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1、Offer报盘a Concept:An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions stated.n报盘(offer)是指报盘人(offerer)向受盘人(offeree)提出购买或出售某种商品的各种交 易条件,并表示愿意按这些条件与对方达成 交易,订立合同的行为.M 一份完整的报盘包括:商品名称,价格,规格,包装,装运时间,支付方式等内容.精选PPT1写信要点(writing skill)i.感谢对方的来函.口 2.发盘(商品,数量,价格,支付条款,装运,有效期).a 3.盼早答复.精选PPT2A satisf

2、actory offer of quotation will include the following 1.An expression of thanks for the enquiry,if any.感谢对方的来函口 2.A statement or clear indication of what the prices cover,e.g.freight,insurance and commission.清晰的表达价格条款包含内容口 3.An undertaking as to date of delivery or time of shipment.承诺交货期口 4.The perio

3、d for which the offer or quotation is valid.报盘,报价的有效期精选PPT315,Favorable comments on the goods being offered.对所供货品的有益描述M6.A supplementary short paragraph to draw the customers attention to the other products which are available for supply.补 充小段,引引买方对自己可供货的其他商品 的兴趣.3 7.An expression of hope that the o

4、ffer or quotation will be accepted.希望对方能接 受该报盘,报价.精选PPT4Some elements about an offer31.An offer may be made by letter or telegram.In the latter case,it is usually followed up by a letter for confirmation.H报盘有两种形式:信函或电传.如以电传形式 报盘,则通常在其后追加一封确认函.32.When a buyer rejects a quotation of other offer,he sho

5、uld write and thank the seller for his trouble and explain the reason for rejection,and it is counter-offer.H当买方拒绝某一报价或报盘时,他应致电对 方感谢并解释拒盘的原因,我们将之称之为 还盘.精选PPT5Counter-offer口 A counter-offer usually covers the following points:1.Thank the seller for his offer or quotation32.Express regret at inability

6、 to accept the sellers5 offer or quotation.a 3.Make a bid or counter-offer if,in the circumstances,it is appropriate.3 4.Suggest other opportunities to do business together.精选PPT 6Differences between quotation and offer口 In foreign trade,the words“offer”and“quotation”are not interchangeable,there is

7、 a difference of degree in the prospective sellers commitment口 1.An offer is a formal presentation for the buyers acceptance to create a contract.口 2.A quotation is merely a notice of the price and terms at which the seller is willing to sell.口 3.An offer is firm or subject to confirmation as the of

8、ferer may indicate.精选PPT74.It is to be noted that unlike a quotation,a firm offer,although not a contractual obligation,cannot be withdrawn by the seller within its validity.It is the buyers option to accept or reject or counter-offer during the validity period.If the buyer accepts,then it is a cont

9、ractual obligation.So no reputable seller would risk his reputation by withdrawing his offer before the stated or agreed time.精选PPT8Detailed divisions of offer(textbook)口 1.offers based on enquiry 回复询盘的报盘口 2.offers on the web 网上报盘口 3.request for lower price 要求减价(还盘)口 4.request for price increase 要求力

10、口价口 5.request for lower price rejected 卖方拒绝减价口 6.request for better terms granted 卖方同意给予 较好的条件3 7.a firm offer 实盘口 8.request for firm offer rejected 卖方拒绝发出实 盘3 9.avoluntary offer 主烈艮盘9Standard divisions31.non-firm offerB2.firm offer33.counter offer34.declining a counteroffer35.conclusion of business

11、精选PPT10A Non-firm Offer3 Dear sirs,3 Weare in receipt of your letter dated October 22,and are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.口 Enclosed please find some sample books you requested.We hope that they will help you in making your selection.

12、We are pleased to make you a special offer,subject to our final confirmation,as follows:3 Art.No.Name of Commodity Price3 JB 12 All Wool Melton USD6.15/Y CIF MONTREAL3 JE 18 All Wool Gabardine USD 6.82YCIF MONTREAL3 For your information,the minimum quantity for order is 10,000 yards.Shipment is to b

13、e made in three monthly installments beginning from December,19.Payment is by L/C at sight Goods are packed in bales or in wooden cases at sellers option.We hope that the above will be acceptable to you and assure you of our best service at any time.3 We are looking forward to your trial orderSincer

14、ely yours,fflPPT 11Vocabulary 1.发盘:offerffl2.发盘人:offererM3.收盘人:offeree94.实盘:firm offera 5.虚盘:non-firm offer 6.有效期:validity17.确认:confirmationA 8.接受:acceptance精选PPT12U9.装运港船上交货:FOB(Free on Board)310.装运港船边交货:FAS(Free AlongsideShip)111.货交承运人:FCA(Free Carrier)312.成本加运费:CFR(Cost and Freight)313.运费付至:CPT(C

15、arriage Paid to)n 14.运费,保险费付至:CIP(Carriage Insurance Paid to)精选PPT13 15.边境交货:DAF(Delivered at Frontier)口 16.未完税交货:DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)口 17.完税交货:DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)18.进/出口许可证:Import/Export License3 19.货号:Article No.Item No.口 20.需求:demand口 21.供给:supply口 22.标题商品:captioned goods,subject goods

16、口 26.单价:unit price口 27.总金额:total amount口 28.净价:net price精选PPT14AttentionH The contents of an offer,if accepted by the buyer,will become the terms of the sales contract,as such,are irrevocable.H报盘的内容如果被买方接受,就成为了买卖 合同的条款,不可撤消.So,any error or omission in an offer may entail trouble or loss later.3因此,报盘

17、中的任何错误和遗漏都会引起日 后的问题或损失.精选PPT15报盘常用句(Sentences Commonly Used in Offers)31.Many thanks for your enquiring of,.多 谢贵方(日期)的询问.3 2.We are pleased to have your enquiring很高兴获悉你方询问函.3.In your letter of May 13 you enquire about你方5月13日丁函询问有关34.In reply to your enquiry of August 8 we have pleasure in enclosing.

18、你方8月 8 日 询问函收悉,现我们高兴地附上.精选PPT1615.We are glad to answer your enquiry我 们很高兴答复你方询问.9 6.We are pleased to send you the information you have requested.我们很愉 快地寄上你所需要的情况.3 7.We have pleasure in sending you our latest catalogue我们很高兴地给你方寄 上我方最新的商品目录.精选PPT17口 8.Wethank you for your enquiry of.and are pleased

19、 to quote as follows.a对你方来函表示感谢,并愉快地报价如下.口 9.We welcome your enquiiy of May 20 and thank you for your interest in our products.口欣悉你方5月20日的来函,并感谢你方对我们产品 的兴趣.10.We were pleased to receive your letter of November 25 and have arranged for our Mr.Wang Hai to call on you during next week.口很高兴收到你方11月25日的来函

20、,我们已安排我方 王海先生在下星期拜访贵方.精选PPT18311.Thank you for your enquiry of March 15 and enclose you quotation for感谢你 方3月15日的询问,现随函附上我方的报价.112.We acknowledge with thanks receipt of your letter of July 11 and send you an illustrated catalogue of our.goods and also details of our terms and conditions of sale.感谢你方7

21、月11日来函,现寄上一份有 关商品的插图目录及有关我方销售条款 的详细情况.精选PPT19ffl13.We are in receipt of your enquiry of May 4,and offer you the following你方5月4日函悉,特报盘如 下.314.We trust that you will be able to accept our offer,which shall be kept open against reply by cable.我们确信,你公司将接受我们所提供的报价.此报 盘至回电为止都有效.精选PPT20315.We were very ple

22、ased to receive your enquiry of July 2nd and now confirm our cabled offer of this morning as follows:n谢谢7月2日来函.兹确认今晨的电报报价如下:口 16.We must stress that this offer is firm for three days only because of the heavy demand for the limited supplies of this velvet in stock.本公司必须强调,此报价仅有效3天.此乃因为天鹅绒的存货有限,而需求却不

23、绝.精选PPT21ffl17.Confirming our telephone conversation this morning,we can offer you the rice of 400lbs,at the special low price of$80 per lb.,CIF Keelung.确认我今天早上的电话交谈如 下.本公司提供给贵公司400磅稻米CIF 基隆特别低廉价每磅80元.B18.We will keep this offer open up to the end of this month.我方保留该报盘 有效至本月底.精选PPT22ffl19.We can off

24、er as follows,subject to your reply received here by four oclock p.m.,our time,September 25.现报盘如下,以我方时间9月25日下午4 时前收到答复为有效.320.This offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within five days.止匕盘5 天内不接受,就作撤消论.精选PPT23a21.On condition that you take more than 2,000 sets,you are prepared to offer th is spec

25、ial price of$9.10 per set,a 5%discount.如订购2,000台以上,我们准备特 价报盘,每台9.10美元,即给5%的折扣.3 22.Unless otherwise stated or agreed upon all prices are without any discount.除非另有说明或约定价格一律没有折扣.精选PPT24 23.Only 0.3%is to be deducted from the CIF price,if buyers like to trade with us on CFR basis and insure the goods t

26、hemselves.如买方愿意做成本加运费价,自 行投保,则从成本加保险费,运费价中减去 0.3%.124.We shall be pleased to make delivery in January if our manufactures accept your terms.如我们厂方接受你方条款,我们将乐 于在1月份交货.精选PPT25125.We can effect shipment within one month after your order has been confirmed.在确认你方定单后一个月内可装运.3 26.Please note that trial good

27、s supplied must be returned,carriage paid,within 7 days if not required.请注意,试殖货物,如不 需要必须在7天内退回,运费先付.精选PPT26 27.The offer is valid up to the 25th October.止匕报盘有效期至M 0月25日.B28.We have been holding the offer for you.我们为你保留这一报盘.329.1 hope you would let us have your most favorable firm offers.希望给我们最优 惠的实盘

28、.精选PPT27H30.If you are interested,we will offer as soon as possible.如你感兴趣,我方将尽快 报盘.31.We can offer you various kinds of Chinese cotton piece goods at attractive prices.我们能以具有吸引力的价格向你方 报各式各样的中国棉布.精选PPT28a 32.Please make us an offer for 50 metric tons of cotton.口请给我们五十公吨棉花的报盘.3 33.If you make an inqui

29、ry,we can offer you firm.如果你询价,莪布可以报实盘.9 34.Our quotations always come in line with the world market.莪们的报价总是符 合国际市场价格水平的.精选PPT29135.As soon as we are again in a position to make offers,we shall contact you by cable.当我们恢复报盘时,我们将立即去电 和你们联系.9 36.The price of our pen is US$3 per dozen CIF Lagos.我们的钢笔价格是

30、每打 三美元拉各斯到岸价.9 37.Could you keep the offer open for 5 days?报价能否给五天的有效期?精选PPT303 38.We cant hold the offer open longer than that,报价不能再延期了.n 39.We are prepared to give you a quotation which is based upon the prevailing international market price.M我方打算按照当前的国际市场价格给你报价.140.To comply with your request,we

31、are submitting our Quotation No.S-2 for your consideration.应贵方要求,现付上报价单No.S-2,以供参考.精选PPT31141.As requested,we are submitting our quotation therefore in triplicate and shall appreciate your placing the orders with us as early as possible.a应贵方要求,特此呈上我报价单一式三份.如 蒙早日定货,将深为感激.342.We have made a good selec

32、tion of patterns and sent to you today by parcel post.我方已精选许多样品,今以包裹寄给贵 方.精选PPT323 43.Considering the quality of the goods offered we do not feel that the prices we quoted are at all excessive.就我方提供的 商品质量而言,我们认为所报价格丝毫不高.3 44.We also wish to advise you that the prices we quoted are our rock-bottom on

33、es.恳请贵方知悉,我方报价系最底价.精选PPT33H 45.We are producers of.for quite a long time and brands have been very popular among the end-users in foreign countries.本公司系历史悠久的制造商,我们的牌号 在外国用户中非常受欢迎.346.Due to the rising cost of the raw materials we are reluctantly compelled to raise our price by 2%.由于原料成本涨价,我们不得不勉强提价2

34、%.精选PPT34147.The enclosed catalogue will show you their prices and also the discount rates.口附寄上的商品目录中已载明价格及折扣率.3 48.This offer expires on December 30.Your immediate reply by cable will be appreciated.此报价宇彳二月三十日到期,如蒙立即回电,将不胜感激.精选PPT35149.We are sure that these goods will meet your requirements,and we

35、 look forward to your early order.莪们相信这些货物能满足 你方需要,盼望尽早提出订单.9 50.We shall be pleased to receive your order,which will have our prompt and careful attention.我们高兴地期待收到你方 订单,我们将及时予以认真的研究.精选PPT363 51.If you think our offer meets your requirements,please let us have your order at an early date,as supplie

36、s are limited.口由于供货数量有限,如认为我方报价尚能满足你方 要求,请早日寄来你方的订单.口 52.We think we have covered every point of your enquiry.If not,please do not hesitate to write to us again.It will be a pleasure to give you an immediate r叩ly.我们认为,我们已答复了贵方 每一询问.倘若还有,请再立即函告.我们将高兴地 立即予以答复.精选PPT37口 53.We will hold a quantity reserv

37、e for you,as we feel sure you would not wish to miss such an opportunity.我们拟为你方保留一批货,因为我们 确信你方将不愿失去这种机会.口 54.The enclosed catalogue will give you all the essential facts about our lines,but it cannot answer all your personal questions.It will be a pleasure for us to do that if you will write to us,所

38、附寄的目录将给你方提供我方商品的基本情况,然而却无法答复你方一切个人方面的问题如蒙函 告,我们将高兴地给予解答.精选PPT38n 55.We are allowing special terms to customers who place orders before this month.客户若能在本月底前提出订单,我们 将给予优惠考虑.n 56.We believe that you will accept our offer,which will be kept open against reply by wire,相信你方会接受我方所报价格.此 价格有效至你方电复.精选PPT39157

39、.We trust the above offer will be of interest to you and await your orders.相信 上述报盘定会使你方感兴趣,盼寄来订单.精选PPT40Sentences commonly used in making Counter-offers31.We counter-offer as follows:我们还盘如下:32.Our counter-offer is well founded.我们的还价是很合理的.H3.Your counter-offer(counter-bid)is not up to the present mar

40、ket level.你的还价不 符合目前市场价格.34.Please make us the best possible counter-offer.请给我们一个最好的还盘.精选PPT4115.The price you counter-offer is not in line with the prevailing market.你方还盘价与现 行市场价不合.a 6.Its impossible for us to entertain your counter-offer.我们不能接受你方的还价.3 7.Im sorry the difference between our price an

41、d your counter-offer is too wide.彳艮 遗憾,我们的价格与你方还盘之间的差距太 大.精选PPT42H8.This is our rock-bottom price.We cant make any further reduction.这是我方的最 低价格,我们不能再让了.19.How about meeting with each other half-way?能不能互相作出让步?a 10.If you accept our counter-offer,well advise our end-users to buy from you.如 你能接受我们的还盘,我

42、们就劝用户向你方 购买.精选PPT43111.As a rule,the larger the order,the lower the price.买得越多,价格越便宜,这是 个惯例.312.1 appreciate your counter-offer but find it too low to accept.谢谢你的还价,但我觉 得太低了,无法接受.口 13.We ask for indulgence for 6 days to make a counter-offer.我们要求宽慎六天以 便还价.精选PPT44 14.We regret to note that you have tu

43、rned down our counter-offer,我们很遗憾,知道你方已拒绝了 我方的还价.15.We consider accepting your counter-offer.我们考虑接受你的还价.口 16.We strongly advise you to accept catalogue XH100 as the type you selected is no longer obtainable.我们郑重向你公司建议,接受商品目录 中的XH100型,因为你公司所挑选的式样已无货可 供.精选PPT453 17.If you can raise your order to 1,000

44、,we can offer you a price of CIF U.S.$30 each.倘若你公 司能提供订购的数量到1,000,我公司便能提供每 件CIF30美元的价格.3 18.Unfortunately we cannot accept your offer.Your prices are prohibitive.遗憾展们不能接受你 方报盘.你方价格过高,不敢问津.19.The prices you quoted are much higher than those of other manufacturers.你方报价比其他厂 商所报高得多.精选PPT46口 20.Your top

45、 quality goods are priced too high for us.Please send us the prices of your average quality items,口对我公司来说,你们的高级品价格是太高了.故请寄 来贵公司中级品的报价资料.口 21.Your offer dated.is very attractive.However,the quantity offer is too small to satisfy our requirements.Would you be able to process big order for a quantity o

46、f.of item No,口你公司月.日所寄的报价单甚具吸引力,然而,供 应量太少,无法满足我们的需要量.不知贵公司能否 生产目录第好,数量的较大订单.精选PPT473 22.The packing of goods offered does not meet our standards.Could you use packing which is secure against breakage?贵公司报价货物之包装不符标准.贵公司能 否用防止破损的包装?23.We can only accept your special offer if you assure improved packin

47、g of your goods.只有你桁改善货物的包装,莪公司才 能接受你公司的特价报价单.精选PPT48124.Your quotation dated.sounds interesting,but the listed payment conditions are not customary in our trade.你公司日寄来的价目单很令人感兴趣,但 所列的付款条件不合我们的贸易习惯.B25.Please reconsider your payment conditions and let us have your revision of the offer dated请重新考虑你公司

48、的付款 条件,并将你日的报价单修改后寄给我们.精选PPT493 26.We are ready to accept your offer provided you extend the period of guarantee to 12 months.M如你公司延长保证时间至12月,则我公司准 备接受你们的报价.127.Your offer lacks specifications on the type of shipping.We are looking forward to your clarification.M你公司的报价单中未指定运输方式,对此问 题希望得到贵公司的说明.精选PPT

49、50口 28,Due to the present price of raw materials we are unable to change the conditions of our offer.由于目前原料价格的关系,我们无法修正我公司报 价单上的条件.口 29.We are pleased to take care of your special request concerning the quality,我公司彳艮乐意考 虑你对有关品质的特别要求.口 30,Although we appreciate your having sent us samples of cotton p

50、iece goods,we are not interested at the present time.感谢你方寄来的棉 布货样,但现在对此没有兴趣.精选PPT51exercises I.Translation(English-Chinese)31.All the prices quoted are on CIF basis without commission.12.Our offer is subject to the goods being unsold.9 3.We can offer 5,000 tons of Snowflake Brand 97%Zinc Ingots(锌锭)o

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