. I can _pictures .On Tuesday and Thursday I have two P.E. classes. I can have _. I like Wednesday_because I have a history class that day. I want _something about the past. So history is my favorite

4、 subject.We do morning exercises every day at school. Morning exercises begin at twenty past nine and _at twenty to ten. I can also do outdoor_every day at school . My school life is _. I like it very much. 三. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Jenny is a nurse and _(work)in hospital.2. Now he_ (wash face). He often_(

5、wash) his face after breakfast.3. Thank you for_(help)me with my English.4. Listen! Some of the girls_(talk) about Harry Potter.5. Lily is sitting between Li Ping and_(I)四. 单项选择 ( ) 1. -Can you say 11:45 in English? -Its easy. A. A quarter to twelve. B. Forty-five to eleven. C. A quarter to eleven.

6、( ) 2. -What do you my school? -Its very beautiful. A. think about B. think of C. think over ( ) 3. - does she watch TV? -Every day. A. How often B. What time C. How many ( ) 4. They dont like the game its too boring. A. and B. because C. but ( ) 5. -What day is it today? -Its . A. February,28 th B.

7、 Friday C. a wonderful day ( ) 6. My teachers are to me and I like them very much. A. friendly B. friends C. friend ( ) 7. Students usually have no classes on . A. Monday B. Sunday C. Thursday ( ) 8. Dont talk. Your brother in his room. A. sleeping B. sleeps C. is sleeping ( ) 9. - can you see in th

8、e picture?-I can see a little cat under the tree. A. What else B. Who else C. Where else ( )10. - you go shopping with me? -Because I have so much homework to do. A. Why do B. Why are C. Why dont( )11. Lisa likes singing songs and Lucia it. A. too likes B. likes also C. also likes ( ) 12. We are mat

9、h problems. A. working on B. work on C. working with ( ) 13. Lily often sings songs in her room. She must _music. A. like B. likes C. liking ( ) 14. Tuesday afternoon, we have a class meeting. A. In B. At C. On ( ) 15. “Can you tell me something about your school?” “ ”. A. Its difficult B. Sure, its wonderful C. What about yours 1

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