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1、2017年呼和浩特市中考英语试题. 单项选择题(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)1Last sunday , my parents took me to the zoo , In the zoo we saw _elephant. _elephant was from Africa.Aa; The BThe,an Can; The Dthe; A2The boy didnt find much_about the topic on that website.Areport Barticle CinformationDstory3-How old is your daughter?- _. W

2、e had a special party for her_birthday yesterday.ANine; nineBNine; ninthCNinth; ninthDNinth; nine4The pizze looks_. It is my favourite. Alovely Bsweetly Csoftly Dhealthily5There are fifty students in Class One. Twenty of them are boys; _are girls.Athe otherBthe others Cothers Danother6-How are you t

3、oday,Tom?-Im even_, I dont think this medicine is good for me.AworseBbadlyCbetter Dwell7_Lucy_you cant go to the party . one of you has to stay at home to look after your grandma.-Yes, I did. John is really a dark horse, nobody _him to go so far.A Nither; nor BEither; orCNot only; but also DBoth; an

4、d8-Do you know her well?-Sure. We_friends since ten years ago.Awere BbecameC have becomeDhave been9-Oh, my God ! I _you were in Beijing, too!when did you come?- I have lived in Beijing since 2015. Adont know Bdidnt knowChavent knowDwasnt know10 It doesnt need to be true ! You can _a story .Aset up B

5、stay up Cput up Dmake up11-He doesnt speak English or Japanese.,_?-_. He speak Chinese. Adoes he ; Yes, he doesnt Bdoesnthe; No, he does Cdoes he ; No, he doesnt Ddoes he ; Yes, he does12-Could you tell me_?.-By searching the Internet.A how did Carl get the newsBwhy Carl got the newsCHow Carl got th

6、e newsDwhy did Carl get the news13 -Can Mr. King spare some time for the meeting ?- If he_, he will try his best to make it.Awill be invited Bis invited Cinvites Dinvited 14Mary _is my friend, as well as her sisters, _Chinese in China.Athat; are studyingBwhich; have studied Cwho ; studyDwho; studies

7、15- Is it OK if I take this seat ?- Sorry, _.Ahere you are Btake itCIts takenDnever mind. 完形填空(每空1分,共20分) A考题出处:浙江省宁波市鄞州区2016-2017学年七年级下学期期中考试英语试卷阅读理解江苏省苏州市立达中学2016-2017学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试卷阅读理解The Readers (朗读者) is a popular TV show. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage (舞台). The 16 als

8、o tells the moving stories behind those people. They can read everything, 17 poems (诗), books, and letters. By reading aloud, the words on the paper come to 18 .Many people are fans of the show. They begin to 19 reading aloud at home. Now, the show gives people a 20 place to read across China. It is

9、 a reading pavilion (朗读亭). They are in many cities, including Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xian.The pavilion is very 17 . Only one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone (麦克风) in it and it 22 peoples voices. Everyone can read for three minutes in the pavilion. They can read 23 they like.

10、 The show will pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.People of all 24 read in the pavilion. “Reading should be just like singing and talking,” said Dong Qing, the host and producer (制作人) of the show. “We can express our true 25 by reading aloud.”( )16A.showB.lessonC.researchD.play(

11、)17A. inB. such as C.withD. at( )18A. lightB.reasonC. lifeD.purpose( )19A. mindB. keepC.finishD.enjoy( )20A. specialB.strangeC. beautifulD.wonderful ( )21A. wideB. smallC.tallD. big( )22A. makesB. usesC. recordsD. improves( )23A. nothingB.everythingC.someoneD. everyone( )24A. comersB. othersC. agesD

12、. passersby( )25A. feelingB. pointsC.spiritsD.aimsBJudy wasadisabled(残疾的)girlShehadnoarmswhenshewasbornSoshehad todomanythingswithherfeetThereweremanyquestionsabout 26 shecouldlive anormallifeHoweverherfatherhadfullconfidencein 27 Withthesupportof herparentsandfamily,shebecameconfidentinherselfandco

13、ntinuedtoexploreacross theworld,with her 28 Asachild,Judystudied 29 inherhometownWhenthefirstperformancearrived,sheaskedherselftobeputinthe 30 rowHerdanceteachertoldherthere was no back rowNervously,sheappearedonthestagewiththeotherstudentsand performed 31 Whenshefinished,theapplause(喝彩)fromtheaudie

14、ncegaveher encouragementandtheconfidenceto 32 dancingfor14years Aftergraduatingfromhighschool,sheattendedtheUniversityofArizona,where shegotabachelorsdegreeinPsychology(心理学)When 33 herdegree,she explainsthatthewaypeoplethinkhasagreaterinfluenceonherlifethanaphysical limitation Judysmostfamousaccompl

15、ishment(成就)waslearninghowto 34 She receivedtheGuinnessWorldRecord 35 beingthefirstpersonpermittedtoflyan airplanewithonlyherfeetNowJudyworksasalecturerShetravelstheworldsharingherstoryandencouraging popletobecreativeandconfidentSheoftensays,Thinkoutsidetheshoes( )26Awhat Bwhether Cthat Dwhy( )27Athe

16、m Bus Chim Dher( )28Afeet Barms Clegs Dmouth( )29Aguitar Bsong Cart Ddance( )30Afront Bback Cmiddle Dright( )31Aterribly Bsimply Cwell Dbadly( )32Astop Bcontinue Cstart Dteach( )33AtalkingaboutBtalkingwith CtalkingtoDtalkingback( )34Adrive Bact Cride Dfly( )35Afor Bto Cin DWith. 阅读理解(每题2分,共计50分)A试题来

17、源:北京市丰台区2008年初三第二次统一练习完形填空苏州太仓市2010年初三英语期末质量调研测试完形填空I hiredamantohelpmerepairanoldfarmhouseHisfirstdayonthejobmadehim mad-aflattire(轮胎)madehimloseanhourofwork,hecuthisfingerwithaknife andhisoldtruckrefusedtostartWhileIdrovehimhome,hesatinsilence Onarriving,heinvitedmetomeethisfamilyAs wewalkedtoward

18、sthefront door,hestoppedatasmalltreeandtouchedthetipsofthebrancheswithbothhandsWhenopeningthedoor,hisfacewasfullofsmiles andhehuggedhistwochildrenand gavehiswifeakiss Afterwards,hewalkedwithmetothecarWepassedthetreeIwassocurious thatIaskedhimaboutwhat IhadseencarlierOh,thatsmytroubletree,he repliedI

19、know Icant helphavingtroublesonthejob,butonethingisforsureThosetroublesdontbelongtomychildrenandwifeSo Ihangtheminthetreeevery nightandaskGodtotakecareofthemTheninthemorning,I pickthemupagainThefunnythingis,hesmiles,whenI comeouttopickthemupinthemorning,therearentasmanyasthosehungupthenightbefore36W

20、hatdidnthappenonthemansfirstdayofrepairingtheoldfarmhouse? AOne of his tires had no air BHisfingerwascutbyaknife CHecouldntstarthisoldtruck DHearrivedanhourearlier37Seeingthemantouchthetreewhatdidtheauthorfeel?ASorry BCurious CWorried DBored38Whatdoestheunderlinedwordthemreferto?AThemanschildrenandw

21、ife BThemanschildrenCThetroublesonhisjob DThetrees39WhichofthefollowingisTRUEaccordingtothepassage?AThemaninvitedtheauthortomeethisfamilyBSeeinghischildrenandwifethemanwasverysadCOncethemanmettroublesonhisjobhehungtheminthetreeandnevertook themagainDWhatthemandidwasveryfunny40Whatdoyouthinkoftheman?

22、AHelikedplantingtrees,BHewasalwayslateforworkCHealwaysworriedabouthisjobDHelovedhisfamilyverymuchandneverbroughttroublestothemB Nowadays more and more children seem to get lost in a “sea of digital(数字) technology” As they use digital techhnology too much, they are losting their ability to the do sim

23、ple things. They cant make toys themselves with hands or help Mum cook dinner. And worse of all,they seem to be losting interest in communicating with others. “I have talked with a number of teachers.they care about increasing numbers of young pupils who can play with computers or smart phones,but h

24、ave few or no skills toplay with making things.”said a teacher, Colin Kinney .“Many pupils cant communicate with other pupils but their parents talk proudly of their ability to use a computer or a smart phone.”Instead of playing with other children, more and more children are choosing to stay indoor

25、s and quietly play on a tablet(平板电脑)on weekends and after school.how can a child grow up to be a very good artist if he doesnt learn how to use a paintbrush and develop his painting skill? How can a child learn to make friends as he gets older if he doesnt learn to communicate with others at a young

26、 age?Digital technology can be used for good or bad . We can use stone to either break a window or build a house,We shouldnt blame the children . We should help them make right choices. It is certainly necessary for children to know how to use digital technology in todaysworld ,but what is more impo

27、rtant, we should encourage them to develop social abilities, which will do them good when they grow up. 41Whats the worst problem that is mentioned in the first paragraph ?AChildren cant make things themselvesBChildren make too many friends on lineCChildren dont want to communicate with othersDChild

28、ren dont like helping Mum cook meals at home 42 According to Colin Kinney, which of the following is TRUE ?A Teachers dont notice that young pupils have few skills to make thingsB Many parents are very happy that their kids can use digital technologyC Many parents dont care if young pupils can play

29、computers or tablets.D Some parents are worried that their kids use digital technology too much.43 What do many young children choose to do on weekends and after school? ATo play on a tablet indoors BTo paint with their paintbrushesCTo play with other children DTo make friends with other children44

30、What does the underlined word “blame”mean in chinese?A表扬 B原谅 C评价 D责怪45What does the writer mainly want to tell us ?AIts very important for children to have social skills.BIts very helpful for children to do some housework. CIts nesessary for parents to learn to use digital technology DIts difficult

31、for teachers to make right choices for their pupils C试题来源:江苏省无锡江阴市2016-2017年第二学期八年级英语期末统考试题(原文一样,题目不同)江西省抚州市教研室2012届九年级上学期期末考试英语试题(原文一样,题目不同)Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The programme works because everyones eyes are different. So in the fut

32、ure you wont have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. Youll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are. The eye-recognition(眼睛识别) programme is tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain and Italy.Scientists are working on

33、other systems, such as knowing you from the shape of your face or hand or even your smell! And machines can already tell who you are from your voice or your fingerprint(指纹). But eye-recognition will replace other ways of finding out who you are. It is better, because your eyes dont change as you get

34、 older, or get dirty like hands or fingers. And even twins have different eyes, so the programme can be up to 94% correct, depending on how good the technology is. In Britain, it was found that 91% of people said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition.In the future your computer will be looking

35、 at you in the eye , So smile!46How does the eyerecognition program work?.AYour type in your number BYou say your nameCYou look at the machineDYou show your ID card47 Which recognition program has been already in use according to the passage?A Remembering smellsBRemembering fingerpringsCRemembering

36、the shape of facesDRemembering eyes48Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?AThe eyesrecognition program can be up to 50% correct. BIn Britain , 91% of people said that they liked the idea of eyerecognition.CEveryones eyes are different, and even twins have different eyes.DThe eyere

37、cordnition program is widely used now. 49Whats the passage mainly about?AYou wont have to remember a number when you take money out of a bankBWe have already had machines that can tell who you are from your voice.CTell people how the eyerecognition program works and what advantages it has.DThe eyere

38、cognition program has already been tested in shops and banks.50Of the following things,which one is right according to the passage ?AYou neednt remember a number when you take money out of a bank.BMachines know you from your smell. CComputers can tell who you are by looking at your eyes.DMachines ca

39、n tell who you are from your voice. D试题来源:2014年云南省昆明市中考英语试题原题(未作改动)What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage.Escaping from a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save your

40、 life. Its important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not elevators.From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious inj

41、ury.The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may come into the room. Keep your head low at

42、the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may get into the room.On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof . From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto hard ground might end in injury. Bushes and grass ca

43、n help to break a fall.根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)( ) 51Its serious to know how to escape from a fire. ( ) 52In a fire we can use elevators to come down. ( ) 53Windows cant be used when you are waiting for help. ( ) 54Doors must all be open so that smoke can come into the room.( ) 55The passage may help save your life in a fire. E日常对话Mary:Whats up ? You look real

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