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1、Module5 MuseumUnit1课文导学1. Dont touch.不许触摸。(1) 这是祈使句的否定式Dont do.,意为“不要;不许”,是一种警告、告诫,表示请求时常用“please”。(2) 如果用动词-ing形式或名词作告示,其否定式是No+动词-ing形式/名词。如:Dont be late!不要迟到!Please listen carefully.请注意听。No smoking.禁止抽烟。2. Its against the rules.这是违反规则的。 against the rules意为“违反规则” against是介词,有“反对;依靠”的意思;短语be agains

2、t意为“反对;不同意”,这是反义词是be for,意为“赞成”。如:The dog fought against the bear.狗和熊斗。We will play against No.1 Middle School.我们将和一中比赛。3. Oh, no! Danming is in trouble against.噢,不!大明又有麻烦了。 be in trouble遇上麻烦;处于困境如:Everyone has the chance to be in trouble.每个人都有遇到麻烦的可能。4. No wonder the place is empty!难怪这个地方是空的! no wo

3、nder难怪 wonder v.惊讶;怀疑;惊奇;想知道如:“Why does she want to get there?”Peter wondered.“为什么她想去那里?”彼得感到很奇怪。5. Its missing! missing=lost不见;丢失即学即练1. You m touch it. Its damgerous.2. Its a the rules to cross the rope.3. Lets go u . They are waiting for us there.4. No s ! Keep quiet, please.5. 难怪你看上去那么伤心。 you loo

4、k so sad.6. 当你遇到麻烦的时候,请记得报警。 When you are , please remember to call the police.百分导练(一) 词汇专练1. The students in Class One are doing a p about the environment.2. You must obey the (规定)in the school.3. The t of the mouse can help it keep balance.4. When you climb up, please hold the r all the time.5. Li

5、sten to your parents, (孩子们).6. They will p you if you are against the rules.7. My book was m when I read in the park.8. He lives on the first floor. Lets go (楼下) to meet him.9. Dont c the river. There are some crocodiles in it.10. The box isnt heavy at all. Its e .(二) 单项选择( )1.You write the poem dow

6、n. Our teacher will give us a copy. A.cant B.shouldnt C.neednt( )2.-Which sign will you probably see in front of a low door? - . A.MING YOUR HEAD B.WET FLOOR C.NO EXIT( )3.We should keep the habit of talking notes when the teacher . A.will talk B.would talk C.is talking( )4.-Which one of those two h

7、ouse would you buy? -I would buy the one, because I have a big family. A.larger B.largest C.smaller( )5.Read the sign. You shouldnt take photos here. Its the rules. A.against B.for C.in(三) 完成句子1. 此处不准吸烟。 Here.2. 这音乐听起来多美妙呀! the music sounds!3. 没有人反对这项提议。 No one this proposal.4. 当你遇到麻烦,她就会向父母求助。 She

8、will ask her parents for help when she is .5. 难怪你那么开心,原来你拿到了驾照了。 you are happy. You have got the driving licence.Unit21. Welcome to the most friendly museum in London.欢迎来到伦敦最友好的博物馆。(1) welcome此处为感叹词,意为“欢迎”。如:Welcome to Beijing.欢迎来到北京! welcome的用法 作感叹词,意为“欢迎” 作动词,意为“欢迎;迎接;乐意接受”。 如:They are welcoming t

9、he new students.他们在迎接新生。 作形容词,意为“受欢迎的;不必感谢的”。 如:Youre always welcome in my home.随时欢迎到我家来。 作名词,意为“欢迎;迎接”。常用于give sb a warm welcome(热烈欢迎某人)这一短语中。 如:The students give the new teachers a warm welcome.学生们热烈欢迎新来的老师们。 注意:welcome to后面跟的如果不是地点名词,而是副词home, here, there等,则省略介词to。 (2)friendly的比较级和最高级有两种形式: 比较级:f

10、riendlier, more friendly 最高级:friendliest, most friendly 如:Tom is friendlier/more friendly to me than you.汤姆比你对我更友好。2. In most museums, there is no shouting and no running, and you must not touch anything. 在大多数博物馆里,你不准喧哗、不准跑,也不准触摸。(1) no shouting and no running意为“不准喧哗、不准跑”。no作形容词修饰动名词,另外,也可作此表达:There

11、 is no shouting or running.如:No picking flowers here!不准在这里采摘花朵!(2) must not touch不准触摸,不允许触摸3. .and it is my favourite too because there are lots of physics experiments. .它也是我最喜欢的(展厅),因为这里有大量的物理实验。 physics experiments物理实验如:I like doing physics experiments because theyre interesting.我喜欢做物理实验,因为很有趣。4.

12、For example, if you want to fill a bag with sand, you have to control a kind of truck on wheels and move into the correct place place.例如,如果你想将袋子装满沙子,你得操控一种带轮子的运输车,并把车移动到适合的位置。fill.with.用.装满.如:The boy filled the bottle with water.孩子用水装满瓶子。5. You can also find out how people travel into space and back

13、 again. 你也可以发现人类是怎样来回太空旅行的。(1) find out查明;发现(真相) 如:Have they found out who broke the window?他们已经查明是谁打破了窗户吗?(2) travel n.&v.旅行 辨析:journey, travel和trip 三者都有“旅游;旅行”的意思,但各有不同。 journey是较正式的用语,适用范围很广,常指较长距离的旅行、旅程,或祝愿语中。“去旅行”常由go on a journey,而不用go to journey/trip。如:I made a journey to the northwest of Chi

14、na.我到中国西北部去旅行了。I wish you a pleasant journey! 祝你一路平安!travel是最普通的用语,常指远距离的长途旅行,它与journey的不同之处在于它直接到达目的地旅行的意义,而有到各处旅行游览的意味。它有单复数之分,单数形式泛指“旅行”这一行为或过程,复数形式却表示某一次具体的旅行,并且travel常与带所有格的形容词连用。如:On his doctors advice, he went on his travel.按照医生的建议,他旅行去了。If you see John on your travels, tell him to ring me.如果

15、你在旅途中遇到约翰,就叫他给我电话。 trip常用短期、短距离来回地观光,尤其带有娱乐性的旅行,在日常用语中,常用来代替journey。如:We are planing a trip to the Great Wall.我们正在计划去长城游览。They went on a trip/journey to Africa.他们到非洲旅行去了。6. If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today. 如果你比较一下过去的药物与现在的药物.compare.with.意为“拿.和.作比较”,表示进行比较的目的是找出不同之

16、处。如:Please compare this picture with that one, and tell me the differences between them.即学即练( )1.Can you the answer to the question? A.find B.find out C.look for( )2.Its difficult for us to into the moon now. A A.trip B.journey C.travel( )3.Its the schools rules to buy food from outside the school.

17、A.against B.for C.to4. 这只大钟不愿意迎接新年。 The big clock the New Year.5. 不准跑不准跳,不然楼下的人会生气的。 There is . Or people downstairs will be angry with us.百分导练(一) 词汇专练1. (物理学)is a main subject in our school.2. There is a lot of (沙子)on the ground.3. They are (搬运)goods by truck.4. There are eight (轮子)in the truck.5.

18、He (挖)a hole for the tree.6. He was saving his e for next weeks race in Beijing.7. (通讯)are more and more convenient now.8. We learn by experiment in the (化学)lesson.9. They are rich in (煤)in Shanxi.10. His father is (操作;操纵)the company.(二) 单项选择( )1.Physics more interesting than maths, I think. A.are B

19、.is C.were ( )2.She is getting old and cant jump as as he did. A.high B.higher C.highest ( )3.Please be quiet. We are not allowed much noise in the reading room. A.to make B.make C.making ( )4.My uncle remembered . A.when we moved to the town B.when did we move to the town C.when we move to the town

20、 ( )5.You can find Chinese works foreign works. A.too B.also C.as well as(三) 完成句子1. 与唱歌相比,我会更喜欢跳舞。 singing, I liking dancing better.2. 他把书塞满了书包。 He books and left.3. 物理和化学是我们的主科。 are our main subjects.4. 安倍先生在中国不受欢迎。 Mr Abe in China.5. 我们已经查明是谁偷了钱。 We have who stole the money.Unit3语法导学If从句(1):if+祈使句

21、if引导的条件状语从句相当于汉语中的“如果.”的意思,表示提建议。如:If you want to go, please tell me.如果你想去的话,请告诉我。If you want to know more about it, please telephone our teacher.如果你想了解它更多,请打电话给我们老师。注意:if引导的是一个完整的句子,一定要有主语。If从句的位置既可以在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后。如:If you like this website, please send emails to me.如果你喜欢这个网站,就请发电子邮件给我。Print the p

22、hoto if you like it.如果喜欢这张照片就把它打印出来。即学即练( )1.Look at the sign “No ”. So you shouldnt swim here. A.swimming B.swim C.to swim( )2.The Science Museum is the second floor. A.in B.on C.at( )3.Please listen to what Im going to say. A.careful B.carefully C.care( )4.If you to see old machines, just go to th

23、e museum. A.want B.will want C.wanted5. 请密切注意事态的发展。 the development of events.6. 他们渴望着再次见到他。 They him again.百分导练(一) 短语和句子翻译1. 违反规则 2.遇上麻烦;遇上困境 3. 禁止入内 4.不准乱丢垃圾 5. 禁止右拐 6.注意;关注 7. 拿.和.作比较 8.确保;确信 9. 不许触摸 10.难怪 (二) 单项选择( )1.Look, Simon, MP4 that I bought last month isnt working properly. A.a B./ C.the

24、( )2.You can improve your English reading more. A.in B.with C.by( )3.Dont worry. You plenty of time to decide. A.will give B.have given C.will be given( )4.The girl in red be Jenny. Jenny is much taller. A.must B.cant C.mustnt( )5.I saw Lisa in the street yesterday, but she didnt see me. She the oth

25、er way. A.was looking B.is looking C.looked ( )6.If any student a high fever, send him/her to the school doctor at once. A.has B.have C.will have( )7.There is no eating drinking. A.and B.or C.for( )8.When youve finished everything, take the lift up to the fourth floor. A.looking at B.look at C.see(

26、)9.Im looking forward to the film by Zhang Yimou. A.see B.to see C.seeing( )10.Everything who looks at the Mona Lisa wonders what she is . A.thinking over B.thinking about C.looking综合填空Thirteen-year-old Andrew will never forget that Saturday. He was relaxing on his familys sofa with his sister (1)w

27、suddenly the heater exploded(爆炸). His sister, who was unhurt, managed to pull(2)h away from the firewhile his mum dialed for an ambulance.The ambulance soon arrived and rushed him to Childrens Hospitalwherehe was operated on at (3)o .Doctors told his mum there was little (4)c of Andrew being able to

28、 walk again. The damage to his body was so bad and the cuts in his legs so deep (5)t theoperation took 11 hours. After a couple of weeks, hewas (6)a to go home but had to spend the next six weeks in a wheelchair.(7)W the help of his doctor, this brave young boy (8)r to school after only two and a half months.Looking back on the (9)a , Andrew says he believes children can do(10)w they wantifthey put their mind to it.6 / 6

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