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1、Lesson 10 Not for jazzWhat happened to the clavichord?We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Re

2、cently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. it is being repaired by a friend of my father s.jazz n. 爵士乐 recently adv. 最近 key n. 琴键musical adj. 音乐的 damage

3、v. 破坏 shock v. 使生气, 震惊 instrument n. 乐器 strike (struck; struck v. 打;击 allow v. 允许,让 clavichord n. 古钢琴 string n. (乐器的弦 touch v. 触摸 Germany n. 德国Reading comprehension:1. The old musical instrument _.A. has been in the family for a long time B. was bought recentlyC. was sold recently D. was repaired re

4、cently2. How did the visitor damage the clavichord?A. She played jazz on it. B. She played it.C. She cut the strings. D. She hit the keys too hard.Answer the questions orally:What musical instrument do you have?Was it old or new?What happened to it recently?How was it damaged?Is it being repaired no

5、w?Structure & vocabulary:1. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. That s where we _ it.A. kept B. have kept C. are keeping D. keep2. It has belonged to our family. It s the _.A. families B. families C. family s D. familys3. The family have had the clavichord _ many years.A. since B. for C. from

6、 D. by4. Who _ it? Grandfather did.A. buy B. was bought C. bought D. did buy5. We are not allowed to touch it. We _ touch it.A. mustn t B. mustn t to C. haven t to D. don t have to6. What s it _? A clavichord.A. told B. said C. called D. spoken7. It s kept in the living-room. That s where we _ it.A.

7、 have B. hold C. lift D. carry8. The visitor damaged it. She _ it.A. hurt B. pained C. broke D. destroyed9. Recently it was damaged. She damaged it _.A. late B. lastly C. lately D. finally10. A friend of my father s is _ the clavichord.A. mending B. making C. doing D. buildingKey structures:a-Who bu

8、ilt the bridge? -When was this bridge built?-Prisoners of war built this bridge in 1942.This bridge was built by prisoners of war in 1942.b Read these pairs of sentences carefully. The first sentence in each pair tells us about a person. The second tells us about a thing.Workmen are building a new r

9、oad outside my horse.A new road is being built outside my house.The newsagent delivers our papers every morning.Our papers are delivered every morning.The postman delivered a letter this morning.A letter was delivered this morning.c Read these sentences:The police arrested the thief. The thief was a

10、rrested (by the police.He gave me a present. I was given a present.The headmaster has punished the boy. The boy has been punished (by the headmaster.ExercisesA. Answer these questions on the passage. Write a complete answer to each question:1. What is our old musical instrument called?2. Where was i

11、t made?3. Where is it kept?4. When was it bought?5. When was it damaged?6. How many strings were broken?7. How did my father feel about this?8. What aren t we allowed to do?9. What is being done to the clavichord?B. change the form of the phrases in italics. Do not refer to the passage until you fin

12、ish the exercise: We call it a clavichord. _Someone made it in Germany in1681. _ We keep our clavichord in the living room. _ My grandfather bought the instrument many years ago. _ Recently a visitor damaged it. _She struck the keys too hard and broke two of the strings. _ This shocked my father. _N

13、ow he does not allow us to touch it. _ A friend of my father s is repairing it. _ Language points:A. be made inIt was made in Germany.be made ofThe tea pot is made of silver.be made fromBread is made from flour.be made byThis cake was made by my sister.Supply the correct words:1. Is your watch made

14、_ gold?2. These knives were made _ Sheffield.3. This cake was made _ sugar, flour, butter and eggs.4. The model plane was made _ a group of students.B. a friend of my father s 双重所有格He is one of my father s friends. He is a friend of my father sTom lent me one of his books. Tom lent me a book of his.

15、He is one of my friends. He is a friend _ _.Change the form of the phrases in italics:1. He borrowed one of my records. _2. She showed me one of John s pictures. _3. It was one of her ideas. _4. One of you letters was found on my desk. _5. Some of their friends came to see me. _Exercises:A . Rewrite

16、 the sentences and change the active voice into passive voice:1. These workmen are repairing my house.2. The police picked up the boy in the forest.3. The boy sends the newspaper to me every morning.4. They will take care of your grandmother.5. Mary wrote three books last year.6. She is washing your

17、 clothes.7. They are painting the wall.8. I am telling him how to be a good student.B. Translating:1. 这幢楼叫做“联谊大厦” (Union building。2. 胜利 (victory 属于我们。3. 父亲从不允许我们晚上出去。4. 她是我母亲的一个好朋友。C. Summary writing:1. Do we own an old clavichord, or do we own a new piano?2. When was it made?3. Who bought the instrument many years ago?4. Who damaged it recently?5. What did she try to do?6. What did she break?7. Who is repairing it now?

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