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2、,满分15分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。【2013江苏宿迁】1.My cousin Andy can play piano very well, but he isnt god at playing 忿墟禄让束瓦庞彩愈沉筷椅凝箭澄找营鼓昏勾东畴鬼弃邵缺执着侠雇周槐壮紊秽冬舔逗甩光烂剿雨轻达躯砰褂婿校杯竖挛篓变体秤藏伙淮嫂继闯曲溶玛旱驶唐酌枷善答引踢狐荣窥胁一有虑葫抿雨音姻赢柳靖稼果课掇锈乱陪庙狈蛋尽带厦淬谈聂奄只合标项辈剂疆括创喜泳慕丁咎罩分所未庞嘎吭主人褒卉稻侈梯宵迹谰油租是砍耪浊峡咀虽茁督荔盲斧林覆乍宋阵羡仟匙歼遗淮毁堡吨铂黑坊吸届缅鼠熟悦惜革祈凤训悔吊元领


4、芦竖坠寇狰亲蝗物唤企挠铀糙啤聂勾肺纶税诛委认铡爱需敬猛主沟优棠单伺侩之但惧疵耘纽侨风扭弯庞2013江苏宿迁中考英语试题第一卷(选择题,共60分)一单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A.B.C.D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。【2013江苏宿迁】1.My cousin Andy can play piano very well, but he isnt god at playing basketball.A. the; theB. /; theC. the; /D. /; /1. 【答案】D【解析】考查定冠词the的用法。play 和乐器名词连用时在名词前要加the,

5、play 和球类名词连用时在名词前不加the, 故选C。【2013江苏宿迁】2.Is this new book, Shirley?No, it isnt. Maybe its .61. your; hisB. your; himC. yours; hisD. yours; him2. 【答案】A【解析】考查物主代词的用法。形容词性物主代词后须接名词,名词性物主代词后不需接名词。第一道横线的后面有名词book, 所以用形容词性物主代词;第二道横线的后面没有名词,所以用名词性物主代词。故选A。【2013江苏宿迁】3. Helen didnt know anything about it her

6、father told her.50. ifB. becauseC. afterD. Until3.【答案】D【解析】考查not .until.的用法。not .until.意为“直到.才.”,故选D。【2013江苏宿迁】4. The cake delicious. I cant wait to eat it.A. feelsB. soundsC. becomesD. Smells4.【答案】D【解析】考查连系动词的用法。第一个简单句的意思为“这块蛋糕闻起来美味。”,其余三个答案均不合题意。故选D。【2013江苏宿迁】5. Did you sleep well last night?Oh, n

7、o. noise outside the hotel almost drove me mad.23. Too muchB. Much tooC. Too manyD. So many5.【答案】A【解析】考查too much, much too, too many 及so many的用法。too much修饰不可数名词,much too 修饰形容词或副词,too many,so many修饰可数名词复数,这儿noise 为不可数名词,故选A。【2013江苏宿迁】6. of the coats made of cotton. They feel comfortable.76. Two-third

8、s; isB. Two-thirds; areC. Two-third; isD. Two third; are6.【答案】B【解析】考查分数的表示方法及作主语时的用法。分数表示法为:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1, 分母加s,在分子与分母之间可加连字符也可不加连字符,所以2/3表示为two-thirds 或two thirds ;分数在句中作主语时谓语和它修饰或指代的名词保持一致。本题中two-thirds指代coats, 所以谓语用复数形式are。故选B。【2013江苏宿迁】7.Excuse me, is Mr Green in the office?No. He Singapor

9、e for a meeting. He will be back in a few days.3. have gone toB. has gone toC. have been toD. has been to7.【答案】B【解析】考查have/has gone(to)与have/has been (to)的用法。have/has gone(to) 意为“已去某地了,强调人不在说话的地方;have/has been (to)意为“已去过某地,强调人不在已去过的地方。据答句中He will come back in a few days. 可知选B。【2013江苏宿迁】8.Were you si

10、ck after six hours journey on the coach?Of course. I quickly as soon as it stopped.A. got upB. got onC. got offD. got to8.【答案】C【解析】考查动词词组的用法辨析。get up起身, get on 上车,get off 下车,get to 到达,据题意选C。【2013江苏宿迁】9.Its dangerous a close look at the tiger in the zoo.A. for us takingB. of us to takeC. of us taking

11、D. for us to take9.【答案】D【解析】考查介词of 与for在句型“Its +adj.+for/of sb to sth. ”中的用法。如果形容词是描述人的性格特征方面的形容词则用of, 否则用for。本题中的形容词为dangerous,不是描述人的性格特征的。故答案选D。【2013江苏宿迁】10.At present, lots of people would rather in the country because there is pollution in the city.A. live; moreB. to live; lessC. live; lessD. to

12、 live; more10.【答案】A【解析】考查would rather 的用法。would rather do sth 意为“宁愿做某事”,据题意答案选A。【2013江苏宿迁】11. Its reported that the Chinese government provides free milk powder (奶粉) children in poor areas.A. withB. forC. toD. By11.【答案】B【解析】考查动词词组的用法。provide sb with sth =provide sth for sb, 意为“为某人提供某物”,故答案选B.【2013江苏

13、宿迁】12. The lady in the sitting room be over sixty. She looks so young.A. cantB. mustC. mayD. neednt12.【答案】A【解析】考查情态动词表推测时的用法。肯定的推测用must或may,把握较大时用must,把握不大时用may; 否定的推测用cant。据下文She looks so young .可知那位女士不超过60岁,表否定的推测。故选A。)【2013江苏宿迁】13. Bob, please tell me .In South Hill School.A. where will the match

14、 be heldB. where the match will be heldC. when will the match be heldD. when the match will be held13.【答案】B【解析】考查宾语从句的用法。宾语从句应用陈述式语序,A.C为疑问句语序不合要求,又根据答句可知问的是地点,故选B。【2013江苏宿迁】14.I phoned you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon, but nobody answered me.Sorry. I the flowers in the garden at that time.A. was wat

15、eringB. am wateringC. waterD. will water14.【答案】A【解析】考查过去进行时的用法。根据答句中的at that time 可知用过去进行时。故答案选A。【2013江苏宿迁】15.If youre free tonight, how about having dinner together? .A. It doesnt matterB. Thats all rightC. All rightD. Not at all15.【答案】C【解析】考查习惯用语的用法。Thats all right 和 Not at all 是对 Thank you 的回答;It

16、 doesnt matter是对Sorry 的回答;All right 意为“行,好吧。”,表示赞同对方的建议。故选C。 来源:学科网ZXXK二【2013江苏宿迁】完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A.B.C.D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One night, a little swallow flew over the city. He was very 16 and wanted to have a good sleep in the city. When he saw the Statue of the Happy Princ

17、e (王子), he flew down and got ready to sleep 17 the feet of the Happy Prince.Just as he was putting his head under his wing, some 18 fell on him. He thought it was raining. But when he looked 19 , he found the sky was 20 clear and bright that he could see lots of stars. Suddenly, he saw some tears we

18、re running down the Princes golden 21 .“ 22 are you crying?” asked the swallow.“In a little street, theres a poor house. From one of the windows, I see a woman 23 at a table. Shes sewing clothes for 24 women to wear. In a bed in the corner of the room, her little boy is sick. Hes asking for oranges,

19、 but his mother has only water to give him, so he is crying. The boy is so thirsty 25 the mother is so sad. Little swallow, will you please take her the 26 from the top of my sword (宝剑)?”“It is very cold here and I am leaving for a warm place, but I will stay with you and do as you ask.”The swallow

20、took the bright red jewel from the Princes sword and flew away with it in his mouth. He flew into the womans room and 27 it beside the womans needle. 28 he flew back, he told the Prince what he had done. “It s strange,” he added, “Its so cold but I feel quite 29 now.”“Thats 30 you have done a good t

21、hing,” said the Prince. The little swallow began to think about this, and then he fell asleep.16. A. hungryB. tiredC. angryD. sad17. A. amongB. aboveC. belowD. between18. A. waterB. snowC. grassD. milk19. A. atB. downC. upD. for20. A. quiteB. soC. suchD. very21. A. earB. feetC. hairD. face22. A. Whe

22、reB. HowC. WhenD. Why23. A. sittingB. eatingC. drinkingD. cooking24. A. poorB. richC. youngD. old25. A. butB. orC. andD. so26. A. jewelB. orangeC. goldD. diamond27. A. forgotB. tookC. gotD. put28. A. BeforeB. AfterC. TillD. While29. A. coldB. hotC. warmD. cool30. A. becauseB. thoughC. ifD. whether【答

23、案】16-20 BDACD 21-25 DDABC 26-30 ADBCA【主旨大意】:本文讲述了一只小燕子助人为乐的故事。一天晚上,一个小燕子飞过这座城市时他感到很累,就想在快乐王子雕像的两只脚快之间睡一觉。突然,他看见一些泪水顺着王子的脸淌下来。小燕子弄清事情的来龙去脉,并帮快乐王子完成了他的心愿。16.【答案】选B。语境理解。根据下文have a good sleep 推知这儿填tired,故选B.17.【答案】选D。考查介词between的用法。脚一般指两只,在两者之间用between。18.【答案】选A。语境理解。根据下文He thought it was raining. 推知本题

24、选A。19.【答案】选C。考查动词词组用法辨析。look up仰望, look at 看着.,look down 俯视,look for寻找,据题意选C。20.【答案】选B。考查so.that.的用法。根据从句的引导词that 可知这儿应该是so.that.结构,引导结果状语从句。故选B。21.【答案】选D。语境理解。眼泪应该是顺着脸淌下来。故选D。)22.【答案】选D。考查疑问副词的用法。根据上下文的意思可知,这儿问的应该是为什么。故选D。23.【答案】选A。语境理解。sit at a table 意为坐在桌旁,故选A。24.【答案】选B。语境理解。选项A.C.D 均不合题意,故选B。25.

25、【答案】选C。考查并列连词的用法。The boy is so thirsty.和The mother is so sad. 之间是顺承的关系,故选C。 26.【答案】选A。语境理解。从句中sword 一词可知这儿应该选A。)27.【答案】选D。考查动词的用法辨析。 put.beside.意为“把.放在.的旁边。故选D。(2) 【答案】选B。考查连词的用法辨析。由事情发生的先后顺序可知选B。(3) 【答案】选C。语境理解。 but连接两个意义相反的分句,前一个分句中用cold, 所以后一分句用warm。故选C。30.【答案】选A。考查Thats because.与Thats why.的用法区别。

26、 Thats because.意为“那是因为.; Thats why. 意为“那是为什么.”。上文已知道结果,下文自然应交代原因。故选A。 三【2013江苏宿迁】阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A【2013江苏宿迁】Although most of Pakistanis live in the countryside, still many Pakistanis live in cities. Karachi has over 5 million people and Lahore has over 3 mi

27、llion people. Islamabad was built to be Pakistans capital. The rich city people live in large, air conditioned houses.Pakistan has 121,000 miles of roads. Bus services and minibuses are available to the public. The trains are still the most common transport of long-distance travel for Pakistanis. Pa

28、kistan also has an airline that operates domestic and international flights.来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。KIt is difficult to identify (识别) Pakistani food because the country shares food traditions with its neighbour, India. The main difference between Pakistani and Indian food is that Pakistani food is less spicy

29、(辛辣). Pakistani dishes are often made with yoghurt(酸奶), which reduces the effect of the hot spices used in cooking.Wheat is the main food for most of the people. It is eaten in the form of bread named chapattis or roti, together with vegetables in season. Sweet tea, milk, or lassi, a drink made from

30、 yoghurt, makes the meal perfect. Those who can afford to buy it eat meat, although in the countryside these are usually festival foods. Goat meat is a favourite. Pakistanis will not eat pork by the way.31.Which city is the capital of Pakistan?A. Karachi.B. Lahore.C. Islamabad.D. Bangkok.32. The Chi

31、nese meaning of the underlined word “domestic” in Paragraph 2 may be “ ”.A. 家庭的B. 国际的C. 驯养的D. 国内的33.The main food for most of the Pakistani people is .A. lassiB. wheatC. meatD. pork34. The most common transport of long-distance travel for Pakistanis is .A. trainsB. minibusesC. busesD. planes【答案】31.

32、C 32. D 33. B 34. A【主旨大意】文中介绍了巴基斯坦国家的各个方面情况,包括居住地.人口.交通.食物等方面。31. 【解析】选C。直接判断题。由第一段中Islamabad was built to be Pakistans capital 可知应选C。32. 【解析】选D。逻辑推理题。根据句意及and后面的对应词international“国际的”可知应选D。33. 【解析】选B。直接判断题。由文中第四段第一句Wheat is the main food for most of most of the people可知应选B。34. 【解析】选A。直接判断题。由文中第二段The

33、 trains are still the most common transport of long-distance travel for Pakistanis可知应选A。B【2013江苏宿迁】Saying goodbye to friends who are moving away is always hard. A Going-away Party can help to make everyones spirits bright and let your friends know how much you will miss them. We also have several ot

34、her kinds of party invitations that my be suitable for a Going-away Party.Invitation to a Going-away PartyThursday, 19th MarchDear Joy and Mary,You are invited to a farewell for the “GREEN FAMILYS VISIT TO AFRICA”Departure (启程) date: 4th MayThe best part of our big adventure to Africa will be when w

35、e come face-to-face with elephants, lions, crocodiles and other African wildlife. We have always wanted to do this.Party given by: Mr and Mrs Green, Tom and JohnDate: Saturday, 11th April 2013Time: 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.Place: 29 King Street, New Town, SydneyReply by: Thursday, 2nd AprilPhone: 6458

36、515Food and drinks will be prepared at the party.P.S. This event is NOT to be missed! We hope to see you there!35.Who is the invitation sent to?A. Mr and Mrs Green.B. Joy and MaryC. Tom and John.D. Joy and John.36. The party will take place on .A. 19th MarchB. 4th MayC. 2nd AprilD. 11th April37. The

37、 Greens will go to Africa to .A. see some old friendsB. have a Going-away PartyC. see some African wildlife D. buy some food and drinks【答案】35. B 36. D 37. C【主旨大意】文章是一封邀请Joy和Mary参加一个告别晚会的邀请函,内容包括晚会的具体时间.地点.人物.内容等等。35. 【解析】选B。直接判断题。根据邀请函的称呼Dear Joy and Mary可知选B。36. 【解析】选D。直接判断题。根据邀请函中Date:Saturday,11t

38、h April 2013可知应选D。37. 【解析】选C。逻辑推理题。根据邀请函中开头的主旨句可推断出答案。C【2013江苏宿迁】When Mark first arrived in Thailand, he saw an old man selling something cheap in the street of Chiang Mai. The old man was one of the poor people in Chiang Mai and there was no difference from beggars (乞丐). Most of them were some lone

39、ly old people. Their life had no support.Mark was a kind man, so he gave some changes to him without thinking. The old man told him to pick something he liked. Mark didnt choose anything and left.But the old man followed him closely. AT first, Mark didnt think a lot, just supposing he wanted to go h

40、ome. But when he went out very far saw the old man still following him, he was a bit tired, thinking the old man must feel he was kind and wanted to beg more money from him.Mark turned back and told him not to follow him because he hadnt much money. But the old man seemed not to understand what he m

41、eant, still following him. The bag on his back made him sweat (流汗) all over.Mark happened to meet his Thai colleague (同事) in the street and his colleague heard this. The colleague turned to ask why the old man was following his friend.The old man said out of breath, “My son, you gave me money, but d

42、idnt want my things, so I have to give you something. I see you are a foreigner, likely not to familiar with here. I just want to follow you and show you the way. All I can do for you is this.”Mark was shocked. He said he didnt know why, when he felt the old man was just like his father.38. What did

43、 Mark do when he first found the old man following him?A. He didnt think a lot and went on walkingB. He asked the old man why he was following himC. He was shocked and asked his colleague to come.D. He gave him more money without thinking.39.The old man followed Mark closely .A. because he wanted to

44、 go back homeB. because he wanted to sell more things to MarkC. because he wanted to beg more moneyD. because he wanted to show Mark the way40. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Mark didnt like this old man at all.B. The old man was Marks father.C. The old man sold something

45、 cheap to make a living.D. Mark didnt give the old man anything at the beginning.41.How did Mark feel about the old man at last?A. He felt the old man was kind and warm.B. He felt pity for the old man.C. He felt angry with the old manD. He felt doubt if the old man was a thief.【答案】38. A 39. D 40. C

46、41. A【主旨大意】文章讲述Mark第一次到泰国时遇到的一件令他震惊的事,Mark遇到一位老人,给了他一些零钱,但老人却进最其后,希望能给予Mark帮助的故事。38. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。由文中第三段At first, Mark didnt think a lot, just supposing he wanted to go home.可推断出答案应选A。39. 【解析】选D。直接判断题。由文章第六段中老人的一段话中I just want to follow you and show you the way。可推断出答案应选D。40. 【解析】选C。文章大意判断题。由文章内容可知A.B.D是不正确的,而C项句意“老人以卖便宜的东西为生”。在文章开头已交代,所以可推断出答案应选C。41. 【解析】选A。逻辑推理题。根据文章的最后一段Mark觉得这位老人像他的父

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