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1、新概念英语第一册Lesson 5-6 练习题(无答案)Lesson 5 and Lesson 6一 根据汉语提示填空(10分)1. Mr. Blake is a (教师).2. Sophie is a (新的) student.3. Sophie Dupont is (法国人).4. Hans is (德国人).5. Nice to (遇见) you.6. Naoko is (日本人).7. Chang Woo is (韩国人).8. Lu Ming is (中国人).9. It is an (意大利的) car.10. Ford is an (美国的) car.二 试着填写相应的音标(10分

2、)i: i : u: ei i au 三 根据句意填空(10分)1. Its a Volvo. Its a car.2. It is a Peugeot. Its a car.3. Its a Mercedes. Its a car.4. Its a Toyota. Its a car.5. Its a Daewoo. Its a car.6. Mini is an car.7. Ford is an car.8. Fiat is an car.9. Xiao Hui is .10. to meet you.四 选择填空(10分)( ) 1. Its a Daewoo. Its a car.

3、A. American B. Japanese C. German D. Korean( ) 2. This is Alice Dupont. Alice is a student. A. new B. old C. newer D. older( ) 3. Nice you. A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. meets( ) 4. Stella is . A. student B. a student C. an student D. the student( ) 5. Is she a French student a Swedish student? A

4、. and B. or C. so D. but( ) 6. This is Naoko. Naoko is a girl. is Japanese. A. He B. She C. It D. I( ) 7. Hans German? , he . A. Is ; Yes, is B. Is ; No, is C. Are ; Yes, are D. Are ; No, arent( ) 8. This is a coat. It a dress. A. is B. isnt C. not is D. arent( ) 9. A: Nice to meet you! B: . A. How

5、are you B. Nice to meet you C. How do you do D. Excuse me( ) 10. Mercedes a French car. It a German car. A. is, isnt B. isnt, is C. not is, is D. am, arent五 句型转换(10分)1. This is Miss Sophie Dupont. (变一般疑问句) this Sophie Dupont?2. Sophie is a new student. (变否定句)Sophie is a new student.3. This is Hans.

6、(就划线部分提问) is ?4. This is my watch. (变一般疑问句) this watch?5. It is a Toyota. (就划线部分提问) is it?6. I am Number Five. (变为同义句)My is .7. This is my daughter. (变否定句)This my daughter.8. It is a Fiat. It is an Italian car. (两句合并一句)The is an .9. This is a coat. (就划线部分提问) is ?10. Sophie is a student. She is Frenc

7、h. (两句合并一句) Sophie is a .六 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(10分)1. Mr. Blake 是他们的教师。Mr. Blake is .2. 这个新学生是法国人。This new is .3. 汉斯是德国人。Hans .4. 遇见你很高兴。 to you.5. 晓惠是中国人吗? Xiao Hui ?6. 那辆菲亚特是一辆意大利汽车。The Fiat is an .7. 它是什么牌子? is it?8. 她的汽车是韩国造。 car is .9. 那辆标致是一辆法国车。That Peugeot is a .10. 他是五号。He is .七 用方框中的句子完成下列对话。(10

8、分)A: Are you in Class Six, too?B: Whats your name?C: Hello.D: Thats all right.E: He is TomF: Nice to meet you.G: Can you spell it, please?H: What class are you in?I: Excuse me.J: youA: 1 . Are you Li Ming?B: Yes, I am. 2 .A: My name is Jim. 3 .B: Nice to meet you, too.A: 4 .B: I am in Class Six. 5 .

9、A: No, I am in Class One.B: 6 . Whos that boy?A: 7 .B: 8 .A: Yes, T-O-M, Tom.B: Thank 9 .A: 10 .1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 八 完形填空(10分)A: 1 2 Li Ming?B: 3 , I am 4 . 5 name is Li Guang.A: 6 . What 7 are you in?B: I am 8 Class One.A: Are you Number One?B: 9 , I am not. I am 10 Two.( ) 1. A. Are B.

10、 Am C. Is D. Am( ) 2. A. they B. you C. we D. he( ) 3. A. Yes B. Right C. No D. not( ) 4. A. Li Ming B. not C. no D. yes( ) 5. A. My B. your C. He D. She( ) 6. A. Excuse B. Sorry C. Ok D. Right( ) 7. A. grade B. row C. class D. member( ) 8. A. / B. in C. a D. the( ) 9. A. Yes B. OK C. Not D. No( ) 1

11、0. A. Row B. Class C. Grade D. Number九 阅读理解(10分)Mr. Green: Excuse. Are you Mr. White?Mr. White: Yes, I am. Are you Mr. Green?Mr. Green: Yes, I am. How do you do!Mr. White: How do you do!Mr. Green: This is Tom, my son. Tom, this is Mr. White.Tom: Nice to meet you, Mr. White.Mr. White: Nice to meet yo

12、u, too.A. 根据对话内容回答问题。1. Are you Kate? , Im .2. Are you Mr. Green? , I .3. How do you do? You do?4. Who is Tom? Tom is Mr. .5. Nice to meet you! to meet you , .B. 根据对话内容判断下列句子是否正确,对用T, 错用F。( ) 6. Mr. White meets Mr. Green.( ) 7. Tom is Mr. Whites son.( ) 8. Tom is nice to meet Mr. White.( ) 9. Mr. Gr

13、een is Mr. Whites friend.( ) 10. Mr. Greens son is Tom.十 根据短文内容填入一个适当的词(10分) Mr. Blake is an English 1 . Miss Sophie Dupont is a 2 student. She is 3 here. Hans is a 4 student. Naoko is a 5 student. Chang-Woo is a 6 student. Luming and Xiaohui are both 7 students. They are 8 9 meet Sophie Dupont. They are learning English 10 Mr Blake.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 5 / 5

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