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1、Lesson 117 and Lesson 118一 根据句意及所给单词的首字母填空(10分)1. My husband d_ some coins on the floor yesterday.2. I changed a five-pound note because I needed some c_ for the ticket machine.3. Just wait for a w_ and then Ill help you.4. Little Tommy put the two coins b_ into his mouth.5. He s_ a mouthful of brea

2、d in a hurry just now.6. Ill tell you about it l_.7. We looked for them, but we could not find them a_.8. Just at that moment, the telephone r_.9. She came along a_ she sang.10. It was too late for us to g_ the coins out of Tommys mouth.二 用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)1. We usually have our meals in the _ (dine)

3、room.2. There were coins _ (anywhere) on the floor.3. Tommys been to the toilet three _ (time) this morning.4. The train arrived two hours _ (late).5. Father fell _ (sleep) while he was watching TV.6. I only stayed at home. I went _ (somewhere).7. You are wearing your _ (glass).8. We should plant mo

4、re trees to make our city _ (green).9. Its difficult for us to swim _ (cross) the river in twenty minutes/10. He finished writing the letter as _ (quick) as he could.三 用所给动词的过去进行时填空(10分)1. He _ (do) his homework at two oclock yesterday afternoon.2. They _ (have) a meeting from 8 to 10 last night.3.

5、Mary _ (watch) TV when we came in.4. I _ (wash) my clothes this time yesterday.5. My wife _ (cook) the dinner while I _ (work) in the garden.6. When I _ (leave) the house, the postman arrived.7. As it _ (get) dark, we had to go home.8. One evening Beethoven _ (walk) in a street when he suddenly stop

6、ped outside a little house.9. Just as I _ (open) the front door, the telephone rang.10. What _ you _ (do) between June and August last year?四 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. One day a lion ate a big dinner, then he _ (asleep).2. A large bag of rice dropped off a truck when it _ (come) round a corner.3. While so

7、me of the students _ (stop) the traffic, the boys carried the man to the gatekeepers room.4. When Li Lei found Miss Zhao in the school library, she _ (choose) a book.5. He thanks me for what I _ (do).6. My aunt gave me a hat and I_ (lose) it.7. I have seen the film. I _ (see) it last month.8. I _ (b

8、e) twenty years old next year.9. My wife was cooking the dinner while I _ (read) a newspaper.10. I heard someone _ (play) music next door.五 选择填空(15分)( ) 1. When my husband _ into the dining room this morning, he _ some coins on the floor. A. went, was droppingB. was going, dropped C. went, was falli

9、ngD. was going, fell( ) 2. The story book is too expensive, _ we cant _ buy it. A. and, affordB. so, afford C. but, afford toD. so, afford to( ) 3. I was just leaving home _ it began to rain.A. whenB. whileC. asD. so( ) 4. We looked for the coins _, but we couldnt find them _. A. anywhere, bothB. so

10、mewhere, all C. everywhere, all D. everywhere, both( ) 5. He finished his work and _ TV. A. went watching B. went on watching C. went watch D. went on to watch( ) 6. His parents _ English teachers in our school. A. are bothB. both areC. are allD. all are( ) 7. I need your advice. Please write to me

11、_. A. as quickly as possibleB. as soon as I canC. as fast as you canD. as soon as possible( ) 8. Dont get _ the bus until it stops.A. offB. inC. upD. down( ) 9. Tomorrow he will go _ a trip to Shanghai.A. to B. on C. in D. at( ) 10. What happened _ them? They had an accident. A. forB. ofC. on D. to(

12、 ) 11. When he left, his mother _. A. is cookingB. cookedC. was cookingD. cooks( ) 12. We _ TV when the telephone _. A. watched; was ringingB. were watching, rangC. watch; ringsD. are watching; rang( ) 13. My husband and I _ tried _ the coins, but it was to late.A. all, to getB. both, to getC. all,

13、getting D. both, getting( ) 14. He looked behind from time to time _ he walked.A. whenB. whileC. asD. so( ) 15. My wife was cooking to dinner _ I was working in the garden. A. whenB. beforeC. as D. while六 句型转换(10分)1. When I was leaving the house, the postman arrived.(变为同义句) I was leaving the house _

14、 the postman _.2. There were coins everywhere.(变为同义句) There were coins _ and _.3. We both tried to get the coins.(变为同义句) _ of _ tried to get the coins.4. Tommy has been to the toilet three times this morning.(就划线部分提问) _ _ _ has Tommy been to the toilet this morning?5. We couldnt find them all.(变为同义句

15、) We couldnt find _ of _.6. Jill and Bob were born in the same year.(变为同义句) Jill is _ _ as Bob.7. John was sleeping at ten last night.(就换线部分提问) _ _ John _ at ten last night?8. He sang just now.(用when I came here改写句子) He _ _ when I came here.9. He isnt as old as he looks.(变为同义句) He is _- _ he looks.1

16、0. She was getting off the bus and she slipped and hurt herself.(变为同义句) She shipped and hurt herself _ she was getting off the bus.七 补全对话(10分)Teacher: What _1_ you doing at 10:30 last Sunday morning?Jim: I _2_ making a model plane in my bedroom.Teacher: _3_ was your sister _4_ at that time?Jim: She

17、was _5_ with the cat.Teacher: Were your parents _6_ TV? Jim: No, they were _7_ newspapers.Teacher: What _8_ you going to do this Sunday? Jim: We are going _9_ visit Hangzhou.Teacher: I hope youll _10_ a good time. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _八 完形填空(10分) It was Saturday. The wea

18、ther got cold suddenly and Mrs. Clark wanted to buy _ forherself. After breakfast they started out. There was much ice on the roads and Mr. Clark _ carefully. He stopped the car in front of the biggest _ in the town and they went in. Theybought a lot of things there and then returned home. At the ga

19、te Mrs. Clark _ with some bags. Her husband drove the car into the garage.Then he _ the door and left. But he saw his wife standing outside in _. He felt strangeand asked, “Why not go in the room dear? Its very cold here.” “I cant _ the key to the door,” answered the woman. “Didnt you put it into yo

20、ur handbag?” “Oh, I remember _.” called out the woman. “But wheres my handbag?” “Didnt you _ it out of the car?” “No, I didnt. Go and get it, dear.” “_!” cried Mr. Clark. “Ive left the key to the garage in the car, too.”九 阅读理解(5分) I was late in the evening. I heard someone knocking at the door. I op

21、ened it and saw a young man with glasses. He said he was a friend of my fathers and he had an appointment with him. I didnt remember my father had such a friend, but I had to let him in. As he talked, I found that he didnt know anything about my father. Just then my father came in and the young man

22、was surprised. I took hold of the man while my father called the policemen.判断正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。( ) 1. One day a young man knocked at the door at midnight.( ) 2. He was one of my fathers friends.( ) 3. He knew nothing about my father.( ) 4. My father and I caught the young man and took him to the police

23、 station.( ) 5. The young man was a thief.十 根据短文内容填空(10分) Once an old man felt unhappy and asked his friend how he could feel h_1_. “Thats very e_2_,” his friend said. “You just put on the s_3_ of a happy man and youll be happy.” The old man believed his friend and b_4_ to look for a happy man. He w

24、ent to many places and met many people. They a_5_ said they were not happy. One day he saw a poor man w_6_ in the field. The man was singing and l_7_ very happy. The old man came up to him and asked. “Are you happy, my friend?” “Yes, quite happy.” a_8_ the farmer. “Can you g_9_ me your shirt?” asked the old man. “My shirt?” the farer answered, “But I havent got a shirt, never have o_10_.”1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _第 4 页

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