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1、(完整版)中职英语第二册 unit1 listening 教案课题序号1 授课班级授课课时2授课形式New lesson授课章节名称Unit 1 What a wonderful time !(L&S)授课日期教学目标At the end of the class, Ss will be able to :1。 say some names of travelling places mentioned in the book.2。 talk about their travels using the useful expressions.3. get the main idea of the

2、listening material。 4。 use some expressions to talk about their travelling and can give some advice before travelling.教学重点 与难点1。 Ss will talk about their travels using the useful expressions.2. Ss will get the main idea of the listening material。3。 Ss will use some expressions to talk about their tr

3、avelling and can give some advice before travelling。教学方法communicative approach教学资源Multi-media computer, PPT.更新、补充、删节内容板书设计Unit 1 What a wonderful time ! ListeningSpeaking(1) Did you visit? -I visitedWhen did you?How long was the trip? How did you get there? -I went there byHow did you feel about the

4、 trip? -It wasbook a hotel How much?search for How have you been there?take place Where have you been?教学反思教 学 实 践教学环节与主要内容教师活动学生活动备注Step 1 Warmup1。 Greetings. 2。 Ask: Do you like travelling?then show some pictures of tourist attractions where has the teacher been 。3. Teach some new words of tourist

5、attractions mentioned in book through pictures and then give some more pictures to ask Ss to discuss: What interesting places do you like best? why? Why do you travel? 4。 Help Ss to conclude the reasons of travelling。Step 2 Listening and Speaking1。 Ask the Ss to look at the picture and guess whether

6、 Lily went in the winter vocation before listening。2。 Guide the Ss to learn to catch the key words: Its beautiful beaches and tropical fruits。3. Ask the Ss to close the books and listen to the conversation and check the answer.4. Ask the Ss to find out the expressions of talking about a travel desti

7、nation in the listening conversation .5.Ask the Ss to read the conversation after the tape sentence by sentence, then,read it in roles.Step3 Speaking1。T:Show some questions sentences about travelling. Did you visit? When did you?How long was the trip? How did you get there? How did you feel about th

8、e trip?2. Have the Ss ask and answer in pairs。3. Ask the students to make short dialogues in pairs according to the given situations. Then, perform the dialogues in front of the whole class after preparing for 2 minutes。4。 Ask the Ss to work in pairs and complete the conversation.Then, practise it i

9、n groups.5 。Ask the Ss to complete the table on P4 。Step 4 Listening 21。Brainstorming: Which preparations will you make before you start travelling?Teach some words and short phrases :book a hotel ,search for, take place2。 Ask the Ss to look through the statements in Activity 5 and 6, then give them

10、 some tips of listening.3. Ask the Ss to listen to the conversation and check the answers.4. Ask the Ss to look through Part 7, and listen again try to fill the blanks by themselves. And then check their answers.5. Ask the Ss to summarize the useful expressions of booking a ticket before travelling。

11、Step 5 SpeakingAsk the Ss to work in pairs and develop conversations based on the information given(place, time, transportation, souvenir, feeling) on P5Give some useful expressions:Where have you been?How have you been there?Is there any specialties?How did you feel about the trip?2。 Show different

12、 situations to have Ss practice speaking with these sentence patterns。 3. Ask the students to make short dialogues in pairs according to the example in part 8. Then, perform the dialogues in front of the whole class.Step 6 Summary and homework1. T sum up what we have learned today with the Ss.2。 Hom

13、eworkCopy some new words and some useful expressions what we have learnt. and then recite them。 Make a dialogue about their trips 。 All the Ss: Preview words and expressions in the passage。Show some pictures Teach some new wordsGive helps.Ask the Ss to look at the picture and guess。Guide the Ss to l

14、earn to catch the key wordsPlay the video。Guide the students to find out the expressions.Questions.Help Ss to make dialogues.Ask the Ss to work in pairs。Comment.Question。Teach some words and short phrases。Show tasks。Organize。Check answers.Help Ss to summarize the useful expressions.Give helps to mak

15、e a dialogue in pairs.Show different situations。Ask the students to make short dialogues in pairs according to the example in part 8。Help Ss to summarize.Greet the T。Listen and sayLearn and discussThink, discuss and say。Learn and think Look, think, discuss and say.Think, catch the key wordsListen, t

16、hink and say.Find out some expressions Read after the tape and read in roles。Listen and thinkWork in pairsMake a dialogue in roles using the useful expressions they learnt today。Fill in the blanks to finish the dialogue.work in pairs。Think, discuss and say.Think and discusslearn ,take notes and remember Listen, think, discuss and say.Fill in the tableListen and correct their answers.Ss sum up。Look, think Work in pairs。Think, discuss and say.Make a dialogue using the useful expressions they just learnt.Ss sum up what they have learned today.

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