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1、“拥有命运之矛的人将掌握世界的命运”命运之矛自从二战之后就下落不明(墨西哥)曼纽尔Manuel.曼纽尔!Manuel!曼纽尔Manuel.片名:地狱神探(洛杉矶)我想I think. . . .我给你找着了一个I think I found you one.这次我可是给你打电话了Look, I called you, right?我一发现自己搞不定 就马上给你打电话了,约翰Soon as I couldnt pull it out myself,I called you, John.别担心,没事的 我们必须得把她绑上,你明白吗?Its okay, its okay.We had to tie

2、her down, okay?没事的Its okay.我是康斯坦丁This is Constantine.约翰康斯坦丁 你这混蛋John Constantine, asshole.当然Sure.怎么了?What the hell?我需要一面镜子I need a mirror.快去拿!至少要英尺高Now. At least feet high.愣着干嘛,快去拿啊!Move! Go, now!我是克雷默This is Kramer.查斯克雷默 你这混蛋Chas Kramer, asshole.混蛋Asshole.什么?哦,我是克雷默 查斯克雷默,混蛋What? Oh, this is Kramer

3、.Chas Kramer, asshole.- 查斯! - 什么事?-Chas! -What?- 把车挪开 - 为什么?-Move the car. -Why?叫你挪你就挪!Move the damn car!“查斯,把车挪开”Chas, move the car. 好吧,挪了There, cars moved.把镜子举起来,对着床Lift it up over the bed.把那头系牢 亨内斯,从上面拉过去Tie that end off.Hennessy, over the top.把你们的眼睛闭上 不管发生什么都别睁开Close your eyes.And whatever happe

4、ns, dont look.不!No!现身吧Show yourself.来笑一个,你这白痴Smile pretty, you vain prick.操你妈!For your boss.拉!Pull it!妈妈?Ma? Ma?我说得没错吧,约翰,给你找着一个 是不是?Like I said, I found you something,didnt I, John? Didnt I?那儿怎么了?What happened in there?最近会议很多吧Going to a lot of meetings, I see.闹得我都睡不着Keeps the voices out so I can sl

5、eep.我得睡觉,约翰I have to sleep, John.我需要帮助,神父I need some help, Father.你?You do?要我帮助?From me?什么样的?What kind of-?- 听着,我 - 你那种驱魔术不对-Hey, listen, I- -That exorcism wasnt right.听着广播Listen to the ether.如果有什么异常,一定要告诉我Anything unusual, you let me know.来吧,你不需要它的保护 它今天可能还会回来Come on, you dont need its protection.I

6、tll be like back in the day.或许几天A few days.好吧Okay.好吧,为了你,约翰Okay. For you, John.约翰,你明知这不是我的车John, why would you do that if you know its not my car?- 我告诉过你让你挪开的 - 你是告诉过我-I told you to move it. -You did tell me to move it. . .可是如果你告诉我 你要扔下来一个装着魔鬼的磅的镜子. . .but if youd said you were dropping a -pound mir

7、ror with a demon. . .我会把车挪得更远一点. . .I wouldve moved it further, John.- 去阿尔瓦拉多大街 - 好的先生,我知道怎么走-Take Alvarado. -Yeah, thank you. I know what to take.你有没有考虑过,如果多告诉我一些事情 说不定我能帮上忙呢?You ever think if you told me more now that maybe I could help out?- 没有? - 没有-No? -Nope.没有?Nope?当然是没有Of course its a nope.保佑

8、我,神父,我有罪Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.我已经Its been.有两个礼拜没来忏悔了. two weeks since my last confession.今天我杀了个人I killed a man today.又一个Another one.我甚至连他长什么样都没看清I didnt even see his face, I just. . .就扣下了扳机 接着他就死了. . .pulled the trigger, and he went away.大多数警察年都不开一枪Most cops go years without firing the

9、ir guns.而我却总是知道 这些家伙藏在哪儿Why do I always know where these guys are?该朝哪儿瞄准,什么时候开枪Where to aim, when to fire.神父,我在想 会不会是我有什么问题?Im wondering, is there something wrong with me, Father?被诅咒了?Something damned?上帝自有安排 他给我们每个人都安排好了God has a plan for you.He has a plan for us all.别让罪恶吞没了你的信念You mustn t let your

10、faith be overshadowed by guilt.是的,我在努力Yeah, Im trying.一直都在努力Im trying real hard.伊莎贝尔Isabel.伊莎贝尔Isabel.我所战胜的东西Things Ive beaten.大多数人听都没听说过Things most people never even heard of.可是现在呢 我却要被这玩意儿搞定And now Im gonna be done in by this.你也不是第一个了,约翰Wouldnt be the first, John.得了吧,莱丝Come on, Les.你救过我一次 这次也可以,对吗

11、?You saved me before,you can do it again, right?癌细胞已经扩散了This is aggressive.年前,你不想来这儿Twenty years ago,you didnt wanna be here.现在你又不想离开Now you dont wanna leave.你还抽Yeah, thats a good idea.约翰,你真的需要准备一下了John, you really need to prepare.- 安排后事吧 - 没必要-Make arrangements. -No need.我很清楚自己何去何从I already know ex

12、actly where Im going.- 早 - 早上好-Morning. -Good morning.- 早上好 - 探长-Good morning. -Detective.- 不,不不 - 安吉拉,等等-No, no, no. -Angela, wait.你还是别看了,好吗?别看了You dont need to see this, okay? No.大家先回避一下Give us the room, please.伊莎贝尔Isabel.她从屋顶上掉下来的?She fell from the roof?她跳下来的She jumped.- 不可能 - 听着-No. -Look. . .我知

13、道这很难接受 可她有病. . .I know its hard to accept.She was sick.- 伊莎贝尔不会自杀的 - 安吉-Isabel wouldnt kill herself. -Angie.- 她不会自杀的 - 探长-She wouldnt kill herself. -Detective.- 皮瑞尔德 - 探长-Period. -Detective.皮瑞尔德!Period!安吉,监控录像都拍下来了Angie, there were security cameras.- 等一下,是下去么? - 如果我有办法,当然不想“下去”-Hold the door. You go

14、ing down? -Not if I can help it.有新案子?A new case?什么大案子?是你期待已久的吗?The big score? The mother lode?The one youve been waiting for?- 少奉承我 - 习惯了-Humor me. -Dont I always?哦,这是太感激了,谢谢Oh, yeah, thats-Much obliged. Thank you.最近还好吗,约翰?How you feeling, John?看看有什么新的货色So, whats new?教皇遇刺时留下的子弹碎屑Bullet shavings from

15、 the assassination attempt on the pope. . .采自约旦河的圣水针剂. . .holy-water ampoules from the River Jordan. . .还有哦,这个你肯定喜欢 从阿米蒂维勒村找来的尖叫甲虫. . .and- Oh, youll love this. -screech beetle from Amityville.是啊,对你来说很有趣 可对“下面”的东西来说,这就像黑板上钉钉Yeah, its funny to you, but to the fallen, thats like nails on a chalkboard.

16、你和虫子,到底是什么关系?What is it, exactly, with you and bugs?我只是喜欢它们I just like them.是啊,谁不喜欢?Yeah. Who doesnt?悠着点,大英雄Yeah, easy there, hero.- 这是“龙之息” - 我还以为你再也搞不到了呢-Thats dragons breath. -I thought you couldnt get it anymore.是这样,我朋友的朋友Yeah, well, I know a guy who knows a guy.好吧,这次是什么行动?So, whats the action?我

17、刚把一个魔兵 从一个小女孩的身体里赶出来I just pulled a soldier demon out of a little girl.看起来好像它想要复活Looked like it was trying to come through.我懂你的意思Yeah, I know how it sounds.可是约翰,我们对他们来说 只不过是掌中的玩偶No, were finger puppets to them, John. . .而不是某种入口. . .not doorways.他们可以操纵我们 但不能穿透结界进到我们的世界中They can work us, but they cant

18、 come through onto our plane.还是查一下卷轴吧 看看以前有没有先例Check the scrolls anyway.See if theres any precedent.没问题,约翰Sure thing, John.还有什么事吗?Anything else?你那里有没有什么可以?Wouldnt happen to have anything for a-?免费的(注:止咳药)On the house.好吧,我有个问题 我还得做你的奴隶到几时?All right, question. How much longer do I have to be your slav

19、e, John?你不是我的奴隶,查斯Youre not my slave, Chas.你是我非常赏识的徒弟Youre my very appreciated apprentice.就像汤托和罗宾一样Like Tonto or Robin.还有那个胖哥身边的小家伙Or that skinny fellow with the fat friend.好吧,那我除了开车之外 就不能干点别的了么?Right. So then why dont I apprentice something besides driving, then, John?约翰?约翰John? John.很高兴和你谈话,约翰I lo

20、ve our little talks, John.您的外套,康斯坦丁先生May I take your coat, Mr. Constantine?不用了,谢谢 我一会儿就走No, thanks,Im not gonna be staying long.- 这位女士,您呢? - 哦不用了,我也一会儿就走-How about you, maam? -Oh, no, Im not staying long either.我真的要和他说话 有重要的事I really need to speak with him.Its important.先到先得First come, first served.

21、看来你到哪儿都是这么粗鲁So youre rude no matter where you are.- 神父 - 你好-Father. -Hi.- 带来什么新消息了 - 是的,刚和主教谈过-You have news. Yes. -Yes, I spoke with the bishop.我知道你要什么,孩子I know what you want, son.你那双无所不见的眼睛还盯着我呢 加百列?(注:替上帝把好消息报告世人的天使)Still keeping your all-seeing eye on me, Gabriel?承蒙夸奖Im flattered.我可以告诉你一些Well, I

22、 could offer something. . .关于牧羊人是怎样 带领他最不听话的羊群的故事. . .about how a shepherd leads even the most wayward of his flock. . .可这听起来也许不够真诚. . .but it might sound disingenuous.她应该得到天主教的葬礼 神父,求你了She has to have a Catholic funeral,Father. She has to.- 安杰拉,她犯的是不可饶恕的大罪 - 她不是自杀的-Angela, its still considered a mo

23、rtal sin. -She didnt commit suicide.可主教不这么想 你知道教规的The bishop believes otherwise.You know the rules.哦,教规Oh, rules.神父Father.戴维David.她是伊莎贝尔This is Isabel.她惟一相信的爱她的人就是上帝God was the only one she ever believed loved her.求你了Please.恕我无能为力Im sorry.最近我看到一些异常的灵异活动Ive been seeing some unusual soul traffic latel

24、y.也许你能考虑再给我点时间You might consider giving me an extension.我可以为你们这边帮些忙I could do your side some good these days.你还在为进入天堂积德呢?You still trying to buy your way into heaven?没见我赶走多少小鬼吗?What about the minions Ive sent back?- 光凭这个,就应该保证我能进天堂了 - 我跟你说过多少次了?-That alone should guarantee my entry. -How many times

25、have I told you?靠这样是进不了天堂的Thats not the way this works.为什么?我为他做的还不够多吗?Why, havent I served him enough?- 他到底想要我怎么样? - 很简单-What does he want from me? -Only the usual.献身,信仰Self-sacrifice, belief.- 哦,我信!我对天发誓 - 不,不,你自己心里有数-Oh, I believe, for chrissake. -No, no, you know.其中的区别你也能看见And theres a difference

26、. Youve seen.我并没有要求看见 我生下来就被诅咒了I never asked to see.I was born with this curse.约翰,这是天赋A gift, John.而你只是用自私的行动把它浪费了One that youve squandered on selfish endeavors.我把魔鬼从女孩的身体里赶走Im pulling demons out of little girls.这是为了谁?Whos that for?你所做的一切都是为了你自己Everything youve ever done,youve only ever done for you

27、rself.为了积德好进入天堂To earn your way back into his good graces.不可能的规则,无尽的约束Impossible rules, endless regulations. . .谁上天,谁入地 为什么. . .who goes up, who goes down and why.你一点都不理解我们You dont even understand us.你才应该入地狱 你这个杂种Youre the one who should go to hell, half-breed.为什么是我,加百列?Why me, Gabriel?这完全是因为我自己的缘故,

28、是不是?Its personal, isnt it?因为去教堂去得太少 也不怎么祈祷I didnt go to church enough,I didnt pray enough. . .还舍不得往募捐箱里放上块钱 是不是?. . .I was bucks short in the collection plate. Why?你这么年轻就要死You are going to die young. . .是因为你从岁起就每天要吸根烟. . .because you smoked cigarettes a day since you were .而你之所以要去地狱And youre going t

29、o go to hell. . .是因为你所过的生活. . .because of the life you took.你很失败Youre fucked.至少在外面感觉还不错At least its nice out.他总是一点幽默感都没有He always had a rotten sense of humor.他的笑话一点都不好笑And his punch lines are killers.约翰!John!康斯坦丁,下雨哪!约翰,嗨!Constantine, its raining! John! Hey!凶手的后院里发现埋藏着具女尸Twenty-two women were found

30、buried in the assailants back yard.尸体受到严重的摧残 警察的辨认工作So much damage had been done to the bodies, police had to match.据警察说 她的身体曾被穿刺超过次Police report she had been physically penetrated.然后被活埋.over times and buried alive.被发现锁在冷藏库中 头部严重受伤,器官-found locked in a storage freezer,his head severed and his organs

31、.他把霍莉的身体塞入He stuffed Hollys body into.- 受到不明强暴的尸体 - 他使用了一把小手锯-The bodies ravished by the unknown. -He used a small handsaw.头颅几乎被砍下来 眼珠都被挖了出来Had nearly decapitated. Even his eyes were gouged out.伊莎贝尔Isabel.(精神病院的自杀事件)我很抱歉,妹妹Im so sorry, lzzy.康斯坦丁Constantine.道森Dodson.喂?Hello?喂Hello.喂?Hello?嗨,老兄 能借个火吗H

32、ey. Hey, buddy, got a light?别多管闲事,驱魔人Shouldve minded your own business, exorcist.我知道你要去哪儿,约翰 你要去米耐那儿I know where youre going, John.Youre going to Midnites.希望你呆在车里Youre supposed to wait in the cab.那儿是鬼魂的避难所 我记得在书上读到过,约翰Its a haven for those who rise and fall.I remember reading about this, John.- 你读书读

33、得太多了,那是个酒吧 - 酒吧?-You read too much, kid. Its a bar. -Its a bar?是酒吧,米耐老爹是个乐善好施的人 他曾经发誓坚守中立Its a bar. Papa Midnite is a crusader for good. He swore the oath of neutrality.- 约翰,他可是传奇人物 - 是的-John, the mans a legend. -Yeah.你能带我进去吗?约翰,求求你Can you please get me into this bar, John, please?求你了,约翰,行吗?Im beggi

34、ng you, John, please?- 好吧,你可以进去 - 我可以进去?-Sure, you can get in. -I can get in?如果你能进去的话If you can get in.如果我能?是熊?还是云中的两只鸭子?If I can get-? Its a bear, though, right?Or two ducks in a cloud?长凳上的两只青蛙Two frogs on a bench.长凳上的两只青蛙Two frogs on a bench.不,我是和刚才那个人一起的No, no, Im with the guy you just-约翰!约翰!John

35、! John!我是和他一起的Im with him, though.穿着裙子的老鼠Rat in a dress.当然,穿着裙子的老鼠Of course it is. Rat in a dress.我只是试试,只是试试Im just testing. Im just testing.不用站起来了Dont get up.好久不见了Youve been absent some time.又有什么圣物要卖吗?Have you come here with relics to sell?没有,现在不干那个了 太忙了No, Im out of that now.Ive been too busy.终于发现

36、造假对你的健康不利了?Perhaps peddling forgeries has ended up being bad for your health.米耐,上帝啊Midnite, Jesus. . .我想这件事是真的. . .I thought the thing was authentic.我知道了I see now.你的身体不好是因为其他原因 多长时间了?Your health is bad for other reasons.How long?几个月吧,可能一年A few months, maybe a year.我昨晚好像听到雷声了I thought I heard thunder

37、 last night.肯定是撒旦的胃在咆哮Must have been Satans stomach growling.你的魂要他亲自出马来收Youre the one soul hed come up here himself to collect.我也听说了So Ive heard.好吧,我想你来这儿Well, I am most certain you did not come here. . .肯定不是想找个有同情心的人来诉苦的. . .for a sympathetic shoulder to cry on.刚才有个魔鬼攻击了我 就在通往费格罗阿大街的路上A demon just

38、attacked me,right out in the open on Figueroa.他们不喜欢你,约翰They dont like you, John.你驱赶了多少个魔鬼?How many have you deported back to hell?米耐,这次不是那种愤怒的杂种 而是实实在在的魔鬼,就在这儿,在我们的世界里Not some angry half-breed, Midnite.A full-fledged demon, here, on our plane.我想我不用提醒你 这是不可能的Clearly I do not have to remind you that i

39、s impossible.还有昨天,我见到一个魔兵And yesterday I saw a soldier demon. . .试图从一个小女孩身体里冲破结界. . .trying to chew its way out through a little girl.听着,约翰,魔鬼只能呆在地狱里 天使只能呆在天堂里Listen, John, demons stay in hell,angels in heaven. . .从造物之初就是这样. . .the great detente of the original superpowers.谢谢你给我上的历史课,米耐 你真是帮了我大忙了Tha

40、nks for the history lesson, Midnite.Youve been a tremendous help.现在Now. . .我需要使用那把椅子. . .I need to use the chair.约翰,你难道忘了 这么做几乎肯定是要没命的John, forgetting the fact that it would almost certainly kill you. . .你知道我是中立者. . .you know I am neutral.只要平衡没有发生变化 我就保持中立And as long as the balance is maintained, I

41、take no sides.在你当酒吧侍应之前Before you were a bartender. . .你曾经是个巫医. . .you were one witch doctor against, what, Ashgar?- 而我 - 你是康斯坦丁-And I- -You were Constantine.约翰康斯坦丁The John Constantine.曾经是的Once.这次非比寻常,我能感觉得到This isnt the usual game, I can feel it.它在逼近Somethings coming.胆小鬼Spooky.巴尔萨泽Balthazar.光是那种表情就

42、让我彻夜难眠That expression alone has made my entire night.我来教你怎么睡觉Ill make your night.我现在就把你打回老家去 你这个杂碎!Ill deport your sorry ass right where you stand, you half-breed shit!你知道我这儿的规矩 在我这儿就要按我的规矩来You know the rules of my house.While here, you will abide by them.小约翰Johnny boy.听说你快要下来了Word is youre on your

43、way down.新鲜的肉啊Fresh meat.吮指回味Finger-licking good.约翰,我们还有事要谈We have a meeting now, John.你说什么?我没听清What? I didnt catch that.欢迎加入我的生活Welcome to my life.康斯坦丁先生Mr. Constantine.- 我们之前 - 我记得-I saw you- -I remember.- 后来还在 - 看来咱们还真是有缘-And then I saw you at the- -Regular kismet.能不能容我问几个问题Id like to ask you a f

44、ew questions,if that would be okay.现在我不想和任何人说话Im not really in the talking mood right now.好吧,那光听我说可以吗?Well, maybe you could just listen then.行吗?Please?就知道没那么简单Always a catch.昨天我妹妹被谋杀了My sister was murdered yesterday.- 很遗憾 - 谢了-Sorry to hear. -Thanks.她是雷文斯卡精神病院的病人 从屋顶跳下去死的She was a patient at Ravensc

45、ar.She jumped off the roof.刚才好像听你说是谋杀?Thought you said she was murdered.是的,伊莎贝尔不可能自杀的Yeah, well, Isabel wouldnt have taken her own life.也是,什么样的精神病人会自杀呢?Yeah, what kind of mental patient kills herself?真可怕Thats just crazy.是这样的,我听说你在这块很有名Look, Ive heard your name around the precinct.我知道你活动的圈子 超自然,鬼神学,驱

46、魔I know the circles you travel in.The occult, demonology, exorcisms.就在我妹妹被杀之前 她得了严重的妄想症Just before my sister was committed,she became deeply paranoid.她开始谈论魔鬼,天使She started talking about demons,angels.我想她是被什么人影响了 康斯坦丁先生Now, I think someone got to her,Mr. Constantine.她肯定是被洗了脑 才会从屋顶上跳下去的I think they brainwashed her into stepping off that roof.某种邪教组织Some kind of legion or cult.你分析得很有道理啊 大侦探Sounds like a theory, detective.祝你好运Good luck.我想以你的背景 至少可以I thought with your background,you could at least. . .给我指明正确的方向. . .point me in the rig

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