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1、名词的数 ( 分可数名词和不可数名词)名词:指事物的名称。它分为普通名词和专有名词两类。在句子中作主语,宾语或表语等。1普通名词:个体名词:如:student(学生)、pen(钢笔)、bird(鸟)等。B集体名词:如:people(人民)、police(警察)、family(家庭)等。C物质名词:如:water(水)、air(空气)、wood(木头)等。D抽象名词 :(摸不着的)如:work(工作)、peace(和平)、love(爱)等。2. 专有名词:主要包括:人名、地名、国名、党派名称等。如Churchill丘吉尔、Tokyo东京、China中国等。1)不可数名词它没有复数形式,如wate

2、r ,advice,glass, juice bread, fruit news, paper, ,food 等。它们与表示量的可数名词连用,表示可数的概念, 如:a piece of advice/ a piece of cake / cups of tea/three pieces of paper,/ some bottles of water4、They are thirsty. Will you please give them _ ?A. some bottles of waters B. some bottles of waterC. some bottle of water D

3、. some bottle of waters (B)6、There is some _ on the plate(盘子).A. cakes B. meat C. potato D. pears (B)10、He gave us_ on how to keep fit.A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a advice (B)11、Please pass me _. A. two glass of water B. two glasses of waters C. two glasses of water D. two glass w

4、ater (C)13、This table is made of _. A. many glass B. glasses C. some glasses D.glass (D)16、Mr. Smith always has _ to tell us.A. some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good newsC. some good piece of news D. some piece of good news (B)20、Generally there are _ television programs for children on Sa

5、turday.A.little B. much C.a large number of D.a large amount of (C)4. There is a lot of_(water) in the bottle.11. I see you have a few white_(hair).特殊13. Can you give me some bottles of _ (orange), please?15. I would like some apple_(juice). I am very thirsty.2)可数名词却有单数和复数之分,名词单数变复数变化如下:一)在后面加s。如:ca

6、t-cats bag-bags day-days fathers, books, Americans15、Some _ are flying kites near the river.A. child B. boy C. boys D. childs (C)二)x, sh, ch, s, tch后加es。如:classclasses matchmatches box- boxes dish - dishes boxes, glasses, dresses, watches, wishes14. There are many_(fox) in the picture.6The _ has two

7、 _.A. boys, watches B. boy, watch C. boy, watches D. boys, watch (C)三)以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加es 如:baby-babies, family-families, duty-duties, story-stories10. Their_(dictionary) look new.以元音字母加y结尾的直接加s。(元音是字母a,e,i,o,u)如:day-days, boy-boys, toy-toys, key-keys, ways四)以o结尾(没有生命的)加s(外来词)。如: photos,zoos ,pianos,

8、 radios,(有生命的)加es:如: tomatoes西红柿, potatoes马铃薯8、We need some more_. Can you go and get some, please? A. potato B. potatos C. potatoes D. potatoe (C)22, 9There are lots of _ in the basket on the table.A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes D. tomatoss ( C)6. Lets take_(photo), OK?7. I have lots of_(tomato)

9、here.五)以f或fe结尾的变f为v再加es。如:knife-knives, wife-wives, half-halves, shelf-shelves, leaf-leaves, yourself-yourselves9、Please remember to give the horse some tree_.A. leafs B. leaves C. leaf D.leave (B)17、Twelve _ were hurt, but no _ were lost in that accident.A.person;life B.people;lives C.peoples;lives

10、 D.persons;life (B)8. The_(leaf) on the tree turn-yellow.六)单复数相同(不变的)有:fish, sheep, deer鹿子, Chinese, Japanese,Germen3、-Are there any _ on the farm? -Yes, there are some. A. horse B. duck C. chicken D. sheep (D)12、There are a lot of _ down there but hardly any _.A.sheeps, people B.sheep, people C.she

11、eps, peoples D.sheep, peoples (B)25Can you see nine _ in the picture?A. sheep B. dog C. pig D. horse (A) 27There are four _ and two _ in the group.A.Japanese, Germen B.Japaneses, Germen C.Japanese, Germans D.Japaneses, Germans (A) 1. How many_(sheep) are there on the hill?七)一般只有复数,没有单数的有:people, sho

12、rts, shoes, glasses, gloves, clothes, socks5. There are five_(people ) in his family.12、There are a lot of _ down there but hardly any _. A. sheeps, people B.sheep, people C. sheeps, peoples D. sheep, peoples (B)17、Twelve _ were hurt, but no _ were lost in that accident.A.person;life B.people;lives

13、C.peoples;lives D.persons;life (B)八)单词形式不变,既可以是单数也可以是复数的有:police警察局,警察, class班,同学, family家,家庭成员九)合成的复数一般只加主要名词,多数为后一个单词。如:action movie-action movies, Looker-onLookers-on14、_ can get a better view of the game than the participants.A. Looker-on B. Lookers-on C. Looker-ons D. Lookers-ons (B)19、The poli

14、ce investigated those _ about the accident.A. stander-by C. standers-byB. stander-bys D. standers-bys (B)但如果是由man或woman所组成的合成词的复数则同时为复数。如:man doctor-men doctors, woman teacher-women teachers2、All the _ in the hospital got a rise last month.a.women doctors c.woman doctors b. women doctor d.woman doct

15、or (A)26Two _ would come to the village.A.woman-doctors B.women doctor C.women doctors D.woman doctors (C) 12. They are_(woman) doctors.十)有的单复数意思不同。如:fish鱼 fishes鱼的种类, paper纸 papers报纸,卷子,论文, work工作 works作品,工厂, glass玻璃 glasses玻璃杯,眼镜, orange桔子水 oranges橙子, light光线 lights灯, people人 peoples民族, time时间 tim

16、es时代, 次数, chicken 鸡肉 chickens 小鸡十一)特殊形式的有: man-men, policeman-policemen, Englishman-Englishmen ,woman-women, child-children, foot-feet, mouse-mice, tooth-teeth5、One _ of Mikes was hurt in the accident yesterday.A. tooth B. feet C. hand D.ear (A)7、The little baby has two _ already.A. tooth B. tooths

17、C. teeth D. teeths (C)21. The cat caught two _ last night.A. mouses B. mice C. mouse D. mices (B )23, 8The Japanese _ will not leave China until she finishes her study.A. woman B. women C. man D. men (B)24, 7The boy often brushes his _ before he goes to bed.A. tooth B. tooths C. teeth D. teeths (C)2

18、9. 1The deer has four _.A. foot B. feet C. feets D. foots (B)3. The baby has only two_(tooth) now.9. The_(child) are playing games on the playground now.1. sheep 2. food 3. teeth 4. water 5. people 6. photos 7. tomatoes 8. leaves 9. children 10. dictionaries 11. hait,hairs 12. women 13. orange 14. foxes 15. juice

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