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1、14 物流物流1 林亚尖林亚尖 叶志鹏叶志鹏 刘丁广刘丁广 丁丁祥和祥和The Ancient City of Pingyao Pingyao City Walln The wall is ten meters high,6163 meters around,and three to five meters wide at the top.While the west,north and east walls are straight,the southern one curves,forming a rough square.The northern and southern walls h

2、ave one gate each,the eastern and western walls,two each.Each gate has a barbican entrance with an inner and an outer door and had a tower above it,three of which have been rebuilt.Each gate used to have a drawbridge to cross the moat,which today is outside three sides of the city and is more than 3

3、.3 meters deep and 3.3 meters wide.NorthGateCity wallNorth GateFake cannonsDraft Banks Of Shanxi MerchantsRishengchangCourtyard During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,merchants organized commercial groups that engaged in business nationwide,with Shanxi Province having some of the most important ones and

4、 Pingyao as the center.The Xiyucheng dye store on Xi Da Jie dealt in remittance and in 1824 became the first draft bank in China,dealing in bank drafts rather than in silver or gold money.Known as Rishengchang(Sunrise Prosper ity),it was the cornerstone of modern Chinese banking.Rishengchang(Sunrise

5、 Prosperity)nThe first draft bank of China,Rishengchang,is situated in the busiest section of Xi Da Jie,which used to be the First Street in the Qing Dynasty.The original site of Rishengchang occupied 2,324 square meters.The land used is arranged in a compact layout of buildings with definite functi

6、ons.Although it was only a small compound,it was a forerunner of modern banking and once manipulated the economic lifelines of the whole Qing Dynasty in the 19th centuryCollection of historical itemsSeat of the County Governmentn The seat of the county government faces south and is over 200 meters l

7、ong and over 100 meters wide with an area of over 20,000 square meters.Although Pingyao has been the seat of the county government since the Qin Dynasty,the complex was built in 1346(Yuan Dynasty).Except for one remaining Yuan Dynasty building,the existing buildings were built in the Ming Dynasty.Ga

8、te to the SeatThe Second HallThe Main CourtroomThe Magistrates Desk in the Civil CourtroomInstruments of torture of the County GovernmentThe Civil CourtroomInstruments of torture of the County GovernmentUnique traditional residencesResidencesCave-style residential roomThe ancient residences not only reflect the level of ancient architecture and the fashion of residences of the time,but they also demonstrate ancient policies,economies,philosophies,ethics,art and customs.These old houses and ruined walls show people how the local people lived in years past.n Thank you

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