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1、Unit 5 Topic 1 Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Master some new words and phrases:tourist, fetch, introduce, lie in2. Learn the attributive clause (with the use of that, which):(1)China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history.(2

2、)If you want to learn more, I can fetch you Guide to China. Its a book which introduces China in detail.3. Learn about geography of China.4. Train the students in loving our homeland through learning about geography of China. Teaching aids教具 录音机/五岳的美丽的图片/幻灯片. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Re

3、view 第一步 复 习(时间:15分钟)1. (幻灯片出示兵马俑、西湖、长城的图片,通过对风景名胜的复习教学生新词attract和tourist,并为1a对话的学习进行铺垫。)T:Whats this?Ss:Its Terra Cotta Warriors.T:What do you think of it?S1:Its one of the great wonders.T:Whats this?Ss:Its the Great Wall.T:What do you think of it?S2:Its great. Many people visit it every year. I ho

4、pe I can go there some day.T:Whats this?Ss:Its West Lake.T:What do you think of West Lake?S3:Its beautiful.2. (教师总结呈现新词:attract, tourist。)T:The Terra Cotta Warriors, West Lake and the Great Wall are the places of interest. Many tourists come to visit them every year. The tourists are from all over t

5、he world.(板书)tourist n.旅行者That is to say “The Great Wall attracts many tourists all over the world every year.”(板书)attract v.吸引,引起T: I think our country attracts me most. Do you know about China?(从话题的角度引出相关的中国地理中的名山与河流。)S4:Yes, I do.S5:Only a little.S6:No.T:Who can tell me what you know about China?

6、S7:There are some places of interest.S8:I think China has a long history.T:China is a big country that has about 5,000 years of history.(教师要解释that引导的定语从句。)T:Anything else?S9:I think China has many beautiful mountains and rivers.T:Well done. Can you list any of them?S10:The Yangtze River.S11:Mount Ta

7、i.S12:The Yellow River.S13:Mount Hua.(教师找出一张中国地图,通过对话的形式来解释fetch的用法。)T:Now I fetch you the map of China. Lets find out some more.(板书)fetch v. 去取某物来I can also say “I fetch the map of China for you.” Can you make a sentence using “fetch”?S14:Miss Wang, I will fetch a book for you.S15:Please fetch me a

8、 knife.S16:He fetched me a present just now.T:Mr.Zhang fetched me the book Guide to China, which introduces China in detail.(教师讲解which引导的定语从句,同时板书。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)(让学生听 1a录音,完成表格,将表格画在黑板上。)1. T:Listen to the tape twice and finish the chart.IemsNames of mountains or riversbeautifu

9、l mountainsfamous rivers(录音放完后,找学生到黑板上填写答案。)T:Who can come here and write down your answers?S1: Mount Song Mount Hengthe Yangtze River the Yellow River (为了进一步的呈现五岳及定语从句,教师继续以提问的方式引导。)T:What else do you know about the beautiful mountains and famous rivers?S2:Mount Hua.S3:Mount Heng.S4:Zhu Jiang River

10、.T:Well done. Mount Tai, Mount Hua, Mount Heng, Mount Heng, Mount Song are five famous mountains in our country. But where are they?S5:Mount Tai is in Shandong Province.T:We also say“Mount Tai lies in Shandong Province.”Others? (教师要注意语调。)S6:Mount Hua lies in Shaanxi Province.S7:Mount Heng lies in Sh

11、anxi Province.S8:Mount Heng lies in Hunan Province.S9:Are you sure? It lies in Shanxi Province.T:(微笑)Oh, S7 is right. But S8 is also right. There are two Mount Heng. They are in different provinces.“衡”和“恒”S9:Is that so?T:Yes.2. (教师出示五岳的美丽图片,以泰山为例,进行师生对话。)T:What a beautiful place! Where is it?S10:Its

12、 Mount Tai. It lies in Shandong Province.T:We can also say“Its Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province. ”(教师解释定语从句中that,which可互换的情况。)(教师换华山的图片,继续师生对话。)T:What a beautiful place! Where is it?S11:Its Mount Hua that/which lies in Shaanxi Province.T:Have you ever been there before?S11:No, I havent

13、.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:7分钟)1. (教师把五岳的图片分到各小组进行pair work,让学生针对定语从句的Model进行两人一组的对话,教师要进行指导。)T:Please make a conversation about these mountains with your partner. Lets go.2. (检查对话的结果,每两小组成为一组,一组说另一组听,每四人讲出一个优秀的对话。)T:Stop here. Now four students one group. Tell your conversation to your partne

14、rs. Lets collect a better one.3. (两分钟后,教师要求展示几组优秀的对话。)T:Now lets listen to some conversations together.S1:What a beautiful place! Where is it?S2:I dont think so. But I know its Mount Heng which/that lies in Shanxi Province. I think its dangerous.S1:Have you ever been there before?S2:Never. But I thi

15、nk I will go there some day.T:Good.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:6分钟)1. (由五岳名山过渡到学生家乡的山、水、人。)T:We all know, Mount Tai, Mount Hua, Mount Heng, Mount Song are in different directions. They also have their own special scenery. What about your hometown? Where is it? Are there any beautiful mountains or fam

16、ous rivers?(给学生3分钟时间组织语言。)2. T:Lets introduce our hometown. The information on the blackboard can help you.Direction: east, west, north, south, Scenery: (mountains, rivers) beautiful, long, clear, high, green Food: delicious People: friendly, kind 3. (为降低难度,教师也可以给学生提供一个范例。)Example: My hometown is a

17、small town that lies in the west of Chifeng. There is a beautiful river flowing in front of my house. Its not wide, but its long. The water is clean and clear. Our hometown is surrounded by high mountains. The mountains are all the year round. is famous for the red mountains. There are many kinds of

18、 delicious food in our hometown. Especially . It is made of which is surrounded by . Its delicious. The most important is that people are very friendly. Welcome to . Come along!4. (任务设置的目的是调动全体学生参与到活动中来,展示的同时要注意让学生都有事做,所以在group work的展示中,一个说,三个听并做评委,要求四个人中每个人都说一次,同时每个人都做三次评委,选出最优秀的那个。)T:Tell your par

19、tners your hometown. Choose the best one in your group.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)1. (进行一个group work, 复习所学的中国地理。)(1)教师将事先准备好的中国地形图分给各组。(2)要求各组拿出笔、纸进行查找和记录关于中国的名山、大河。(3)组与组间进行汇报。(4)教师选个别的组进行展示。T: Lets find out the beautiful mountains and famous rivers in the map of China. Write them on a piece

20、of paper.(3分钟后)Group A reports your result to Group B. Group C reports to Group D (2分钟后)Please tell me your results.Group A: Group B: Group C: Group D: 2. (进行一个语法练习,巩固which, that引导的定语从句。)(1)教师出示一块小黑板,要求用that,which来连接两个句子。T: Look at the small blackboard and connect these sentences using which or that

21、. This is the photo. You took the photo last summer. The building is a supermarket. The building stands near the train station. The computer was sold out. I wanted to buy that computer. That is the Yellow River. The Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese culture.(2)给出答案,并复习that/which引导定语从句的用法。3.

22、Homework(1)收集所有你知道的中国的、世界的地理名词,包括山川,河流等,进行分类整理。MountainsRiversChinaWorld(2)布置对话,主题为旅游。要求: 出现旅游景点:名山,大河。 尽量用定语从句。Section BThe main activities are 1a and 2a.本课重点活动是1a和2a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master some new words and phrases:well, be(well) worth doing, experience, as soon as possible, e t

23、rue, bridge2. Learn the attributive clause (with the use of that, which):(1)Thats the most fantastic place that I have ever heard of.(2)West Lake which lies in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in China.3. Learn about geography of China:The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, West Lake4. Train the student

24、s in loving our motherland. Teaching aids教具录音机/幻灯片/投影仪/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步 复 习(时间:10分钟)1. (教师出示一张自己旅行的照片,是集体的合影,复习旅行的话题进而导入。)T:Whos the beautiful girl?Ss:Miss Wang.T:You can ask me some questions according to the picture.S1:Where did you go on your trip?T:I went to.S

25、2:What did you see there?T:I saw white sheep, green grass, blue sky and friendly people.S3:Are there any delicious food?T:Yes, there are. Such as cheese, fresh milk, fresh mutton(羊肉), milk tea and so on.S4:Whom did you go with?T:I went there with my classmates.S5:When did you go there?T:I went there

26、 in 1998. At that time I was a student, too.S6:What do you think of your trip?T:We enjoyed ourselves at that time.(板书)ourselves pron.我们自己myself 我自己2. (复习反身代词,教师制作一些反身代词的表格,以竞赛的形式复习反身代词,加强巩固ourselves。)(1)T: Lets have a match. Fill in the chart quickly and correctly. Who is the first? Begin!Isheitweyo

27、uYourselfhimselfthemselves(此表格是发给学生要他们填写的。)(2)T: Now, stop. I have two of ten. Lets check them.(从10个中选择优秀的两个,给小红花以示奖励。)3. (检查作业,呈现the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau。)(1)T: Last class, I asked you to collect the mountains and the rivers that you know. Now tell me your results.(学生们汇报收集的结果。)T:Good. I think you

28、all do your best to collect them. But Iwant to know what is the highest mountain in the world?S7:Mount Everest.T:OK, where is Mount Everest?Ss:在青藏高原。T:Whats “青藏高原” in English?Its Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.(板书)Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 青藏高原(2)(教师可以针对青藏高原进行简单的问答,为下一步呈现扫清障碍。)T:Where is the Qinghai-Tibet Platea

29、u?S8:Its in the west of China.S9:Its in the north of China.T:Its in the southwest of China. Its a fantastic place. Do you want to know anything else about it?Ss:Yes.T:Lets learn 1a.Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)1. (以听力的形式呈现1a。)T:Listen to the tape twice and make True (T) or False (F).(幻灯片出示听力题目,

30、边听边判断。)( )(1)The Greens went to Tibet last summer.( )(2)They didnt enjoy themselves there.( )(3)They visited Jokhang Temple and Yangba Well.( )(4)The weather there never changes.( )(5)Susanna looks forward to visiting there as soon as possible.The answers are:(1)T (2)F (3)T (4)F (5)T2. (板书,听力中的第五个句子

31、,让学生读一遍对话,在对话中找到该句的同义句,呈现be eager to。)T:Read the dialog once and find out the sentence which has the fifth same meaning with the fifth sentence on the blackboard.I want to go there as soon as possible.want to = be eager to3. (Pair work. 读对话,找出关键词。)(1)T: Read the dialog with your partner and find out

32、 the key words and phrases.(2)(找几组学生到黑板写出他们找到的关键词。)(3)(教师用幻灯片的形式出示由关键词组成的对话图解。) Susanna: be eager to visit(教师可以在学生找出的关键词中解释be worth doing的用法。)be worth doing sth. 值得做;做是值得的Love Me Once More, Mom is worth seeing.He is worth helping. Because he is a warm-hearted man. (教师解释只能用that引导的定语从句。)Thats the most

33、 fantastic place that I have ever heard of.Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩 固(时间:7分钟)1. (利用上步找出的关键词,不看课本来复述对话,给学生大约3分钟的时间来自己组织语言复述。)T:Lets retell the dialog according to the key words and phrases on the screen.2. (展示复述的结果,选择优、中、差三个学生作示范。)T:Who can retell the dialog?S1: (中)S2: (差)S3: (优)3. (为调动多数学生参与说,进行pa

34、ir work,一个说,另一个听,再反之。)T:Retell the dialog with your partner, and then change with each other.4. (完成课本1b部分。) T:Lets finish 1b. Fill in the blanks according to the dialog.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练 习(时间:12分钟)1. (听力练习,完成Section A 3。)T:As we know, China is a big country. It has many rivers and lakes, such as

35、 the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake and so on. What do you know about them? Lets listen to the tape and choose the right information.the Yangtze Riverthe Yellow RiverDongting LakePoyang Lake2. (复述每条河、湖的相关信息。)Example: The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.

36、 It goes through nine provinces and at last joins the Bohai Sea. Its the birthplace of Chinese culture.3. (由听力原文中的河流、湖泊过渡到西湖。)(1)T:Do you know West Lake?Ss:Yes, I do.T:What do you know about it?S1:I know the story about West Lake.S2:I know the poem about West Lake.(可以让学生用汉语来表述关于西湖的诗句及故事。)S3:I know i

37、ts beautiful.T:Do you know where is West Lake?S4:It lies in Hangzhou.T:Whats West Lake famous for?(2)(带着问题让学生读短文。)T:Read the passage and find out what West Lake is famous for.(2分钟后。)S5:West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery and some poems.(3)(Group work. 读短文,找出难以理解的短语或句子。)T: Four students, on

38、e group. Read the passage again and find out the phrases and sentences that you cant understand.(本环节的处理教师要本着学生能自己解决的问题由学生自己来解决的原则,学生不能解决的再提供必要的帮助。)(教师要指出第一段中的定语从句,有必要让学生来翻译,并指出that可替换which。)West Lake which lies in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in China.(学生可能会有难以解决的问题。)West Lake is surroun

39、ded on three sides by mountains with many tourist attractions:Sudi Causeway, Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda and so on.be surrounded on three sides by mountains 三面环山Whats more, the surrounding area of West Lake is the home of the famousDragon Well Tea.Whats more 而且,并且the surrounding area 周边地区(4)(Group

40、 work, 教师把图解做在小纸片上,由各组快速完成。) West LakePosition: The parts of the West Lake: Tourists: Famous reasons: Others: Group Group (选前五名的小组作汇报。)T: Please report your information about West Lake to the class Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:6分钟)1. (做一张明信片,一面是我国的名山或河流,另一面是英文的简介。)T:Please make a postcard using the

41、pictures of the mountains and rivers in China. Then write some information about them. West Lake is in Hangzhou.It is famous because of notonly beautiful scenery butalso some poems.2. Homework(1)找出Section B中出现的所有的定语从句,对比它们和Section A中的相同点和不同点。(2)Match the mountains, rivers with the right information.

42、 Mount Taia. Shandong Province, sunrise. Mount Songb. the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, weather changes a lot. West Lakec. Shaolin Temple, Henan Province. Tibetd. the home of the famous Dragon Well Tea.Section CThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Master some new

43、words and phrases:be known as, heaven, island, break down2. Learn the attributive clause (with the use of that, which):(1)There are three beautiful places which shouldnt be missed by visitors to China.(2)Its the best hotel that I know.3. Learn about geography of China:Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan4. T

44、rain the students in loving our great country through the learning of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Teaching aids教具中国地图(政区图)/小黑板/投影仪/港、澳、台的相关图片. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:18分钟)1. (利用上节课做的明信片,让学生口述明信片的图片,复习中国的名山大川。)T:Who can come here and introduce your postcard to us?S1:

45、(拿着自己制作的明信片,只需介绍明信片的图。)This is a picture about Guilin. Guilin lies in Guangxi Province. Guilin is a beautiful place which is famous for its mountains and water. We all know Guilins mountains and water are the first in the world. I hope to go on a trip to Guilin some day.S2:Im only a high school student. I have n

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