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1、课题: Unit 1 How can I get there?课时数: 4教学目标:1. 能够掌握本单元出现的sciencemuseum,postoffice,bookstore,cinema,hospital等单词和词组,并熟练朗读和运用。2. 通过对话学习能够掌握问路与指路的主要句型。如Whereis ?Its Is there a ? How can I get there? Come with me. Go straight and turn left.等问路与指路交际用语,并准确熟练地运用于实际交流中。3. 学唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?”教学重难点:通过听、

2、说、读、写等活动使学生掌握本单元主要交际语言: Whereis ?Its等问路和指路的交际用语和相关功能词汇,并通过学习进一步发展学生的语言交际能力,解决生活中问路和指路问题。教具准备:T: 多媒体设备(PPT)Ss:作业本第 1 课时A. Lets learn, Lets try & Lets talk课时教学目标:1.能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:sciencemuseum,postoffice,bookstore,cinema,hospital,及next to, near,behind2. 能够听、说、朗读句型:Whereis?ItsHow can I get there? 等有关问路

3、与指路的交际用语。3.能够听懂、会说、会表演Lets talk内容,并在真实场景中运用。 4. 会唱歌曲Whereisthehospital?教学过程(包括板书设计):Step1. Warming up & RevisionLets sing: Where is the hospital?Step 2. Presentation & Practice1. Lets learn歌曲导入词汇hospital, park, cinema, mall, bookstore的学习。并结合图片加以巩固。T可举例区分bookstore与library。结合歌曲,继续学习next to和near并加以区分。不

4、beside借助图片或照片学习词汇science museum和post office。拓展各类museum和post man/ card。T带读,Ss齐读、个别读,T指导拼读和识记。2. Ask & answerT摆放好图片(词卡)根据图片位置询问:Where is ? Ss:Its复习操练next to, near, behind, in front of等方位介词 (pair work)3. Lets try Guess: Where are they? Listen & tick4. Lets talk Read & answerT: Wu and Robin theyre in th

5、e museum. Wu wants to buy a postcard. So where is the museum shop?Ss:.T: Now he wants to send it. So where is the post office?Ss: Listen & followSs听读、跟读、齐读,T指导。 Fill in the blanks挖空补全对话Step 3. Consolidation & extension以绍兴实际情况拓展Jinghu ParkShaoxing Science MuseumShaoxing LibraryShaoxing Sports Center作

6、业本作业抄写作业3+1听读背诵作业板书设计: Whereisthe_-? sciencemuseum, postoffice bookstore, cinema, hospitalIts next to/ near/ behind .第 2 课时B. Lets try & Lets talk课时教学目标:1.能够通过情境问答理解表示地点和指路时用到的单词、词组和句子含义,并运用于实际问路和指路的交往中。2. 能够正确听、说、认读单词restaurant、Italian、Pizza、street、interesting和词组turn left/ right及句型Whereis?ItsHow ca

7、n I get there? 等。3.能够听懂、会说、会表演Lets talk内容,并在真实场景中运用。 4. 会唱歌曲Whereisthehospital?教学过程(包括板书设计):Step1. Warming up & Revision1. Lets sing: Where is the hospital?2. Lets review: Part A Step 2. Presentation & Practice1. Lets tryWu is calling Mike. What are they talking about? Tick or cross.2. Lets talk Loo

8、k, Guess & sayT呈现文本图片:Where are they? ( In the cinema) They have watched a film, an interesting film.Now theyre hungry. Where will they go? A restaurant, a great Italian restaurant.What kind of food does the Italian restaurant have? Pizza, steak, Italian noodlesWhere is the restaurant? Read & answer

9、Where is the restaurant? How can we get there? Listen & followSs听读、跟读、齐读,T指导。 Fill in the blanks挖空补全对话Step 3. Consolidation & extensionMain Scene复习巩固重点短语和句型Turn left, turn right, go straightWhere is ? ItsHow can I get there?作业本作业抄写作业3+1听读背诵作业板书设计: Whereisthe_-? Its next to/ near/ behind .How can I g

10、et there? turn left turn right go straight第 3 课时B. Lets learn & Be a tour guide课时教学目标:1.能够通过情境问答理解表示地点和指路时用到的单词、词组和句子含义,并运用于实际问路和指路的交往中。2. 能够正确听、说、读、写词组turn left/ right,go straight, crossing及句型Whereis?ItsHow can I get there? 等。3.能够在真实场景中运用所学进行问路和指路交流。 教学过程(包括板书设计):Step1. Warming up & Revision1. Lets

11、 review: Part A & B, Main scene2. Dictation & Retelling Step 2. Presentation & Practice1. Lets learnT: Here is a crossing. 图片展示教学crossing, 交通标志 turn left, turn right, go straightT: where is the cinema? Ss: itsT: How can I get there?Ss: .2. Lets try a mazeT设置场景走迷宫I want to go to a science museum. How

12、 can I get there?Ss运用turn left, turn right, go straightStep 3. Consolidation & extensionLets checkLets wrap it up作业本作业抄写作业3+1听读背诵作业板书设计: Whereisthe_-? Its next to/ near/ behind .How can I get there? crossing turn left turn right go straight第 4 课时B. Read & write课时教学内容和目标:分为读、写、语音三部分:1. 要求学生阅读图片了解从古到今

13、辨别方位的几种方法,以拓展学生的生活常识。2. 要求学生看懂文本并完成教材所提供的读写活动,包括通过阅读问题在语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息,训练根据上下文猜新词的能力,能够通过推理解题,能根据阅读所获取的信息写出文章梗概。3. 要求学生明白并能正确读出英语句子的升降调。教学过程(包括板书设计):Step1. Warming up & RevisionLets review: Main scene, Part A&B Step 2. Presentation & Practice1. Pre-reading 教师呈现本部分的四副插图,提问:Do you know these things ? Wha

14、t are they for ?学生讨论后,教师领读单词。 请学生根据自己已有的知识,将四幅图按照使用年代的远近排序。 教师引导学生看图,引导学生进行读前预测。教师介绍:Wu Yifan and his friends wanted to go to the Italian restaurant, How did they go there ? What places did they pass by ?2. While-reading 第一次阅读要求学生快速阅读,用横线画出经过的地点。 第二次阅读要求学生细读课文,完成第九页的读写题。 第三次阅读教师利用给课件展示课文,播放录音。学生跟读,模

15、仿正确的语音、语调。3. Post-reading学生再次阅读课文,画出文中出现的介词。学生四人一组,根据课文信息,制作吴一凡去餐馆的线路图。比比那组的图文漂亮、准确。师生完成Tips for pronunciation 板块的练习。教师播放Listen ,look and say 的录音,并解释英语句子有不同的声调:一般情况下,肯定句,特殊疑问句用降调,一般疑问句用升调,并引出祈使句在这里是礼貌请求,语气要婉转,用升调。教师提供一些例句,组织学生读句子并判断应该读什么语调。教师在提供一些句子,让学生根据语调归类,并说出理由。Robin has GPS . Is it far ? Where

16、is the restaurant ?It is a cat . Are you a student ? Who is he ?Step 3. Consolidation & extensionC. Story time作业本作业抄写作业3+1听读背诵作业板书设计: Robin has GPS . Is it far ? Where is the restaurant ?It is a cat . Are you a student ? Who is he ?. . . 每学期末写工作总结时,我都要写上这样一句话:“以忠诚于党的教育事业为准则”。如何做到“忠诚”呢?我想应该是:圆满完成教学任务,工作成绩突出。如何使自己在教育竞争的大潮中百战百胜,永站前列呢?我觉得应该是进行教育科学研究。5

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