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教材复习(七年级下册)Units 5—8(讲义课件_)-【中考导学案】2023中考英语(邵阳专用).pdf

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教材复习(七年级下册)Units 5—8(讲义课件_)-【中考导学案】2023中考英语(邵阳专用).pdf_第1页
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1、2023邵阳英语七年级下册Units 58回归教材知识梳理情景交际微专题单元复习小测回归教材知识梳理七年级下册Units 58F首页,总目录1 辨析other,the other,others,the others与anotherso its like any other night for Zhu Hui and his host family.所以对朱辉和他的房东家人来说,今晚和任何(一个)其他的晚上是一样的。(Unit 6 P35)单词/短语含义及用法图解助记other用作形容词或代词,泛指“别的;其 他的”,其后常接复数名词,其前常 有限XE词any,no,some等。七年级下册 Un

2、its 58 4y Z单词/短语含义及用法图解助记the other特指两者中的“另一个(人或物)”,X/X/X/x/x/x/x/K/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/xy、/one.the other.表示 个,另 一个”;其后也可接数词或复数 名词,特指“其他的”。Oonethe otherothers用作代词,泛指“其他的人或物(剩余 的另些,但并非全部),sgmeO O 0 o o oothers表示 些.,另止匕.”Osomeothers/other+复数名词七年级下册Units 58首页i总目录.单词/短语含义及用法图解助记the others特指某一范围内的“其

3、他的(全部)人 或物”。some the othersanother泛指三者或三者以上的人或物中的“另一个”,其后可接单数名词。o o o o oone another七年级下册Units 58首页学,以 I致/用基础练习:other the other others the others another1.We learn Chinese,math,English and other subjects.2.In the room some people are from the UK,and the others are fromGermany.七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录.

4、3.Take it easy.There will be another two buses coming in a few minutes.4.After class,some of us play on the playground,and others just stay in the classroom.5.I found one of your shoes,but I couldnt find the other.七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录/情境化命题:(广安完形节选改编)With the help of her father,she found a company

5、 to produce her cups.They sold well and someone even emailed Lily to thank her.Lily felt glad when she knew she could help C.6.A.the other B.other C.others(广州完形节选改编)By this time other raindrops had seen what they did.One said,“If you two are doing such a good job,I shall follow!”And down it went.And

6、 I!”said C.And I!”they all said,.7.A.others B.the other C.another七年级下册Units 58 首页,总目录2 辨析hope,wish,expect与look forward toZhu Hui misses his family and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.朱辉 想念他的家人,并且希望吃到他妈妈做的美味的粽子。(Unit6P35)单词/短语含义用法搭配&句型hope希望;期望表示主观上认为能实现的愿望,并对其实现吗有信心。/hope to do sth./hope+th

7、at从句不能说hope sb.to do sth.七年级下册Units 58/首页/总目录/单词/短语含义用法搭配&句型wish希望;祝愿表示某种未实现或难以 实现的愿望,还可以表 示对他人的祝福。wish(sb.)to do sth.wish sb.sth.wish+that从句(虚拟语气)expect预料;期待侧重于相信或认为有可 能实现的愿望。expect(sb.)to do sth.be expected to do sth.expect+that 从句lookforward to盼望;期待表小主观上期望或向往 某事,常怀有高兴、愉 悦的心情。t是介词卜look forward to

8、sth.look forward to doing sth.七年级下册Units 58/y 首页,总目录/学以致用基础练习:*1.Mike hopes improve(improve)his spoken English,so he practices it every day.2.We re looking forward to wmnmg(win)the match as soon as possible.3.Both my parents and teachers expect me to study(study)hard and become a useful person.七年级下册

9、Units 58/F 首页/总目录.hope wish expect look forward to4.Tom misses his grandparents a lot.Hes looking forward to seeingthem in the coming summer vacation.5.I wish that I could go into space one day.6.Don t expect him to correct his mistakes because he thinks he is always right.7.We all hope we can achie

10、ve our dreams.七年级下册Units 58首页总目录I 情境化命题::|I I:I y 9 9!8.一I don t like the sleeping bag,Dad.:|-Ij 一What do you C,Bob?Its a camp,not a hotel.:|I!A.suggest B.imagine C.expectI:l(淮安完形节选改编)it was Monday.Mr.Mason came into the classroom:|I:lI with the students photos in his hand.All students B to see thei

11、r own photos.JI19.A.disliked B.hoped C.refused七年级下册Units 58首页总目录(宁夏完形节选改编)Amy is the leader of one group.She is not _竺_ forward to working with her group because a boy named Ray is always absent from the group meeting.10.A.putting B.looking C.carrying七年级下册Units 583询问天气的句型Hows the weather in Beijing?

12、北京的天气怎么样?Its sunny.晴天。(Unit 7 P37)七年级下册Units 58 首页,总目录注意:以上句型中be动词的形式根据不同的时态(现在、过去或将来)而变化。如:What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎么样?How was the weather yesterday?昨天天气怎么样?七年级下册Units 58常用回答:回答形式图解助记It s+表示天气情况的形容词(warm,hot,cooL cold,sunny,windy,cloudy,rainy,snowy等).It s+v.-ing(raining,snowing等)

13、.赛位也 少壑sunny windy cloudy rainy snowy【拓展】weather意为“天气”,是不可数名词。七年级下册Units 58 4y 首页,总目录/学I以画用I基础练习:1.Its rammg(rain)hard outside.Wed better stay at home.2.What a sunny(sun)day!Lets go cycling.3.I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录.II 情境化命题::|II:|4.一Whats the weather l

14、ike today?h i:i)Its a B day.Its heavily now.JI I:lj A.raining;rainy B.rainy;raining C.rainy;rainy:lI:l5 A the weather the day before yesterday?弓I I:l!It was so hot.:lII:li A.How was B.What was C.How is:lI:li 6.(福建听力改编)一Whats the weather like/How,s the weather today?:lI Its fine.The sun is shining an

15、d theres not a cloud in the sky.七年级下册Units 58 首页/总目录.There be句型一Is there a hospital near here?这附近有医院吗?一Yes,there is.有。(Unit 8 P43)(讲解详见P195196语法专题十二句子的种类知识点6)七年级下册Units 58/首页/总目录5 辨析cross,across,through,over与pastThe pay phone is across from the library.付费电话在图书馆的对面。(Unit 8 P44)单词含义及用法图解助记cross/across

16、“穿过;越过;横过;渡过”,指从一边到 另一边,强调从表面穿过(其含义常与介词。n zy/x/syzs,z、有关),如穿过/横过road,river,bridge等。cross是及物动词,后面直接跟兵语;across是 介词,通常和go,walk,swim等动词连用。匕盛1go across the street=cross the street七年级下册Units 58单词含义及用法图解助记through介词,“穿过”,强调从空间内部 穿过(其含义常与介词in有关),如穿 过forest,window等。一/4go through the tunnel(隧道)over介词,“翻越;越过”,指

17、从物体 上方(尤指障碍物)跨过,如跨过 fence,wall等。通常和jump,climb 等动词连用。jump over the hurdle(跨栏)七年级下册Units 58 4y 首页,总目录/单词含义及用法图解助记past 一介词,“经过”,指从旁边经过、一路过。pass v.经过(过去式passed)当年 walk past the desk 七年级下册Units 58 41r 首页,总目录/基础练习:cross across through over past1.The young man walked through the forest and got to a small h

18、ouse.2.Jim looked at the sky and saw a plane flying over the village.3.I have to walk across a river when I go to school.4.一Can you tell me how to get to the Star Cinema?Go Past the post office,and you 11 find it on the right.5.We should try to stop the Chinese style of crossmg the road.七年级下册Units 5

19、8首页总目录i 情境化命题::III:|)(江汉三市完形节选改编)One day,as she was walking A my friendsI I iand me in the hallway,I said,Hey!There goes smelly pants!Youh i:ij smell bad.We all laughed,hi i16.A.past B.on C.across:iIl(日照完形节选改编)One day,our teacher had each of us race A thehi:iI monkey bars(攀爬架),swinging from one rung

20、(横杠)to the next.I I 魂s7.A.across B.through C.over首页,总目录/七年级下册Units 586 辨析spend,pay,cost与takeI like to spend time there on weekends.我喜欢在那里度过周末。(Unit 8 P47)单词主语常用句型例句spend(spent spent)人某人花时间/金钱做某事+spcnd(s)+CS/t8BI+on sth./(in)doing sth.(注:spend time witl sb.和某人共度时光)I spent ten dollars oi the hook.=i h

21、e bool cost mt ten dollars.二:paid ten dollars tor th1 book.我花了十美兀买pay(paid,paid)人某人为某物付款多少A+pay(s)+for sth.paysb.+钱支付给某人多少钱cost(cost cost)物某事(物)花费(某人)金钱 sth.+cost(s)+(+)二爱七年级下册Units 58单词主语常用句型例句take(took,taken)it(形式主语)做某事花费某人多长时间It takes+?+to do sth.It took my father two hours to repair the car.我 爸爸

22、花了两个小时修理 这辆汽车。七年级下册Units 58 4y 首页,总目录/学以致用基础练习:1.She has spent a lot of time travel(l)ing(travel)around the world.2.It took Zhang Guimei many years to h&P(help)about 1,800 girl students in poor areas realize their college dreams.七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录.spend pay cost take3.It took me only 28 minutes

23、to get here by high-speed rail.4.Jim,youd better not spend 00 much time on your mobile phone.5.Billy will learn swimming,no matter how much it costs.6.I Paid 120 yuan fbr the dictionary.七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录/情境化命题:(达州完形节选改编)The elevator(电梯)goes up and down along the cable(缆名量).The elevator might lo

24、ok like an egg.It can take 30 people.The trip is about 36,000km.It mayC eight days to get to space.7.A.spend B.cost C.take(玉林完形节选改编)“What were you doing that for?The stone you threw is going to _B_ a lot of money.Do you know?Thats my new car,my expensive new car!”the man shouted angrily.8.A.spend B.

25、cost C.pay七年级下册Units 58 4r 首页/总目录7 enjoy的用法It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.那里(指图书馆)很安静,我喜欢在那 里看书。(Unit 8 P47)enjoy意为“享受;喜爰”,是及物动词,相当于likevery much或be interested in。主要用法如下:1后接名词或代词作宾语,enjoy sth.喜欢某物|后接动名词作宾语,enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事enjoy oneself 玩得开心,相当于have a good time/have firn七年级下册Units 58

26、 jy 首页,总目录/基础练习:1.Most of us enjoy A to our mothers speak,because our brains greatly!prefer the voices of our own mothers.IA.listening B.listen C.to listen i2.Yesterday Alice tried paragliding and she enjoyed herself(her)very!much.!七年级下册Units 58 首页,总目录I 情境化命题::lI)(常德完形节选)The two kids B theJI:lj fres

27、hly baked cookies Kevins mom served.Then,they did the homework-II I:l j together.J I:l3.A.sent B.enjoyed C.gotJIj(桂林完形节选改编)and I also danced with them until thehI:lj evening.What a wonderful day!All the people B themselves.I will remember hi1 it forever.JI I I:l 4.A.enjoy B.enjoyed C.helped:I情景交际微专题

28、七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录/一、谈论动物一Why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫?一Because they re kind of interesting.因为它们有点儿有趣。一Why dont you like tigers?你为什么不喜欢老虎?一Because they re really scary.因为它们真的很可怕。一Where are lions from?狮子来自哪里?They re from South Africa.它们来自南非。一What animals do you like?你喜欢什么动物?一I like dogs becaus

29、e they re friendly and smart.我喜欢狗,因为它们友好而聪明。首页,总目录卜七年级下册Units 58针对训练(济南听力)M:Jenny,lets see the monkeys first.W:Monkeys?Great!They are my favorite animals.What is Jennys favorite animal?AA The monkey.B.The koala.C.The tiger.七年级下册Units 58首页,总目录/二、谈论正在做的事一What are you doing?你正在做什么?r m watching TV.我正在看电

30、视。一Is he reading a newspaper?他正在看报纸吗?Yes,he is./No,he isn t.He s playing basketball.是的。/不。他正在打 篮球。SUnits58 jy 首页,总目录/(济南听力)W:Hello,Lucy speaking.M:Hi,Lucy!This is Sam.I want to go fbr a walk along the beach.Can you go with me?W:Oh,r m afraid I cant.V m busy right now.Im making chicken soup.七年级下册Unit

31、s 58首页总目录What kind of soup is Lucy making?AA.Chicken soup.B.Russian soup.C.Vegetable soup.七年级下册Units 58 4y 首页,总目录/三、谈论天气一Hows the weather?/Whats the weather like?天气怎么样?一Its cloudy/sunny/raining.阻天/晴天/正在下雨。口.(安徽听力)|W:Havent got sunny days for so long.I wonder when the rain will stop.IM:The weather re

32、port says it will be sunny this weekend.Whats the weather like now?B|A Sunny.B.Rainy.C.Cloudy.七年级下册Units 58“首页/总目录Z|2.(荆州听力)1W:What hot weather!|M:So it is.Its hotter than yesterday.j Whats the weather like these days?CiA.Warm.B.Cold.C.Hot.I_七年级下册Units 58首页,总目录力四、问候寒暄一Hows it going?近来可好?一Great!/Not

33、bad,thanks./Terrible!太棒了!/还不错,谢谢。/太糟了!1.A:Hi,Wu Miw!Hows it going?B:Hi,Laura!Pretty good!2.一Tom,long time no see!Hows it going?A.A.Not bad B.Thats right C.Take it easy七年级下册Units 58 首页,总目录五、打电话Hello,Rick speaking./This is Rick(speaking)./Its Rick(speaking).喂,我 是里克。一Hi,Rick.Its Steve(here).你好,里克。我是史蒂夫

34、。一May I speak to Laura,please?我找劳拉。一Sorry,shes not at home.Can I take a message(for her)?抱歉,她不在家。要我(给她)捎个话吗?一Yes.Could you just tell her to call me back?是的。你能否叫她给我回个电话?一Sure,no problem.当然,没问题。七年级下册Units 58 4,首页总目录hi.(荆州听力)W:Hello!May I speak to Li Lei?M:This is Li Lei.Is that Ann speaking?W:Yes.What

35、 are the two speakers doing?CA.They are waiting fbr a bus.B They are seeing a doctor.C They are making a call.2.A:Hello,this is Mike.Wh。s that(speaking)?B:This is David speaking.Hi,Mike.Hows it going?七年级下册Units 58首页,总目录,六、问路与指路一Excuse me.Is there a bank around here?打扰一下,这附近有银行吗?一Yes,there is.It s on

36、 Center Street.是的,有。在中央大街。一Are there any restaurants near here?这附近有餐馆吗?一Yes,there s one in front of the post office.是的,在邮局前面有一家。一Wheres the park?公园在哪儿?Its across from the bank,behind the hotel.在银行对面,旅馆的后面。SUnits58/P 首页,总目录/|(江西听力)|M:Excuse me.Is there a supermarket near here?|W:Yes,there is one on M

37、ain Street.Its across from the hospital.Where is the supermarket?A|A On Main Street.:B Across from the bank.jC Next to the hospital.单元复习小测七年级下册Units 58 4y 首页,总目录卜一、单项选择1.Would you like to go to the open-air concert at school?It 11 start in C hour and half.A.an;an B.a;an C.an;a2.I began to teach C En

38、glish when I was twenty-two years old.A.they B.their C.them3.Su Yiming got his gold medal of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics A the afternoon of February 15th.A.on B.inC.at七年级下册Units 58 首页,总目录4.Look!There are some A eating grass on the hill.A.sheep B.cow C.horse5.一What are you doing?一I A the book The Ol

39、d Man and the Sea.A am reading B.was reading C.read6.Night Safari is an amazing A and you can watch animals there at night.A.zoo B.school C.bank7.He likes collecting stamps.Most of his money C on stamps.A.has spent B.spends C.is spent七年级下册Units 58 4y 首页,总目录卜8.Chinese food is so C that many foreigner

40、s are learning to cook it.A.awful B.expensive C.delicious9.These animals are in great danger.We must C them.A.stop B.show C.save10.Helen is the C person in her family.Her two elder sisters are both married.A.Younger B.oldest C.youngest11.I A go to the art museum because I like painting.A.oftenB.hard

41、lyC never七年级下册Units 58首页,总目录12.一Miss Yao,may I A your computer to search for information?一Of course.A.useB.count C.draw13.一Whats that noise,Sam?My little brother B with his toy car now.A.will play B.is playing C.plays七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录/二、综合填空(素材选自人教七下P29 U血5)Hello.We are students from Thailand,a

42、nd we want to save the elephants.The elephant is one of Thailand5 si yms(symbol).Our first flag had a white elephant on it.This is a symbol of good luck.Elephants are-mart/clevp聪明的)animals.They can play soccer or music.They can also draw very well.People say that“an elephant never forgets.Elephants

43、can walk for a long time 3 and never get lost.They can also remember places with food and water.This helps them to live.七年级下册Units 58/F 首页/总目录.But elephants are in great danger.People cut down many trees so elephants are 1 4 losing their homes.People also kill elephants for their ivory.Today there are only about 3,000 elephants(over 100,000 before).We must save the trees and not buy things 5ma(e(make)of ivory.Remember that March 13th is Thai Elephant Day.本讲内容结束请完成练测本P7 P9

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