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1、Unit3Inventorsandinventions1-I.Analysisoftheteachingmaterial(教材分析)教材分析)II.Analysisofthestudents(学情分析)(学情分析)III.Teachingandlearningmethods(教法学法)(教法学法)IV.Teachingprocedures(教学(教学过过程)程)V.Blackboarddesign(板(板书设计书设计)2-(1)Thepositionandroleofthistext “Inventors and inventions”is taken from Unit 3,Book8,NS

2、EFC.This lesson is a reading comprehension text,which is very important for the students to learn in that it is related to our thinking strategies and it can improve the students ability of creativity and imagination.PartI.Analysisoftheteachingmaterial(教材分析教材分析)3-(2)TeachingobjectivesKnowledgeaims:E

3、nable students to know some basic information about invention.Abilityaims:Improve the students reading ability,such as skimming,scanning.Improve the students ability of creativity and imagination.Moralaims:Help students understand the importance of the creativity.Develop the students sense of cooper

4、ative learning.4-Readingability.(3)Teachingimportant&difficultpointsKnow the correct stages in producingan invention.Improve reading ability.Learn how to meet the requirements of getting a patent.5-PartII.Analysisofthestudents(学情分析)(学情分析)StudentsinseniorgradetwoBasicabilityofEnglishlanguagestudyCoop

5、erateandcommunicatewitheachotherEagertoknowmuchaboutinventions6-PartIII.Teaching&learningmethods(教法学法)(教法学法)Teachingmethods:lTask-based Language Teaching(任务型教学)l Communicative Language Teaching(交际教学)l Multi-media Assistant Teaching(多媒体辅助教学)Learningmethods:l Self-dependent learning(自主学习)l Cooperative

6、 learning(合作学习)l Inquiring learning(探究学习)7-PreparationGroup1 Group2Group1 Group28-PartIV.Teachingprocedures(教学(教学过过程)程)Step1.Warming-upandlead-in When we speak of inventions,we cant help thinking of the four great inventions in ancient China.9-paper-makingprintingcompassgunpowder10-Humorousinvention

7、11-What if some snakes are in your yard?12-ReadingThe problem of the snakesThe problem of the snakes13-Step2.Readingforinformation:skimmingandscanningTask1.Generalidea The text narrates the p_ of the snakes and presents the p_ of catching them and applying for a p_.14-Divide the text into four parts

8、 and work out the main idea for each part.Task2.Mainideaofeachparagraph Para.1The discovery of the problem of the snakes.Para.2-3Para.4-6The attempts to catch the snakes.Para.7-8The requirement of getting a patent.The research on the approaches to solve the problem.15-1.Thepurposeofwritingthistextis





13、inamountainwhichcanbeusedasamedicine.C20-21-Step4.Discussion1.Whats the writing 2.purpose of the writer?3.2.What should we learn 4.from this text?22-discussion23-showing24-Snakes came near my mothers house _ _ _,which u_ my mother much,and she wanted me to _ _ _them.So I _ _ researching the _ of sna

14、kes to find the easiest way to _ them.I thought of three possible a_.Firstly,removing their h_;secondly,attracting them into a _(陷陷阱阱);and thirdly cooling them so that they would become s_ and could be easily caught.I made up my mind to use the third one.I tried three times and the third _ was final

15、ly successful._by my friends and relations,I decided to _ the opportunity,hoping to get a _ with my invention.getabouthabitstrapsetapproachesattemptPressedpatentridofpsetnowandthenStep 5:ReviewStep 5:Reviewseizeabitatleepytrap25-Step6.Homework1.Review the text and pick out the difficult language poi

16、nts for you.2.Find and underline the sentences in the text containing the past participle used as the attribute.26-PartV.Blackboarddesign(板(板书设计书设计)Unit 3 Inventors and inventionsThe main idea of each partPart1 The discovery of the problem of the snakes.Part2 The research on the approaches to solve the problem.Part3 The attempts to catch the snakes.Part4 The requirement of getting a patent.27-Creativity is the soul of a Creativity is the soul of a nation!nation!Lets create!Lets Lets create!Lets invent!invent!Let our nation be stronger!Let our nation be stronger!28-

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