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1、2020-2021年八年级英语下册阅读理解真题1一、八年级英语下册阅读理解专项练习(含答案解析)L阅读理解Mr.Ellis is very old.He has seen many changes in his hometown.He knows that things are different now.But he never forgets the old days.He likes to talk about them.He often talks about his favorite birds,the robins(种小鸟鹑).When I was a boy,these hous

2、es were not here.There were wide fields and tall trees.Every spring the robins would come.Thousands of them would fly up to the north from the south.They spent the winter in the south.Some would build their nests(巢)in the trees near our houses.Then people started to cut down trees,and built more hou

3、ses.The robins stopped coming.They couldnt build their nests near our houses because there were no trees.Now there are too many houses and too many roads.There are no places for the robins.They dont come any more.(1)Mr.Ellis often talks about.A.his old houseB.the old daysC.his life nowD.his family(2

4、)The robins spent the winter in_A.the south B.the west(3)built the nests in the trees.C.the northD.the eastA.Mr.Ellis B.Some people C.The robins(4)The robins hasnt come to the hometown becauseD.Some dogsA.people has built more houses.B.There are too many trees.C.it is colder in the north now.D.There

5、 are no places for the robins.(5)From the passage we can know that.A.Mr.Ellis likes his new life now.B.there were many houses in the old days.C.the robins can make houses without trees.D.Mr.Ellis is not happy with the changes there.【答案】(1)B(2)A(3)C(4)D(5)D【解析】【分析】大意:文章主要介绍了 Ellis先生记忆中的一种鸟一一鹑,以及家乡的变

6、化。(1)细节理解题。根据第二段 But he never forgets the old days.He likes to talk about them.但他永远忘不了旧时光,他喜欢讨论他们,可知日lis先生喜欢谈论旧时光。故选B。(2)细节理解题。根据第二段They spent the winter in the south.可知,鸟儿在南方过冬。故选Ao(3)细节理解题。根据第二段 Some would build their nests(巢)in the trees near our houses.有些会把他们的巢建在房子附近的树上,可知有些鹑会把他们的巢建在房子附近的 树上。故选C

7、。(4)细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句 They couldnt build their nests near our houses because there were no trees.他们不能把他们的巢建在我们房子附近,因为没有树,可知家 乡已经没有地方给鸦筑巢了。故选D。(5)推理判断题。根据最后一段 There are no places for the robins.They dont come any more.没有地方给鹑了,他们不再来了,可知Ellis先生觉得很遗憾,因此他对家乡的变化 应该是觉得不开心的。故选D。【点评】考查阅读理解,首先快速浏览、分析问题,抓住关键词;其次

8、带着问题通读全 文,了解文章大意,找到依据,确定答案;最后再检查一遍,确保答案正确。2.阅读理解Tony Wheeler was born to travel.His father worked for an airline.For the first 16 years of his life,Wheeler and his family lived in many counties.In the early 1970s,Tony met a young woman named Maureen.Soon they got married.Before getting jobs,Tony and

9、 Maureen wanted to travel.They took a year-long trip from England,through Asia,to Australia.On the trip,they visited places like Iran,India and so on.When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia,people asked many questions about their trip.To answer these questions,Wheeler wrote a book called Across A

10、sia on the Cheap.The book told people about different countries weather,customs,and places to see.But unlike other travel books of that time,Tony Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists didnt go.He also wrote about special things to see and to do.The book was very popular.Tony and Maure

11、en started a company called Lonely Planet.They went on traveling.They wrote books for each place they visited.Today,800 people work for Lonely Planet.The company has over 650 books.Tony Wheeler,the great traveler,still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.(1)Tony Whee

12、ler wrote the book Across Asia on the Cheap to.A.make money for his next trip.B.tell people about his new companyC.draw peoples attention to his familyD.answer peoples questions about his trip(2)Across Asia on the Cheap was different from other travel books of that time becauseA.it was longer and mo

13、re popularB.it was the first travel book in the worldC.it talked about places most tourists did not goD.it talked about a countrys weather and customs(3)Which of the following is true about Tony Wheelers company?A.His father started it.B.It is an airline.C.Hundreds of people work for it.D.It has no

14、books about traveling.(4)The passage mainly talks about.A.a great traveler and his booksB.a tour of different countriesC.a great writer and his familyD.different kinds of companies【答案】(1)D(2)C(3)C(4)A【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了一个旅行家和他写的书的事情,一开始汤姆结 婚,后来他们夫妻二人开始环游世界旅行,并且谢了树,后来他们开了 了一家公司,并且 继续旅行。(1)细节题。根据文章提到的

15、To answer these questions,Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap可知,他写这本书的目的是为了回答人们的问题,故选D。(2)细节题 o 根据文章提到的 But unlike other travel books of that time,Tony Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists didnt go.可知这本书说了人们不去的地方的情 况,故选C。(3)细节题。根据文章提到的Today,800 people work for Lonely

16、 Planet.可知,数百人为这 家公司工作,故选C。(4)细节题。根据文章提到的一个旅行家和他的书,可知主要聊了旅行家和书,故选Ao【点评】考查阅读理解,考查了细节题,做此类题首先熟悉文章大意,然后熟悉问题,带 着问题到文章中找出答案,注意细节。3.阅读理解Got a problem and not sure who to ask for advice?Write to us and we will help!When you see this,click(点击)to hear some advice from Mandy,our top teen expert.My best friend

17、 wont stop copying me!I love wearing bright clothes and looking different from everyone else.But last month my friend started buying all the same clothes as me.Now we look the same as each other.Lucy,14My mom has been homeschooling me since I was 11.Thats when I finished primary school.I dont spend

18、much time with people of my age.Im friends with some of my neighbors and I have old friends from primary school,but they often forget to invite me when they go out.Ben,15I go to dance lessons with some close friends of mine.The teacher wants me to go to a higher level(水平)class,but she says my friend

19、s have to stay.Im worried about moving to e new class without them.Ill really miss seeing them!What should I do?Susan,13(1)What does Lucy like doing?A.Wearing the same as her best friend.B.Shopping with her best friend.C.Wearing bright clothes.D.Shopping for clothes.(2)How many years has Bens mom ta

20、ught him at home?A.2.B.3.C.4.D.5.(3)What does Susans dance teacher want her to do?A.To go to a dance competition.B.To move to a higher level class.C.To help prepare for a dance party.D.To teach her friends hoe to dance.(4)This material may be from.A.a magazine.B.the Internet.C.a news report.D.a trav

21、el guide【答案】(1)C(2)C(3)B(4)B【解析】【分析】文章叙述了三个青少年各自遇到的问题,他们想请求专家能给他们一些 意见。露西想要穿的与众不同,但她的朋友总是效仿她的穿着,让她非常苦恼;本在家里 上学,总是被朋友们遗忘;苏珊和朋友们一起上舞蹈课,但老师让她独自去高水平班学 习,她感到很担心。(1)细节题。根据 I love wearing bright clothes and looking different from everyone else.可知 我喜欢穿亮丽的衣服,看起来和别人不一样。故选C。(2)细节题。My mom has been homeschooling

22、 me since I was 11.可知我妈妈从我 11 岁起就在家教我以及表格的落款是Ben.15,可知本的妈妈已经在家教了他4年了。故选Co(3)细节题。根据 The teacher wants me to go to a higher level(水平)class,but she says my friends have t。stay可知老师要我去上更高水平的课,但她说我的朋友们必须留下来。故 选Bo(4)细节题。根据 Got a problem and not sure who to ask for advice?Write to us and we will help!When y

23、ou see this,click(点击)to hear some advice from Mandy,our top teen expert.可知有问题,不知道该向谁征求意见?写信给我们,我们会帮忙的!当你看到这个,点击 听取一些建议从曼迪,我们的顶级青少年专家。所以这些材料可能来自互联网。故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解,主要考查细节题,注意从文中仔细寻找答案。4.阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。On February 3rd,1949,New York Harbor(港)was an exciting place.Many people were there

24、 to greet a ship from France.On the ship were 49 French railroad boxcars(火车车厢)filled with gifts from the people of France to the people of America.These boxcars were from the famous Merci Train(Merci:a French word meaning thank you).After World War 口,a lot of factories,roads and farms in France had

25、been destroyed.Many French people had no jobs or money and had little to wear and little to eat.In the winter of 1947,a train was sent across the United States,stopping in cities and towns along the way.At every stop,people gave whatever they could.Factories gave clothing and medicine.Farmers gave f

26、ood.Families gave money.Even school children gave away their pocket money.All the things were then taken to France by ship.By 1949,the French had begun to recover(恢复)from the war.The Merci Train was their way of saying thank you to America.French people had filled the boxcars with gifts.Most of them

27、 were personal,like hand-made toys,childrens drawings,or postcards.But the boxcars themselves were perhaps the most meaningful of the gifts.On each car,the French people had painted the pictures of all their 40 provinces,with an American eagle on the front.The boxcars were taken to each state of Ame

28、rica,where they were warmly greeted.Now many of the states still keep their boxcars.Gifts sent by the French people can still be seen in some museums.The Merci Train came out of the war,but it now reminds the world that countries can also work together in peace.(1)Many people crowded at New York Har

29、bor on February 3d,1949 to.A.welcome the Merci Train B.meet their familiesC.have a big party D.start a trip by ship(2)In 1947,a train stopped in cities across America in order to.A.give away clothing and food B.get more soldiers for the warC.collect things to help French people D.show exhibitions fr

30、om the museums(3)The underlined word them in Paragraph 3 refers to(指).A.the American people B.the French people C.the boxcars D.the gifts(4)The passage is mainly about.A.the story of the Merci Train B.the history of World WarllC.gifts that American people liked D.American museums where the boxcars w

31、ere kept【答案】(1)A(2)C(3)D(4)A【解析】【分析】大意:短文主要介绍了来自法国的Merci Train的故事。(1)细节理解题。根据第一段 Many people were there to greet a ship from France.很多人 在那里欢迎一艘来自法国的船,可知这一天人们聚集在纽约港是为了欢迎Merci Traino故选Ao(2)细节理解题。根据第二段 All the things were then taken to France by ship.所有的东西 通过船被带到法国,可知火车在美国的每个城市停留是为了收集物资帮助法国人民。故选 Co(3)代

32、词辨析题。根据上文French people had filled the boxcars with gifts.法国人用礼物填 满了火车车厢,可知划线代词them指代的是上文的gifts礼物。故选D。(4)主旨大意题。通读全文可知,短文主要介绍了来自法国的Merci Train的故事。故选 Ao【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细节题、代词辨析题和主旨题三种常考题型,细节题要 注意从文中寻找答案;代词辨析题需要联系上下文,推断出代词指代的内容;主旨题需要 通读全文,了解大意之后找出中心思想。5.阅读理解How we spend our time can be divided into three

33、 groups,or jars.These would be the necessary tasks jar,the voluntary tasks jar and the happiness jar.Every day,we spend time filling the necessary tasks jar.We fill this jar with useful things,like making money,housework,buying food.We then fill another jar with voluntary tasks.These are things that

34、 we do for others,but we may not enjoy them,such as taking children to activities and cooking family meals.Those jars are very important.If we dont fill them each day,our family wont be happy.However,we often forget to fill the third jar the happiness jar.This is the jar that we fill with activities

35、 to make us happy.Is your happiness jar sometimes empty at the end of the day?We all have days like that.Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks,time flies quickly and before we know it,it is time for bed.That is why each day we try to fill our happiness jar.Most days,I fill mine by goin

36、g to the ballroom dance(社交舞)class with my husband and daughter.Between the music,the dancing and the friendship among the students,I always leave classes happier than when I entered.Music is another way to make me happy.This week,I was glad to take part in an orchestra(管 弦乐队)practice at my church(教堂

37、).A small group of us met to practice Christmas music for a church service.It was a time of fun,friendship and music making.At the end of the evening,my happiness jar was full.This week,think about how you spent your time.Are you doing enough activities that bring joy to your life?Or are the necessa

38、ry and voluntary tasks eating up all your time?Try to find ways to achieve a balance(获得平衡)among your three jars.At the end of the day,hopefully weve done all we can to make sure that our happiness jar is filled.(1)How many groups can we divide our time into?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.(2)Which of the

39、 following is TRUE about the writer?A.She is always unhappy when she goes to the dance club.B.She goes to the ballroom dance class to make herself happy every day.C.Dancing and music are the two usual ways that she makes herself happy.D.She takes her husband and daughter to dance club in order to ma

40、ke them happy.(3)What can we do to fill the happiness jar according to the passage?A.Wash clothes B.Watch a film C.Mop the floor D.Look after children(4)What can we know from Paragraph 4 and 5?A.The writer took a class at church to practice music.B.The writer finds friendship is important for her ha

41、ppiness.C.The writer was invited to join an orchestra as she is good at singing.D.The writer was going to listen to music at church at Christmas.(5)The writer wrote this article mainly to.A.tell readers how to relax in daily lifeB.tell readers the best way to use their timeC.remind readers to take t

42、ime to make themselves happyD.tell the importance of necessary and voluntary tasks【答案】()C(2)C(3)B(4)B(5)C【解析】【分析】短文大意:主要讲述我们花费时间的方式可以分为三个罐子,分别是必 要任务的罐子、自愿任务的罐子和幸福罐子。往往我们会忽视幸福罐。我们要找到方法平 衡这三个罐子。一天结束下来,尽我们最大的努力确保我们的幸福罐是满的。(1)细节理解题。根据 These would be the necessary tasks jar,the voluntary tasks jar and th

43、e happiness jar可知,可以分为三组,即必要任务的罐子、自愿任务的罐子和幸福罐子。故 选Co(2)细节理解题。根据 I fill mine by going to the ballroom dance(社交舞)class with my husband and daughter.Between the music,the dancing and the friendship among the students,I always leave classes happier than when I entered 以及 Music is another way to make me

44、happy 可知,跳舞和音乐是两个能让她自己开心的方法,故选C(3)细节理解题。根据 Every day,we spend time filling the necessary tasks jar.We fill this jar with useful things,like making money,housework,buying food.We then fill another jar with voluntary tasks.These are things that we do for others,but we may not enjoy them,such as taking

45、 children to activities and cooking family meals 可知 A,C D 三个都是任务罐,所以看电影 属于幸福罐子,故选B。(4)推理判断题。根据 Between the music,the dancing and the friendship among the students,I always leave classes happier than when I entered 以及 It was a time of fun,friendship and music making.At the end of the evening,my happi

46、ness jar was full 可矢口,友谊对于她的幸 福是重要的,故选B。(5)主旨大意题。本文主要讲述我们花费时间的方式可以分为三个罐子,分别是必要任 务的罐子、自愿任务的罐子和幸福罐子。往往我们会忽视幸福灌。我们要找到方法平衡这 三个罐子。一天结束下来,尽我们最大的努力确保我们的幸福灌是满的。再根据At the end of the day,hopefully weve done all we can to make sure that our happiness jar is filled 可矢口,提 醒读者读者们花费时间使他们自己开心,故选C。【点评】此题考查阅读理解。这篇短文涉

47、及细节理解,推理判断和主旨大意。对于细节理 解题可知直接从短文中找出答案。对于推理判断题要根据文章的细节,推理判断问题的答 案。对于主旨大意题,要根据文章的主题句或中心思想确定。6.阅 读理解Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English.Some students say they dont want to read for pleasure.They want to spend their time in doing some exercises on listening,gramma

48、r and new words.They say that pleasure reading is too easy and it is not helpful.Many experts(专家)say pleasure reading is very important for learning English.Dr Stephen Krashen,a famous expert on learning language,says that pleasure reading helps students learn many important things about English.Stu

49、dents can learn more grammar and words.They can also use excellent sentences when they do some writing.Dr Krashen says pleasure reading helps each student in a different way,because each student has his own learning skills or levels.Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what h

50、e or she needs.Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying.When you read for pleasure,you can choose your favourite books,and dont have to remember everything.You dont have any pressure because there are no tests about it.In general,reading for pleasure can helpmake students read faster in Engl

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