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1、Learning to Learn目标:1. To increase students awareness of cooperation and help students know about what they should keep in mind in effective group work and encourage them to take an active part in it.2. To encourage record-keeping of new vocabulary and grammar.3. To help students learn about how goo

2、d they are at speaking and writing.4. To master the usage of the important new words in this part.课前 自主预习I 词汇认知 根据首字母及英文释义写出单词1. p_:to take part in or become involved in an activity2. e_:to judge or calculate the quality, importance, amount or value of something3. a_:to plan or prepare for, to organ

3、ize4. s_:to write your name to show that you agree with its contents5. h_:to chase and try to catch and kill an animal or bird for food, sport or profit6. c_:a group of objects of one type that have been collected by one person or in one place7. a_:a female actor8. b_:a sport in which two people fig

4、ht each other with their hands9. w_:a person who writes books or stories10. d_:a sea animal that looks like a large fish with a pointed mouthII根据提示完成下列短语1. 记住,牢记在心_ in _2. 对负责be _ for3. 守时,遵守时间 _ the time4. 对行动有清晰的计划 have a clear _ of _5. 倘若/要是怎么样 _ _6. 与某人谈论某事talk _/_ sb. _ sth.7. 尽快(时间) as _ as _尽

5、快(速度) as _ as _8. 解决问题 _ the problem9. 不拘束/自由,随便做某事 feel _ _ _ sth.10. 参加讨论_ in the _11. 填写一个表格fill _ a form12. 评价小组成员的表现 _ group members _13. 单独地,独自地,靠自己_ ones _14. 毕业,离校,辍学 _ _15. 上大学 _ _ _16. 在课余时间 _ school hours17. 使某事得以被做 get sth. _18. 如果不,要是没有_ _19. 安排做某事_ to do sth.20. 由于任何原因 _ any _由于的原因 _.

6、reason的原因 the reason _21. 相互交流 _ _ each other22. 有做的方法 have a way/ways _ _/of doing sth.23. 为了好玩,为了开心 for _24. 手势语 _ _25. 查字典 _ _ in a dictionary/_ to a dictionary26. 不止一个 _ _ one27. 符合,适合,与一致 _ with38. 以为基础/根据 be _ _29. 在周末 _/_ weekends/_ the weekend30. 喜欢做而不喜欢做 _ doing _ doingprefer _ _ rather tha

7、n _III必背句子1. What if somebody in my group isnt doing any work?2. So its good to learn how to do it now.3. Couldnt have said it better myself.4. If not, then your group should arrange to meet outside of school hours and choose a time thats best for most people in the group.5. Some animals, like dolph

8、ins or bees, have ways of communicating, but only humans like using language for fun.6. .they could only use their voices like small babies do.7. But there are probably more that we havent discovered yet.8. If there is more than one definition, use the context to help you decide.9. At weekends, he u

9、sually goes to the gym, and does different kinds of sports with his friends.10. He enjoys watching baseball games and tennis, but he hates watching boxing. He thinks its too dangerous.11. He prefers skating to swimming.12. His favorite sports star is Yao Ming. He admires him very much.课堂 互动探究核心词汇 讲练

10、悟1. participate(vi.) 意为“参加,参与”(为正式用语)用法拓展:participate in 参加,参与e.g. I dont want to participate in the English party. 我不想参加英语晚会。Everyone in the class is expected to _ _ _ _. 希望全班同学参加讨论。词性拓展:participant(n.) 参加者participation(n.) 参加,参与应用:Our employees are encouraged to _ in the decision-making process.A.

11、 participate B. attend C. takeD. enter (A)注:participate in=take part in但更为正式;join指加入党派、组织或社会团体;join in加入小规模的活动。He lied about his age to join the army. He was chosen to take part in(participate in ) the discussion. 2. evaluate(vt.)意为“评估,评价”e.g.An expert will evaluate the old furniture in this house.

12、一位专家将来对屋内的旧家具作评估。The teacher _ the _ of each student. 教师评价每个学生的表现。词性拓展: evaluation(n.) 评价,估计辨析:evaluate/value/estimateevaluate表示“评价”时,是指为查明事情的本质而进行的大量判断与分析。很少用来表示“估计”某物的市场价值;value表示“估计某物的价值、价格”,还有“重视”之意; estimate是指对某物的性质,数量无法清算或数清时,做出最大概的推断、估计,表示的“估价”只是猜测,甚至只是一种想法。e.g.It is estimated that the meetin

13、g will last four days. 这次会议预计要开四天。The movie is _ to cost $50 million to make.摄制这部电影估计要五千万美元。Hevaluedthehouseformeat3,500.他为我估价了这幢房子,说值3500英镑。I_youradvice.我很重视你的忠告。应用:How do teacher _ their students work? It was _ that there were more than 2250 spiders in one acre of grass field. They have gone to ha

14、ve their jewels _. (evaluate; estimated; valued)3. arrange(vt.) 意为“安排,准备,筹备;排列,整理;约定”用法拓展:arrange (for) 安排, 准备arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事arrange to do sth.安排做某事arrange for sb. to do sth.安排某人做某事arrange with sb. about sth. 与某人商定某事arrange with sb. to do sth. 与某人约定做某事arrange that安排, 准备e.g.We have arran

15、ged a party. 我们准备了一个晚会。 I have _ _ _ her at ten oclock. 我安排好在十点钟会见她。They have _ _ another man to take his place.他们已安排另一个人去接替他的位置。We _ _ his team _ _ a game of baseball.我们约好跟他的球队打一场棒球。He arranged the books on the shelf. 他把书架上的书整理了一下。 In a dictionary the words _ _ in alphabetical order. 词典里的词是按字母顺序编排的

16、。 The manager arranged that the meeting (should) be put off for a couple of days.经理安排会议推迟几天。词性拓展: arrangement(n.) 安排,筹备,整理,布置(常用复数)注:arrange 在用法上应注意以下几点: 1. 用作及物动词表示“安排,准备”时,其后通常接事情,而不接具体的人或东西。若接具体的人或东西则需后接介词for,如以下前两例中的for不宜省去;后接事情作宾语时,其后接不接介词for均可(在现代英语中以不接为多见)。e.g.Well arrange for an experienced

17、teacher. 我们将安排一位有经验的教师。 Ive arranged for a taxi. 我已安排好了一辆计程车。 Would you like to arrange (for) a personal interview? 你希望安排一次个别接见吗? 2. 要表示汉语的“安排某人做某事”,英语习惯上不说 arrange sb. to do sth.,而说arrange for sb. to do sth.。e.g.Ive arranged for Mary to meet you at the airport. 我已经安排玛丽去机场接你。 3. 其后接that引导的宾语从句,从句谓语通

18、常用虚拟语气,但有时也可用将来时态。 e.g.They arranged that the meeting (should) be put off to Saturday. 他们安排把会议推迟到星期六。Ive arranged that one of our representatives will meet you at the airport. 我已安排好派一个代表到机场接你。 4. sign(n.) 意为“符号,记号;迹象,征兆;手势,示意;招牌”(vt./vi.) 意为“签名, 签约,打手势示意”拓展:the/a sign of 的迹象sign language手势语sign ones

19、 name 签名sign (to) sb. (not) to do sth. 示意某人(不)做某事signup签约受雇signup for报名参加signoff结束写信e.g.Pay attention to road signs. 注意路标。Dark clouds are _ _ _ rain. 乌云是下雨的征兆。She put her finger to her lips as a sign to be quiet.她把手指放到嘴上示意大家安静。Shall I sign here? 我在这里签字吗?The policeman _ _ me _ _. 警察示意让我停下来。应用:He has

20、not given any _ that he will accept the offer.A. examples B. signs C. marks D. symbols (B)重点短语fill out 意为“填写”e.g.It took me quite a while to fill out the questionnaire. 填写那份问卷花了我好长一段时间。Please _ _ the form with your personal information. 请在表格内填入你的个人信息。拓展:fill in 填充,填写,填满fill up填满,装满fillwith 给充满/装满be

21、filled with 充满着应用:Now, will you please _ these custom form(报关表) for each package?A. fill B. fill up C. fill out D. fill with (C)重难句导学What if somebody in my group isnt doing any work? 倘若我的小组内某个人什么工作也不做该怎么办?解析: 句中what if意为“倘若会怎么样;要是会怎么样;如果会怎么样”,what if后面跟一个句子,相当于:What will/would happen if? e.g.What if

22、 the train is late?火车要是晚点会怎么样?What if she forgets to bring it?要是她忘记把它带来,会怎么样?_ _ she finds out that youve lost her book?要是她发现你把她的书丢了怎么办?达标同步检测一、根据提示,写出单词的正确形式1. She actively p_ in local politics.2. I cant e_ his ability without seeing his work.3. Ive a_ for him to attend the meeting.4. There are six

23、 c_ of letters every day.5. He hasnt given any s_ that he will accept the offer.6. A man or woman who acts on the stage, TV or in films is an a_ or an a_.7. The w_ of book lived in the eighteenth century.二、完成句子1. After the earthquake, many volunteers _ _(参加) the rescue work.2. Due to the urgent situ

24、ation, the school _ _(安排) the children to leave school at once.3. Now, please _ _(填写) the form carefully and return it to me.4. Please _ _(随便) to ask me any question.5. She _ _(毕业) three years ago and have worked as a nurse ever since.6. He runs a big farm _ _ _(独自).7. _ _(倘使) I dont know anyone at

25、the party?8. Young people sometimes complain of not being able to _ _(与交流) their parents.三、单句改错1. What if she wont come on time? _2. Unfortunately, she didnt participate the discussion. _3. Education has a great affect on the future of every child. _4. Do feel free help yourself at home. _5. The dea

26、f and dumb can communicate each other. _6. Ill hand in my composition the moment I get it finishing. _7. This computer works well. If so, return it to us and get your money back. _8. At weekends, he usually does different kind of sports with his friends. _9. He prefers skating than swimming. _10. Il

27、l never forget the days when we spent together. _四、介、副词填空1. Keep _ mind that youll have to practise more.2. We should work hard. If _, we will fail in the college entrance examination.3. If you want to apply for the position, you should fill _ a form first.4. Youd better not look _ every new word wh

28、ile reading; you can learn to guess some.5. I dont like his way _ talking. He gives others an impression that he is the greatest.6. He was lucky to be able to participate _ the match.7. _ weekends, he always goes out with his family to enjoy themselves.8. Do college students often take part _ a conv

29、ersation or a debate?9. Try your best to finish the work _ your own.10. The best way to do that, in my opinion, is to learn to really communicate _ others.五、单项填空1. There will be a discussion tomorrow, and all those who want to _ it, please raise your hands.A. join B. take part C. take a part D. part

30、icipate in2. You mustnt get _ to the tiger, you can watch it _ in the distance.A. close, close B. close, closely C. closely, closely D. closely, close3. After he left _ school, he became a worker. A. a B. an C. / D. the4. I have arranged _ him _ the interview. A. with, about B. with, on C. for, for

31、D. with, to5. We have planned to set out tomorrow._ it rains tomorrow?A. Even if B. As if C. How if D. What if6. May I use your new dictionary? I want to look a word up.Its over there. _.A. Feel freeB. Got it C. No problem D. It depends 答案:课前 自主预习I 词汇认知1. participate 2. evaluate 3. arrange 4. sign 5

32、. hunt 6. collection 7. actress 8. boxing 9. write 10. dolphinII根据提示完成下列短语1. keep, mind 2. responsible 3. keep 4. plan, action 5. what if 6. to, with, about 7. soon, possible; quickly, possible 8. solve 9. free to do 10. participate, discussion 11. out 12. evaluate, performance 13. on, own 14. leave

33、 school 15. go to university 16. outside 17. done 18. if not 19. arrange 20. for, reason; for; for 21. communicate with 22. to do 23. fun 24. sign language 25. look up; refer 26. more than 27. fit 28. based on 29. at, on; at 30. prefer, to; to do, do课堂 互动探究1. participate in the discussion 2. evaluat

34、ed, performance; estimated; value 3. arranged to meet; arranged for; arranged with, to play; are arranged 4. a sign of; signed to to stop 5. fill out 6. What if达标同步检测一、根据提示,写出单词的正确形式1. participates 2. evaluate 3. arranged 4. collections 5. sign 6. actor; actress 7. writer二、完成句子1. participated, in 2.

35、 arranged, for 3. fill, out 4. feel, free 5. left, school 6. on, his, own 7. What, if 8. communicate, with三、单句改错1. wontdoesnt 2. participate后加 in 3. affecteffect 4. free后加 to 5. communicate后加 with 6. finishingfinished 7. sonot 8. kindkinds 9. thanto 10. whenthat/which或去掉 when四、介、副词填空1. in 2. not 3.

36、out 4. up 5. of 6. in 7. At 8. in 9. on 10. with五、单项填空1-6 DBCADAUnit 7 The SeaWarm-up & Lesson 1 The Spirit of Explorers课前 自主预习I 词汇认知 根据首字母及英文释义写出单词1. v_:a long journey, especially by sea or in space2. p_:to make sb. do sth. by giving them good reasons for doing it3. e_:at the end of a period of tim

37、e or a series of events4. a_:a person in your family who lived a long time ago5. a_:to say that you are sorry for doing something wrong or for causing a problem6. j_: an act of traveling from one place to another7. f_: making you feel afraid or nervous8. l_: a long talk given to a group of people on

38、 a particular subject, especially as a method of teaching in universities9. u_: not known or familiar10. d_: an action that is performed intentionally or consciouslyII根据提示完成下列短语1. 海洋污染 sea _2. 参加一次辩论赛 take _ in a _3. 去冲浪 go _去滑水 go _ _4. 用令人害怕的声音 in a _ voice5. 令人放松的一天 a _ day 6. 保持冷静 _ _7. 海上风暴 a _ at _8. 水下世界 the _ world9. 第一批欧洲人 the first _10. 在之前很久 _ _不久以后 _ _11. 一个名叫的人 a man _/_.12. 多达 as _/_ as13. 扬帆,启航 _ _14. 根据,按照 _ to15. 迫使某人做某事 _ sb. _ _ sth.被迫做某事 be _ _ _ sth.16. 谋杀 _ a _自杀 _

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