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1、大学英语阅读进阶第四版PART1Unit 1 Vocabulary in ContextPractice 1:Examples1.examples:brushing their teeth,washing their hands and facec;B2.examples:the phones were constantly ringing,people were running back and forth,several offices were being painted:B3.examples:the giant land tortoise can live several hundr

2、ed years;B4.examples:going to town concerts and ball games,visiting neighborhood friends,playing board games:A5.examples:gardening,long-distance bike riding;A6.examples:picking up the language and customs of their new home;A7.examples:a trembling mugging victim,a crying lost child:A8.examples:learni

3、ng,reasoning,thinking,language:B9.examples:the TV is talking to them,others can steal their thoughts;C10.examples:accepting a bribe from a customer,stealing from an employer;CPractice 2:Synonyms1-5 embarrasses;examine;practical;confusing;overlook6-10 necessary;opponents;arrival;charitable;customaryP

4、ractice 3:Antonyms1.Antonomy:long;A2.Antonomy:financial loss;B3.Antonomy:openly;B4.Antonomy:plainly;B5.Antonomy:active;A6.Antonomy:clear;C7.Antonomy:benefit;B8.Antonomy:increase in value;B9.Antonomy:careless;C10.Antonomy:weak;CPractice 4:General Sense1-5 B;C;A;B;C;6-10 A;C;B;C;BReview Test 11-5 cont

5、ext;A;C;B;definitionexamplesReview Test 2A.1-5 B;A;B;C;A;B.6 D overjoyed;7 A.provided;8 C discouraged;9 E.nag;10 B.Review Test 3A.1-5 practical;clean;reveal;relieve;at the same timeB.6-10 looked down upon;guilty;tried;add to;joined;Review Test 41-5 B;D;D;B;A;6-10 A;C;D;D;C;Mastery Test 1 A:1-3 D;B;C

6、;B 4-6 risk;search;false name;C 7-8 C;B;D 9-10 A;B;Mastery Test 2 A 1-2 B;A;B 3-5 plain;conduct;modest C 6-7 C;C;D8-10 D;D;B:Mastery Test 3 1-5 A;C;C;C;B;6-10 D;D;C;A;B;Mastery Test 41-5 C;C;A;B:D;6-10 C;A;D;B;CMastery Test 5A:1-5 C;D;C;A;C;B:(wording of answers may vary.)6 cut off;7.give a false ac

7、count of;misrepresent;twist;e tetween;get involved;9.required10 became more forgiving;gave indoubtful;Mastery Test 6A:1.E most common;2.C stir up interest;3.F uncontrolled;4.I increased;5.B passedB6.I die;7.D deadly;8.F be forced to experience;9.E give credit for;10.J reducing2.Main ideasPractice 11

8、.home cooking:S take-out:Sways to eat dinner:G frozen foods:S2.hot and humid:S cold and rainy:S cloudy with scattered showers:S weather forecasts:G3.oversleeping:S bad habits:G overeating:S smoking:S4.traffic delays:S head cold:S bad coffee:S minor problems:Gmunicating:G writing:S reading:S speaking

9、:S6.deadbolt locks:S alarm system:S barking dog:S kinds of security:G7.divorce:Sfailing grades:S major problems:G eviction:S8.not taking notes in class:S poor study habits:G missing classes:S cramming for exams:S9.surprised:S tone of voice:G enthusiastic:Shumorous:S10.hurry up:S get to bed:S command

10、s:Gclean up this mess:S Practice 2Answers will vary.Practice 31.P S S S2.S S P S3.S S S P4.P S S S5.SPSS Practice 41.S S P s2.P S S S3.SPSS4.SPSS5.S S S P Practice 51.S S P S2.SPSS3.P S S S4.S S S P5.P S S S Practice 6 Group1A.SD B.SDGroup 2A.MI B.SDGroup 3A.T B.SDGroup 4A.MI B.SDGroup 5A.MI B.SDC.M

11、I D.TC.SD D.TC.SD D.MIC.SD D.TC.T D.SDPractice 7(wording of topics may vary)1.Topic:StoriesMain idea:Sentence 12.Topic-,ESPMain idea:Sentence 23.Topic,.Hospices vs hospitalsMain idea:Sentence 24.Topic:Driving or Poor attitude about drivingMain idea:Sentence 105.Topic:Environment andbehaviorMain idea

12、:Practice 8Sentence1.1Review1.BReview2.4 Test 2.B Test3. sentences in the paragraphA.1.2.B.1.2.a.a.a.a.SSSDSDb.b.b.b.SSSDSDc.c.c.c.d.d.d.d.PSMIMIReview 1.3:Review 1.D:MasteryTest2.1Test33. 14.5.C 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.AA.1.2.3.B.1.2.a.a.a.a.SPSSDa.MIb.b.b.b.b.PSSTSDc.c.c.c.

13、c.SSS SDTd.d.d.d.d.SPMISDMasteryTest 2A.1.2.3.B.1.2.a.a.a.a.SSPSDa.MIMastery Test 1.1 2.2 Mastery Test 1.3 2.2Mastery Testb.b.b.b.b.3PSSSDTc.c.c.c.c.1.6 Mastery 3.SupportingSPSTd.d.d.SSd.d.MISD4.4.4.4.Details5. 1.(wording

14、 of answers may vary)1.Main idea:Parents can take several steps to discourage TV watching and encourage reading.1.2.3.Have only one TV set,and place it in the family room.Connect reading with eating.Don,t put a TV set in a child s bedroom.2.Main Idea:Colleges of the early nineteenth century were dis

15、tinctly different from today s schools.1.students were mostly white males.Minor details,.College was considered a final polishing for upper-class gentlemen.2.All students had to take the same courses.Minor details.They studied ancient languages,literature,natural science,mathematics,and political an

16、d moral philosophy.3.Colleges were small.Minor details.Most had only a few dozen students,three or four professors,and three or four tutors.4.Student life was more regulated.Minor details.Strict curfews determined when students had to turn off lights,and attendance at religious services was required

17、.Practice 2(Wording of answers may vary)1.Introduce yourselfRefer to physical setting Ask a complimentary question Seek direct information2.Major detail.Smaller labor forceMinor detail.Milking machines use only one operator.Major detail;Higher milk outputMinor detail:American cows give 7.5 times mor

18、e milk than Brazilian cows.Practice 3 1.C 2.BPractice 4(Examples may vary)1.Passive listening一trying to make sense out of a speaker s remarks without being able to interact with the speaker.Ex-Students listen to an instructorJ s lecture without having the chance to ask questions.2.Self-serving biast

19、he practice of judging ourselves leniently.Ex-When he lashes out angrily,we say he s moody.When we lash out angrily,we say we re under pressure.Review Test 11.specific-specific 2.T 3.supporting details4.mapping 5.condenseReview Test 2A.Main i de a:Several criminals.factors influence the justice syst

20、em s treatment of1.Sex of offender affects severity of sentence.b.Court more reluctant to send mother to prison than father2.Race is another factora.Nonwhites awarded parole and probation less often.b.Blacks executed more often for capital crimes.3.a.Young offenders given special treatment.B.8.C 9.C

21、 10.BReview Test 3A.Main idea:Serious depression has definite warning signs.1.Change in sleep patterns2.Abnormal eating patterns3.Trouble in thinking or concentrating4.General feeling of hopelessnessB.Main idea:There are three common ways that people deal with their feelings.1)withhold them2)Display

22、 them3)Describe themC.10.CReview Test 41-5:B;A;D;A;long interviews 6-10A.1.Basic temperament the child is born with.2.Early emotional environmentB.1.Authoritative 2.Authoritarian 3.PermissiveMastery Test 1A.Main idea:Divorce has serous negative consequences.1.a.Starting to date again can be nerve-ra

23、cking.2.Emotional difficulties among original family members are common.a.Husband and wife feel guilt and resentment.3.Financial adjustments are necessary.a.Alimony,chi Id support,and property disposal must be dealt with.B.7.B 8.A 9.C10.They can undo complicated bolts on gates.Mastery Test 2A.1.B;2.

24、D;3.C;4.D;5.C;6.B;B.Main idea:Chimpanzees use objects in their environment as tools.1.Sticks to catch termites and steal honey.2.Leaves as drinking cups,for cleaning,and as spongers3.Stones to crack open nuts.Mastery Test 3.A.1-6 A;B;A;D;B;AB.Main idea:Three types of human memory allow us to remove

25、or keep information as needed.1.Sensory memory2.short-term memory-stores about 7 items for about 30 seconds.3.Long-term memorystores enormous numbers of items for a long period.Mastery Test 4A.Main idea:Researchers have created a number of theories to explain the functions of sleep.1.Gives body time

26、 to repair brain cells and create chemical that makes brain think.2.Enables body to save energy3.Keeps people out of trouble.4.Reduces memoryB.6.CC.7-10 A;B;B;D;Mastery Test 5A.1-5 B;D;A;B;C;B.Main idea:Experts in our country have suggested various purposes of imprisonment.1)Punishnent2)Rehabilitati

27、on3)Deter crime4)Keep criminals off streetsMastery Test 6A.1.a.2)Informal and friendly atmosphere in the Senateb.Procedural differences1)House rulesmany and complex2)Senate rules一short and simple2.Political outlook of membersa.Representatives concerned with local issuesB.Main idea:A number of condit

28、ions stimulate aggression.1)Pain2)Attacks3)Crowding4.Implied Main idea/Central PointPractice 1Paragraph 1:ID 2A Paragraph 2:3C 4B Paragraph 3:5C 6BParagraph 4:7D 8BPractice 2ID 2B 3C 4CPractice 3(Wording of answers may vary.)1.Topic:Reasons for lyingImplied main idea:People tell lies for several rea

29、sons.2.Topic:Being an only chi IdImplied main idea:Being an only child has its drawbacks.3.Topic:Opposition to capital punishmentImplied main idea:People have opposed the death penalty for different reasons.4.Topic:Growing olderImplied main idea:Growing older can make us better in many ways.Practice

30、 4Central point:In fact,the days of a housewife in nineteenth-century America were spent in harsh physical labor.(Sentence 2)Practice 5Central point:However,excessive use of alcohol contributes to a number of negative social consequences.(Sentence 2)Review Test 11.implied 2.topic 3.support 4.central

31、 point 5.sometimesReview Test 2A.IB 2AB.3.Watching TV has several benefits.4.Lower-class criminals tend to be treated more harshly by the justice system than higher-class criminals.(In all these tests,wording of implied main ideas may vary.)Review Test 3A.IB 2DB.3.Several techniques can help you get

32、 a good night*s sleep.C.4.Sentence 6Review Test 4IB 2C 3A 4A 5D 6A 7C 8A 9D 10BMastery Test 1A.IC 2A 3DB.4.Sentence 1Mastery Test 2A.IC 2B 3DB.4.Sentence 20Mastery Test 3A.1A 2A 3DB.4.Sentence 19Mastery Test 4A.ID 2BB.3.There are several positive ways to encourage your family to exercise more often.

33、C.4.Sentence 16Mastery Test 5A.ID 2DB.3.Experts have suggested several techniques for doing well on exams.C.4.Sentence 3Mastery Test 6A.ID 2BB.3.Marriage is good for people s physical and mental health.C.4.Sentence 10Unit 5 relationships IPractice 1(Answers may vary)1.also 2.For one thing 3.In addit

34、ion 4.First 5.FinallyPractice 2(Answers may vary)1 After 2 Then 3 during 4 before 5 whilePractice 3(Wording of answers may vary)A Main idea:For several reasons,pork was America,s popular meat a hundred year ago.1 Pigs grew quickly2 Pigs required little attention3 Pigs could be preserved cheaplyB Mai

35、n idea:,aging process1 Our bodies simply wear out.2 Our body chemistry loses its delicate balance4 Our bodies,with age,reject some of their own tissues.Practice 4(Wording of answers may vary)Main idea:The 1960s were a time of profound events in America.1.1963-the assassination of President Kennedy2

36、1965-urban riots in black ghettos3 1968-protests against increasing American presence in VietnamPractice 5(Wording of answers may vary)Main idea:People pass through three stages in reacting to unemployment.1 Shock followed by relief2 Strong efforts to find a new job3 Self-doubt and anxiety if no job

37、 is foundPractice 6(wording of answers may vary)Main idea:Taking certain steps will help you to remember your dreams.2 Put a pen and notebook near your bed.3 Turn off alarm so you can wake up gradually.4 Write down the dream immediately Practice 7IB 2A 3A 4B 5B 6A 7A 8B 9A 10BReview Test 11 the rela

38、tionships between 2 addition 3 time 4 T 5 supporting details Review Test 2A.1 E before 2 C also 3 D one 4 A then 5 F final 6 B secondB.7 B 8 after 9 A 10 alsoReview Test 3A.1 After 2 First 3 Then 4 As 5 later 6 BB.7 B 8A 9 B 10 AReview Test 41B2D3B4A5A6C7 first,another,final 8 A 9 finally 10 BMaster

39、y Test 1A 1 A Another 2 E When 3 C also 4 B Then 5 D NextB 6 after 7 next 8 Last 9 then 10 BMastery Test 2A 1 A When 2 D First 3 B Moreover 4 C Before 5 E alsoB 6 BC 7 First 8 also 9 Finally 10 AMastery Test 3A 1-5 3,1,4,2,AB 6 BC 7 A8-10 Main idea:Prevention against injury involves a combination of

40、 two types of preventive measures.1 Active prevention-methods that require people to do something to reduce the risk of injury.2 Passive prevention-methods requiring little or no action on the part of those being protected.Mastery Test 4A 1-4 4,1,3,25 BB 6 BC Main idea:Work shapes human lives in fun

41、damental ways-Consumes enormous amounts of time-Gives life structure and rhythm-causes stressMastery Test 5A.1 B 2 early(or later or eventually or next)B.3 A 4 CC.5 B6-10 Denial-Anger-Depression-Bargaining-AcceptanceAcceptance DenialJ 1Bargaining Anger /DepressionMastery Test 6A 1 B2-3 Any two of th

42、e following:first,next,third,finallyB 4 A 5 also 6 AC 7 A8-10 Main idea:Children learn their gender roles in three main ways.2 Imitation 3 Self-definitionUnit 6 Relationships IIPractice 1(Answer may vary)1 For instance 2 for example 3 such as 4 including 5 illustration Practice 2A Shaping;definition

43、 一 1;example 1-2 example 2-10B Ironysaying one thing but meaning anotherExTo end the famine in Ireland,Swift suggests the Irish should raise babies to be eatenPractice 3(Answer may vary)1 Similarly 2 Just like 3 in the same way 4 as 5 Just asPractice 4(Answer may vary)1 however 2 Although 3 but 4 de

44、spite 5 In contrast Practice 5A Contrast:Japanese employment practices and US employment practicesB Contrast:school and homePublic discipline Private scolding Much competition Minimal competition Practice 6(Answer may vary)1 Because 2 as a result 3 so 4 Since 5 Therefore Practice 7A.Cause:Chronic st

45、ressEffect:Painful muscle tension Effect:Weakening of body,s immune system Effect:Psychological disordersB.Main idea(effect):There are several reasons that people daydream Major supporting details(causes):1.To tolerate boring jobs2.To endure deprivation3.To discharge hostile feelings4.To plan for th

46、e future Practice 81A 2C 3B 4C 5A 6B 7C 8A 9C 10BReview Test 11 examples 2 comparison 3 contrast 4 C 5 CReview Test 2A.1 B effects 2 C just like 3 E However 4A Because 5D such asB.6B 7C 8A 9C 10AReview Test 3A 1 A 2 for instanceB 3 C 4 alike or but or while or in contrastC 5B 6 because or as a resul

47、t or effectD 7A 8 exampleE 9 B 10 affected or because or resultReview Test 4IB 2C 3C 4B 5A 6B 7C 8A 9B 10DMastery Test 1A 1 B.For example 2 C.Just as 3 A.Therefore 4D.Because 5E.In contrastB 6A 7C 8A 9B 10CMastery Test 2A.IB 2 reason or as a resultB.3C 4 in contrastC.5A 6 for exampleD.7B 8 causing o

48、r since or leads to or causesE.9C 10 different or contrasts or nevertheless or same or alike or similarMastery Test 3A 1-4 3,2,4,15CB 6C 7 differently or in contrast or whileC 8D 9A 10 exampleMastery Test 4A.1-4 4,1,3,2 5AB.6A 7B 8 as the resultC.9B 10CMastery Test 5A IB 2-5 Learn to do their jobs b

49、etterGet a raise or promotionLearn a new fieldLearn for the sake of learningB 6B 7-104 isGood manager flexiblePoorIsmanagersurprised by problemsTakes on extra tasksMasteryClings to old rules Test 6A IC 2-6 DelaysLack of resourcesLossesFailureDiscriminationB 7B8-10 Main idea:Role conflicta situation

50、in which the different roles an individualis expected to play make incompatible demands.一For a working mother,the expectations of motherhood may conflict with those of a full-time job.For a priest,the responsibility to treat confessions confidentially may conflictwith hisresponsibilitytothe communit

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