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1、江西理工大学南昌校区毕业设计(论文)大学生英语阅读障碍及其对策College Students English Reading Obstacles and Strategies 系 部:文 理 系专 业:商务英语班 级:08级二班学 生: 学 号:08361222指导教师: 职称: AbstractReading is a basic ability in learning English. English, as a second or foreign language, it becomes more and more important. Without reading, we can

2、not know foreign language; without reading, we can not have progress. For college students, English reading is a skill in learning English. But now, many college students do not have the satisfied English reading capacity. Their reading ability need to be improved if they want to have higher grade i

3、n every text. As English is an international language, the requirement for college students in English becomes higher and higher. English is so essential that college students must improve English reading abilities. This paper is aimed to analyze the obstacles that influence the improvement of colle

4、ge students abilities in English reading, and bring up some strategies to improve their reading ability. First, the paper analyzes the knowledge obstacles for hindering college students reading ability: vocabularies obstacles, grammar obstacles, background knowledge obstacles; second, it analyzes th

5、e non-knowledge obstacles: psychological obstacles, reading habit, reading speed, reading skill; finally, it will bring up the strategies to solve the problems. Keywords: English Reading;College Students;Obstacles;Strategies 摘 要阅读是英语学习中的一项基本技能。英语作为第二语言或外语,已经变得越来越重要。随着世界经济的全球化,英语已逐渐成为一种世界语言。因而学生的英语学习


7、障碍,阅读习惯,阅读速度,阅读技巧;最后,文章提出了一些策略去解决这些问题。关键词:英语阅读;大学生;障碍;策略ContentsAbstractI. Introduction.1II. The Obstacles in English reading .22.1 Knowledge Obstacles.22.1.1 Vocabulary obstacles.2 2.1.2 Grammar obstacles.2 2.1.3 Background knowledge obstacles.22.2 Non-Knowledge Obstacles.32.2.1 Psychological obsta

8、cles.32.2.2 Reading habits.42.2.3 Reading speed.42.2.4 Reading skills.5III. Strategies in Improving English Reading53.1 Accumulate Vocabularies.53.2 Strengthen Grammar.63.3 Accumulate Knowledge in Background and Life.73.4 Cultivate Good Reading Habits.7IV. Conclusion.8BibliographyAcknowledgement目 录摘

9、要第一章 引言.1第二章 大学生英语阅读中的障碍.22.1 知识性障碍.22.1.1词汇障碍.22.1.2 语法障碍.22.1.3 背景知识障碍.22.2 非知识性障碍.32.2.1 心理障碍.32.2.2 阅读习惯.32.2.3 阅读速度.42.2.4 阅读技巧.5第三章 应对策略.53.1积累词汇.53.2 加强语法知识.63.3 积累背景知识.73.4 培养好的学习习惯.7第四章 结束语.8致谢参考文献I. IntroductionReading is a basic ability in learning English. Its contents are widely involvi

10、ng economic, political, social culture, science popularization, character and other aspects. Simply said, English reading can be divided into two classes: for study purpose and for pleasure. English reading is not only the purpose of learning English, but also the learning method and approach. Readi

11、ng is one of the four important skills in English. In terms of studying purpose, English reading mainly affect the students abilities of reading comprehension. It is also a skill that the students need to possess to support independent and self directed learning. As English is an international langu

12、age, the requirement for college students in English becomes higher and higher. Especially in CET 4 or CET 6, English reading comprehension is a key part that influences the success. English reading is the psychological process of absorbing and transforming information. It is used to search informat

13、ion. English reading is not simply to input information. What is more, to process and reorganize the information which have been stored in readers minds. As for Chinese college students, English reading is not only the end of reading English, but also the means of it. Penny Ur. A Course in Language

14、Teaching: Practice and Theory.Cambridge University Press, 2000.8. English reading is the major way to train students comprehension, and also the carrier for students to learn new words, new grammar and consolidate the old knowledge. So college students have to culture good reading skill. But nowaday

15、s, many college students do not have the sense that English reading is important. And also they have no interesting in English reading. At present, college students reading skill is too low to be satisfied. Some of them can not finish the reading in time; some of them can not grasp the meaning of th

16、e reading materials; others may be fed up with the passages when materials are too long or there are too many new words in reading materials. But we know that English is everywhere. As college students, English is necessary for us to have the contact with the world. In 21 century, a college student

17、who does not have good English is not a real college student. Since, it is so essential to improve college students English reading abilities. Therefore, this paper is aimed to analyze the obstacles that influence the improvement of college students abilities in English reading and bring up some str

18、ategies to improve their reading ability.II. The Obstacles in English Reading English reading is one of the most frequent activities in English language. In English learning, English reading plays a very important role. However, many college students reading level is not satisfied. There are some pr

19、oblems still exist in college students English reading process. The obstacles what influence the improvement of college students reading abilities, that is, knowledge obstacles and non-knowledge obstacles.2.1 Knowledge Obstacles2.1.1 Vocabulary obstacles English discourse is composed by four syntax

20、structure units: words, phrase, sentences, and paragraphs. Word is the basic unit, so we can know that the vocabulary is the foundation of language, and every reading material is made up of a number of words.Vocabulary deficiency is the main reason which affects reading level. Because of the underst

21、anding of words directly affect the understanding about the sentences. Dictionary with a large vocabulary contains as many as 200,000 entries. But common college students usually master 5,000 to 8,000 words. It is simply a drop in the bucket. Whats more, some scientific and technical terms as well a

22、s catchphrase continually appear on reading paper. It is no doubt that these situations add the difficulty to English reading. The range of vocabulary is so narrow that students can not understand the meaning of articles when they meet new words, they feel confused and moreover, some of them would c

23、ount on dictionary or e-dictionary, which either wastes lots of time or the meaning they doesnt necessarily meet the one in the context. Some student students even suspend the reading activity but focus on the new words. Lack of vocabulary is not only influence the correct and comprehensive comprehe

24、nsion about the whole test, but also affects readers interest and independence. 李俊.论词汇的深度和广度与阅读理解的关系J.外语教学,2003,(2):21-24. 2.1.2 Grammar ObstaclesIn the process of English learning, the grammar knowledge is also indispensable. The complicated words, sentences and sentences compose to discourse. This

25、 is the function of grammar. Because of the difference in syntax language habits and customs of the culture, English grammar and Chinese grammar also exists great differences. Lack of grammar knowledge would certain affect the quality of reading comprehension. Especially when encounter with the clau

26、se, sentences and complex sentences, but also need to analyze the sentence structure to understand the meaning of the sentences. For example, when there are long sentences or difficult sentences in reading material, usually students can not find out the central words, they can not divide the element

27、s of sentence and can not understand the meaning of sentence if they do not have the strong grammar knowledge. 2.1.3 Background Knowledge ObstaclesAs we all know, reading material is the product of certain society and culture. The differences of the areas of national life, shrouding, social system a

28、nd civilization lead to the diversity of every nations thinking style, language habit and behavior. Language and culture are inseparable, language is the carrier of the culture, culture is the contents of the language. (邓昌炎1998). The cultural background determines greatly the students level on accep

29、tance of information and comprehension of the article. In English reading process, although language knowledge is the foundations of reading, the culture differences between countries always cause short-circuit reading (means do not receive the meaning reading). For example, in English comprehension

30、, when college students read population growth is the Achilles hell of economic development, they usually can not have right comprehension about the Achilles hell(阿碦流斯的脚跟). Besides, within the vigorous development of natural sciences, humanities and science of life, in the last of twenty century, wi

31、thin the deeply depending of chinas reforming and opening, more and more foreign scientific information spring into china. Because most of the college students come from rural, so they have the relative narrow channels to obtain information. Thus they may face the huge barriers when there are many t

32、erms in the reading materials. 2.2 Non-knowledge Obstacles 2.2.1 Psychological obstacles Reading is a complex intellectual activity which is affected by many factors. An psychology autistics(New Edition)who name is Guy shogun has pointed out that reading comprehension is consistent with language com

33、prehension a complicated and general comprehension in a complicated psycholinguistic poss. It is annotative porous between the reader and the text. He believes that the relation between the reading and meet are extremely close. Reading is a psychology activity; psychological quantity is the one of d

34、irect factors, which affects the accuracy of English reading comprehension. In the English reading because of the long article or new words, difficult sentence, students would feel worried and lose the courage to finish reading 2.2.2 Reading habit Habit is a behavior or a tendency which formed in th

35、e long-term living. It is not easy to change. A good habit benefits a person for a life time. But many college students do not have good reading habit. These bad habits seriously affect students reading ability. First, Translation reading means coheres English into Chinese while relies on dictionary

36、. Students always search for dictionary when they met new words in reading precise. Through the way the can clear up the meaning of new words, and smithy carry on the reading. But it is easy for them to get into the habit of being addicted to recuing on dictionary and always it will slow down the sp

37、eed of reading, If without the help of dictionary in the formal exam, students would have troubles in reading to the habit that searching for dictionary seriously influence the improvement of students ability in English reading. Second, they lack of integrity in reading. Reading is not only grip the

38、 meaning of sentence in the whole, or just understand one sentence, many students usually in chaos in the collection of sentence and sentence, paratroops and paragraphs.Third, students do not pay attention to the reading concentration is the premise of effective reading. Few students may think for s

39、omething else in English reading, so they always find out that they can not finish reading in time. 2.2.3 Reading speed English reading speed is determined by the vocabulary, grammar reading habit and reading skills. Awarding to the reading spec coulee students problems are presented in two sides: t

40、he reading speed is too fast or the speed is too low. Reading speed is so fast that students just read words by words, they can not scan the meaning of the articles. They read fast, but they do not know the purpose of this paper. The formal reading peed is 150w.p.m (words per minute). A person who h

41、as the fast speed can read 500-600 per minute, some one else even can read about 1000 words in one minute. Although fast speed is the premise of correct understanding or know from this article. It does not mean that the slower the better. Reading too slow would be a problem .students can not finish

42、reading in time. Especially in the formal exams, for example .in CET4orLET6, students do not pad it mainly because they do one have enough time to do the text. For this reason, the reading speed has an effective influence on students success in English reading. 2.2.4 Reading skillGood reading strate

43、gy can make students more effective in half time. On the country, lack of good reading skill would be a barrier in English reading. Reading skills such as extensive reading, intensive reading, scan reading, are applied to different material. The so called reading skill refers to use different readin

44、g methods to solve all kinds of reading such as that they can not distinguish primary and secondary, can not find the key words, can not find the central sentences so their reading ability is limited. Lack of reading skill has several negative impact, it is a waste of time, a waste of energy, whats

45、more, it is also an obstacle in improve reading levelIII. Strategies in Improving English Reading Knowledge is power. Now English has been the international language. Its importance is self-evident It is an urgent problem for college students to improve English level. There are some strategies in improving English reading ability.3.1 Accumulate vocabularyNowadays, our society is a knowledge explosion society. Many new words appear in our life. Narrow vocabulary must hinder our normal reading progress. British linguists Wel

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