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1、2021年中考英语组合卷练习042021年中考英语组合卷练习04年级:姓名:2021年中考英语组合卷练习一、完形填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Isat down to read under an old tree in the park I felt my life was(1)_,for my whole world was dark A young boy ran up to me, out of(2)_He stood right before me with his head down

2、and said(3)_ ,Look, what Ive found! In his hand was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and(4)_I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play(5)_,he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his(6)_ and said in surpris

3、e, It smells sweet and its beautiful, too Thats(7)_ I picked it Here, its for you The flower before me was dead But I knew I must(8)_ it, or he might never leave So I accepted the flower, and replied, This is just what I(9)_Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not(10)_,because

4、he was blindTears came down my face as I(11)_ him for picking the best oneYoure welcome, he smiled and then ran off to(12)_ I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my painThrough the eyes of a blind child, (13)_ I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me And f

5、or all those years I myself had been(14)_I decided to see the beauty in life, and(15)_ every second of my life And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose1、 A.hopeless B.colourful C.simple D.wonderful 2、 A.mind B.trouble C.work D.breath 3、 A.sadly B.ex

6、citedly C.angrily D.strictly 4、 A.fresh B.dead C.alive D.heavy 5、 A.So B.Or C.However D.And 6、 A.nose B.head C.ear D.eyes 7、 A.how B.when C.why D.where 8、 A.buy B.receive C.break D.accept 9、 A.want B.dislike C.admire D.have 10、 A.cry B.speak C.smile D.see 11、 A.forgave B.thanked C.paid D.hated 12、 A

7、.sleep B.study C.play D.dance 13、 A.at most B.at times C.at first D.at last 14、 A.blind B.useful C.cheerful D.deaf 15、 A.waste B.forget C.lose D.enjoy 文章分析:本文讲述了当我感觉生活世界是黑暗的,感到绝望时,一个盲人送给我一朵干枯并且死了的花并对我说了一些话,使我明白要珍惜现在美好生活,要享受生活中每一秒钟答案解析:(1)A 形容词辨析Ahopeless绝望的; B colorful多彩的; C simple简单的; D wonderful精彩

8、的,由后句for my whole world was dark因为我整个世界是黑暗的可我此时的心情觉是绝望的故选A(2)D 名词辨析Amind心智; B trouble麻烦; C work工作; D breath气息,句意:一个年轻男孩跑到我面前时,累的上气不接下气out of breath意为上气不接下气,故选C(3)B 副词与语境理解A sadly悲伤地; B excitedly激动地; C angrily生气地; D strictly严厉地,根据由下句Look what I found!你看我找到了什么可知这个年轻人有了一个新发现,故表情表现为很兴奋 ,故选B(4)B 形容词辨析Afr

9、esh新鲜的; B bead 死的 C alive活着的; D heavy重的,由上句The flower was dry 这朵花干枯了可知这朵花已经死了故选B(5)C 连词与语境理解A So因此; B Or 或者; C However然而; D And并且,根据he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his(6)and said in surprise,It smells sweet and its beautiful, too:然而他坐在我旁边然后把花放在鼻子上激动地说:它闻起来很香并且也很美丽根据语境此处是表示转折,故选C(6)A

10、名词与语境理解A nose鼻子; B head头; C ear 耳朵; D eye眼睛,由下文It smells sweet它闻起来很香并且也很美丽 smell意为闻起来,闻时用鼻子,故选A(7)C 疑问词词与语境理解A how如何; B when什么时候; C why为什么; D where 哪里,根据Thats(7)I picked it那就是我摘它的原因,根据语境及上下文此处指摘花的原因,所以选C(8)D 动词与语境理解A buy买; B receive收到; C break打破; D accept接受,根据后面 or he might never leave否则它可能永远都不会离开,根

11、据句意应该是我知道我必须接受它,及语境此题是接受的意思,所以选D(9)A 动词与语境理解A want 想要; B dislike不喜欢; Cadmire羡慕; D have有,根据 前面 So I accepted the flower, and replied所以我接爱那朵花,并回复:这就是我想要的,想要的用want表示,故选A(10)D 动词与语境理解A cry哭; B speak说; C smile微笑; D see看见,由下文he was blind他是盲人可知第一次我注意到这个男孩看不到东西,他看不见故选D(11)B 动词与语境理解A forgave原谅; B thanked感谢;

12、C paid付钱; D hated厌恶,thank for doing sth意为感谢某人做某事为固定短语,故选B(12)C 动词与语境理解A sleep睡觉; B study学习; C play玩耍; D dance跳舞,根据 ran off 然后跑开去,联系上下文可知,他跑去玩了,故选C(13)D 词组与语境理解A at most最多; B at times 有时; C at first开始; D at last最后,根据Through the eyes of a blind child, (13)I could see the problem was not with the world

13、;通过这个盲人孩子的眼睛我最后可以看到问题不在于世界,联系上下文可知,我最后找到了我的问题,故选D(14)A 形容词辨析Ablind盲的; B useful有用的; C cheerful令人愉快的;欢乐的,高兴的; D deaf聋的,由上句 I could see the problem was not with the world可知我这些年看不到外面精彩的世界,寓意为自己的眼已瞎了,故选A(15)D动词与语境理解A waste浪费; B forget忘记; C lose丢失; D enjoy喜欢,根据I decided to see the beauty in life:我决定去看生活的美

14、丽,后面life并享受生活中的每一秒根据语境此题应是享受,所以应选D二、语篇填空(15小题,每小题1分,共15分)第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。Death relate it like an be and between receive that “Antibiotics(抗生素) do not work against viruses(病毒), only bacteria(细菌),” the WHO said on 1 official website. However, if 2 patient is hospi

15、talized for the virus, he may 3 antibiotics since,”bacterial co-infection is possible,” the organization added. Up to now, there 4 no specific medicine for preventing or treating the virus, the WHO said, adding that it is working with partners to help accelerate 5 research and development work. Peop

16、le of all ages can be infected with the novel coronavirus(新冠病毒), 6 Elder people and people with pre-existing medical conditions are more 7 to suffer, the WHO said. The organization advised people to wash hands after contacting pets, which can help protect them againstvarious common bacteria that can

17、 pass 8 pets and humans. Chinese health authorities said on Monday 9 it received reports of 2, 829 new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus infection and 57 10 on Sunday. 参考答案1、 its 2、a 3、receive 4、is 5、related 6、and 7、likely 8、between 9、that 10、death第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Actress Zhang

18、 Ziyi, 27, is now not only a household name in China, but also the face of Asian cinema in Hollywood. Although Zhang received praises for her work in the Oscar-winning movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (卧虎藏龙), she didnt 1 a word of English at that time. When she met director Steven Spielberg for

19、the title role of American film, Memoirs of a Geisha (艺伎回忆录), Zhang could only blurt out a few words her agent had taught her five minutes ago: Hire(雇佣) me!She finally got the role, which meant she had to speak only English in the film. To 2 her English, Zhang listened to and repeated words and phra

20、ses, she heard on music CDs. One of the artists she was listening to was Eminem, which obviously led to someembarrassing(尴尬的) moments for Zhang. I didnt always know 3 Eminem was talking about, 4 I wrote down the lyrics (歌词) and repeated them. Later, I understood how rude they were.Zhang said her Eng

21、lish idiom is to drive one up the wall. Learning English is driving me up the wall, she said.参考答案:1、speak 2、improve 3、what 4、so 5、favorite三、书面表达(20分)许多学习生活中的烦恼都会使人产生压力,为了更好地发现及解决同学们中存在的心理压力问题,你们班特意开展了一次以Less Pressure, Better Life为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你准备发言稿,谈谈你的一些缓解压力的好办法,与同学分享,内容包括:(1) 同学们中普遍存在的压力是什么;(2) 我的压力是什么;(3) 我是如何成功缓解我的压力的。注意:文中不得出现真实的姓名和校名。词数100左右。书面表达参考答案(略)

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