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1、55斯达特英语姓名 成绩 青少版新概念1Bunit21-unit25测试题Listening part (共20分)一 选择你所听到的内容(每题一分,共5分)1.( )A. want B. what C. who2. ( ) A. tree B. true C. three3. ( ) A. kind B. kid C. Kate4. ( ) A. meat B. meal C. make5. ( ) A. like B. love C. loaf二 根据你所听到的内容选择正确答语(每题一分,共5分)1. ( ) A. No,thanks. B. She is pretty. C.I have

2、 a pen.2. ( ) A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, she is.3. ( ) A. Its a Japanese one. B. Its blue. C. We like it.4. ( )A. I am Lucy. B. Yes, I like. C. No, he isnt .5. ( ) A. We are three. B. Two bags. C. You are right三听录音填入所缺单词,完成对话。(每空0.5分,共10分)Karen: Lucy! Robert! Dinners ! up, please, Robe

3、rt! But you must and your hands .Robert: Mum! Sams ! He is in my .What about dinner?Karen: Thats OK. Theres of food. Sam can have dinner us.He is very .Robert: Thanks , Mum.Karen: But you must his mother first! Please do that now this minute. Then go and your hands, of you. Lucy! Are you? Where is e

4、verybody? Dinners on the .Lucy: I am. Sorry Im .Karen: No done.Lucy: Oh, good! Salmon and new ! My meal!Writing part(共80分)四.选出发音不同的选项。(共5分)1.( )A. bird B. thirty C. famous 2. ( ) A. dear B. hear C. bear3. ( ) A. there B. where C. here4. ( ) A. poor B. sure C. door5. ( ) A. music B. student C. bus五.单

5、项选择(共15分)1. any breakfast ,Paul?A. You want B. Do you want C. Want D. Youve got2. juice do you want?A. Who B. How C. When D. How much3. They any yoghurt in the canteen at the academy.A. dont B. got C. havent D. arent 4. kind of camera has Claire got, Jack?A. Who B. What C. Whose D. Where 5.It Daisys

6、 old cameras.A. of the B. another C. to the D. one of 6. Claire, fish?A. you like B. do you C. like you D. do you like 7. Ive got new potatoes and some salad.A. the B. an C. any D. some8. Its my favourite kind food!A. - B. to C. of D. at9. Ive got potatoes in the kitchen!A. lots of B. a lot C. lot o

7、f D. lots10. Dose Claire like fish not?A. or B. and C. with D. both六.根据提示写出正确的单词。(共15分)1.Do you (想要) some milk?2.You must eat (某物)。3.Im sorry I dont have (金钱)。4.Paul can (介绍)Claire to his friends.5.Claire is (害羞)。6.Please (记住)it。Its very important.7.I (讨厌) cream and dessert, they make me fat.8.The b

8、ook is (令人厌烦的)。9.I think I (需要) an ice cream.10.I like this (种类) of camera.七.按要求答题(共15分)1. Is Claire. in Karens kitchen ?(肯定回答) Yes, .2.Have you got any tea? (否定回答) No. 3.Paul has got seven DVDs.(划线部分提问) DVDs Paul got?4.She wants a Japanese camera. (划线部分提问) What camera she want?5.Its five oclock. (划

9、线部分提问) is it?八.仿照例句填入所给动词的正确形式。(共15分)Example: She doesnt want (she/not want) a new handbag. She wants ( she /want) a new mobile.1.What (you/want) for your birthday?2.What kind of car (your brother/have got)?3. (We/like) our new teacher.4. (He/not want) a cheap watch.5. (I/have got ) an old camera. (I/want) a new one.九.写作。仿照例文写关于你和你的家庭(共15分)My name is Jane Gary. I am Canadian. I come from Canada and I live in Montreal. I am a student in an art college. I speak English and French. Canada is a big country. My family is big ,too. I have got two brothers and three sisters.

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