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1、Unit 12Section One Tactics for ListeningPart 1 PhoneticsExercise:Complete the following short dialogue as you listen to the tape.Pay special attention to the weak forms,link-ups and contractions.Sound of busy streetJeff:Hi,Carl,(I)Whats up?Carl:Hey,Jeff.Were(2)on our way to see that new comedy Runni

2、ngFrom the Mob.Want to(3)go with us?Jeff:I(4)hear its really funny.Carl:Yeah,its got a lot of good(5)people in it.Should be great.Lets go-Jeff:Ah,I(6)wish I could,but Ive got to study.Carl:Well,maybe next time.Youre missing a good thing.Jeff:I know.(8)Got to go.See you.Carl:Bye.Part 2 Listening and

3、Note-TakingTAPESCRIPTExercise:Complete the passages as you listen to it.The(1)first thing I do at the office is to(2)open all the bosss letters,I(3)answer the easy ones and I(4)leave the difficult ones on the(5)bosss desk.At about(6)10 oclock I make(7)a cup of coffee for the boss and for myself.Then

4、 the boss(8)dictates letters for about(9)an hour.Of course,I answer the phone(10)all day.Sometimes it doesnt(11)stop.I have about(120 half an hour for lunch at about(13)one oclock.Then I do jobs in the(140 office till about(15)five o clock.Section Two Listening ComprehensionPart 1 DialoguesDialogue

5、1 Job InterviewTAPESCRIPTMs Brown:What was your previous job?Mr Wigmore:I worked for the National Bus Company.Ms Brown:And how long have you worked for them?Mr Wigmore:Fve worked for them for five years.Ms Brown:How long have you been an area sales manager?Mr Wigmore:Eighteen months.Ms Brown:And wha

6、t did you do before joining the Bus Company?Mr Wigmore:I worked for a chain of hotels as junior manager.Ms Brown:The post youve applied for involves a lot of traveling.Have you been abroad much?Mr Wigmore:Ive been to most of Western Europe,and Fve been to eastern Europe once,to Hungary.Ms Brown:Why

7、did you go there?Mr Wigmore:The hotel sent me to attend a conference.Ms Brown:I see.Have you ever organized a conference yourself?Mr Wigmore:Yes.I have actually.Why?Ms Brown:Well,this job would require rather a lot of organizing meetings and conferences.Exercise:Listen to the dialogue and answer the

8、 questions.l.How many jobs has the interviewee had before he applies for this job?What are they?(He has had two jobs.He worked for the National Bus Company as an area sales manager.Before that,he worked for a chain of hotels as junior manager.)2.What are the requirements for this job?(This job invol

9、ves a lot of traveling and requires rather a lot of organization meetings and conferences.)3.Do you think the interviewee is qualified for this job?Give your reasons.(Probably he is qualified for the job.Because he has been a manager for many years and he has been abroad much.He has been to most of

10、Western Europe.He actually has the experience of organization a conference.)Dialogue 2 Job RedundancyDavid:Cheer up,George.Whats happened to that happy smile we all know and love?George:Oh,hello,David.1 was miles away,Im afraid.David:Whats the problem?You look as if youve lost a pound and found10 pe

11、nce.George:Decisions,decisions.Tve lost my job.David:You havent.George:I have.David:I thought you were doing so well.George:So did I.Then yesterday they gave us all the official letter.Apparently the business has been losing money,so theyve decided to close it down.David:Gracious,when?George:End of

12、the week.David:Youve worked there for quite a long time,havent you?George:Nearly six years.David:So youre entitled to some redundancy*money?George:Not a lot.Not if theyve been losing money.David:What are you going to do?Are you going to try and get another job in the music business?George:Well,I tho

13、ught I might start a little business of my own.David:Thats a good idea.What sort of business?A music shop?George:No.A recording studio.Recording studios charge the earth these days and there are lots of youngsters who cant afford those prices.I thought.if I find suitable premises*.1 could offer a cu

14、t-price*recording service.David:That sounds a marvelous idea.Then,as you get more famous,you could increase your charges.George:No,Id rather encourage young musicians to come and make their first recording with me and then I thought maybe I could branch out and become an agent.David:Ah,I see.Then yo

15、u could sell the recording made by your proteges*to the big record companies.George:Thats the general idea.David:Great.Well,if you decide you need someone to look after the accounts and make the coffee,let me know.I might be interested.George:OK.I may take you up on*that offer.Bye.David:Bye.Exercise

16、:Listen to the dialogue and decide whether the following statements are true or false.Write T or F in the space provided.Discuss with your classmates why you think the statement is true or false.T 1.George is usually happy and gay.(David:.Whats happened to that happy smile we all know and love?)F 2.

17、George works miles away.(When George says Oh,hello,David.I was miles aways,Im afraid,“he means he is not paying anyattention.)F 3.George has just been to an interview.(Probably George has just been back from his work.)T 4.George looks depressed.(David:.You look as if youve lost a pound and 10 pence.

18、)F5.Since the business is not doing well,the company decides to reduce the number of its workers.(Since the business is not doing well,the company decides to close it down.)T 6.The company just gave George a week notice.(the company will be closed down by the end of next week.)T 7.Since George has b

19、een working for the company for nearly six year,he should be given a sort of compensation.(Since George has been working for the company for nearly six year,he should be given a sort of compensation,which is called redundancy money.)F 8.George is going to look for a new job.(George is going to start

20、 his own business.)F 9.George thinks his recording studio can attract youngsters by offering a high-quality recording service.(George thinks his recording studio can attract youngsters by offering a cut-price recording service.)F 10.George would start a recording studio rather a music shop because h

21、e thinks he can make much more money.(Though recording studios charge the earth these days,George would just offer an opportunity for the young musicians to come and make their first recording with him.)F 11.George5s ambition is to establish a big record company.(George5s ambition is to branch out a

22、nd become an agent and sell the recordings made by his proteges to the big record companies.)F 12.George has accepted Davids offer to be his accountant.(George may consider Davids offer later on.)Part 2 PassagesPassage 1 Burglary(1)The old lady was glad to be back at the block of flats where she liv

23、ed.Her shopping had tired her.In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest;but when she got out at her own floor,both were forgotten in her sudden discovery that her front door was open.She was thinking that she must reprimand*her daily maid the next morning for such a monstrous negligence

24、,when she remembered that she had gone shopping after the maid had left and she knew that she had turned both keys in their locks.She walked slowly into the hall and at once noticed that all the room doors were open,yet following her regular practice she had shut them before going out.Looking into t

25、he drawing room,she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk.Exercise:Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.l.D 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.CPart 3 NewsNews Item 1TAPESCRIPTWater has long been considered important to the development of li

26、fe.That is why scientists are so interested in finding water in our solar system.Now,the American space agency has confirmed that there is water ice on the planet Mars.The discovery is a major step in the search for the conditions for life on the red planet.The discovery was made with the help of an

27、 American spacecraft,the Phoenix Mars Lander.The spacecraft landed on the extreme north of Mars on May 25.On June 15,it dug a hole about seven centimeters deep in the Martian soil.The hole contained small particles of a light-colored substance.Scientists wondered whether the substance was frozen car

28、bon dioxide,salt or water ice.Exercise A:Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.The news item is about the experiment carried out xn Mars by aspacecraft.Exercise B:Listen to the news item again and answer the followingquestions.1.The American space agency has confirmed that there

29、 is water ice on the planet Mars.2.The discovery was made with the help of an American spacecraft.3.The Phoenix Mars Lander.4.It is a major step in the search for the conditions for life on Mars.5.The spacecraft landed on the extreme north of Mars on May 25.6.It dug a hole about seven centimeters de

30、ep in the Martian soil.7.The hole contained small particles of a light-colored substance.8.Scientists wondered whether the substance was frozen carbon dioxide,salt or water ice.News Item 2An American study has suggested that melting ice in the Arctic Sea is threatening permanently frozen soil.The st

31、udy found that rates of warming in northern Alaska,Canada and Russia could increase when the sea ice melts quickly.During such periods,the increase could be more than three times greater than the average twenty-first century warming rates predicted in earlier studies.The new study is the work of sci

32、entists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research and the National Snow and Ice Data Center.The findings were reported last month in Geophysical Research Letters,a publication of the American Geophysical Union.Exercise A:Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.The news ite

33、m is about melting ice in the Arctic Sea that is threatening permanently frozen soil.Exercise B:Listen to the news item again and answer the following questions.1.It has suggested that melting ice in the Arctic Sea is threatening permanently frozen soil.2.In northern Alaska,Canada and Russia.3.The i

34、ncrease could be more than three times greater than the average twenty-first century.4.Last month.5.In Geophysical Research Letters.6.The American Geophysical Union.News Item 3TAPESCRIPTSpace scientists have been searching nearby stars for planets with great success.The United States space agency sa

35、ys that 264 exoplanets have been discovered so far.But,until now,few of the planetary systems found orbiting other stars have been like our own solar system.That has all changed with the discovery of a fifth planet orbiting a star called Fifty-Five Cancri in the constellation Cancer.The star is fort

36、y-one light years away from Earth.It is also very similar to our own sun.Last month,astronomers announced the discovery of a fifth planet orbiting Fifty-Five Cancri.What makes the discovery extraordinary is that the new exoplanet orbits in what astronomers call a habitable zone.This means temperatur

37、es on the planet may be warm enough for liquid water to exist either on its surface or on one of its moons.Exercise A:Listen to the news item and complete the following summary.The news item is about the discovery of a 仔fth planet orbiting a star called Fifty-Five Cancri.Exercise B:Listen to the new

38、s item again and complete the following passage.Last month,astronomers announced the discovery of a fifth planet orbiting Fifty-Five Cancri.The star is 41 light years away from Earth and it is very similar to our own sun.According to the United States space agency,264 exoplanets have been discovered

39、 so far and few of the planetary systems found orbiting other stars are like our own solar system.That has all changed with the discovery.What makes the discovery extraordinary is that the new exoplanet orbits is in a habitable zone,which means liquid water may on its surface or on one of its moons.

40、Section There Oral WorkPart 1 Questions and AnswersTAPESCRIPTJenny:Would you like a game of tennis next Thursday?Chris:I cant,Im afraid,Im going to Bristol.Jenny:What for?Chris:I have an interview for a job as manager of a record shop.Jenny:I didnt know you wanted to move.Chris:Well,my parents are g

41、oing to retire to Bath next year,and I want to be near them.Jenny:How are you getting to Bristol?Chris:I have a bit of a problem,actually.My car isnt working at the moment.Im thinking ofgetting a taxi to the station,and then getting a train.Jenny:Ill give you a lift to the station.Dont worry about a

42、 taxi.Chris:Really?Jenny:Mmm.Chris:OK.Then Ill get a taxi home.Jenny:Well,what time is your train back?Chris:It gets in at 21.15-whats that?-quarter past nine in theevening.Jenny:Its all right.Ill pick you up as well.Its no trouble.Chris:Thats great!Thanks a lot.Jenny.Exercise:Listen to the dialogue

43、 and then answer some questions about it.You will hear the dialogue and the questions only once.Answer each question with a complete sentence after you have heard it.Questions:1.What does Jenny want to know?(She wants to know whether Chris would like a game of tennis next Thursday.)2.Can Chris play

44、tennis with her next Thursday?(No,he is unable to.)3.Why isnt he able to de that?(He will go to Bristol to have an interview for a job.)4.What kind of job does au-is apply for?(He applies for a job as manager of a record shop.)5.Why does Chris want to move?(His parents are going to retire next year

45、and he wants to be nearthem.)6.How is Chris getting to Bristol?(Hes thinking of getting a taxi to the station and then getting a train.)7.Why neednt Chris worry about a taxi?(Jenny will give him a lift.)8.What time is his train back?(It is a quarter past nine in the evening.)Part 2 RetellingRuth Law

46、rence,a 13-year-old English girl,was awarded a degree at the University of Oxford.When speaking to the reporters from television,radio and the press Ruth said that she was not a genius,and her success was the result of a lot of hard work.Ruth is very special girl.At Oxford University Ruth completed

47、her degree in two years instead of the usual three.Her teacher says that Ruth has the quickest mind than any student she has ever known.Ruth has never attended school.Ruths father has been her teacher for the most of her life and he stopped working for his computer company to go to Oxford with her.M

48、rs.Lawrence has been managing the computer company since Ruth and her father went to Oxford.Ruths father said that he was very happy with his daughters success.And he hoped that Ruth was going to stay in Oxford and do researchExercise:Listen to the passage and then retell it in your own words.You wi

49、ll hear the passage only once.Section Four Supplementary ExercisesPart 1 Listening ComprehensionPassage 1 Burglary(2)TAPESCRIPTIt was as clear as daylight then that burglars had forced an entry during her absence.Her first impulse was to go round all the rooms looking for the thieves,but then she de

50、cided that at her age t might be more prudent to have someone with her,so she went to(etch the porter from his basement.By this time her legs were beginning to tremble,so she sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea,while he telephoned the police.They went through the rooms,being careful to to

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