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1、牛津沪教版英语八年级上完形填空专题讲义 八年级上完形填空练习一、完型填空的解题总则文章首句要重视,全篇理解有启示。记叙体裁为主体,通读全文明意旨。填空多是实意词,四个选项巧设计,词类范畴必同一。确定最佳靠逻辑,字里行间找信息。个别填空借常识,相近词义细辨析,习惯用法靠记忆,复读反思再核实。完型填空SECTION 解题原则完形填空如何入手?1.做题前先花30-45秒预览文章,大致了解文章的体裁(记叙、议论或者)、文章内容、几个段落、是否有小标题和项目符号(这个往往是该段的主题句)。2.做题时,首句和小标题重点读,充分体会文章论证结构,灵活使用技巧(例子与例子的关系,例子与中心句的关系,平行关系等

2、),注意逻辑对应,指代清晰。特别提醒,绝对避免见空填空,(即看到一个空格,直接看选项进行选择),这样很危险,失误率会大大增加。再次强调,完形填空强调单词、短语在语境(句子层面,段落层面,篇章层面)的应用。请填第一格词,务必读到第二格,很多时候两格之间出题者往往给了很多暗示和线索。依次类推,填第二格请务必读到第三格。如第一格在第二段,也请认真读完第一段,切莫跳过,因为前文可能在给全文或者该段足够的背景叙述。同理,如最后一格后还有句子或者段落,请务必读完。3.完成题后,请重读该文1-2遍,确保单词在该句语法,语义,语境都合适。非常强调逻辑对应:1首句必重点读首句很多情况是Topic sentenc

3、e (主题句),告诉你文章的背景和主旨。首句一般不设空,如果首句设空,请重点读后面的例子,例子里面会提供线索。现在很多考题都是用后面的例子印证首句。EG1:(11长宁)These days, it is _ for children as young as Sammy to be so good at computers. Many Children use computers at home or at school and some schools even have their own websites.A. hard B. unusual C. common D. dangerous如

4、果学生分析这四个词用法,那就和这道考题背道而驰了,首句设空,我们重点读后面的那句话“很多孩子在家里,学校使用电脑,甚至一些学校有他们自己的网站”,说明对电脑的使用是持肯定意见的,选项为正确答案,A、B 、D 都为否定意见,故不选。EG2:(13长宁) If you have no mobile phone, no computer, and no Internet with you, what will you do with your free time? Will you go _80_?A. enjoyable B. interesting C. crazy D. busy2例子之间关系

5、例子联合起来都是去证明本文中心的,但例子与例子有时候会有正反对比或者是平行关系。(12虹口)In most menageries, animals were kept in small dirty cages. However, in modern zoos, animals are kept inhabitats(栖息地) that look like81areas.81. A) native B) narrow C) natural D) national3最佳适用原则举个这例子,如果这样出题。这位男士很_,每次和女生一起出去逛街的时候都会为女生拉开商场大门,直到身边所有的女生都通过。假设

6、选项如下A good B nice C gentle D handsome 你会如何选?很多学生会选good, 觉得good是万能词,但这里错了,完形填空一定要基于语境,选择一个最适合,最具体,不是最宽泛的词语。因而C gentle 很绅士是最佳答案。(12虹口)People who85animal rights dont like the display of animals in zoos. But other people feel that zoos care for and protect the animals. They feel that this is why many ex

7、otic species are still alive today.85. A) play a trick on B) get tired of C) pay attention to D) go on with4场景匹配原则(2011长宁一模)Sammy Liu, a six-year-old boy from Kowloon, has become a hero recently . One day he used the familys _to stop a robbery.Aradio Bcomputer Crecorder Dtelephone后文都在说关于电脑使用,这里选择A C

8、 D显然不合适,文章里根本就没有提到收音机,录音机和电话,虽然电话也能用来报警,但是一定要基于原文的场景。5. 平行并列原则完形填空文章很多时候是围绕一个话题展开,每个段落有的时候发展模式都是差不多的,前面提到如果首句设空,除了关注到后面的例子,还不妨可以关注下一段首句或者再下下段首句。类似的如果某段末句设空不妨也可以关注一下下面一段的末句。例如有一篇文章是讨论积极态度给生活、工作、健康带来的好处,其中第二段末句这么写:with an active _, you can overcome all the difficulties. 需要我们填空。在第三段末句出现了with an active

9、attitude , you can be healthy. 如果学生在阅读的时候关注到这句,使用了“平行原则”,自然就能填出attitude .二、完型填空的解题方法:方法充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到对选择有提示作用的词或句。这些词有时可能是同义词或反义词。 例The amount of usable water has always been of great interest in the world. springs and streams sometimes means control, particularly in the 22 areas like the desert.

10、 21AUsing BHolding COwning DFinding 22Adry Bdistant Cdeserted Dwild 例The 33 water supply forecast is based more on the water from the 34 than from the below. 33Acorrect Bfurther Caverage Dearly 34Aclouds Bsky Cair Dabove 例In 1964 Shirley graduated from Gallaudet and looked for _44_. She wanted to be

11、 _45_ and work full time. rmationB.helpC.a job D.an assistant 45.A.happyB.independent C.freeD.confident 方法2. 注意固定的搭配,包括动词与介词的搭配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。 例. Hed 36 his life brewing beer for local breweries only to make a living, 37 had his father and grandfather before him. 36A. cost B. s

12、pent C. take D. paid37A. like B. as if C. so D. nor例. I called my beer Samuel Adams, 51 the brewer and patriot(爱国者)who helped to start the Boston Tea party.51A. for B. at C. in D. after 例He didnt hear the bell for he was completely in reading the newspaper. A. interested B centered C addicted D abso

13、rbed方法3. 注意同义词的辨义例1. Her face was familiar to me, but I could not 8. r_ where and how I had seen her. (remember)例2. All at once I 10. r_ where I had seen her. (realized) 例3. Then I explained that I had 13. r_ her from the photo I found in the purse. (recognized) 方法.根据动作的发出者确定所选的词1)And video cameras

14、can be used to _ peoples actions at home.A. keepB. make C. record D. watch2)The watch, which Mrs Smith had _ on the table as she started her lecture, disappeared.A. seenB. dropped C. found D. laid3)When the papers were _ she discovered that twelve boys had made exactly the same mistakes throughout t

15、he test.A. collected B. completed C. marked D. answered方法5. 根据上下文的逻辑关系确定选项例1.The explorers found that the island had good soil 37 the 200 natives living there survived with little food. 37. A. and B. but C. however D. still例2.Her father had 36 her two things. One was not to pull her out of the water

16、 37 she asked. 36A. given B. refused C. allowed D. promised37A. as B. unless C. even if D. when例3. So, at 24 I decided to drop out. 42 , my parents didnt think this was a great idea. 42A. Fortunately B. Obviously C. Possibly D. Properly方法6. 根据生活常识以及相关知识确定选项例1.in 1967 she was asked to work at Gallaud

17、et University as a dorm supervisor(宿舍监管员). Shirley supervised young women who _47_ in the university during the school year. 47. A. worked B. studied C. lived D. played方法7 . 根据作者的态度,观点,情绪来确定相关选项例Life is very 55 , so dont rush to make decisions. Life doesnt let you plan.55A. hard B. busy C. short D.

18、long例2This is 39 the most important character of creative people is a very strong 40 to find a way out of trouble.39AwhyBforChowDbecause40Adesire Binspire Cinfluence Dattitude完型填空专项练习 1If you have no mobile phone, no computer, and no Internet with you, what will you do with your free time? Will you

19、go _80_?Harley, a 15-year-old girl from California, US stayed calm. She did something different. Her mobile phone didnt work one day, so she decided to try and live _81_ it. She took a six-week summer travel with some friends.Harley and ten other teenagers rode their bikes 3,000 miles across the Sta

20、tes. With two college students as guides, they started from a beach in Georgia on June 23. They travelled through small towns in the south, they _82_ in the mountains.Its not easy to find a comfortable place to sleep. “It was too hot in the south, and super wet, too.” Harley said. And mosquitoes (蚊子

21、) were around them _83_ when sleeping outside.Although there were _84_, no one left the team. “Everyone was hard-working and did everything for the group,” Harley said. “We learned how to live with other people and look after each other.”From these things, they not only _85_ themselves, but also ope

22、ned their eyes. “Southern people are really nice,” Harley said. “Small communities were just that. Its a nice change of what most of us are used to. Its how the rest of the country lives. Its a whole new world.”80. A. enjoyableB. interestingC. crazyD. busy81. A. withB. withoutC. onD. for82. A. set a

23、 fireB. watched TVC. had a picnicD. made camps83. A. all the timeB. for the time beingC. from time to timeD. in a short time84. A. happinessB. goodnessC. worriesD. difficulties85 A. trainedB. taughtC. learnedD. practiced80. C 81. B 82. D 83. A 84. D 85.A 2 At the beginning of the twentieth century,

24、traffic in big cities such as New York and London became very busy. Carriages, horses, and bikes rushed in every direction (方向), and then they were 80 by the newest toy of the rich people, the “automobiles (汽车).” In those days, crossing a street used to be a real challenge for people walking. There

25、were no 81 for drivers. The New York Police Department had to create a special group of policemen to control traffic. Police officers stood at crossroads and tried to direct the traffic, but very often they were run over by vehicles (车辆). By 1912, New York City had 38,000 motor vehicles. 82 had to b

26、e done about all the traffic on the streets!In 1916, the first traffic tower was 83 in New York, at the crossroads of Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street. A traffic officer controlled three 500-watt lamps. They were 40 centimeters in diameter, and they were red, yellow, and green. However, at the time, red

27、 84 traffic in all directions had to stop, yellow stopped only east-west traffic, and green stopped only north-south traffic. This was very confusing, so in 1924 the city adopted (采用) the system used in railroads: red for stop, green for go, and yellow for slow. This system became standard all over

28、the world.The first automatic traffic lights came into use in Wolverhampton, England, in 1927. Today computers control traffic lights, and road conditions are much better than they used to be. The only 85 is when there is a power cut. The result is often confusion on the streets because the traffic

29、lights dont work. 80.A) joinedB) seenC) playedD) built81.A) roadsB) rulesC) jobsD) seats82.A) NothingB) EverythingC) AnythingD) Something83.A) put offB) put outC) put upD) put on84.A) stoppedB) controlledC) madeD) meant85.A) chance B) problemC) answerD) advantage80A 81B 82D 83C 84D 85B 3 Ever since

30、Jonathan had set up the house in Compton Street, he had looked after it very carefully. Before he left the house in the morning, he carefully closed all the doors downstairs, opened some windows to let the air in and locked the front gate. _80_ Jonathan did was tidy and orderly.One summer evening Jo

31、nathan returned home _81_ at five minutes to seven exactly. When he opened the front gate, he immediately noticed something strange. There was a heavy footprint in the soil in one of the flower beds. Jonathan was just going to blame(责怪) the milkman or the postman when he noticed that one of the curt

32、ains in the front room downstairs was not in its usual place. That was too strange! Jonathan _82_left anything out of place.He walked up to the front door and opened it quietly. He listened carefully for a few minutes, but he could hear nothing. The front room door was half open. Jonathan thought ab

33、out it carefully, _83_ if he had forgotten to close it that morning. He had never forgotten before. He looked inside the room. The shadow(影子) of a man was clearly reflected on (映在) the far wall in the evening sunlight. He had been standing _84_ the door since Jonathans return. Jonathan shut the door

34、 quickly and turned the key. Then he picked up the telephone in the hall and called the police.The thief tried to climb through a window to get out, but Jonathan had expected that. He _85_ him with his umbrella, holding it as a sword(剑). Three minutes later the police arrived there. Jonathan was a l

35、ittle angry that he had to have dinner later than usual, but on the whole he felt quite pleased with himself.80. A) Nothing B) Something C) Anything D) Everything81. A) as usual B) all the time C) right away D) as soon as82. A) always B) never C) often D) seldom83. A) knowing B) guessing C) wonderin

36、g D) surprising84. A) at B) in front of C) beside D) behind85. A) caught B) attracted C) attacked D) pulled80.D 81A 82.B 83.C 84.D 85.C 4This is a true story which happened in England. An old man, who had no children, felt _80_ and decided to live in the Senior Center(养老院)when he turned _81_. After

37、he announced that he would sell his luxurious(豪华)house, hundreds of people who wanted to buy it came to him. At first, the old man considered accepting someone who might _82_80,000 pounds for the house, but soon the price rose to 100,000 pounds and still went higher. _83_, the old man looked sad and

38、 unhappy. Actually, if he was well, he would not sell the house, which had accompanied him for more than half of his life.One day, a young man visited the old man. He bent down a little and said _84_ , “Grandpa, I also want to own this house, but I only have 10,000 pounds. Yet if you sell it to me,

39、I _85_ you can still live here and be happy with me. We will drink tea, read newspapers, and take a walk every day together. Please believe in me, and Ill try my best to take good care of you. The old man smiled and nodded. He sold the house to the young man at a price of 10,000 pounds.Sometimes, wh

40、at really counts (有价值,重要)is love for others.( )80. A) relaxedB) worriedC) proud D) lonely( )81. A) richerand richerB) sadder and sadder C) weaker and weakerD) more and more disappointed( )82. A) offerB) orderC) buy D) reuse( )83. A) HoweverB) Whats moreC) After all D) By the way( )84. A) carefullyB)

41、 quietlyC) honestly D) happily( )85. A) predictB) promiseC) require D) warn80. D 81. C 82. A 83. A 84. C 85. B5For many people, having your own business sounds like the perfect job. You can do work that you love. You can set your own timetable, and wear jeans to work. You never have to 80 a boss, an

42、d you make all decisions yourself. You can even raise your salary any time you want.But the reality is different. “Having your own business can be 81 ,” says David Paik. After working for an advertising agency for six years, he started a website design business at home. His income in the first two m

43、onths was $0. 82 , he got a big project creating a website for a magazine. Then he had a new problem: his timetable. “I was working twelve hours a day, seven days a week, because I didnt have employees to help me.” Today, Paik Web Design is successful, but David says, “I really wasnt prepared to be

44、a business owner. I didnt 83 the difficulty.”With no boss, its easy to take too much time offand get too little work done. With no workmates, you might feel bored or 84 . You have to pay for your own holidays. If you make a bad business decision, you could lose all the money. For all of these reasons, more than half of all new businesses fail within one year.Another problem is balancing work with personal life. As a business owner, you cant just stop at 5 p.m. and forget about your work until tomorrow. “Even when Im watching TV in the evening, Im always thinking about my 85 and proje

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