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1、 Module 5 Museum Unit 1 Dont cross the rope.(课前预习) I预习目标: 1. 初步理解对话大意 2. 理解记忆新词和短语 3. 感知理解新语法:表禁止做某事和表建议的句型。 II. 预习过程: 一 阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思: entry_ exhibition_ rope_ attention_ pay attention to _ upstairs_ guard_ sign_ as well_ downstairs_ missing_ punish_ 大声朗读以上单词,熟记单词的意思,将不会的圈起来。 二. 阅读对话,按要

2、求完成下列问题。 upstairs(反义词) against(反义词) entry(v.) wonder(adj) missing(v.) punish(n.) 三. 阅读对话,在文中划出下列短语 ,朗读并默写: 1. 禁止喧哗 _6. pay attention to _ 2.允许做_e on _ 3. 别碰_ 8.hurry up _ 4.禁止通行_9. 怪不得 _ 5. 禁止拍照_10. go upstairs _ 四再读对话,回答问题: 1Where will they go to get information? 2. Why cant they get into the monke

3、y exhibition? 3. What happened to Lingling? 4.Should we obey the rules when we visit a museum? 五主要语言点导学导练: 1 .What a wonderful museum!感叹句 what (aan)+adj+n.(主语+谓语) What a great project (it is)! What useful information (it is)! What interesting books (they are)! how+adjadv+主语+谓语 How interesting the bo

4、ok is! How carefully he listens in class! 2. No entry 严禁入内 No+V.ing 这是一种比较常见的表达禁止做某事的短语。 例如:No shouting ,禁止喧哗 No smoking 严禁抽烟 试译:No parking No swimming 除此之外还有以下几种表达禁止做某事的句型。 1)祈使句否定句:Dont+do sth Dont draw on the wall. Keep off the grass. 2)No+n. No photos. No food. No entry. 3)mustnt 禁止 you mustnt p

5、lay with fire. 4)cant 不允许 you cant make any noise. 5)You arent allowed to do sth. 禁止对方做某事 You are not allowed to watch TV at home before you finish your homework. 3.Me too.我也是。 1)当前面的情况是肯定句时。Me too. 我也一样。 -I like music. -Me too. 等同于:so+助动词be动词情态动词+主语 某人某事也一样。 -I like music - So does Lily. 2)当前面的情况是否

6、定句时。Me either.我也一样 I dont like maths because its difficult. -Me either. 等同于:neither+助动词be动词情态动词+主语 某人某事也一样。 Bill didnt go to school yesterday. -Neither did Lucy. 4. Its against the rules.这是违反规定的 bey the rules遵守规则 All the students should obey the rules at school. be against the rules 违反规则 Dont drop l

7、itter. Its against the rules. break the rules 打破规则 Dont break the rules when you visit the museum. 5. Daming is in trouble again. be in trouble遇到麻烦,陷入困境=get into troubles Sally is in trouble in the restaurant because she cant speak Chinese. The little boy often gets into trouble. have trouble( in )d

8、oing sth.做某事有困难 Do you have trouble in reading Chinese novels? 6. Because its closed. close n.结束 He soon brought the meeting to a close.他很快就结束了会见。 adj.亲近的,靠近的 Although tom is from England, he has some close friends in China. v. 关上,闭上 If you close your eyes, you cant see anything. 结束 He closed his sp

9、eech with a funny joke. closed adj. 关着的 The shop was closed when i got there. be closed to 靠近 I dont need to get up early, because my home is close to our school. 7. Im sure it will be all right, Lingling. Be sure 确信,肯定 1)be sure ofabout sth.doing sth. 确信.,对.有把握。接名词时,be sure of侧重指主语对抽象事物的确信无疑;而be su

10、re about则侧重指主语对某种具体事物的确信无疑。 He is sure of his success. Im sure of his honesty. If you are not sure about the situation in the world, you can read the newspaper every day. 2)be sure of oneself 有自信心 Joan will sit for an important examination next week, but she is not sure of herself. 3)Be sure to do s

11、th. 必定,必然 It is sure to rain. He is sure to have known about that. Be sure to do sth.用于祈使句中,意为“务必要,一定要” Be sure not to forget it! Be sure to send my regards to your mother. 4)be sure+宾语从句 确信某事一定会. Im not sure whether Ive met him before. We are sure he will make great progress this term. 六根据句意和所给首字母完

12、成单词。 1. Please pay a to your handwriting. 2. If it were not for his reason, I would p you. 3. The woman went u to go to bed. 4. She tried to explain away the m money. 5. The s by the road said No Parking. 6. Her father was a her marrying Tom. Unit 1 Dont cross the rope.(课堂学习) I学习目标:1. 会用本课所学四会单词和短语

13、2. 阅读理解对话,并能复述,能用所学词汇,句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。 。课堂学习过程: 一 交流检查课前预习情况: 二 1. Listen , read fast and answer Part2 2. Listen Part2 again, read carefully and fill the blanks. Betty: Im very about our visit to the museum on Saturday. Lingling: Im looking forward to it too. If you want to know what to see, look at

14、 the guide. I got it from the . Theyve got an Animal Room, with lots of exhibitions. Betty: Great! I especially want to see that. Lingling: So do I. Our homework is to write about our museum, and this one will be great for our . Betty: Exactly. Lingling: Have you invited anyone to come with us on Sa

15、turday? Betty: Yes, I have. Daming is coming. 3. Listen and repeat part3. 4.Read aloud alone,and finish the excise of part3 and part5. 5Read and fill in the blanks Last week I visited the museum with Betty and Daming. First, we visited the s floor. To look up some i for our project, Betty and I deci

16、ded to go to the animal room upstairs. But Daming wanted to see the Monkey E . He was a the rule in the museum because he shouted in it. He got into trouble by trying to c the rope when he planned to see a monkey with a long t , the guard told him the monkey room was c , but Daming insisted to go to

17、 take a p and he was very rude. Suddenly I found that my mobile phone was m and the guard asked me to go to the lost and found office downstairs to look for it. I was worried that my mum will p me if I lost it. 6.Retell or recite the filled passage. 三 交流展示:Discuss language difficulties in groups to

18、help each other . 方式:1. 组内讨论解决疑难2. 班内交流解决 3. 教师解释 四 训练巩固:(一)根据中英文提示完成句子。 1. 你不允许拍照,这是违规的。 You_ take photos, its against the rules. 2. 你也不能拍照,请看这个标志“禁止拍照”。 You cant take a photo, either, Look at the sign “_. 3. 等一下! 你们不允许上去。 _!You mustnt go up there. 4. 我没有注意到这个标志。 I didnt _ the sign. 5. 图书馆内禁止喧哗。 _

19、in the library. 6. 别碰博物馆内的油画。 You _ the paintings in a museum. (二)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Tony isnt _ (allow) to touch the sculpture. 2. They cant go to the Natural History room, because it is _ (close) now. 3. Look at this one, what an _ (amaze) sculpture! 4. They are looking forward to _ (hear) from y

20、ou. 5. Im not _ (real) interested in fishing. 6. No _ (run) means “Dont run here”. 7. You mustnt _ (tell) anyone about it. 8. In most libraries you cant_ (make) any noise. 9. Nina _ (pay) no attention to what her teacher told her. 10. They are waiting at the (entry) to the garden.Unit 2 If you ever

21、go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum(课前预习) I预习目标: 1. 初步理解短话大意 2. 理解记忆新词和短语 3. 感知理解新语法 II. 预习过程: 一 阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思: 通信_ _ 物理学_ 化学_ 能量_ 实验_ 操作_ physics_ 比较_全部的_ truck_ wheel_ 大声朗读以上单词,熟记单词的意思,将不会圈起来。 二. 阅读短文,在文中划出下列短语 ,朗读并默写: 1. 首先 _ 6.fillwith _ 2. 顺便走访 _ 7. obey some rules

22、_ 3. 同一样_ 8.所有年龄段的 _ 4. 和比较_ 9. 例如 _ 5. 算出,做出_ 10. try out _ 11.确保 12.一整天 13.也,还 三再读,回答下列问题: 1. Which is the most friendly museum in London? 2. Are you allowed to touch the exhibits in the Science Museum? 3. What can you do if you want to fill a bag with sand? 4. Where can you compare the medicine o

23、f the past with the medicine of today? 四主要语言点导学导练: 1.How is the Science Museum different from other museum? 辨析:others, the others, other, the other, another others泛指“别的人或物(但不是全部)”,做定语,其后不跟名词 Some people came by car, others came on foot. the others特指“其余的人或物(在一个范围内的其他全部)”,不能作定语,其后不跟名词。 I went swimming

24、 while the others played tennis. Lisa is taller than the others in our class. other指“另外的”,只做定语,后跟名词复数或不可数名词。若前面有the, this, that, some, any, each, every, no, one, my, your, this等,则可与单数名词连用。 I want some other books besides this dictionary. the other意为“另一个”,指两者中的另一个 I have two sister. One is a teacher;

25、 the other is a doctor. another 指三者或者三者以上的任何一个,做形容词或代词 Would you like another cup of tea? 2.If you want to fill a bag with falling sand ,you have to move a kind of truck on wheels into the correct position. 如果你想在一个袋子里装满下落的沙子,你就得将一种装在轮子的卡车移至合适的位置。 fill 装满 常和with构成 fill A with B 和A be filled with B= A

26、 be full of B 装满的. 如:He filled the basket with apples. The bottle is filled with water.= The bottle is full of water. 3.If you arent fast enough ,the lion catches you. 如果你不够快,狮子就会逮住你 enough (adv)与形容词或其他副词连用时,一般是形容词或其他副词在前,enough在后。 如:good enough, tall enough ,well enough等,这与汉语语序不同。 试完成:他学习不够努力。He do

27、esnt study Enough(adj)与名词连用时,意为“充足的,足够的”一般是名词在后,enough在前。We have enough time to finish the work. Enough(pron) 意为“足够,充分” -Would you like another cup of tea? -I have had enough. Thank you very much. 注意:A.不能与no连用,例如:我没有足够的钱买车。 (误)I have no enough money to buy a car. (正) I dont have enough money to buy

28、a car. B. enough作形容词时不可被very修饰,但可以用quite修饰。例如 We have quite enough time. C. cantcan never.enough 表示“越。越好;无论怎样。也不过分” You can never be careful enough. 你越小心越好 We cant thank him enough.我们无论怎么感谢他也不过分。 4.And there are some very noise machines as well. as well 也,常用于句末。 too用于肯定句,放在句末,常用逗号隔开.Mark plays the p

29、iano well, too. as well 用于肯定句,放句末 Tony is very tall as well. also 用于肯定句,放在be动词之后,实义动词之前。 Lin Shuhao is also a great basketball player. either用于否定句,放在句末. I dont have a baseball either. 5.You can learn about communications and the environment as well as maths, physics and chemistry. learn about学习知识。St

30、udents should learn about the history of their countries. as well as 作介词 “还有,不但而且” Im learning French as well as English. 作连词“和一样好” He speaks Spanish as well as English. as well 用于肯定句,放句末 Tony is very tall as well. 注意;1)在A as well as B 的结构里,重点在A,而不是B。而在not only A but also B里则相反,重点在B而不是A。 A teacher s

31、hould entertain as well as teach. 老师不仅要教书,还要激起学生的兴趣。 Television is not only boring, but it also wastes a lot of time.电视不仅乏味,而且还是浪费许多时间。 3)在A as well as B 的结构里A才是真正的主语,谓语动词的单复数由A决定。 She as well as you is an English teacher. 6.If you compare the medicine of the past with the medicine of today comparew

32、ith 与相比较 If you compare British football with American football, you will find many differences. compared to/ with 跟相比较 Compared to ours, their house is a palace. compare A to B 把 A比喻为B We often compare children to flowers.Module 5 Museum Unit 2 If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Scie

33、nce Museum. (课堂学习) I学习目标:1. 会用本课所学四会单词和短语 2. 阅读理解短文,并能复述,能用所学词汇,句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。 。课堂学习过程:一。交流检查课前预习情况: 二 自主学习 : 1. Read fast and answer.(A2) 2.Read carefully and answer.(A3) 3. Listen and repeat in a low voice , and finish this form.4.Read aloud alone. 5.Read and fill in the blanks of the passage: T

34、he most f_ museum in London is the Science Museum. It is noisy, and people can talk about w_ they can see and do there. When you visit the Science Museum, you can visit the rooms on the second and third floors to learn about c and the e as well as math, physics and chemistry. You can also go to the

35、L_ Pad. You can do p_ experiments there. If you want to fill a bag with s , you have to control a kind of truck on w_ and move it into the correct p_. You can also compare the m of the past with the medicine of t on the fourth and fifth floors. In this museum, you can do a lot of things, but you hav

36、e to o_ some rules as well. The Science Museum is free. That means you can g_ in for a few minutes or you can stay as l_ as you like. 6.Retell or recite the filled passage. 三 交流展示:Discuss language difficulties in groups to help each other. 四 训练巩固: (一)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空。 as long as, pay attention to,

37、 make a noise, different from, no running. 1. We werent _ what the teacher was saying. 2. In most museums, theres _ and you arent allowed to touch anything. 3. Students mustnt _ and they mustnt take the books away in the reading room. 4. The Science Museum in London is quite _ other museums. 5.The p

38、ark is free; that means you can stay_ you like. (二)根据中英文提示完成句子。 1. (请注意) the information about the great writer Lu Xun. 2. My uncle and aunt will (顺便看望我)next week. 3. 请在这个杯子里装满水。Please the glass water. 4. Dont smoke here. Its (违反规定) 5. 也就是说,你可以顺便进去看一会儿,也可以愿意停留多久就留多久。 That means you can drop in for a

39、 few minutes or you can_ you like. (三)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. He is always _ (seriously), but today he played a joke on us. 2. Are you _ (allow) to have a picnic on the hill? 3. Our teacher asked us _ (write) a composition about our visit. 4. You mustnt smoke here, because there is a sign “No _ (smoke)”

40、on the wall. 5. You like traveling by air, but I think traveling by train is _ (interest). (四)单句改错,下面各句都有一处错误,将错误找出并在横线上改正。 1. She doesnt allowed to swim in the lake. _ A B C 2. Because entry to the museum is free, so you can visit it as long as you like._ A B C Module 5 Museum Unit 3 language in us

41、e 一学习目标:1.条件状语从句 2.表禁止的句型 二练习 1.用适当形式填空X Kb1 1) If you (want)to know how it works, read the instructions. 2) (not touch) the machine. Its too dangerous. 3) No (shout) , my child. This is a public place. 4) If it (not work), (wait) for a minute. 5) (turn) off the radio if you (feel) noisy. 2. 句型转换。每空

42、一词。 6). What were they doing? I dont know. (合并为一个句子) I dont know what _ _ doing. 7). There isnt any water in the glass. (改为同义句) _ _ water in the glass. 8). His brother is not only a singer, but also an actor. (改为同义句) His brother is a singer _ _ as an actor. 9). You mustnt tell it to anyone. (改为祈使句)

43、Please _ _ it to anyone. 10). You can stay in the museum as long as you like. (对画线部分提问) _ _ can we stay in the museum? 3.单选选择 11)Liu Ying is good at singing. She sings the famous singer, coco. a. as well as b. as good as c, as better as d. as the best as 12) The museum is on Tuesday afternoon. a. cl

44、ose b. closing c. closed 13) There arent many tickets left for the concert, youd better that you get one today. a. make sure of b. make a decision c. make sure d. make plans 14)-Show me your homework, Dave? - Sorry, Mrs. Brown. Ive it at home. a. missed b. forgotten c. lost d. left 15) From March 23

45、rd 2013, anyone under the age of 14 go into Disneys us parks alone. a. couldnt b. mustnt c. neednt d mightnt 15)Must I hand it today? - No, you . You can do it tomorrow. a. mustnt b. cant c. neednt 16) Tom, afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one. a. dont b. not c. not to d. dont

46、 be 17) Students shouldnt go to school breakfast. Its bad for their health. a. with b. without c. for d. by 18) My mother often me my sister. a. compares with b. compared at c. comparing to d. comparing with 3. 完形填空。通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 No visitor was left in the museum now, and John was walking around to check if ev

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