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1、高级英语第一册第三课Ships in the desert词汇(Vocabulary)lap ( v) : (of waves,etc)move or strike gently with a light,splashing sound such as a dog makes in lapping(波浪)拍打;泼溅 -divert ( v) : turn(a person or thing)aside(from a course,direction,etc);deflect转移;使(人或物)转向;岔开,使偏斜 -Antarctic ( adj. ) : of or near the South

2、 Pole or the region around it南极的;近南极的;南极区的;南极地带的;南极周围的 -TransAntarctic (adj.) : crossing or spanning the Antarctic横贯南极的;横贯南极地带的 -parka ( n.) : a hiplength pullover fur garment with a hood,worn 1n arctic regions风雪大衣,派克大衣 -glacier ( n.) : a slowly moving river or mass of ice and snow that forms in are

3、as where the rate of snowfall constantly exceeds the rate at which the snow melts冰河;冰川 -accessible ( adj.) : that can be approached or entered;easy to approach or enter能够接近的;能够进去的;易接近的;易进去的 -trap ( v) : catch in or as in a trap;entrap诱捕;计捉 -inexorable ( adj.) :that cannot be altered,checked,etc不可变的;

4、不可抗拒的;无情的 -graph ( n.) : a diagram consisting of nodes and links and representing logical relationships or sequences of events(曲线)图,标绘图;图表;图形 -slab ( n.) : a piece that is flat,broad,and fairly thick平板;厚片 -frigid ( adj.) : extremely cold;without heat or warmth极冷的,寒冷的,严寒的 -snowmobile ( n.) : any of v

5、arious motor vehicles for traveling over snow,usually with steerable runners at the front and tractor treads at the rear(机动)雪车;(履带式)雪上汽车 -rendezvous ( n.) : Fr a place designated for meeting or assembling 法语指定集合地;会合点 -hover ( v) : stay suspended or flutter in the air near oneplace盘旋 -eerie,eery ( ad

6、j. ) : mysterious,uncanny,or weird,esp. in such a way as to frighten or make uneasy神秘的,离奇的,怪异的;阴森的,恐怖的,可怕的eerily adv -hummock ( n.) : ridge or rise in an ice field冰群;(冰原上的)冰丘 -collide ( v) : come into violent contact;strike violently against each other;crash碰撞;猛撞;互撞 -scenario ( n.) : a sequence 0f e

7、vents esp. when imagined;an account or synopsis of a projected course of action or events(设想中的)未来事态;方案 -controversial ( adj. ) : of,subject to,or stirring up controversy;debatable争论的;引起争论的; -tundra ( n.) : any of the vast,nearly level,treeless plains of the arctic regions冻原;苔原;冻土带 -equator ( n.) : a

8、n imaginary circle around the earth,equally distant at all points from both the North Pole and the South Pole,dividing the earths surface into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere赤道 -billow ( v) : surge,swell,or rise like or in a billow(巨浪)奔腾;(波涛)汹 -pasture ( n.) : ground suitable for

9、 grazing牧场 -slash (v) : cut or wound with a sweeping stroke or strokes,as of a knife(用刀等)猛砍,乱砍 -blot (v) : make blots on;spot;stain;blur(esp. used in blot out:darken or hide entirely;obscure)涂污;玷污;把弄模糊;遮暗(尤用于bolt out:把弄模糊;遮暗,遮蔽;掩蔽) -noctilucent (adj.) : designating or of a luminous cloud of unknown

10、composition。visible at night in the polar regions at an altitude of c50 miles夜光云的;夜间发光的 -shimmer ( v) : shine with an unsteady light;glimmer闪烁;发出微光 -translucent ( adj.) : 1etting light pass but diffusing it so that objects on the other side cannot be clearly distinguished;partially transparent,as fr

11、osted glass半透明的 -buildup ( n.) : a gradual increase in amount,power,influence,etc;expansion(在数目、力量、影响等方面)逐渐增加,扩大,扩充;集结 -methane ( n.) : a colorless,odorless,inflammable gaseous hydrocarbon,CH4,present in natural gas and formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter,as in marshes and mines. or prod

12、uced artificially by heating carbon monoxide and hydrogen over a nickle catalyst甲烷;沼气 -landfill ( n.) : the disposal of garbage or rubbish by burying it under a shallow layer of ground埋入地下的垃圾 -paddy ( n.) :rice in the husk,growing or gathered稻,谷 -termite ( n.) : a kind of insect found chiefly in tro

13、pical areas,very destructive to wood,textiles,etc,which makes large hills of hard earth白蚁 -biomass ( n.) : the total mass or amount of living organisms in a particular area or volume生物量 -extinction ( n.) : the fact or state of being or becoming extinct;dying out,as of a race,species of animal,etc(动物

14、的)灭绝,绝种 -rip (v) : cut or tear apart roughly or vigorously撕,扯 -spectral ( adj.) : of or like a specter;phantom;ghostly鬼怪(似)的;幽灵(般)的 -skirmish ( n.) : a brief fight or encounter between small groups,usually an incident of a battle小规模战斗;前哨战 -aquifer ( n.) : an underground layer of porous rock,sand,etc

15、containing water,into which wells can be sunk含水层(能对水井提供重要经济价值的水量的地下岩层) -chlorine ( n.) : a greenishyellow,poisonous,gaseous chemical element with a disagreeable odorused as a bleaching agent,in water purification,in various industrial processes,etc(symbol C1)氯(符号C1) -chlorofluorocarbon ( n.) : any o

16、f a series of gaseous or lowboiling,inert,nonflammable derivatives of methane or ethane,used as refrigerants and solvents,and as propellants in aerosol products化氟利昂 -disrupt ( v) : disturb or interrupt the orderly course of扰乱;破坏 -ultraviolet ( adj. ) :1ying just beyond the violet end of the visible

17、spectrum and having wavelengths shorter than approximately 4 000 angstroms紫外(线)的 -molecule ( n.) : the smallest particle of an element or compound that can exist in the free state and still retain the characteristics of the element or compound化分子 -equilibrium ( n.) : a state of balance or equality b

18、etween opposing forces平衡(状态);平均;相称 -exponential ( adj.)Math : of or relating to an exponent:involving a variable or unknown quantity as an exponent数指数的;幂的 -axiom ( n.) : a statement universally accepted as true;maxim格言,箴言 -cumulative (adj. ) : increasing in effect,size, quantity,etcby successive add

19、itions;accumulated累积的,堆积的;累加的;(作用、大小、数量等)渐增的 -sustenance ( n.) : ones means of livelihood;maintenance;support生计;支撑;支持,维持 -ozone ( n.) : n unstable,paleblue gas,O3,with a penetraring odor(an allotropic form of oxygen,formed usually by a silent electrical discharge in air,and used as an oxidizing,deod

20、orizingand bleaching agent and in the purification of water)化臭氧 -depletion ( n.) : the gradual using up or destruction or capital assets,esp. of natural resources资产(尤指自然资源)的折耗,耗减 -deforestation ( n.) : the act or action of clearing (1and)of forests of trees毁林,滥伐森林 -precedent ( n.) : existing practic

21、e resulting from earlier precedents先例;前例 -sober ( v) : make or become selfcontrolled,calm,serious in thought,etc(使)变清醒(或冷静、严肃、庄严等) -weaponry ( n.) : the design and production oweapons武器设计和生产 -deploy ( v) : spread out or place in accordance with a plan展开;部署 -leapfrog ( v) : jump or skip over跃过;越过 -ob

22、solete ( adj.) : no longer in use or practice;discarded;no longer in fashion;outof-date已废弃的;已不用的;过时的;老式的 -simplistic (adj.) : making complex problems unrealistically simple;oversimplifying or oversimplified过分简单化的 -短语 (Expressions)in all directions 四面八方;全面地;向各方面at rest 静止;休息;安眠;处于静止状态;心情安定pick up speed 加快速度blot out 完全清除(思想、记忆等);遮盖;抹去at stake: to be won or lost;being risked 在胜败关头,冒风险 例: This decision put out lives at stake这一决定,我们的生命就凶吉难保了。

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