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1、CHECKLIST FOR PORT STATE CONTROL船舶迎检自查表(for cargo vessels other than Oil Tanker)自20世纪80年代以来 船舶海上交通事故频发严重危害了人命安全和海洋环境 引起了国际海事组织(IMO)和各港口当局的高度重视。为此,国际海事组织强调要 落实公约标准的三重责任:IMO负责制定标准,船旗国负责实施标准,港口国负责检 查监督,其主旨在于将不符合标准的船舶淘汰出航运市场。而港口国检查(PSC)被公 认为消除低标准船舶、保证海上安全和保护海洋环境的有效手段。近年来,随着相关国际公约修正案的生效,全球范围内的PSC检查力度明显加强

2、,得到了更广泛的认同。2002年7月1日ISM规则全面生效,PSC检查程序不再只是针 对船舶硬件,也开始对船舶操作和管理进行相应的检查,这表明港口国检查已在更广泛 的领域内得到应用。近几年来,中国船级社高度关注港口国检查的现状和发展趋势,采取积极有效的措 施清除船队中的低标准船舶,提高船队的整体质量,使CCS船舶PSC记录得到了根本 性好转,在海事界树立了良好的形象。中国船级社注重加强和广大航运公司的合作,通 过建立和完善“海上安全链”,更好地保证了人命、财产安全和保护了海洋环境。为了与相关各界努力做好港口国检查工作 使相关方面对港口国控制的有关要求有 更多的了解,我社特编写了本检查表。本检查

3、表结合了 PSC代码、检查要求和公约相 关条款,希望能帮助船公司和船舶进一步了解港口国检查。因时间和精力所限,本检查 表未全部包括PSC检查的所有项目,我社将会根据PSC新形势、检查中发现的新问题、新公约生效等对该检查表作修改也希望能得到广大船公司的协助一同完善该检查表本次编写得到了香港海事处和中国远洋运输(集团)总公司船技处的大力协助,在 此表示感谢。P age 1 of 59Note:N.A.-Not Applicable(不适用)Document(文件)Issuing Authority发证机关IssueDate发证日期Expiry Date有效期Next Due Date下次签证日期C

4、ertificate of Registry(登记证书)Ship*s Radio Station License(电台执照)International Tonnage Certificate(1969)(69 吨位证书)(1969)International Load Line Certificate(国际载重线证书)International Load Line Exemption Certificate(if any)(国际载重线免除 证书)(如有)Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate(货船构造安全证书)Cargo Ship Safety C

5、onstruction Exemption Certificate(货船构造安全免 除证书)(如有)Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate(货船设备安全证书)Record of Equipment(Form E)(设备记录)Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Exemption Certificate(fixed fire fighting)货船设备安全免除证书(固定灭火)Document of Compliance with the special requirements for ships carrying dangerous

6、goods(装运危险货物特殊要求的符合文件)Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate(货船无线电安全证书)Record of Approved Cargo Ship Radio Installation(Form R)(认可无线 电装置记录)Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Exemption Certificate(GMDSS items)(货船无线电安全免除证书)(GMDSS项目)Document of Compliance(ISM Code)(符合证明)Safety Management Certificate(安全管理证书)Inter

7、national Oil P ollution P revention(IOP P)Certificate(国际防止油污 证书)Record of Construction and Equipment(Form A-for ships other than oil tankers)防油污记录(非油轮)Minimum Safe Manning Certificate(安全配员证书)P age 2 of 59*To note if there is any condition of class(如果有船级条件请注明)Issue Date签发日期*Certificate of Class(船级证书)

8、Record of Continuous Survey of Hull and Machinery(船体轮机循环检验记录)Enhanced Survey Report File(fbr Bulk Carriers)and supporting documents(加强检验报告(对散货船)和支持性文件)Record of Conditions of Assignment of Load Lines(载重线核定勘划记录)Record of Approved Cargo Ship Safety Equipment(认可安全设备记录)Record of Cargo Ship Safety Radio

9、Equipment(无线电设备记录)Liferaft servicing certificates(救生筏检修证书)Liferaft hydrostatic release servicing certificates(静水压力释放器检修证书)CO2 bottles and system servicing record(CO2 气瓶及系统检修记录)CO2 bottles hydraulic test record(CO2 气瓶水压记录)Fire extinguishers servicing record(灭火器检修记录)Dangerous goods manifest or stowage

10、 plan(if any)(危险货物清单和装载图)(如有时)Certificate of compliance for the carriage of solid bulk cargoes(散装固体货物适装证书)Grain Loading Certificate(谷物装载证书)Cargo gear book and testing certificates(if any)(起货设备检验簿和试验证书(如有时)(period for test:4 years or 5 years)(试验周期 4 年或 5 年)Shore Base Maintenance Contract for GMDSS(GM

11、DSS 岸基维修协议)B.A.bottles hydraulic test record(period for test:5 years)呼吸器气瓶液压试验记录(试验周期 5 年)Documents and Plans to be posted up onboard(船上需张贴的文件和图纸)Documents/Plans(文件/图纸)Posted(张贴)Remarks(备注)YesNoFire Control Plan(防火控制图)SOLAS n-2 Reg.20(2001 综合文本),RO盖章。Muster lists and emergency instruction(应变部署表)(Nav

12、igation bridge,engine room and crew accoininodation spaces)(驾驶台,机舱和起居处所)SOLAS III Reg.8(2001 综 合文本),不绩枇海,但应 满足公约要求。IMO Symbols related to LSA&FFA.Res.A.760(18),A.654(16)(与 LSA&FFA有关的救生符号)须符合相关决议的要求。Illustrations and instructions on method of donning lifejackets(Muster stations)(穿戴救生衣的图解和说明)(集合站)须符合A

13、.760(18)要求Posters and signs in the vicinity of lifeboats,liferalaunching controls(救生艇、救生筏、救助艇及其降落装置附近的图示和符号)同上Damage Control Plan(for ships constructed on or after 0 1.0 2.1992)(Navigationbridge)(破损控制图,适用于1992年2月1 1 1及以后建造船舶)SOLAS IM Reg.23,23-1,23-2(2001 综合文 本),船旗国或RO批 准。Block diagram showing chang

14、e over procedures for remote steering gear control systems and steering gear power units(Navigation bridge and steering gear compartment)(驾驶台和舵机间:表明转换遥控操舵控制系统和舵机动力 装置的示意图)SOLAS V Reg.19-2(2001综合文本)P age 3 of 59Manual/Booklet/Record Book(手册,小册子和记录簿)Remarks(备注)YesNoApproved stability booklet,associate

15、d stability plans and stability information(认可的稳性手册,有关的稳性图纸和稳性资料)SOLAS 11-1 Reg.23,23-1,23-2(2001综合文本),船旗国或 RO批准Approved grain loading information booklet(认可的谷物装载手册)SOLAS VI P art C(2001 综合文 本)船旗国或RO批准Approved document of authorization for the carriage of grain(准的允许装载谷物的证明)SOLAS VI Reg.9(2001 综合文 本)

16、现场验港师签发Bulk Carrier Booklet(to prevent excessive stress in ships structure,the required information may be contained in the intact stability booklet)(散货船手册)(以防止船舶结构过应力,所要求的资料 可能在完整稳性手册中)SOLAS VI Reg.7(2001 综合文 本),船旗国或RO批准Approved Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan(SOPEP)(Marpol 73/78,Annex I,Reg

17、.26)(认可的防油污应急计划)MARP OL 73/78 附则 I Reg.26,船旗国或RO批准Oil Record Book Part I(Machinery Space Operations)(油类记录簿第一部分)(机舱处所)MARP OL 73/78 附则 I 附录 III,符合公约要求Approved Cargo Stowage and Securing Manual(认可的配载和系固 手册)SOLAS VI Reg.5(2001 综合文 本),船旗国或RO批准Lifesaving appliances training manual(救生设备训练手册)SOLAS III Reg.

18、35(2001 综合文 本),应符合公约要求Instructions for on-board maintenance of life saving appliances(救生设备保养指南)SOLAS III Reg.36(2001 综合文 本),应符合公约要求Fire Safety Operational Booklet(放防火操作手册)SOLAS 2000 修正案 II-2 P ARTE Reg.16,满足公约要求Fire Fighting Training Manual(灭火训练手册)SOLAS 2000 修正案 II-2 P ARTE Reg.15 2.34,满足公约要求Fire Fi

19、ghting Systems&Appliances Maintenance Plan(灭火系统和设备保养计划)SOLAS 2000 修正案 II-2 P ARTE Reg.14 2.2.3,满足公约要求Record of Drills and Inspections(演习和检查记录)SOLAS III Reg.19.3/19.5(2001综合文本),5荫足公约要求Record of Onboard Training(训练记录)同上Garbage Management Plan(生活垃圾处理计划)MEP C.70(38)Garbage Record Book(生活垃圾处理记录簿)同上P age

20、4 of 59Damage Control Booklet(for ships built on or after 0 1.0 2.1992)(破损控制手册,适用于1992年2月1日及以后建造船舶)SOLAS II-l Reg.23,23-1,23-2 2001综合文本),船旗国或 批准SOLAS II-l Reg.23,23-1,23-2(2001综合文本),验船师确 认,符合公约要求Muster List and Emergency Instructions(集合计划和应急指南)SOLAS III Reg.37(2001 综合 文本),须满是公约要求SOPEP Drills Log Boo

21、k(溢油演习记录簿)MSC/Circ.760 和 MSC/Circ.310Deck and Engineer Log Book(甲板和轮机日志)Res.A849(20),记录公约所要 求的相关内容Radio Log Book/GMDSS Log Book(电台日志/GMDSS 日志)同上Battery Log Book(电池日志)同上Emergency Battery Log Book(应急电源日志)同上NAUTICAL PUBLICATIONS(航海出版物)Publications(出版物)Updated Version Provided/Corrected(提供最新版本/修正)Remark

22、s(备注)YesNoCharts(海图)Notice to Mariners(航海通告)Tide Tables(潮汐表)Nautical Almanac(航海年鉴)Sailing Directions and Supplements(航路指南和附录)List of Lights(灯塔表)Lists of Radio Signals(无线电信号表)International Code of Signals(国际无线电信号规则)ITU Publications(国际电信联盟出版物)NAUTICAL RELATED INFORMATION(航海相关资料)Information(资料)Provided

23、(提供)Remarks(备注)YesNoCatalogue of admiralty charts and publications(航海图 书总目录)Chart Correction System(海图修改系统)Life-saving signals illustrated table(救生信号图解表)Ship Manoeuvring Information(操船信息)Captains Night Order Book(船长夜间命令簿)Radar Log Book(雷达记录簿)Chronometer Error Book(天文钟误差表)P age 5 of 59和其他资料)Publicati

24、ons(资料)Provided(提供)Remarks(备注)YesNoSOLAS consolidated edition 20 0 1+Amendment 20 0 0(SOLAS20 0 1综合文本+20 0 0修正案+20 0 2修正案)MARPOL consolidated edition 2002(MARPOL20 0 2 综合文本)LOADLINE 1966 Regulations+Supplement to Load LineRegulations 1966 and Protocol of 1988 to Load Line Regulations(66载重线公约及附录和88议定

25、书Collision Regulations(避碰规则)International Convention on Standard of Training,Certification andWatchkeeping for Seafarers,1978 as amended in 1995(STCWConvention)(1995 年修正的 1978STCW 公约)IMO Ships Routeing(IMO 船舶航路)International Safety Management Code(国际安全管理规则)IMDG Code,supplement and errata(国际危规,附录和勘误表

26、)Code of Safety Practice for Cargo Stowage&Securing(not for dry bulk carriers and OBO carriers)(货物装载和系固安全操作规则)(不 适用于干散货船和油矿船)Code of Safety Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes(BC Code)(固体散装 货物规则)Code for the construction and Equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk(BCH Code)(散装危险化学品船结构和 设

27、备规则)Index of Dangerous Chemicals carried in bulk(IBC)(散装危险化学 品目录)International Convention for the Safe Containers(CSC)(安全集装 箱国际公约)International Grain Code(国际谷物规则)Code of Safe Practice for ships carrying Timberdeck Cargoes(载运 木甲板货物安全操作规则)International Life-Saving Appliance Code(LSA Code)备规则)Internati

28、onal Code for Fire Safety Systems 则)IMO Bridge Procedure Guide(IMO 过桥程序指南)Guide to helicopter/ship operations(from ICS)(直升机/船舶操作指 南)P age 6 of 59No.YesNoRemarks0190On board training and instruction(船 上人 员 训练和指南)Not later than two weeks after joining the ship,on the use of ships LSA including surviva

29、l craft equipment and in the use of ships FFA(登轮两周 内应进行救生消防训练包括救生艇筏设备)P aragraph 4 of Regulation 19 ofChapter III(SOLAS 综合文本 2001)0190At interval not more than four months,in the use davit-launchcd liferafts(if fitted)不超过4个月应使用救生筏机械降落装置(如有)P aragraph 4.3 of Regulation 19 of Chapter III(SOLAS 综合 文本20

30、01)0190Lifeboat falls(救生艇小艇钢丝)Turn end to end at intervals not more than 30 months(每不超过 30 个月应 掉头)P aragraph 4 of Regulation 20 of Chapter III(SOLAS 综合文本 2001)Renewal at intervals not more than 5 years(每不超过 5 年应换新)Falls certificate available(吊艇钢丝证书)1599within 12 hours before departure from port(离港前

31、12 小时)Testing of steering gear and change over procedures(操舵和转换程序试验)Regulation 19.2 of Chapter V(SOLAS综合文本2001)0190Weekly(每周)Visual inspection of all survival craft,rescue boat and launching appliance(救生艇筏,救助艇及降落装置外观检查)P aragraph 6 of Regulation 20 of Chapter III(SOLAS 综合文本 2001)0190All engine of li

32、feboats and rescue boats run ahead and astern for a total period of not less than 3 minutes(所有救生艇,救助艇应进行不少于3 分钟正反转试验)0190Test of general emergency alarm(通用报警试验)0190Monthly(每月)LSA including lifeboat equipment check(救生设备包括救生艇检查)P aragraph 7 of Regulation 20 ofChapter III(SOLAS 综合文本 2001)Crew muster fo

33、r abandon ship and fire drill(船员弃船和消防演习)P aragraph 3 of Regulation 19 ofChapter III(SOLAS 综合文本 2001)Emergency lighting for mustering and abandonment tested(应急照明和弃 船试验)Rescue boat launched and maneouvred in water(maximum allowable period 3 months)(救助艇降落和水上操作(最长不超过3个月)Enclosed space entry and rescue(封

34、闭处所的进入和救助)0190Three monthly(每 3 个月)Emergency steering drills(应急操舵演习)Regulation 19.2 of Chapter V(SOLAS综合文本2001)Lifeboats launched and manoeuvred in water(救生艇降落、水上操作)P aragraph 3 of Regulation 19 ofChapter III(SOLAS 综合文本 2001)0190Six monthly(每 6 个月)Free-fall lifeboats launched and manoeuvred in water

35、(if fitted)救生艇降落和水上操作(如有)P aragraph 3 of Regulation 19 ofChapter III(SOLAS 综合文本 2001)1710Routine Log Book Entry(常规记录)Oil Record Book(油类记录簿)Regulation 20 of Ch叩ter II of Annex I(MARP OL 综合文本 2002)2330Garbage Record Book(垃圾记录簿)Regulation 9 of Annex V(MARP OL综合文本2002)1705SOP EP Drill Record Book(防油污应急计

36、划演习记录簿)Regulation 26 of Chapter IV of Annex I(MARP OL 综合文本 2002)0190Engine Log Book(轮机 111 志)P age 7 of 59(国际安全管理规则)ISM Code Items(ISM规则项目)PSC Code No.Requirements(要求)ConditionsSafety and environmental policy(2)(女全和 环境方针)2510Safety Management Manual in order(配备安全管理手册)2510Evidence of procedures instr

37、uctions followed(遵循程序指令的证据)Company policy displayed at prominent locations,e.g.Bridge,MessRoom,etc.(公司方针张贴在显著位置,如:驾驶台,餐厅等)Company responsibility and authority(公司职 责和权限)2515Management agreement between ships Owner and management company available on board?是否保存本船所有人与船舶管理公司签 订的委托管理协议(如适用时)?Knowledge of

38、 Management company by Crerw.船员是否了解本船的管理公司?Designated person(4)(指定人员)2520Knowledge of Designated P erson by shipboard persons(船上人员熟知指 定人员)2520Designated P erson/Shore contact details readily available(指定人员与岸 上详细联系信息能否获得)Master responsibility and authority(5)(船长 责任和权力)2525Evidence of Masters understa

39、nding of his role and duties under the SMS(Overriding Authority)船长是否理解SMS中规定的职责和角色(绝对 权威)2525Evidence of Masters understanding of his duty of improving the SMS(Master Review)(船长是否理解其在提高SMS方面的职责)Resources andPersonnel(6)(资 源和人员)2530SMS document in working language understood by the crew(安全管理 体系文件使用船员

40、理解的工作语言编写)2530P roficiency in common language between shipboard personnel(船上人员 精通工作语言)2530Officers license&medical fitness ascertained(确认船员许可和健康证)2550Safety Management Manual available to crew(船员能得到安全管理手 册)2550Safety Management Manual distribution in order(安全管理手册分发有 序)2530Evidence of crew familiariz

41、ation of SMS(船员熟悉 SMS)-Job Familiarization record(精通业务的记录)-Onboard training,e.g.video,books,etc(船上培训,如,录象,书籍等)-Results of interview/questioning-Instruction prior to sailingResources and personnel(6)(资 源和人员)2530Identification of training needs-Individual performance evaluation record(个人能力评估记录)-Indivi

42、dual onboard training record(个人船上培训记录)Development of plans for shipboard operations(7)(操 作)2535Identified of key operations on board.(公司标识了哪些船上关键操作)Operation instructions available on board.(是否制定了操作须知)Operation and record by Crew were comply with requirements船员操 作、记录是否满足公司规定的要求)P age 8 of 59围和频次)-Te

43、sting of emergency&backup systems(应急支持系统试验)-Identification of emergency situation(应急状况确认)-Emergency drill program&emergency drill record&review(应急 演习程序和记录及审查)Reports andanalysis(9)(报告 与分析)2545Evidence of reports generated under(Accident,incident,non-conformity)were reported to the company(是否按要求向公司报告

44、事件,事故,不 合格)2545Evidence of reports generated were responded by the company with corrective action(s),if applicable,implemented(公司是否对所报告的情 况采取了纠正措施,如有,是否执行)Maintenance(10)(保养)2550Engine room and deck equipment maintenance record(机舱和甲板设备 保养记录)2550Maintenances were implemented according requirements of

45、 ISM Code?And the records are complying with the natural condition of ship and equipment.(是否已按ISM规则要求进行了维护保养,记录是否 与船舶实际状况一致?)Documentation(11)(文件)2555Effectiveness of document control(文件控制有效)2555Safety Management Manual(SMM)available(配备安全管理手册)Company verification,review and evaluation(12)(公 司确认,审查和评

46、 估)2560Ship-Shore Interaction(船岸交流)-Intemal/Extemal Audit record(内/外部审核记录)-Internal/External Audit NC follow-up and corrective action taken(内/外部审核记录不合格及后续纠正措施)-Internal/External Audit NC closure(内/外部审核记录不合格的关闭)Certification,verification and control(13)(发证、审核和控制)2565The DOC and SMC are valid?(D 0 C 和

47、 S M C 有效)Is a copy of the DOC with the endorsement for the latest office audit available onboard?(经最近一次公司审核签署的DOC副本保存在船)P age 9 of 59No.Conditions0 230The actual Crew composition in accordance with the requirements as per Safe Manning Certificate.(实际配员是否满足安全配员证书要求)0 221The master,deck officers,engi

48、neer officers and ratings are in possession of a respective certificate of competence.(船长、甲板和轮机部高级船员及各等级船 员均持有相应的适任证书)0 222The deck and engine ratings for watch-keeping are in possession of a certificate for ratings for watch-keeping.(甲板、机舱值班人员持有与职责相符的值班等级证 书)0 221Certificates of the crew had endors

49、ements by flag as appropriate.(舟台员证书已经 船旗国签证)0 221Crewmembers are in possession of valid medical examination certificates.(船员均 持有有效的健康证书)VALID DATE:0 260Watch duty schedule and rest period are posted.(船员值班时间和休息表已张贴)0 223The appropriate GMDSS operator is on board.(船上有适任的 GMDSS 操作人员)0 2260 2270 2410 2

50、50The appropriate crewmembers are possession of certificate for personnel on fast rescue boats,Certificate for advanced fire-fighting,certificate for medical first aid,certificate for personnel on survival craft and rescue boats.(船上有适当的人员持 有快速救助艇操作证书、高级防火证书、高级救助证书、艇筏操纵证书)0 299New crewmembers have be

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