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1、(完整版)词缀词根记忆及配套练习1Affixes and rootsTask 1I. Prefixes1. co, com-, con, col, cor-:together; with 共同, (和)一起. co- 表示”共同,通常放在元音词根前cooperation 合作(co+operation 操作共同操作合作)coexist 共存(co+exist 存在)coordinate 协调:同等的(co+ordin 顺序+ate顺序一样同等的,引申为平等;协调)coauthor 合著者. com- 表示”共同,通常放在辅音“b, m, p前combine 联合,结合(com+bine 捆捆在

2、一起结合)compassion 同情(com+passion 爱国者同胞)commend 赞扬;推荐(com+mend 信任;命令大家信任赞扬;comparison 比较(com+pari 平等+son一起平等比较)compact 紧密的;合同(com+pact 压紧全部压紧紧密的)comfort 安慰(com+fort 加强精神强大安慰). col 表示”共同”在同辅音词根“l”前collaboration 协作;合著(col+labor 劳动+ation共同劳动colleague 同事(col+league 捆绑捆绑在一起的人同事)collect 收集(col+lect 选择放在一起选择收

3、集). cor 表示共同在同辅音词根“r”前correct 改正,纠正(cor+rect 正全部改正纠正)correspond 通信;符合(cor+respond 反应共同反应相互通信). con 表示共同”contemporary 同时代的(con+tempor 时间+ary同时间的)conclude 结束;总结(con+clude 关闭全部关闭结束)confirm 坚定;证实(con+firm 坚定)conflict 冲突(con+flict 打一起打斗冲突) test yourself:_nect, _bine, _lect, _bat, _exist, _operate2. in-,

4、im-:in; into 内部的,向内的impulse 冲动(im+pulse 跳动冲动)implicit 含蓄的(im+plic 重叠+it进入重叠不直说储蓄的)inborn 天生的(in+born 出生的)inspired 有灵感的(in+spired 有呼吸的有生命的,有灵感的)indoor 户内的(in+door 门门内的)3. in, im-, il, ir-:not 否定,相反,不足inhuman 不人道的(in+human 人道的)injustice 不公正(in+justice 公正)incorrigible 积习难改的(in+corrigible 可改正的)inconstan

5、t 多变的,无常的(in+constant 稳定的)indifferent 冷漠的(in+different 不同的同与不同的“事不关已” 冷漠的)immoral 不道德的(im+moral 道德的)impartial 公平的(im+partial 有偏见的)impolite 无礼的(im+polite 礼貌的)4. micro:small表示“微,小”a microcomputer 微型计算机microscope 显微镜(micro+scope 看看小东西显微镜)5. macro-:large表示“宏伟,大macroeconomics 宏观经济学macrostructure 宏观结构(mac

6、ro+structure 结构)6. pre-:before (在之)前prewar: 战前的preschool 学龄前的(pre+school 学校上学前的)prehistory 史前(pre+history 历史)prefix 前缀(pre+fix 固定固定在前面前缀)7. post:(在之)后postwar: 战后的 postpone 推迟(post+phone 放放到后面推迟)8. re, retro-:backward; back; behind; again 向后(的),回复(的);再,又reflect 回想;反射(re+flect 弯曲反弯曲反射)retreat 后退,撤退(re

7、+treat 拉拉回来撤退)resist 反抗,抵抗(re+sist 站反着站反抗)retrospect 回顾,回想(retro+spect 看向后看)reunite: 重聚;recommend 赞扬;推荐(re+commend 赞扬一再赞扬)II. Stem1. -audi-, audit-:hear 表示“听audience 听众;观众(audi+ence 表名词听的人听众)audible 听得见的;可听的(audi+ible 能的)inaudible 听不见的(in 不audi+ible)auditorium 礼堂;讲堂(audit+orium 场所听的场所)2. chron-: tim

8、e表示“时间”chronic 长期的chronicle 编年史(chron+icle 表名词)3. dic-, dict: say; speak表示“说话,断言”dictate v 口授;命令;听写(dict+ate 说话口授,命令)dictator n 发命令者;独裁者(dictate+or发命令者)diction n 措词;词语的选择(dict+ion说话状态措词)dictionary n 字典(diction+ary措词的书字典)contradict n 反驳;否认(contra 反+dict反说反驳)contradictory a 矛盾的,对立的(contradict 反驳+ory)p

9、redict v 预言;预告(pre 预先+dict)prediction n 预言;预告(predict+ion)dedicate v 献身于,致力于(de 加强+dic 说+ate再说努力献身)predicate v 断定,认定(pre+dic+ate预先说断定)predication n 认定,断定(predicate+ion)4. -gram-, graph-:write; wirting表示“写,图”grammar n 语法,文法(gram+mar写的规则语法)diagram n 图解,图表(dia 交叉+gram交叉画图)biography n 传记(文学)(bio 生命+grap

10、h+y写生命传记)biographer n 传记作家(biography+er)autograph n 亲笔字(auto 自己+graph自己写的字亲笔字)5. -log, ology-:study; the science of表示“科学,学科”geology n 地质学(geo 地+log+y)psychology n 心理学(psych 心理+o+log+y)physiology n 生理学(phys 身体,物质+io+log+y)6. metre, -meter-:measure表示“计量,测量等diameter n 直径(dia 对面+meter量到对面的线直径)thermomete

11、r n 温度计(thermo 热+meter)symmetry n 对称;匀称(sym 共同+metry两过测量一样对称)asymmetry n 不对称(a 不+symmetry)7. phon-:sound表示“声音phonetics n 语音学(phon+etics 学科)symphony n 交响乐(sym 共同+phony所有乐器一起响交响乐)microphone n 麦克风(micro 小+phone小声音变大声音)8. scope-:instrument for seeing or observingmicroscope 显微镜(micro+scope 看看小东西显微镜)teles

12、cope n 望远镜(tele+scope 看看远方望远镜)kaleidoscope n 万花筒9. -scrib-, script:write; writing表示“写”script n 原本,脚本describe v 描写,叙述(de 着重+scribe着重写描写)inscribe v 铭刻(in 进入+scribe刻写进去铭刻)manuscript v 手抄本;原稿(manu 手+script)prescribe v 开药方;命令(pre 预先+scribe预先写好药量)transcribe 抄写,转录(trans+scribe 写把写的东西移到另一张纸上抄写)10. -spect-:s

13、ee; look at表示“看”expect v 期待,盼望(ex 出+spect看出去期待)inspect v 检查;视察(in 内+spect看进去视察)perspective n 看法;眼界;透视(per 全部+spect+ive全部看到透视,看法)prospect n 展望,前景(pro 向前+spect向前看展望)respective a 各自的(re 回+spect+ive回头看自己各自的)retrospect v 回顾,回想(retro 向后+spect 看向后看回顾)III. Suffixes1. -er(1)表名词,“人”singer n 歌唱家(sing 唱歌)leader

14、 n 领袖(lead 领导)writer n 作家(write 写)insider n 局内人(inside 内部)banker n 银行家(bank 银行)teenager n 青少年(teenage 十一到十九岁)southerner n 南方人(southern 南方的)villager n 村民(village 村庄)(2)表名词,“物品,机器”washer n 洗衣机(wash 洗)lighter n 打火机(light 点火)heater n 加热器(heat 加热)boiler n 锅炉(boil 煮)(3)表名词,“反复做mutter v 喃喃自语chatter v 喋喋不休(

15、chat 聊天+ter)stutter v 口吃waver v 摆动(wave 波动)batter v 连打,不断打(bat 打+ter)2. tion, ation:the act, state, or result of doing something:名词字尾 行为状态the completion of the task (=act of finishing it)his election (=he was elected) to the postYoung children demand a lot of attention.examinationcombinationExercise

16、 1Try to guess the meaning of the italicized word in each of the following sentences according to word analysis:1。 In retrospect, we would have been wise to leave our money in the bank。a. many years ago b。 looking around c。 looking back2. He lost his spectacles.a。 glasses b. shoes c。 pants3. He insp

17、ected their work.a. spoke highly of b。 examined closely c。 did not examine4. I am going to buy a microbus.a。 big bus b. medium-sized bus c. small bus5。 He lived a hard life in pre-liberation days.a。 before liberation b. after liberation c。 since liberationExercise 2Complete the following sentences a

18、ccording to word analysis:1. If you have auditory trouble, you have trouble in the 。2。 What he has said is illogical. Here illogical means logical。3。 An irregular verb is a verb which is regular。4. A predictor is one who can something in advance.5。 A preposition comes a noun.6。 If they are coproduce

19、rs, they produce something 。Exercise 3Following is a list of words containing some of the stems and affixes introduced in this section. Definitions of these words appear on the right。 These words are probably unfamiliar to you。 It is Not the purpose of this exercise to teach you the definitions of a

20、ll these words. Instead, the exercise is designed to serve as a review of stems and affixes defined in this section and as a way for you to practice using the skill of word analysis to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words。Group 11. microscope a. the science of hearing2。 phonoscope b。 the act or se

21、nse of hearing3. audition c. an instrument used to make small object large enough to see or study4。 audiology d。 an instrument which tests the quality of strings for musical instrumentsGroup 21. audiometer a。 an instrument that records or reproduce sound2。 gramophone b。 an instrument for measuring h

22、earing3。 chronometer c。 an instrument for measuring time accurately4. chronology d。 the science which measures time and gives dates to eventsGroup 31. micrograph a。 an instrument used to make weak sounds louder2。 chronoscope b。 an instrument for doing extremely small writing3. phonogram c. an instrument used to measure small periods of time4。 microphone d. the sign or symbol representing a sound or wordGroup 41. phonology a。 an instrument to help the partially deaf hear2。 audiphone b. longlasting; habitual3。 chronic c。 the study of speech sound4。 chronicler d。 one who studies history

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