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1、考籍号 姓名 座位号 2012年10月全国高等教育自学考试英语(二)试题 课程代码:00015一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1份,共10分) I. Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point each) 1. Skillful farming A them to support a large population. A. enabled B. forced C. authorized D. required 2. The findings of the survey went contrary D what was expected.

2、A. in B. on C. for D. to 3. James refused to be B about his future plans. A. distinct B. specific C. relevant D. individual 4. Young A he was, he was equal to the task. A. as B. if C. although D. unless 5. You should read this novel. It is B recommended by all critics. A. fairly B. highly C. mainly

3、D. strictly 6. Its a great place to live in, except for the increasing volume of B that passes under my window every day. A. activity B. traffic C. movement D. circulation 7. He should C to what hes good at, and not try and do something he knows nothing about. A. look B. lead C. stick D. point 8. We

4、 take this oppommity to express our sincere D of your help. A. explanation B. obligation C. demonstration D. appreciation 9. I dont know ifthe story is tree, but Ill try to C it. A. modify B. simplify C. verify D. specify 10. The old man spoke A length about his experiences in Africa. A. at B. in C.

5、 from D. toII. Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point each) Scientists are learning more and more about the link between your mind and your health. Stress and depression have been shown to give rise to illness and disease. 11 , if you feel good about yourself and have a 12 attitude, and maintain an active i

6、nvolvement in life, youre more likely to be happy and 13 . Many things 14 your emotional state. But at the heart of it is how you regard yourself. If you have a healthy level of self-esteem, you not only cope with lifes challenges better than people 15 low self-esteem, but youre probably more conten

7、t, 16 , and successful. Youre probably also healthier. Most peoples sense of worth is deeply rooted in their childhood - in the early approval or disapproval of parents and friends. 17 , as we get older, most of us judge ourselves 18 our sense of how effectively were managing in the world, especiall

8、y in the areas of love and work. Our 19 to love and be loved can give our lives a sense of purpose. We can also find 20 in work-related accomplishments, and the people we meet and work with can reinforce our sense of self and our role in life. (B)11. A. In addition B. In contrast C. In reality D. In

9、 general (A)12. A. positive B. common C. critical D. personal (D)13. A. respectable B. energetic C. lovely D. healthy (C)14. A. explain B. maintain C. influence D. simulate (B)15. A. at B. with C. for D. upon (A)16. A. confident B. dependent C. sensitive D. emotional(D)17. A. Therefore B. Likewise C

10、. Instead D. However (B)18. A. on B. by C. of D. in (A)19. A. ability B. dream C. goal D. intention (C)20. A. proof B. interest C. pride D. trothIII, Reading Comprehension (:30 points, 2 points each) Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. If you start each day desperately

11、wishing for an extra hour in bed, the following is likely to leave you feeling even more bad-tempered. Scientists have identified a sleepless elite- a small group of people for whom staying in bed longer is a waste of time. Rather than being tired and bad-tempered losers, they are an energetic, outg

12、oing and optimistic group who can happily and healthily get by on just four or five hours of sleep a night. And, they tend to be slim, able to hold down two jobs at the same time, and handle their extra-long days easily without needing coffee or catnaps (小睡). Working out how the gene (基因) cuts sleep

13、 without any obvious impact on health could help in the design of drags that give us all a few extra hours in our day. The bad news is that while many of us get by on a few hours sleep a night, just one to three people in 100 qualify to be part of the sleepless elite. The research team is now callin

14、g for members of the lucky group to come forward to allow their DNA to be studied. Harvard University researcher Dr. Christopher Jones said: My long-term goal is to learn enough someday so we can control the sleep mechanism without damaging our health. Everybody can use more waking hours, even if yo

15、u just watch movies. Many of those who have already volunteered share fascinating characteristics. They are cheerful, thinner than average, and seem to have a high tolerance for physical pain and psychological setbacks. Dr. Christopher Jones told the New York Times: Typically, at the end of along ph

16、one interview, they will admit they have been sending short text message sand surfing the Internet and doing word games at the same time, all on less than six hours of sleep. 21. According to the passage, the sleepless elite(C ) A. perform less well than others B. regard sleep as a waste of time C.

17、are energetic despite less sleep D. are likely to make others angry 22. Researchers study the sleepless elite to(B ) A. develop the mechanism of sleep B. invent a healthy way to cut sleep C. find the impact of sleep on health D. design drags for sleepless people 23. The phrase come forward (para. 4)

18、 is closest in meaning to(D ) A. decide B. donate C. contribute D. volunteer 24. According to Dr. Jones, it is typical of the sleepless elite to(C ) A. sleep at least six hours a night B. watch more movies than others C. do more than one thing at a time D. do word games better than others 25. The pa

19、ssage is mainly about(D ) A. a disease which is related to genes B. a new drag that cures sleeplessness C. recent studies on sleepless patients D. people who do well with less sleep Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage. There are a couple of things to know about the use o

20、f humor in a speech. One thing is to distinguish healthy and unhealthy humor. Unhealthy humor usually has a victim. It is based on differences. Healthy humor is taken from our everyday experiences and is based on the things people have in common. Therefore it unites them. Another thing is that when

21、sharing humor with the audience a speaker has to take into account what part of the day it is. The morning audience can be tough, because everyone is just getting into work; the lunch audience is better, but the best time for sharing humor is dinner-time, because people relax after their working day

22、 and are more likely to feel the speaker. There are certain rules that are strongly advised to be followed. The primary rule is not to offend anybody by a joke. The jokes are not supposed to relate to the audience but to the speaker himself. When a speaker shares his personal stories he will be bett

23、er accepted by the audience. He can kid about his fame, problems, image, etc. However, he does not have to belittle himself or sacrifice his reputation for a laugh. Besides, the jokes and humorous stories that are used by the speaker have to relate directly to the topic of his speech. The speaker is

24、 supposed to speak clearly and keep from laughing at his own story or joke while telling it, so that he can make it clear and to the point. Finally, once a joke is said it may not be repeated once more. So the speaker must not repeat a joke that fails or one that works. And, remember these tips alwa

25、ys work: personal jokes, short remarks that go well with the speech, good choice of vivid words and appropriate body gestures. 26. Healthy humor differs from unhealthy humor in that it is B A. intended to enrich ones experiences B. linked to the things that people share C. used most frequently to un

26、ite victims D. based mostly on the differences in life 27. The writer thinks that a joke works best with an audience who is A A. relaxed B. tough C. hungry D. busy 28. To connect closely with the audience, the speaker is advised to B A. repeat a good joke B. joke about himself C. laugh at his storie

27、s D. improve his image 29. According to paragraph 3, a joke should support D A. the nature of an issue B. the fame of a speaker C. the taste of an audience D. the subject of a speech 30. One of the tips the writer gives for a successful speech is C A. dramatic gestures B. proper eye contact C. vivid

28、 expressions D. good time control Passage ThreeQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. Are passwords ont-of-date? It is starting to seem like it. Everybody hates them. These days a typical Intemet user has dozens of online accounts. If you really want to be safe, you need to generate

29、a different password for each one, and each password needs to be extremely complicated, with a mix of letters, symbols, and numbers. Who can keep all that stuff in their head? Most people do not bother. Some just create one password and use it everywhere. Others might have a few passwords - one for

30、all their banking and financial stuff, one for their social networks, one for email accounts. Problem is that if one site gets hacked, the bad guys now have the password you use elsewhere. These attacks are happening so frequently these days that you might as well assume there is no way to keep a pa

31、ssword secret. Computer scientists realize the system is broken, and they are looking for alternatives. But most attempts have not been very good. Fingerprint readers require special hardware, and many people find them scary and dont want to use them. Smart cards can be lost or stolen. Scientists ha

32、ve tried all sorts of other approaches, but they end up back with passwords. They are the least worst in a series of bad choices. Markus Jakobsson, a researcher in computer science, has produced something he calls fastwords. Instead of inventing a password, you join three simple words that come from

33、 a thought known only to you. If one day you were driving to work and ran over a frog that ended up flat, you might choose frog work flat. You can enter the three words in any order, and the system still knows that you are you. If your mind goes totally blank, the fastwords system will tell you one

34、of the three words, which should enable you to remember the original thought and thus the three keywords. The fastwords system represents a step in the right direction, but it is not the promised land. Someone, somehow, needs to come up with something radically different- and radically better - than

35、 what we have today. 31. Today people find passwords C A. difficult to create B. easy to figure out C. hard to remember D. apt to be replaced 32. We learn from paragraph 2 that many people use passwords A A. without due caution B. in a rational manner C. with frequent changes D. in simple combinatio

36、ns 33. Compared with passwords, other alternatives are even more C A. complex B. confusing C. troublesome D. expensive34. One unique advantage of fastwords is that they can be used D A. with greater speed B. with more certainty C. with greater security D. with more flexibility35. The writer seems to

37、 think that fastwords A A. offer a hopeful inspiration B. are as simple as passwords C. offer a decisive resolution D. are as safe as passwordsIV. Word Spelling (10 points, 1 point for two words) 36. 不同的 a. various 37. 肌肉 n. m udcle 38. 传统 n. t radition 39. 幸运的 ad. f ortunately 40. 影响 vt. a ffect 41

38、. 边缘 n. e dge 42. 怀疑的 a. d oubtful 43. 减少 vt. r educe 44. 集合 vt. assemble 45. 逐步的 a. g radual 46. 可行的 a. f easible. 47. 污染 n. p ollution 48. 方便的 a. c onvenient 49. 拉长 v. s tretch 50. 维生素 n. v itamin 51. 经受 vt. w ithstand 52. 五十 num. f inance 53. 财政 n. f finance 54. 发源 vi. o riginate 55. 两倍 ad. t wic

39、e V. Word Form (10 points, 1 point each)56. A war can endanger (danger) millions of lives.57. We should know our strength as well as our weakness (weak).58. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the fulfillment (fulfill) of the contract will be delayed by several weeks.59. Organizing some challen

40、ging outdoor activities can help your employees sharpen (sharp) their abilities.60. My teacher gave me a letter of reference (refer) when I applied for the job.61. She made a favorable impression (impress) on me when I first met her.62. They viewed these plans as an attempt to take a proritable (pro

41、fit) market from Britain.63. There are many sales in the U.S., during which time stores will lower (low) theirnormal prices.64. He respectfully (respect) moved his hat when he entered the building.65. There are no tickets left for this evenings _performance (perform).VI. Translation from Chinese int

42、o English (15 points, 3 points each)66. 这所学校向学生免费提供课本。This school provides free textbooks for the students.67. 随着年龄的增长你会改变想法的。Youll change your mind as you grow older.68. 他们正在讨论如何实施这项计划。They are discussing how to put the plan into effect.69. 她已经表明自己在这些问题的立场。She has defined her position on the issues

43、.70. 这对双胞胎长得太像了,很难分清他们。The twins are so much alike that it is hard to distinguish them.VII. Translation from English into Chinese (15 points) Too much importance must not be attached to the wrong acts done by children, particularly if they happen to be of a minor nature. Many children are likely to be in the habit of stealing, neglecting studies, or using bad language. In nearly every case, the root cause of the trouble is the fact that proper care of the child

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