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1、13Unit 6 Pets一、 词汇单词词性及词义词汇拓展complaintn. 抱怨;投诉complain v. 抱怨reasonn. 原因;理由reasonable adj. 合理的responsibilityn. 责任responsible adj. 负责的近义词:duty n. 职责strangern. 陌生人strange adj. 奇怪的choicen. 选择;选项choose v. 选择近义词:option n. 选择faithn. 信任;信念faithful adj. 忠诚的faithfully adv. 忠诚地respondv. 回答;响应response n. 反应;回答f

2、rightv. 惊吓;惊恐frighten v. (使)惊恐;惊吓frightening adj. 令人害怕的frightened adj. 害怕的causev. 导致;引起近义词(组):make happen 使发生feedv. 喂;提供食物reviewv. 复习近义词组:go over 复习apologizev. 道歉apology n. 道歉diev. 死亡dead adj. 死亡的death n. 死亡dying adj. 垂死的;濒死的trainv. 训练trainer n. 培训师trainee n. 受训人regularadj. 规则的;常规的近义词:common/normal/

3、usualextremeadj. 极端的;极限的extremely adv. 极其地cuteadj. 可爱的近义词:lovely adj. 可爱的commonadj. 普通的;通俗的近义词:regular/normal/usualcertainadj. 确定的;必然的近义词:sure adj. 肯定的nearlyadv. 几乎,差不多近义词:almost adv. 几乎二、 词组1. lie around无所事事2. whats more而且近义词组:in addition3. be faithful to对忠实4. in ones opinion在某人看来近义词组:in ones point

4、 of view5. pick up捡起;接人6. hold in ones arm(s)把搂在怀里7. according to 据所说;根据8. as a result结果;因此近义词:therefore adv. 因此三、句型1. Keeping pet dogs is a good idea, says Emma.doing sth. is 做某事是动名词做主语往往表示习惯性、经常性的动作,在口语中也可表示具体动作Eg. Walking regularly every day makes you healthy. 每天规律地徒步行走能让你身体健康。2. There are lots o

5、f reasons for this.There be 有,存在(使用就近原则)Eg. There is a teacher and many students in the classroom. 教室里有一名老师和许多学生。(a teacher在前,就近原则用单数) There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩和一个女孩。(two boys在前,就近原则用复数)3. This stops people from getting any sleep.stop sb. from doing sth 阻止某人做某事(stop也可替换为k

6、eep或prevent)This is the best way to stop my father from smoking. 这是阻止爸爸吸烟的最好的办法。4. They have no choice but to keep their dogs in small spaces.have no choice but to do sth. 没有选择只能Eg. I have no choice but to finish the homework. 我没有选择,只能完成作业。四、 语法1. 副词的定义副词用来修饰动词、形容词和其他副词等,使它们的意思更清楚、更准确、更完整,或者说明时间、地点、

7、程度、方式等。2. 副词的分类(1) 根据副词的语法功能,即在句中的作用可将副词分为:普通副词:well 好 carefully 认真地 together 一起疑问副词:when 何时 where 何地 why 为何连接副词:so 因此 however 然而 otherwise 否则(2) 根据副词的词义,可将副词分为:方式副词:well 好地 easily 容易地 suddenly 突然地时间副词:tomorrow 明天 before 以前 once 曾经地点副词:there 那边 abroad 在国外 downstairs 楼下程度副词:very 很 quite 相当 extremely

8、极其数量副词:little 少 much 多 twice 两次3. 副词的功能(1) 作状语副词主要用来修饰动词、形容词或其他副词,或者修饰整个句子。在修饰整句时,副词通常是评论性的,表明说话人的态度。She asked her daughter not to drive too fast. 她叫女儿不要开车不要太快。Luckily, she was at home when I called. 很幸运,我打电话的时候她在家。(2) 作表语表示位置的副词作表语说明主语的状态或特征(above, across, inside, upstairs)表示动作方向的副词作表语时是有动作意义的(up,

9、down, on, in, off, out)Im sorry but he is not in. 很抱歉,他不在。Whats on at the theatre this weekend? 这周末剧院演什么?(3) 作定语副词作定语一般放在被它修饰的名词或代词之后The boys there are talking about football. 那边的男生正在聊足球。On her way back home, she found a wallet. 她在回家路上发现一个钱包。(4) 作宾语某些表示位置的副词可以在under, from, in, on, around, along等后作介词

10、宾语某些时间副词可以在by, from, except, before, after, until, since等后作介词宾语You can leave the luggage anywhere but here. 除了这里以外,行李放哪儿都行。We didnt finish the work before yesterday. 昨天之前我们没有完成工作。 Unit 6 Pets单元测试 姓名 分数 I. 词汇运用 (每小题1分,共15分)i. 根据句意,选择与划线部分意思最接近的选项。(每小题1分,共8分)( ) 1. My grandma is ill. My mother is cari

11、ng for her.A. taking intoB. taking upC. taking care of( ) 2. Nearly all the passengers died in the accident.A. AlmostB. ActuallyC. Possibly( ) 3. “Sorry, I dont know.” She responded.A. saidB. askedC. answered( ) 4. It is said that the fire was caused by dry weather.A. gotB. madeC. given( ) 5. Mary i

12、s a common English name.A. simpleB. normalC. different( ) 6. His grandfather died of a heart attack suddenly.A. immediatelyB. unluckilyC. all of a sudden( ) 7. Its pleasant to walk a dog after dinner.A. niceB. regularC. important( ) 8. Eventually, I reached the top of the mountain. Wow, you are grea

13、t.A. HardlyB. HappilyC. Finallyii. 选择恰当的词汇或短语完成句子。(每小题1分,共7分)( ) 9. A/An is someone who you have never met before.A. personB. strangerC. relative( ) 10. If you have for something, it is your job or duty to deal with them.A. responsibilityB. introductionC. experience( ) 11. All the students are talki

14、ng and laughing in the classroom. Ah, its .A. noisyB. quietC. strict( ) 12. Though they are twin sisters, they have nothing in .A. factB. timeC. common( ) 13. Then what did you do? I had no but to do so as the teacher had told me.A. topicB. choiceC. distance( ) 14. Many teenagers the old and they of

15、ten offer their seats to the old on buses.A. worry aboutB. laugh atC. agree with( ) 15. Bob, your room is a real mess! . Ill clean it up.A. Id love toB. I hope soC. Im sorryII. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)( ) 16. They buy a present for him.A. should toB. ought toC. ought( ) 17. The twins the same, but their ho

16、bbies are different.A. lookB. are likeC. look like( ) 18. This kind of dish looks and sells .A. nice; wellB. nice; goodC. good; well( ) 19. Why not tell them ?A. what to do itB. what to doC. to do what( ) 20. You dont take it for a walk every morning.A. mayB. mustC. have to( ) 21. The chemicals insi

17、de batteries electricity.A. makesB. flowC. produce( ) 22. Miss Green home for supper now.A. needs goB. need goC. needs to go( ) 23. Its very important for us .A. to carefulB. to be carefulC. careful( ) 24. the dog. It doesnt bite you.A. Dont frightenB. To frightenC. Dont frightening( ) 25. She didnt

18、 come to school the rain yesterday.A. because ofB. becauseC. since( ) 26. I need to buy food for my goldfish.A. some more fishB. more some fishC. another more fish( ) 27. pieces of bread there in the fridge? Only two.A. How much; isB. How many; areC. How many; is( ) 28. Hes very . He often plays tri

19、cks others.A. fun; toB. funny; withC. funny; on( ) 29. I saw some boys football when I walked past the hall.A. to play B. play C. played( ) 30. Help yourselves to some fish, boys! .A. Thank youB. Not at allC. Thank you all the sameIII. 完型填空 (每小题1.5分,共15分) A god has a horse. The horse was beautiful,

20、but it wanted to become more beautiful. One day, the horse 31 about its wish with the god. It said ,”I want to be more beautiful.” The god said, “I dont know how to make you 32 . Tell me how you want to be 33 .” The horse said,” If you make my neck a little longer, my upper body will be more beautif

21、ul; 34 you make my legs much thinner, my lower body will be more beautiful.” The god 35 and he turned the horse into a camel by magic. The horse felt a little 36 and started to cry, “Oh, no. I dont want to be a 37 !”The god said, “This is exactly what you asked for. You have become a camel. Never tr

22、y to ask 38 more than I give you. If you are 39 you will want more and more. But you will never know what the 40 will be.” ( ) 31. A. spokeB. saidC. talked( ) 32.A. beautifulerB. more beautifulC. beautiful( ) 33.A. changedB. lostC. returned( ) 34.A. andB. whileC. if( ) 35.A. receivedB. sentC. agreed

23、( ) 36.A. happyB. sadC. relaxed( ) 37.A. camelB. horseC. zebra( ) 38.A. inB. forC. with( ) 39.A. cleverB. braveC. greedy( ) 40.A. resultB. reasonC. excuseIV. 阅读理解 (每小题1.5分,共30分)AAirlineFlight numberDestinationDeparture timeGateAir Canada137Beijing10:12am24Japan Airline320Tokyo10:30am18British Airway

24、s405Paris11:00am20Pan American226London11:20am12Pan American12Beijing11:43am15Air Canada178Tokyo12:32pm21CAAC289Hongkong12:32pm14( ) 41. If you want to fly to Paris, you should take .A. Flight 137B. Flight 320C. Flight 226D. Flight 405( ) 42. Flight 289 to Hongkong leaves at .A. 11:43 amB. 10:12 amC

25、. 12:32 pmD. 13:23 am( ) 43. Flight 226 to London is from .A. Pan AmericanB. Japan AirlinesC. Air CanadaD. CAAC( ) 44. Which one of the following is true?A. The tickets of the British Airways are the cheapest.B. Most passengers enjoy the service of Japan Airline most.C. The lines of Pan American may

26、 be busier than others.D. CAAC only offers the trip in China.( ) 45. Where can we see this table probably?A. newspaperB. TVC. textbookD. airport guide BMr. Whites office was far away from his house,and every day he went to work by bus andcame home in the same way. It was half past five in the aftern

27、oon and Mr. White left his office. On his way to the bus stop, he bought a newspaper. There were a lot of people waiting at the bus stop because most people finished work at the same time in that town A few minutes later, a bus came and Mr. White got on with other passengers. Mr. White was lucky to

28、find an empty seat in front to the bus. He sat down and opened hisnewspaper to read. After few more bus stops, a woman got on the bus. But there were no more empty seats on the bus, so she came and stood right in front of Mr. White. She looked old and was carrying a big basket. Mr. White was reading

29、 his newspaper and didnt see her, but a few seconds after the woman stood in front of him, he looked up and put his newspaper in his pocket. He tried to stand up, but the woman pushed him back into his seat quickly. After a few minutes, Mr. White tried to stand up again. But again the woman pushed h

30、im back into his seat. “Please dont stand up. I dont want a man to give a seat to me on a bus. Im strong enough,” said the woman. Mr. White looked at her angrily and said, “This time Im really going to stand up, Madam.Youve made me miss two stops.”( ) 46. Mr. White came home .A. by trainB. by busC.

31、by airD. on foot( ) 47. Mr. White was lucky because . A. a bus came soon after he got to the bus stop B. he could get on the bus C. other people gave him a seat D. he found a seat himself ( ) 48. How many stops did Mr. White miss? A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4( ) 49. The woman stood in front of Mr. White because

32、 . A. she knew him B. she liked himC. she wanted him to give the seat to herD. she happened to stand there( ) 50. Which of the following is true? A. The woman didnt let Mr. White get off the bus.B. The woman didnt need a seat. C. The woman didnt want any man to give her seat on a bus. D. The woman d

33、idnt let Mr. White read the newspaper.C Many people like keeping birds. Do you want to keep a bird? If you do, please first read it. It is not easy to keep a bird. 1.Talk with some bird keepers or your vet(兽医). 2.Think about what kind of birds your family needs and how much you can spend on it. 3.Re

34、ad everything you can find about the bird that you want. 4.Think about if it fits your lifestyle. If you are too busy, you cant keep a bird. It needs your time. 5.Think about if you can give the bird the time and love it needs. 6.Think about if you can give it the cage, food, toys and vet care(兽医护理)

35、. 7.Visit some pet shops. Then you may find a good but cheap one. 8.Buy a bird from a good shop. 9.Take it to a vet for a few bird check-up.10.Take it home and give it the good care, the clean cage, nice food and lots of love.( ) 51. It is to keep a bird. A. easyB. interestingC. hardD. exciting( ) 5

36、2. What should you do first when you want to keep a bird?A. Buy one in the shop.B. Talk with some bird keepers or your vet.C. Think about if it fits your lifestyle.D. Buy a cage for it.( ) 53. A busy man cant keep a bird because the bird needs the owners .A. moneyB. cagesC. timeD. food( ) 54. Visit

37、some pet shops. Then you may find .A. a good but cheap oneB. a good but expensive oneC. a bad but cheap oneD. a bad but expensive one( ) 55. The underlined word “check-up” means .A. 调查B. 身体检查C. 技术检查D. 核对D Do you know how blueberries(蓝莓) grow? They grow on bushes. Each blueberry is small and round. M

38、any blueberries grow on one bushes. At first, the blueberries are green. The green berries are not ready to eat. They need a lot of sun and rain to help them become fat and sweet. When the berries turn blue, they are ready for us to eat. Some farmers grow blueberries in big fields. The people nearby

39、 can make money by helping to pick the blueberries. Each one takes a pail out to the field and fills it with blueberries. They work fast so that they can fill many pails. They want to make as much money as they can. When they finish picking, their hands are blue from the juice of the berries! After

40、farmers picked the blueberries, they put them into boxes and send them to stores. People buy the blueberries and take them home to eat. Some people like to wash the blueberries and eat them one by one. Other people like to cook with blueberries. They make blueberry pies and pancakes with them.No mat

41、ter how you eat them, blueberries taste great!( ) 56. What do blueberries look like?A. They grow on trees.B. They are green.C. They are small and round.D. They need lots of sun and rain.( ) 57. When can people eat blueberries?A. When they are blue.B. When they are green.C. When they become fat.D. Wh

42、en they become sweet.( ) 58. Why do people like to pick blueberries in the fields?A. Because they like to eat them.B. Because they love to work for farmer. C. Because they can take some home D. Because they can make some money.( ) 59. What happens to people who pick blueberries?A. No blueberries on

43、trees.B. We have no blueberries to eat again.C. We can cook them at home.D. Their hands become blue.( ) 60. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A. People only make blueberry food to eat.B. Blueberries are good to eat.C. Anyone can pick blueberries in the field.D. Blueberries are always blue.V. 语法填空 (每小题1分,共10分)Modern life is 61 (possible) without traveling. The 62 (fast) way of traveling is by plane. With a modern plane 63 takes one day to tr

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