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1、Chapter 3:Literature Search and Literature Review1If no use is made of the labors of past ages,the world must remain always in the infancy of knowledge.Cicero,De Oratore II2Goals of the Literature SearchTo assist in conceptualizing the problem,refining it,if necessary,reducing it to feasible size an

2、d scope.To determine the major variables of importance in the phenomenon.To understand the relationships among these variables.3To find the frontier of research on the problemhow far previous researchers could solidly reach.To relate the problem to the network of theory,rationales,and explanations a

3、lready existing in the field.To get the suggestions about how to do the study,what previous mistakes to avoid and what new methods might be effective.4To substitute shorter,less expensive time doing the literature search for lengthier more expensive research time rediscovering what is already known.

4、To put the conceptualized problem in the context of previous research,showing how the problem relates to it yet goes beyond it.5Concrete objective of Literature search:3W Where does information come from?What should we do?What constitute these information?6The Variety of Information Sources Availabl

5、eYour personal libraryYour institutions libraryYour facultyYour personal computer search7Literature TypesGeneral References:mainly including index and abstractPrimary Sources Secondary Sources8Citation IndexingSCISSCICSCICSSCI9The Relation of Starting Point to Problem DevelopmentA general problem ar

6、eaA special problem areaA specific problemA research study basic to the problemLatest terminology for a problem or the names of persons who are doing extensive work in an area10Several Tips of Literature Search11General SuggestionsBe selective in“following your nose”;do not check everything.Read som

7、e primary sources,not just secondary ones,and do not depend on just one secondary source;read in depth to the cutting edge and backward in time.include seminal sources,deep thinkers who really grasp the field.12Look for technical and design flaws to avoid and for innovations you may use.Use a thesau

8、rus or a search term dictionary,if one is available.It forces you to think through your search strategy and teaches the standardized terminology of the field.It adds to your search terms the descriptors used in highly relevant publications.13Record each entry immediately in whatever bibliographic st

9、yle you plan to use;then youll know you have all the required information.When using a copy machine,be sure to label pages with the source when it is not in the heading or footer.14Especially if your topic is not covered well by the indexing terms,do a computer search of the journal literature.In fa

10、ct,do one even if it is.Check sources of current information to find others working on your problem.Use the Internet,the Citation Indexes Permuterm index,Current Contents,the subject indexes of the programs of recent relevant professional association meetings.15Actively think about,argue with,praise,and otherwise react to your reading.Discuss your search with the most informed expert in the field accessible to you.Despite the advances in computer searches,the human mind is still the best retrieval device.16Literature Review17

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