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1、Unit6 An interesting country【Story time】1. learn about 学习有关2. next week下个星期(一般将来时的时间状语)3. find out发现find:意为“找到,发现”,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,也可以指偶然发现某物或某种情况,强调的是找的结果。find out:意为“找出,发现,查明”,多指通过调查、打听、研究之后“搞清楚,弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义。look for:意为“寻找”,强调找的过程4. before the lessons课前5. ask my e-friend询问我的网友ask意为“询问,请求,要求,

2、问”6. send me some photos发些照片给我 send sb.sth.=send sth.to sb.7. come from=be from来自于8. He come from Australia.(对画线部分提问) Where does he come from? He is from Australia.(对画线部分提问) Where is he from?9. read about意为“读到,获悉”10. go to the library去图书馆(go to )11. about为介词,有“关于,大约”之意。12. many interesting things许多有

3、趣的事情 an interesting book一本有趣的书13. sport lovers体育爱好者(lover名词,意为“爱好者”)14. Sport lovers will like Australian Football games because they are very exciting.辨析:excited,excitingexcited意为“激动的,兴奋的”,主语为sb.exciting意为“使人兴奋的,令人激动的”,修饰sth.15. welcome visitors欢迎到访者/参观者【Grammar time】一般将来时:will+动词原形时间状语:tomorrow,ne

4、xt week/month/year(1) 基本用法“will/shall+动词原形”表示从现在看,将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态。“will/shall+动词原形”可构成一般将来时。shall适用于第一人称I,we;will适用于所有人称,通常可以用will来代替shall。will,shall均可以缩写为llWe will have a big and clean classroom. 我们将会有一个又大又干净的教室。Danny will come tomorrow. 丹尼明天要来。I will/shall help you. 我将会帮助你。(2) 句型变化一般将来时的否定句是在wi

5、ll或shall后加上not。Will not可以缩写为wont;而shall not 可以缩写为shant.They will not visit our school this week. 这一周他们将不会参观我们学校。Alice wont have a birthday party. 艾丽丝将不会举办生日聚会。一般将来时的一般疑问句只需要把will或shall提到主语之前即可。-Will you be a doctor? 你将成为一名医生吗?-Yes, I will./No, I wont. 是的,我将成为一名医生。/不,我不会成为一名医生。与一般将来时连用的时间状语通常是一些表示将来时

6、间段的单词或词组。Tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next week,in the future等。【Fun time】1. Ill tell you about the UK. tell sb.about sth.拓展:tell sb.to do sth.2. The weather is sometimes rainy in the UK.weather意为”天气”,是不可数名词。例:What bad weather! 多么糟糕的天气呀!(感叹句)3. There are some interesting cities in the country.coun

7、try意为“国家,乡村,乡下”。复数countries4. for example例如,比如(用于举例子)5. Youll find interesting places like the Big Ben,London Eye and Tower Bridge.此句中的like是介词,意为“像”。Big Ben大本钟 London Eye伦敦眼 Tower Bridge塔桥【Sound time】air / / air空气 chair椅子 fair美丽的,公平的 hair头发【Culture time】1. Youll find the Great Wall in China. the Gre

8、at Wall长城2. Youll find Yellowstone National Park in the US. Yellowstone National Park黄石公园3. Youll find Stonehenge in the UK. Stonehenge巨石阵4. Youll find the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. the Great Barrier Reef 大堡瞧【Cartoon time】1. I want to be a cook. 我想当一名厨师。 want to be a 想成为一名2. Billy wants to find out about cooking. Want to do sth.=would like to do sth. cooking名词,意为“烹饪”3. read newspapers读报纸4. cook dinner做晚饭5. wait and see等着看/瞧6. Billy is very busy in the kitchen.busy形容词,意为“繁忙的”。be busy with sth.=be busy doing sth.忙于做某事7. What do you think?

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