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1、人教版PEP六年级下学期英语第三单元测试卷.DOC 这套人教版pep六年级下学期英语第三单元测试卷.doc免费下载为整理,所有试卷与小学新课标pep人教版教材大纲同步,本站小学英语试卷覆盖了新课标人教版人教新版苏教牛津版冀教版外研社版深港版科普版等试卷供大家免费使用下载打印。 因为小学英语试卷复制时一些内容如个别单词、图片之类无法显示,需要下载的老师、家长可以到本帖子底部下载word编辑的doc附件使用! 试卷内容预览:六年级下册英语第三单元测试题学校_ 班级_ 姓名_ 座号_ 一、写出下列单词的过去式。(11分)watch_ wash _ clean _ play _visit _ do _

2、 go _ read _ am/is_have_fly_二、英汉互译:(每小题1分,共10分)1、上周末 6、washclothes 2、去游泳 _ _ 7、visitgrandparents 3、去钓鱼 8、listentomusic 4、去郊游 9、playfootball 5、看电视 10、gotothepark 三、根据句意和已给出的首字母,补全单词。(每小题1分,共10分)1、hew toaparkyesterday2、ic myroomlastweekend.3、didyour themagazine 4、didlucyc a mountain5、lastsaturday ,can

3、dyv her uncle.6. what didyoud_ last weekend 7. she r_ a book last night .8. hewents_yesterday .9. amyl_to music last tuesday .10. wew_fishing yesterday 更多免费资源下载 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册四、选择(每小题2分,共32分)( )1、-didyouhelpmecleanmyroom -yes ,i .a、did b、do c、does( )2 -whatdidlisa doyesterday-she tomusic .a、listens b

4、、listen c、listened( )3、-whatdidyoudolastweekend -i tv.a、saw b、lookedat c、watched( )4、he intothelakeand toit.a、jumped,swimed b、jump, swam c、jumped,swam( )5、didjohn footballyesterdaya、play b、played c、plaied( )6、they bookslastweekend .a、read b、readed c、look( )7、didyouplayfootball zhang penga、with b、 an

5、d c、to( )8、 tom busy yeaterday.a、did b、 was c、were( )9、lisausually herhomeworkaftersuper.a、does b、do c、did( )10、didyou swimminglastweekenda、go b、goes c、went( ) 11. what _ he _ yesterday a. does, dob. do , did c. did, do( ) 12. _ he _ football last weekend a. did, playedb. did, playc. did, plays( ) 1

6、3. she _ yesterday. a. wentfish b.wentfishingc. goesfishing( ) 14. he _ the clothes yesterday. a.didnt washedb. didnt washc. dont washed( ) 15. they _ english last night. a.study b. studyed c. studied( ) 16. it _ a windy day yesterday . a.is b. was c.am五、连词成句。(每个2分,共10分)1、did ,what ,you, yesterday ,

7、do 2、you , full , did , the , moon , see 3、went ,i,to , park,a ,yesterday 4、jumped ,the, into , lake , he 5、with , wang ping , his ,played ,friends , last , football , weekend 六、从b栏选择a栏的正确答语。(5分) a b( ) 1. what did he do yesterday a. yes, she did.( ) 2. did she wash the clothes yesterday b. i went f

8、ishing .( ) 3. what did you do last weekend c. no, i didnt .( ) 4. did you went to the park d. he read a book yesterday.( ) 5. what was the weather yesterday e. it was sunny .七、读下列短文,选择正确答案(每题2分,共10分)todaywashot.iwenttothefarm(农场)withmyparents. therewasarivernearthefarm . iwenttotheriverwithmydog .w

9、eranandplayed . suddenlyidropped (掉进)intotheriver ,“help , help”mydogjumpedinto(跳进)theriverandswamtome , tenminuteslater , i wassaved(救)。iwasgratefultohim.wearegoodfriends.( )1、itwasvery .a、cold b、hot c、windy( )2、iwenttothefarmwithmy .a、parents b、friends c、teacher( )3、iranandplayedwith .a、mycat b、mydog c、mysister( )4、 jumpedintotheriverandsaved me.a、mydog b、mymother c、myfather( )5、iwasverygratefultomy .a、mother b、friend c、dog八、请你根据实际情况回答下列问题。(每题3分,共12分)1、whatdoyouusuallydoontheweekend 2、whatdidyoudolastweekend3、didyouhelpyourmothercleantheroom(肯定回答)4、didyougototheparkyesterday(否定回答)测试, 英语

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