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1、高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news课时追踪练习2 新人教版必修5高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news课时追踪练习2 新人教版必修5年级:姓名:11Unit 4 Making the news 课时跟踪2基础巩固.单词拼写1The governor said all applications must be submitted(递交) by Monday.2This educational method was first observed in 2012 by Sonia Kleindorfer,and her colleagues(同事)3Many wo

2、men are faced with the dilemma(困境) of choosing between work and family.4After having been instructed to drive out of town,I began to acquire(获得) confidence.5Teenagers should concentrate(集中) on their studies though there are a lot of attractions around them.6I believe the house was deliberately(故意地)

3、set fire to.7The incomes of skilled workers went up.Meanwhile(同时),unskilled workers saw their earnings fall.8I am rather sceptical(怀疑) about the full marks that he got in the recent English test,because he never studies.9The teacher demanded(要求) an explanation for his absence from class.10I feel rea

4、lly guilty(内疚的) at forgetting her birthday again.选词填空11You will be employed to assist us with the development of new equipment.12It was so considerate that you could inform me of that thing in time.13Many people are eager to improve the appearance of skin damaged by years of sunbathing or other expo

5、sure to the sun.14How much a natural disaster reduces output over the medium term depends on a number of factors.15She was accused of using the companys money for her own purposes.16While the modelling industry is by no means easy to get into,a good model will always be in demand.单句语法填空17There is no

6、 doubt that he is one of the most admirable(admire) novelists in this country.18Gifted(gift) with a superb voice,she became the bands leading singer.19Accused(accuse) of cheating customers,the supermarket was fined more than one million yuan last month.20He gets into a situation where it is hard to

7、decide what is right and wrong.21When he heard the news,there appeared a delighted(delight) smile on his face.22This has been my worst time for injuries since I started as a professional(profession) footballer.23I handed in my application for the job last week and I am now eagerly(eager) waiting for

8、 their reply.24Concentration(concentrate) is essential if you want to do a good job.句型转换25We accused him of having broken his promise.We charged him with having broken his promise.26You must cope with money if you choose economics.You are to cope with money if you choose economics.27The sun not only

9、 gives us light but also it gives us heat.Not only does the sun give us light but also it gives us heat.28He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus.He ran quickly so that he could catch the last bus.能力提升.阅读理解If you are looking for a way to take part in Earth Day,but dont have time to participate in

10、 any urban cleanup,why not sign for 600 free newspapers online?Switching to digital newspapers can save millions of trees,which is the idea that Newspaper Direct is trying to stress by offering more than 600 newspapers from 74 countries in 39 languages for free for an entire month on PressD.Anyone t

11、hat goes to the site to register and uses the code Earth Day gains access to this awesome deal.“Every hour of every day a mature tree is saved by people who choose to read their newspapers online with PressD and with our Smart Edition epapers,” said Alexander Kroogman,CEO of Newspaper Direct.“By som

12、e calculations it takes 17 trees to produce 1 tonne of newsprint.By using PressD at home,at work,while commuting,or when traveling we can all reduce our carbon footprint.”Personally,I see digital newspapers as the only news source of the future.Some people argue there is something timeless and roman

13、tic about holding a newspaper in their hands.Thats how I feel about books,so I understand.However,newspapers are meant to deliver news,but with the speed of information exchange on the Internet,the content in print media is stale by the time it hits the news stands.Besides,from small people like me,

14、a big newspaper is not necessary;it consumes me,and each time I turn the page,I take a quick look and leave it aside in a hurry.Getting my news over my laptop or iPod Touch when Im on the go is so much easier.The digital papers from PressD can be accessed from any computer,smartphone,Blackberry or i

15、Pod Touch and iPhone.So what are you waiting for?Go to save some trees!It is free!语篇解读作者在这篇文章中道出了阅读网络报纸的好处,呼吁大家阅读网络报纸,保护树木。29The purpose of the passage is to .Aadvise people to read more newspapersBargue the advantages of digital newspapersCtell people how to take part in Earth Day this yearDencoura

16、ge people to save trees by reading digital newspapers答案D解析写作目的题。由最后一段的“Go to save some trees!It is free!”可知,文章的目的是呼吁大家用网络报纸,保护树木。故选D。30If you register in PressD,you can .Aread newspapers for free foreverBread free newspapers for a monthCparticipate in an urban cleanupDreceive 600 newspapers sent by

17、the web答案B解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“.for free for an entire month on PressD.”可知,你如果注册了就可以享受一个月的网上免费看报。故选B。31Which of the following is TRUE about the author?AHe thinks digital newspapers have a bright future.BHe can read real newspapers at a very high speed.CHe only reads digital newspapers on the Internet.DHe

18、thinks people wont hold books in their hands to read.答案A解析细节理解题。由第五段第一句“Personally,I see digital newspapers as the only news source of the future.”可知,作者认为网络报纸的前途光明。故选A。32The underlined word “stale” in Paragraph 5 probably means “ ”Aout of place Bout of dateCout of mind Dout of use答案B解析词义猜测题。上文用but表示

19、转折,判断这应该是说不好的一方面,且说到网络信息更新很快,推测此处应该是“过时的”。故选B。stale陈腐的,不新鲜的。.完形填空(2019江西九江高二上第一次阶段联考)It was pouring outside.We all stood there 33 ,some patiently,others annoyed 34 nature messed up(弄糟) their hurried day.I got lost in the sound and sight of the heavens 35 away the dirt and dust of the world.“Mom,lets

20、 run through the rain,” a girls voice 36 me.“No,honey.Well wait until it 37 down a bit,” Mom replied.The young girl waited about another minute and 38 ,“Mom,lets run through the rain.”“Well get wet if we do,” Mom said.“No,we wont,Mom.Thats not what you said this morning,” the young girl said as she

21、39 her Moms arm.“This morning? 40 did I say we could run through the rain and not get wet?”“Dont you remember?When you were talking to Daddy about his cancer,you said,If God can get us through this,he can get us through 41 .”The entire crowd turned 42 .Mom paused and thought for a moment about 43 sh

22、e would say.Now some would laugh it off and scold the girl for being 44 .But then we heard,“Honey,you are 45 .Lets run through the rain.If we get wet,maybe we just need washing,” Mom said.Then 46 they ran.We all stood 47 ,smiling and laughing as they ran past the cars.Yes,they got wet.But they were

23、48 by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the 49 to their cars.Circumstances(境况) or people can take away your material possessions,and they can even take away your 50 .But no one can ever take away your precious 51 .So,dont forget to make time and take the 52 to make memories every day!

24、I hope you still take the time to run through the rain.语篇解读本文是从一对母女躲雨时的对话和他们在雨中快乐的奔跑,说明我们要抓住创造美好记忆的机会。33A.talking BwaitingCcomplaining Dexpecting答案B解析外面下雨了,人们都在躲雨,等候雨停。下文母亲的话“Well wait until.”也给出了提示。从后半句看,一些人耐心,一些人有些恼怒,所以不能说大家都在抱怨。34A.as if Beven ifCbecause Dwhen答案C解析别的人恼怒,当然是因为大自然的突然降雨打乱了他们正常的工作生活节

25、奏。35A.taking BputtingCdriving Dwashing答案D解析雨水冲走了世界上的尘土和脏物。36A.caught BbrokeCimpressed Dcalled答案A解析catch me相当于catch my attention,意为“引起了我的注意”。因为此前我正沉醉于雨水带来的感受中,并没有让我恼怒,也谈不上给我留下了很深的印象。37A.slows BcomesCpushes Dcalms答案A解析slow down指雨下得缓和一点。38A.asked BrepeatedCrequired Dadded答案B解析这句话和前面说的话一样,所以是重复了一遍。39A.p

26、ulled BtouchedCwaved Dfelt答案A解析小女孩想和母亲一起在雨中跑,而母亲又没有答应,所以孩子要拉着母亲的手往外走。40A.Why BHowCWhen DWhere答案C解析从女儿的回答“When you were talking .”可知,母亲是问小女孩自己是什么时候说的那话。41A.the rain Bthe diseaseCanything Dsomething答案C解析如果上帝能让小女孩的父亲渡过这一难关,那么也能让他们渡过任何“难关”。42A.still BsilentCserious Dangry答案B解析still一动不动;silent沉默,不出声。对于小女

27、孩的这一天真美好的愿望,大家显然都事先没有想到,所以都在沉默,并静观下面事情的发展。43A.what BhowCwhether Dif答案A解析what引导宾语从句,what在句中充当say的宾语,母亲在考虑要和女儿说什么。44A.dishonest BsillyCdaring Dforgetful答案B解析母亲知道,孩子说出的话,在一些人看来肯定会是有点傻的,因为上帝是不存在的,这种愿望只是一种幻想。45A.right BwrongCstupid Dclever答案A解析母亲不愿破坏孩子的童真,所以表示赞同。“你是对的”,是肯定孩子的话就是自己讲过的话,而不是说孩子聪明。46A.off Ba

28、longCon Dover答案A解析run off跑开。47A.sighing BjokingCdiscussing Dwatching答案D解析上文的silent以及下文的smiling,laughing可以看出母女的行为已引起了人们的关注,他们都在看着母女俩在雨中跑。48A.followed BguidedCrespected Dpraised答案A解析从定语从句可知,母女的行为也感染了其他的人,又有几个人也加入她们的行列,在雨中奔跑。follow跟着。49A.time BwayCsame Dbest答案B解析all the way一路上。way和后面的to搭配。这几个人一边跑一边又叫又笑

29、,很兴奋。50A.house BmoneyChealth Dtime答案C解析母女俩美好的愿望是源于小女孩的父亲得癌症了,所以这里是说境况可以带走人们的健康。51A.children BmemoriesCcourage Dexperiences答案B解析从下文“.make memories every day!”可知,自己创造的美好记忆是不会被带走的。52A.possibilities BopportunitiesCrisk Dchallenge答案B解析take the chance/opportunities to do.抓住机会做某事,为固定搭配。该句的意思是“抓住创造美好回忆的机会”。

30、.语法填空As a 53. (journal),to write a great news story you have to make sure 54. is correct,relevant and fresh.For a start,all the 55. (inform) in a story must be correct.Not only 56. (do) it involve the spelling and grammar,but also it involves the facts.Any mistake 57. appears in a story may get a ne

31、wspaper into big trouble.For example,if a newspaper said that Yang Liwei was the first man to go into space,it wouldnt be 58. (accuracy)He wasnt the first.The newspaper would probably be accused 59. it and lose lots of readers because of that mistake.A news story is not only correct,but also relevan

32、t to its readers.People are mostly eager 60. (know) about news that happens near to them.That is why you care 61. (much) about what happens at your school than at American schools.It is also why newspapers in Beijing dont talk about much news in Shanghai or Hong Kong.Finally,it is demanded that news

33、 62. (be) fresh.When you pick up your evening newspaper,you want to read about news that happens that day.You dont want to read about news from last week!53答案journalist解析考查名词。as a journalist作为一名新闻记者。54答案it解析考查代词。句意为:要写出一个好的新闻故事,你必须确保它是正确的、相关的和新颖的。此处指代a great news story,指物,为单数,故用it。55答案information解析考

34、查词性转换。句意为:首先,故事中的所有信息必须是正确的。56答案does解析考查部分倒装。根据Not only可知用部分倒装,此句是一般现在时,主语为it,故用助动词does。57答案that解析考查定语从句的关系词。先行词mistake前有any修饰,并且在从句中作主语,故用that引导定语从句。58答案accurate解析考查词性转换。在系动词be后用形容词accurate表示“准确的”。59答案of解析考查介词。固定词组:be accused of因被起诉。60答案to know解析考查动词不定式。be eager to do sth.渴望做某事。61答案more解析考查比较级。根据than可知用much的比较级more。句意为:这就是为什么你更关心的是你的学校里发生的事情而不是美国学校里发生的事情。62答案(should) be解析考查虚拟语气。demand后跟从句时,从句中谓语动词要用“should动词原形”,should可以省略。

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