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1、How to write a reviewToby WalshDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of Yorkwww.cs.york.ac.uk/tw/phd大家好1OutlinewWhat is a review?wWhy should you review?wHow do you review a paper?wWhat not to do?wWhat are the dilemmas?wCase study大家好2What is a review?w“Something that will ruin your day”Alan Bundyw

2、Even if it is good!wThe stamp of scientific qualitywFeedback from your peerswFuture directions?Prof.Alan Bundy大家好3What is a review not?wAcceptance/rejectionwEditors/Program committees accept/rejectwYou recommend!wA place for bias,prejudice,personal animosity,wThough it often appears to be so大家好4Why

3、should you review?wYoud much rather enjoy PaphoswAnd so would I!wBut science would grind to a haltwNot immediately,of course大家好5Reasons to reviewwDutywFairnessw2-3 reviews written/paper writtenwPromotionwEducationwGood reviewers write good papers?大家好6Bad reasons to reviewwTo settle old scoreswTo adv

4、ance your own theories/hinder rivalswTo get latest resultswUnpublished papers are strictly confidential大家好7How do you review?wRead the paperwRead the review formwUseful dimensions to look atwNovelty,Clarity,Importance,Timeliness wRead the paperwWait a few dayswRead paperwWrite reviewEveryone has the

5、ir own method大家好8How do you review?wPut yourself in authors shoeswThink how you would like to read this reviewwOffer constructive criticismwDont just tell them something is inadequate!wTell them how they might fix it大家好9What not to do?wMiss the deadlinewWe all hate late reviewswDisplay partiality,bi

6、as,animosity,wDestructively criticizewAlways work out what they would need to do to fix problems 大家好10Collect and share reviewswLearn if others agree with your opinionswThicken your skinClearly,the author fails to understand the work of Walsh in this area Since they mention no related work,this pape

7、r cannot be original This idea is too simple not to exist already This work is good but I dont understand why Bundy hasnt done this already?大家好11Ethical dilemmaswYou are working on the same problemwTalk to Editor/Program ChairwYou already reviewed and rejected paperwLook for changes大家好12Ethical dile

8、mmaswThis journal submission already appeared at a conferencewDoes it extend previous appearance?wAn almost identical paper already appearedwUnless it was at a workshop,inform Editor/Chair大家好13Case studyw“Stochastic Constraint Programming”wBy Toby WalshwBe frank,the feedback is good!wWhat do you thi

9、nk?大家好14What did reviewer 1 think?wAppears to like itwMain criticisms:wRelationship to influence diagramswAlgorithm performancewPhase transition too preliminary“The paper reads well.I have a number ofremarks though.First,from a probabilistic reasoning viewpoint,I wonder about the relationship betwee

10、n this framework and influence diagrams(or decisiondiagrams).It appears to me that what you have defined here is very closely related Second,from a constraint satisfaction viewpoint:you gave us noindication of how well the different algorithms you presented work in practice.Third,I think the discuss

11、ion on phase transition cannot be left at this level.It is not surprising that we have a phase transition here,but what is interesting is the nature of this transition I think this topic is too serious to sum it upin a small Section it deserves a dedicated and more thorough treatment.I would have pr

12、eferred to see this space dedicated to experimental results on the performance of presented algorithms”大家好15What did reviewer 2 think?wAppears to like itwVery relevantwModerately significant/originalwGood readability/EnglishwMinimal commentsTotal of their written comments:“It would be nice to includ

13、e the exact syntax of one SCprogram,as accepted by your system(?),say,for the example of Section 3.”大家好16What did reviewer 3 think?wAgain appears to like itwVery relevant,very original,moderately significantwMain criticismswRelationship to influence diagramswPhase transition too preliminary“Clearly,

14、one could just add constraints to influence diagram representation and extend algorithms to exploitthem(my preferred approach)but the approach here isstill very valid and could motivate researchers in MDPsand influence diagrams to treat constraints as special creatures so that their special algorith

15、mscan be exploited.I think the experimental portion of the paper should have been to compare the performance of the algorithms with the performance of traditional MDPs or influence diagram algorithms applied to this class of problems and I speculate that gain can be shown.I dont find the phase trans

16、ition experiments of much value at this stage.So,there may be a phase transition,so what?I recommend that the author will carefully analyze theirmodel against standard influnce diagrams or factored MDPs and discuss the pros and cons.”大家好17What did the IJCAI PC think?wPaper was rejectedwAlong with 75

17、%of the other submissionswA less good paper(my and reviewers opinions)was accepted!wSome compensationw$150,000 to be preciseIJCAI 2001 logo大家好18ConclusionswReviewing can be rewardingwBoth to authors and to reviewerswBe constructivewThink how you would react to the reviewwTake on board your reviewswReviewers hate most being ignored!大家好19结束大家好20

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