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1、第一单元 口译理解第一课 听取信息I. Theory and Technique: Receiving InformationII. Technique Training 1.1 三种错误的饭后习惯 1.2 Why do we have eyebrows?III. Interpreting Exercise 1.3 US Vice Presidents speech at Fudan University 1.4 王光亚在普林斯顿大学演讲的开场白 1.5 Speech at inauguration of new facilityIV. Interpretation-related cultu

2、re: etiquetteV. Everyday Accumulation: ClichPart one. Receiving InformationA. Difference between normal listening comprehension practice and the listening comprehension in interpretationThe most basic difference is that in the normal listening comprehension practice, a listener is only asked to unde

3、rstand what he hears and make judgment, while in the interpreting environment, an interpreter is asked not only to understand but also to make logical analysis of what he hears and reorganize the information with his own words and express it through interpretation.口译时译员要兼做编辑。这是什么意思呢?就是说译员在听清并理解了讲话人话

4、后,要能够判断出哪些是他真正要讲的话,哪些是没用、重复罗嗦的废话,从而对其进行编辑处理。那么,这样做是否有悖于翻译忠实原则呢?否。因为,口语自有口语特点。讲话人在即席发言时,脑子里往往只有一个中心思想,但是具体表达和选词造句却是想到哪儿说到哪儿。就是说,口语不可能像书面语那样严谨,其中必然有一些重复、罗嗦废话。甚至有的讲话人本来就不善言辞,经常会说出一些不完整、不知所云的话。这种情况中国人有,外国人也有。这时,译员就要善于综合,要在不遗漏讲话基本内容前提下,敢于删掉那些废话,使译出的话语条理清楚。只有这样才能真正忠于讲话人精神实质。否则一味追求逐字逐句照译,反而会给人零乱、不忠感觉。B. Te

5、chnique Traininga. Summarizing practice: After listening to a text (either in SL or TL), students are asked to summarize what he or she hears in the same language of the source text, which means if a student listens to a Chinese text, he is asked to do the summary in Chinese, and if it is in English

6、, do it in English, so there is no listening barriers for Ss.Tips for SP: 1) catch the logical structure of the source text: title of the text; topic sentence; narrating structure: time, direction, logical reasoning, etc; style of the text: narrative, illustrative, explanation, argument, story, etc.

7、 2)get the trunk message (major idea) 3) be coherent (前后保持连贯一致)Sample practice one:三种错误的饭后习惯(Three mistaken after-meal habits )Practice pattern:1) Ask Ss to just listen to the audio material without referring to the written text and summarize. Purpose: to help them form the awareness of being an int

8、erpreter, to establish the direct transition from oral to oral, however, note-taking is encouraged in this technique training. After listening to the audio material for one time, get volunteers to do the summarization.2)Ask Ss to listen for the second time with their books open and give their writte

9、n summarization. Assign them homework: Translate the teachers summarization into English and upload their translation to the teachers blog, later on, compare their translation with the teachers in the blog.Blog Address: http:/blog. First question: What are they? (one, two, three)Second question: Why

10、 are they wrong? What is the right thing to do?( respective reasons and advice)错误习惯一:饭后吃水果S: 许多人多喜欢饭后吃点水果爽口,但医生提醒说,这其实是一种错误的习惯,因为饭后马上吃水果会影响消化。如果人们长期坚持这种生活习惯,将会导致消化功能紊乱。因此,人们最好在饭后一到两个小时再吃水果。错误习惯二:饭后饮茶S: 医生还提醒说,人们还要注意改正饭后饮茶和饭后散步的错误习惯。饭后立即饮茶,茶水会冲淡胃液(gastric juice, stomach juice, digestive juice),影响胃内食物

11、的正常消化。医生建议,最好在进食一小时之后再饮用茶水,这样有助于消化。错误习惯三:饭后散步S:“饭后百步走活到九十九”,这种说法是不科学的。人的胃的饭后处于充盈的状态,即使是非常轻微的运动也会使胃受到震动,从而增加肠胃的负担,影响消化功能。医生建议,最好在饭后三十分钟再散步。Three mistaken after-meal habitsMany people like to eat some fruits right after a meal, however, doctors remind that it is actually a mistaken habit, for it (eati

12、ng fruits right after a meal) will affect digestion. If one sticks to such a habit, it will bring about disorder of his digesting system. Thus, it is suggested that one eats fruits one or two hours after a meal.Doctors also remind that the habits of having tea and going for a walk right after a meal

13、 are wrong and should be corrected.If one drinks tea right after a meal, the tea water will dilute the gastric juice and affect the normal digestion of the food in stomach. Doctors suggest that one takes tea one hour after a meal.The common saying that “If one takes a walk (of 100 steps) after a mea

14、l, he is most likely to enjoy a long life (of 99 years)” is unscientific. Ones stomach is fully-loaded with food after a meal, thus even the slightest physical movements will shake the stomach and increase its burden, affecting its digesting function. Doctors suggest that one go for a walk half an h

15、our after a meal. Sample Practice two: Why do we have eyebrows? Question 1: What roles do our eyebrows play? Question 2: How eyebrows help protect our eyes? Our eye brows play a very important role in keeping moisture out of our eyes. By diverting the flow of water or sweat away from our eyes, they

16、keep our eyes dry from rain or sweat. Our eye brows are arch-shaped, which helps angle the rain or sweat around to the sides of our faces, leaving our eyes fairly dry. By catching the water or sweat, our eyebrows not only allow us to see more clearly but also keep the salt in the sweat from burning

17、or irritating our eyes. Eyebrows have other roles also. For example, eyebrows help us determine (tell) how people are feeling without having to ask them, for eyebrows are one of the most expressive facial features. If somebodys eyebrows are drawn in a frown, he is most likely angry or upset. Besides

18、, eyebrows have been having an increasing impact on our concept of beauty or fashion. Big, thick and hairy eyebrows tend to be considered unattractive, while thin, plucked eyebrows are said to be more beautiful. 我们的眉毛对于保护我们的眼睛使其免受水汽的侵扰起着非常重要的作用。通过引流我们脸上的雨水或汗水,眉毛可以防止雨水或汗水进入我们的眼睛,从而使其保持干爽。我们的眉毛呈拱形,这有助

19、于其将雨水或汗水引流至脸部的侧面,从而使眼睛保持干爽。通过阻流雨水或汗水,我们的眉毛不仅可以让我们看得更清楚,还可以使眼睛免受汗水中盐分的灼烧或刺痛。 眉毛还有其他一些作用。比如,我们可以通过眉毛直接判断一个人的心情,而不用去问他。当一个人的眉头紧锁时,十有八九他是不开心的或不安的。 此外,现如今眉毛对我们的审美观念的影响力也是与日俱增。浓,密、粗的眉毛就被认为是不吸引人的,而薄的经过精心拔理的眉毛则更显迷人。口译练习部分参考译文:美国副总统切尼2004年在复旦大学的演讲词开场白Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your kind wor

20、ds of introduction. And we are delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China./ We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring yo

21、u good wishes from President George W. Bush and the People of the United States./I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline./ I congratulat

22、e each of you on your achievement, and I commend your teacher for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.美国副总统切尼2004年在复旦大学的演讲词开场白译文切尼:非常感谢市长先生,感谢您刚才的美言介绍。今天来到这里,我们非常高兴。有幸再次来到贵国访问,我和我夫人都感到非常高兴。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,尤其是复旦大学的款待,谢谢你们给我们的这份荣幸。我们此行带来了布什总统以及美国人民的良好祝愿。


24、每一个紧要关头,普林斯顿大学及其师生都发挥了关键作用。”令人高兴的是,在座诸位对中国事务都抱有研究兴趣。虽然我们两国地理上相距万里,但在日常生活中却非常相近。好莱坞影片、麦当劳快餐成了许多中国人生活中的内容。而中国加工的服装、日用品也天天伴随着美国人民。我希望通过今天的交流,能增进在座诸位对中国和中国外交政策的了解,为未来彼此的友谊与合作锦上添花。Ladies and Gentlemen,Good evening.It is an honor for me to be invited to your seminar tonight. For me, for my colleagues and

25、many other Chinese, Princeton has long been a familiar name. With a history longer than the country, it has produced many outstanding people, Woodrow Wilson, the 28th US President, Albert Einstein, the great scientist, and T. S. Eliot, the famous poet, to name but a few. As the former President Bill

26、 Clinton said in 1996 in the 250 anniversary celebration of Princeton,At every critical moment in American history, Princeton, its leadership, its students have played a crucial role.I am more pleased to learn that all of you have a keen interest in China. Though our two countries are geographically

27、 far apart, we have lots in common. While many Chinese enjoy Hollywood movies and McDonalds fast food, many Americans find that their clothes and daily necessities are made in China. I hope that todays seminar will help you gain a better understanding of China and its foreign policy, thus further deepening our friendship and cooperation.

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