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1、言内意义言内意义ExerciseExercise红糖糖红茶茶红眼眼红火火红榜榜红人人红娘娘brown sugarblack teagreen-eyedflourishing/prosperoushonor boardinfluential personmatchmaker活学活用(活学活用(511-540511-540)不下雨则已,一下就是倾盆大雨。不下雨则已,一下就是倾盆大雨。It never rains,but it pours.It never rains,but it pours.昨天断断续续地下了雨。昨天断断续续地下了雨。It rained off and on yesterday.

2、It rained off and on yesterday.他简直就是一个傻瓜。他简直就是一个傻瓜。He is next door to a fool.He is next door to a fool.我发现你简直就是傻瓜一样。我发现你简直就是傻瓜一样。I found you no better than an idiot.I found you no better than an idiot.他正忙于写短篇小说。他正忙于写短篇小说。He occupied himself in writing short stories.He occupied himself in writing sho

3、rt stories.你千万不可玩忽职守。你千万不可玩忽职守。You must on no account neglect your duties.You must on no account neglect your duties.我是特意来看你的。我是特意来看你的。I came here on purpose to see you.I came here on purpose to see you.我们不是密友,只是泛泛之交。我们不是密友,只是泛泛之交。He is not my close friend,but on speaking terms He is not my close fr

4、iend,but on speaking terms with me.with me.小偷被当场抓住。小偷被当场抓住。The thief was arrested on the spot.The thief was arrested on the spot.他差点泄漏了秘密。他差点泄漏了秘密。He was on the verge of betraying his secret.He was on the verge of betraying his secret.第四讲 言内意义言内意义言内意义 Linguistic Meaning Linguistic Meaning词语成分之间、句子成分

5、之间和篇章词语成分之间、句子成分之间和篇章成分之间的关系所反映的意义。它在成分之间的关系所反映的意义。它在语音、词汇、句子和篇章等层次均有语音、词汇、句子和篇章等层次均有体现。体现。语音千山鸟飞千山鸟飞绝绝,万径人踪,万径人踪灭灭。(柳宗元:(柳宗元:江雪江雪)A thousand mountains without a bird,ten thousand miles with no trace of man.From hill to hill no bird in flight,From path to path no man in sight.(许渊冲译)(许渊冲译)词汇林老林老师:您您身

6、体好身体好吗?我?我们特特别想想您您,女同,女同学学都哭都哭了,后了,后来来就不哭了,后就不哭了,后来来我我们作算作算术,题目特目特别难,我我们费了半天了半天劲,中于中于算出算出来来了了看着信,林震不禁看着信,林震不禁独独自笑了起自笑了起来来,他拿起,他拿起笔笔把把“中于中于”改成了改成了“终于于”,准,准备在回信在回信时告告诉他他们下次要避免下次要避免别字。字。(王蒙(王蒙组织部部来来了了个个年年轻人人)飞白词汇“Dear Teacher Lin:How are you?We miss you Dear Teacher Lin:How are you?We miss you very,ver

7、y much.After you left all the girls cried very,very much.After you left all the girls cried and then we did some very,very difficult sums.It and then we did some very,very difficult sums.It was much hard work,but we finally got it was much hard work,but we finally got it riterite in in the end”the e

8、nd”Reading the letter,Lin couldnt help smiling to Reading the letter,Lin couldnt help smiling to himself.He himself.He changed“rite”to“right”changed“rite”to“right”thinking that thinking that he should tell them to be more careful with their he should tell them to be more careful with their spelling

9、next time they wrote.spelling next time they wrote.(Alison Bailey&Carole Murry(Alison Bailey&Carole Murry 译)译)词汇“In the fall of 1940,In the fall of 1940,President Franklin Roosevelt President Franklin Roosevelt took to bed with a severe took to bed with a severe cold.cold.It was duly reported in It

10、was duly reported in the next days Washington Post but the early the next days Washington Post but the early bulldog edition(bulldog edition(晨版晨版)featured this classic typographic)featured this classic typographic blooper(blooper(印刷大印刷大错误),in a headline eight columns),in a headline eight columns wid

11、e:wide:F.D.R.IN BED WITH F.D.R.IN BED WITH COEDCOED.译文文1 1:报纸将将“罗斯福因感冒斯福因感冒卧卧床床”的通的通栏标题误印印为“罗斯斯福福与与女同女同学学上床上床。”译文文2 2:报纸将将“罗斯福因斯福因伤风问题卧卧床床”的通的通栏标题误印印为“罗斯福因作斯福因作风问题卧卧床。床。”句子 诗中有中有画画,画画中有中有诗。There is poetry in the paintings,and there are There is poetry in the paintings,and there are paintings in the

12、poetry.paintings in the poetry.(李定坤(李定坤译)人无千日好,花无百日人无千日好,花无百日红。Man cannot be always fortunate;flowers do not Man cannot be always fortunate;flowers do not last forever.last forever.(李定坤(李定坤译)言内意义的翻译重复音韵叠词双关重复(Repetition)土崩瓦解土崩瓦解繁荣昌盛繁荣昌盛取之不尽,用之不竭取之不尽,用之不竭fall apartfall apartprosperityprosperityinexha

13、ustibleinexhaustible身体好,身体好,学学习好,工作好。好,工作好。Keep fit,study hard and work hard.Keep fit,study hard and work hard.目目标的的轻重重缓急,孰先孰后急,孰先孰后应该仔仔细研研究、究、认真真考考虑和和反反复复推敲。推敲。Target prioritiesTarget priorities should be very carefully studied.should be very carefully studied.Last year,the output of coal in this r

14、egion amounted to about 20 percent of the whole country,of steel 25 percent,and of cotton 35 percent.去年,这一地区的煤产量约占全国总产量的20%,钢产量占25%,棉花产量占35%。亚洲是地球上最大的洲,面积占世界陆地近百分之三十,人口约占世界总人口的百分之六十。Asia is the largest continent on the earth,with nearly 30 percent of the world land area and 60 percent of the world p

15、opulation.表达法小结总计总计,达到:,达到:total stand at amount to worth reachhitwith the total value ofwith the value totalingadd up to占:占:account forbe responsible forrepresent take up叠词(Reduplicated words)音、形、义完全相同的词重叠使用,增加语音、形、义完全相同的词重叠使用,增加语言的生动性与形象性。言的生动性与形象性。汉语中叠词很多,功能在于强调,用词语重汉语中叠词很多,功能在于强调,用词语重叠的方法来突出思想、强

16、调感情、加强节奏叠的方法来突出思想、强调感情、加强节奏感、增添音韵美。翻译时要注意再现叠词这感、增添音韵美。翻译时要注意再现叠词这一美感功能或表情功能。一美感功能或表情功能。若无法同样用叠词译出,则应译出原语的意若无法同样用叠词译出,则应译出原语的意义和功能。义和功能。叠词练习They waited there for three clear days.他们在那等了整整三天。This idea never occurred to me.我万万没有想到。We have talked for two full(solid)hours.我们谈了足足两个小时。The school is a good

17、five miles from here.学校离这足足5英里。Revolutionary traditions are passed over for generations.革命传统代代相传。叠词练习熙熙攘攘熙熙攘攘辛辛苦苦辛辛苦苦零零碎碎零零碎碎兢兢业业兢兢业业弯弯曲曲弯弯曲曲哭哭啼啼哭哭啼啼平平安安平平安安干干净净干干净净toil and moiltoil and moilweep and wailweep and wailtwists and turnstwists and turnsodds and endsodds and endssafe and soundsafe and so

18、undneat and cleanneat and cleancautious and conscientiouscautious and conscientioushustle and bustlehustle and bustle双关(Pun)Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong,but little sense of right and left.女人对善与恶具有惊人的感觉,但对左与右则感觉甚微。“看你,隔着门缝看人,把人看扁了。”“Humph!If you peer at a person through a crack,he

19、looks flat!Dont be so prejudiced.”哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出。He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb:he had to suffer the bitterness of it in silence.广告双关语练习Ask for More.摩尔香烟,多多益善。摩尔香烟,多多益善。再来一支,还吸摩尔。再来一支,还吸摩尔。Easier dusting by a stre-e-etch.拉拉拉长拉拉拉长,除尘力强。,除尘力强。The Unique Spirit Spirit of Canada.别具风味的加拿大别具

20、风味的加拿大酒酒,独特的加拿大,独特的加拿大精神精神。广告语双关赏析Better late than the late.迟到总比丧命好迟到总比丧命好。A Mars a day,keeps you work,rest and play.玛斯玛斯一日一块巧克力,工作玩乐不知疲。一日一块巧克力,工作玩乐不知疲。The driver is safer when the road is dry,the road is safer when the driver is dry.道路道路不沾水不沾水,司机更安全;司机,司机更安全;司机不沾酒不沾酒,道路更,道路更安全。安全。音韵(Rhyme)具体表现为对偶、

21、排比、押韵等修辞手法。饭来张口,衣来伸手 have only to open ones mouth to be fed,and hold out ones hands to be dressedlead an easy life with everything providedlive on the labour of othersI take thee to my wedded husband,to have and to hold from this day forward,for better or worse,for richer or poorer,in sickness and i

22、n health,to love,honor,and cherish,till death do we part,according to Gods ordinance,and thereto I plight thee my troth.我接受你成为我的合法丈夫,从今以后永远拥有你,无论境遇是好是坏,是富贵是贫贱,是健康是疾病,我都会爱你,尊敬你并且珍惜你,直到死亡将我们分开。在上帝面前,我向你发誓。修辞补充修辞补充她的同伴如影随形地跟着她。(simile)Her companion follows her like a shadow.他铁石心肠。(metaphor)He has a hea

23、rt of stone.穿灰衣服的大鼻子仍然凝视着。(metonymy)Big Nose in grey still stared.修辞补充修辞补充鲜花向每一位来宾展开了笑容。(personification)The flowers smile at every visitor.要做时装模特的话,她可是百里挑一。(hyperbole)As for models,she is one in a thousand/million/the cream of the crop.这位老人含辛茹苦一辈子,现在安息了。(euphemism)The old man lay taking his rest af

24、ter a life of bitter hardship.修辞补充修辞补充她昨天度过了一个不眠之夜。(transferred epithet)She had a sleepless night last night.谋事在人,成事在天。(antithesis)Man proposes,God disposes.这里气候温和,四季分明,雨量充沛,日照充足,适合多种农作物的生产。(parallelism)It enjoys a temperate climate with well-marked seasons and has plenty of rainfall and sunshine,fa

25、vorable for growing crops.修辞补充修辞补充三人品字形坐了,随便谈了几句。(graphic)The three men sat down facing with each other and began casually chatting.要他钻进这个“工”字形的洞口,是完全不可能的。(graphic)It was just impossible for him to get into this I-shaped hole.八级翻译练习八级翻译练习Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what they

26、imagine they should be:rather,they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance,maintaining pretence,and manipulating others.They are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving,between being stupid and acting stupid,between being knowledgea

27、ble and acting knowledgeable.Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge.They can separate facts from opinions and dont pretend to have all the answers.They listen to others,evaluate what they say,but come to their own conc

28、lusions.Although winners can adore and respect other people,they are not totally defined,demolished,bound,or awed by them.Winners do not play helpless,nor do they play the blaming game.Instead,they assume responsibility for their own lives.Winners do not dedicate their lives to a concept of what the

29、y imagine they should be:rather,they are themselves and as such do not use their energy putting on a performance,maintaining pretence,and manipulating others.成功者不会穷其毕生之精力,执着于自我之臆想。相反他们会保持自己的本色,正因如此,他们不装腔作势,不自命不凡,不对别人指手画脚(四字词精简)。成功者不会毕生追求某种信念:即设想自己成为某种人。相反,他们即他们自己。因此,他们不会费神去装腔作势,故作姿态,摆布他人(四字词精简)。They

30、 are aware that there is a difference between being loving and acting loving,between being stupid and acting stupid,between being knowledgeable and acting knowledgeable.Winners do not need to hide behind a mask.他们知道真爱不同于装爱,真傻有异于装傻,博学有别于卖弄。(增译:使用同义词)他们明白:爱与装爱,傻与装傻,知与装知、是有区别的。(同词重复,省译)Winners do not n

31、eed to hide behind a mask.成功者无须躲在面具后面。成功者无须面具来伪装(引申)。Winners are not afraid to do their own thinking and to use their own knowledge.成功者无畏于独立思考,无畏于独立判断,独当一面。他们敢于独立思考,敢于学以致用。(反说正译)They can separate facts from opinions and dont pretend to have all the answers.他们能够在事实与传闻之间明辨是非,不会假称自己无所不晓。他们明辨是非,也不会不懂装懂。

32、(四字精简)They listen to others,evaluate what they say,but come to their own conclusions.他们倾听他人的意见,品评他人的言论,却能得出自己的结论。他们善于倾听,择善从之(引申+四字格),最后得出自己的结论。Although winners can adore and respect other people,they are not totally defined,demolished,bound,or awed by them.成功者敬仰尊重别人,但他不会受制于人,不会被他人所摧垮,不被他们所束缚,不会被他们所吓倒。(增译)虽然成功者也钦佩他人,尊敬他人,但是,他们不会完全被他人所限定、所摧垮、所束缚,所吓倒。Winners do not play helpless,nor do they play the blaming game.Instead,they assume responsibility for their own lives.成功者不会假装无助,也不会怨天尤人,相反,他们承担起自己生命的责任。成功者从不故意“示弱”,也从不怨天尤人。他们会毅然肩负起人生的责任。(省略副词)

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