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1、2020-2021高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating课时作业2新人教版必修32020-2021高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating课时作业2新人教版必修3年级:姓名:Unit 2 Healthy eating.单句语法填空1I will go on a diet next week and I hope I can lose five pounds before Christmas.2We are amazed at/by the changes in our hometown. I cant even find where my old house is.3

2、To satisfy our own curiosity (curious), we decided to explore the forest together.4Lucy will improve her health if she eats less fried (fry) food and snack food.5What you must do is consider where your strengths (strength) and weaknesses lie.6You look much slimmer (slim) than before. How did you suc

3、ceed in losing weight?7Its necessary for us to eat a balanced (balance) diet and have plenty of exercise.8To attract more customers (customer), the shopping mall offered a 15% discount last month.9Theres nothing better than solving a difficult problem after trying many times.10I wont have you tellin

4、g (tell) a lie to your teacher. Go and make an apology to her.阅读理解Competitive eating has become big business. The International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE) holds events for competitive eating all around the world. One of the most popular contests (竞赛) is held every 4th of July on Coney

5、Island in New York. Nathans Hot Dog Eating Contest started in 1916 and the event has been dominated (占据优势) by Takeru Kobayashi. The Japanese competitor set his first record in 2001, when he ate 50 hot dogs in 12 minutes and has won the contest six years in a row.The main types of food eaten in the c

6、ontests are fast food. Hot dogs, chicken wings, pickles, corndogs and pizza are main foods of the contests. The contests usually last from around 8 to 12 minutes. Now most of the competitors are men, but there are also women who take part in competitive eating.Being large and overweight isnt necessa

7、rily an advantage in competitive eating. The biggest advantage a competitor can have is the ability to actually stretch (扩张) their stomach. Many competitors will drink plenty of water over a period of time in order to achieve this. Apart from having an unusually stretchable stomach, another importan

8、t thing seems to be hand to mouth speed.The IFOCE has very strict safety guidelines laid out regarding competitive eating. Competitions must take place in a controlled area and only competitors over the age of 18 are allowed to enter. They also advise against any type of home training. There has bee

9、n much talk regarding the inclusion of competitive eating as an Olympic sport. Although the IFOCE has talked about that with the Olympic Committee, it seems that they will not agree to it at present.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了竞吃比赛的有关情况。1Nathans Hot Dog Eating Contest _.Ahas a history of over 200 yearsBta

10、kes place once a year in JapanCis becoming less popular than beforeDhas made Takeru Kobayashi famous答案与解析:D细节理解题。由第一段中的“The Japanese competitor set his first record in 2001. has won the contest six years in a row. ”可知,Takeru Kobayashi在美国纽约的内森国际吃热狗大赛上连夺六届冠军,这使得他名声远扬,故选D项。2What do we know about eating

11、 contests?AAll competitors need to eat fast food.BThey usually last ten minutes or so.COnly men are allowed to enter a contest.DThey are open to competitors of all ages.答案与解析:B细节理解题。由第二段中的“The contests usually last from around 8 to 12 minutes.”可知,竞吃比赛通常持续十分钟左右,故选B项。3What is the third paragraph mainl

12、y about?AHow to win an eating contest.BThe history of competitive eating.CSafety guidelines from the IFOCE.DThe disadvantages of eating too much.答案与解析:A段落大意题。本段主要讲述了在比赛中获胜需要具备的优势条件,故选A项。4Whats the main purpose of the text?ATo report. BTo advertise.CTo introduce. DTo warn.答案与解析:C主旨大意题。作者通过本文主要向我们介绍了竞

13、吃比赛的有关情况,故选C项。.完形填空Shamatt had just arrived in Las Vegas when he realized his wallet was gone. It contained $60, his bank card, and his identification (身份证明) card. He was _1_, but it was his sisters wedding weekend and he didnt want to make a big deal of it. He thought maybe he _2_ it on his plane f

14、rom Omaha to Vegas, so he called the _3_. He had no _4_.“I thought it was _5_ forever,”he said.Following the wedding, he headed to the airport to fly home but was _6_ about boarding the plane without ID. After an hourlong interview, Shamatt was finally _7_ onto the plane.The following day, a package

15、 (包裹) arrived at his home which contained his wallet _8_ intact (完好的) with a _9_ that said:“I rounded your cash up to an even $100 _10_ you could celebrate getting your wallet back. Have fun!”“No way, no way,” Shamatt remembered saying upon _11_ the note. “That cant be.”“Everybody was so _12_; none

16、of us could believe it,” Shamatts mother said. “It was really amazing.”Shamatt wanted to thank the _13_ stranger, so he _14_ a picture of the note on Facebook with a message asking for help _15_ the stranger. It got thousands of likes and shares. _16_, the man in question was identified as Todd Brow

17、n. Shamatt wrote Brown a letter:“Sir, I really _17_ what youve done. I never _18_ to see my wallet again, let alone with $40 more. Thank you so much. Ive got student loans (贷款) and it really makes a(n) _19_.”Brown was _20_ by how meaningful his act had been to the Shamatt family. “He told me he crie

18、d when I told him everything that happened,” Shamatt said.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。一名叫Shamatt的男子丢了钱包。没想到,钱包不仅被好心人寄了回来,而且钱包里面的钱还多了。1A.bored BunhappyCtired Dafraid答案与解析:B由上文的描述可知,Shamatt的钱包不见了。再结合下文中的“but it was his sisters wedding weekend and he didnt want to make a big deal of it”可推断,Shamatt有些“沮丧(unhappy)”。2A.l

19、ost BmadeChid Dmissed答案与解析:A由上文中的“he realized his wallet was gone”可知,他想自己也许将钱包“落(lost)”在飞机上了。3A.airline BpoliceCstation Dfamily答案与解析:A由本句中的“He thought maybe he. it on his plane from Omaha to Vegas”可知,他给“航空公司(airline)”打了个电话。4A.trouble BfunCluck Dchange答案与解析:C由下文的描述可知,Shamatt给航空公司打了电话,但是并没有找到自己的钱包,因此,

20、此处表示他“运气(luck)”不好。5A.taken BgoneCdamaged Dwasted答案与解析:B由上文的描述以及下文中的“I never. to see my wallet again, let alone with $40 more”可知,Shamatt心想自己的钱包永远“找不回来了(gone)”。6A.wrong BseriousCangry Dworried答案与解析:D由第一段可知, Shamatt丢了钱包,里面有自己的身份证。故此处表示他很“担心(worried)”自己没有身份证不能登机。7A.ordered BinvitedCallowed Dadvised答案与解析

21、:C由本句中的“After an hourlong interview”以及下文的描述可知,经过长达一个小时的面谈,Shamatt最后被“许可(allowed)”登机。8A.partly BprobablyChardly Dperfectly答案与解析:D由语境可知,有人将Shamatt的钱包寄了回来,钱包完好无损,perfectly符合语境。9A.note BnoticeCpicture Dcard答案与解析:A下文中的“the note”是提示。10A.if BasCbut Dso答案与解析:DShamatt的钱包里原来有60美元的现金。寄包裹的人把他的现金增添到100美元,希望“这样(s

22、o)”Shamatt就可以庆祝成功找回钱包了。11A.sending BreadingCwriting Dleaving答案与解析:B由上文可知,Shamatt收到一个包裹,里面有他的钱包,还有一张便条。再结合便条的内容可知,此处表示他“看了(reading)”便条,觉得简直不可思议。12A.proud BsurprisedCnervous Dcareful答案与解析:B由本句中的“none of us could believe it”可知,所有人都很“惊讶(surprised)”。13A.rich BbraveCpatient Dkind答案:D14A.posted BsawCpicked

23、 Ddrew答案:A15A.finding BvisitingCprotecting Dinterviewing答案与解析:A由上文可知,Shamatt的钱包不仅失而复得,而且钱包里面的钱还多了。因此,Shamatt想感谢那位“好心(kind)”人,他将便条的照片“发布(posted)”到Facebook上,希望大家能帮忙“找到(finding)”那位好心人。16A.Firstly BSuddenlyCFinally DNaturally答案与解析:C由上文中的“It got thousands of likes and shares”以及下文中的“Shamatt wrote Brown a

24、letter”可知,“最终(Finally)”,Shamatt找到了那位好心人。17A.support BappreciateCdoubt Dconsider答案与解析:B由上文的描述以及下文中的“Thank you so much”可知,Shamatt非常“感激(appreciate)”Brown先生。18A.managed BagreedCforgot Dexpected答案与解析:D由上文的描述以及本句中的“let alone with $40 more”可知,Shamatt对找回钱包早已不抱“希望(expected)”,更不会想到钱包里还会多出40美元。19A.difference B

25、mistakeCchoice Dexcuse答案与解析:A由本句中的“Ive got student loans”以及下文中的“how meaningful his act had been to the Shamatt family”可知,对Shamatt来说,Brown先生所做的一切很重要,故填difference。make a difference意为“有作用”。20A.attracted BfrightenedCtouched Dencouraged答案与解析:C由下文中的“he cried”可知,Brown先生得知自己的所作所为对Shamatt一家来说意义重大,他也很受“感动(tou

26、ched)”。.短文改错Id like to introduce the class rules making by us all. Firstly, we should come to school on school uniform. Its polite to greet our teachers when we met them. Secondly, we must listen to carefully in class and be actively in thinking. Also, we ought to do our homework carefully and hand

27、them in on time. Thirdly, we need to keep a classroom clean. And we required to turn off the lights and close the windows after we leave. Fourthly, being friendly is important. Were supposed to get along well and help each other to make progresses together. We all should follow the rules above.答案:Id

28、 like to introduce the class rules makin by us all. Firstly, we should come to school o school uniform. Its polite to greet our teachers when we me them. Secondly, we must listen carefully in class and be activel in thinking. Also, we ought to do our homework carefully and hand the in on time. Thirdly, we need to keep classroom clean. And we required to turn off the lights and close the windows afte we leave. Fourthly, being friendly is important. Were supposed to get along well and help each other to make progresse together. We all should follow the rules above.

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