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简单的英语小故事(短篇带翻译)合集 【3】.pdf

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1、1/28简单的英语小故事(短篇带翻译)合集【3】目录 儿童英语小故事:生病的狮子 小学英语寓言故事:鸽子和蚂蚁 双语格林童话:鸟弃儿 英语成语故事:日暮途穷 痛苦源于自身Suffering Is Self 英语童话小故事:猫和玉米 英语双语故事:渔夫和他的妻子 双语故事:春天的融化少儿英语寓言故事:The A ss and the Grasshopper英语成语故事:偃旗息鼓英语成语故事:守株待兔英语成语故事:狐假虎威 The Hare and the Tortoise 龟兔赛跑英语成语故事:蜀犬吠日英语幽默小故事中英文对照2/28儿童英语小故事:生病的狮子The sick lion生病的狮子

2、A lion had come to the end of his days.He lay helpless under a tree.The animals came around him.When they saw that he was going to die,they thought to themselves,“Now is the time to pay him back.So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.Then a bull gored him with his horns.The lion still

3、lay helpless before them.So the ass felt quite safe.He turned his tail to the lion and kicked up his heelsinto his face.“This is a double death.growled the lion.一头年老体衰的狮子病得有气无力,奄奄一息地躺在树下。动物们围在他的周围,看到狮子快要死了,就来报复他。一头野猪冲到他身旁,狠狠地咬他。接着,一头野牛也用角来顶他,狮子无助地躺在那里。当驴子看到可以对这庞大的野兽为所欲为时,也用他的蹄子用力去踢狮子的头部。这头快要 断气的狮子说:

4、“我已勉强忍受了勇者的施暴,但还得含羞忍受你这个小丑的侮辱,真是死不 瞑目啊。”寓意:无论过去多么辉煌,都难以避免辉煌失去后别人的不敬与报复。3/28小学英语寓言故事:鸽子和蚂蚁The dove and the antA n ant was drinking at a river.Suddenly he slipped,and fell into the water.A dove took pity on him.She threw a small branch into the river.The ant seized the bough,and swam back to the shore

5、.A few days later,the ant saw a hunter aiming a gun at the dove.He bit the man in the foot sharply.The man missed the shot,and the doves life was saved.The dove felt very grateful.She made good friends with the ant.鸽子和蚂蚁 一只蚂蚁到河边饮水,却不幸掉入河中。一只鸽子看见,扔下一段树枝,将他救起。过了不久,蚂蚁看见猎人正在拿枪瞄准鸽子,就狠狠地朝他脚上咬了一口,没让他打中。鸽子非

6、常感激蚂蚁。从此,他们成了好朋友。寓意:有些朋友也许平时看似微不足道,但却有可能在我们身处困境的时候提供巨大的帮助。4/28双语格林童话:鸟弃儿Foundling-BirdJacob and Wilhelm GrimmO nce upon a time there was a forester.He went into the woods to hunt,and after entering the woods he heard a sound of crying,as though it were a little child.Following the sound,he finally c

7、ame to a tall tree,at the top of which a little child was sitting.His mother had fallen asleep under the tree with the child.A bird of prey had seen him in her arms,flown down,picked him up in its beak,and then set him on the tall tree.The forester climbed the tree,brought the child down,and thought

8、,I will take the child home with me,and bring him up with my Lenchen.”So he took him home,and the two children grew up together.The child whom he had found on the tree was called Foundling-Bird,because a bird had carried him away.Foundling-Bird and Lenchen loved each other so much,ever so much,that

9、whenever they did not see one another they were sad.Now the forester had an old cook.O ne evening she took two buckets and began tofetch water.She did not go out to the well just once,but many times.Lenchen saw this and said,“Listen,old Sanna,why are you fetching so muchwater?”“If you wont tell anyo

10、ne,I will tell you.So Lenchen said that she would not tomorrow morning when the forester it is boiling in the kettle I willtell anyone,and then the cook said,“Early is out hunting I will heat the water,and when throw Foundling-Bird into it and cook him.The forester got up very early the next morning

11、 and went out hunting.When he left,the children were still in bed.Then Lenchen said to Foundling-Bird,“If you will never leave me,I will never leave you either.Foundling-Bird said,“Never,ever.”Then Lenchen said,“Then I will tell you that last night old Sanna carried so many buckets of water into the

12、 house that I asked her why she was doing that.She said that if I would not tell anyone she would tell me.I said that I would be sure not to tell anyone,and she said that early tomorrow morning when father was out hunting,she would boil a kettle full of water,throw you into it,and cook you.But let u

13、s hurry and get up,get dressed,and run away together.So the two children got up,hurriedly got dressed,and went away.When the water in the kettle was boiling,the cook went into the bedroom to get Foundling-Bird and throw him into it.But when she went to their room and to their beds,both the children

14、were gone.Then she became terribly frightened and said to herself,“What will I say when the forester comes home and sees that the children are gone.I must hurry and follow 5/28them and get them back again.Then the cook sent out three servants who were to run after the children and bring them back.Th

15、e children were sitting at the edge of the woods when they saw the three servants running toward them from afar.Lenchen said to Foundling-Bird,“Never leave me,and I will never leave you.Foundling-Bird said,“Never,ever.”Then Lenchen said,“You,turn into a rosebush,and I to a rose on it.”When the three

16、 servants reached the edge of the woods nothing was there but a rosebush with one rose on it,but the children were nowhere.”Then they said,“There is nothing to be the cook that they had seen nothing out on it.done here,“and they went home and told there but a little rosebush with one roseThen the ol

17、d cook scolded them,saying,“You simpletons,you should have cut the rosebush in two and then broken off the rose and brought it home with you.Hurry up and do it.”So they had to go out and look for the second time.The children,however,saw them coming from afar.Lenchen said,Foundling-Bird,never leave m

18、e,and I will never leave you.Foundling-Bird said,“Never,ever.”Lenchen said,“You,turn into a church,and I to the chandelier in it.”When the three servants arrived,nothing was there but a church with a chandelier in it.So they said to one another,“What can we do here?Let us go home.”When they reached

19、home,the cook asked if they had found them,they had found nothing but a church with a chandelier in it.and they said thatThe cook scolded them,saying,“You fools,why didnt you break down the church and bring the chandelier home with you?”This time the old cook herself got up and with the three servan

20、ts went out after the children.The children,however,saw from afar that the three servants were coming,with the cook tottering after them.Then Lenchen said,Foundling-Bird,never leave me,and I will never leave you.Foundling-Bird said,“Never,ever.”Lenchen said,“Turn into a pond,and I to a duck upon it.

21、”The cook came up to them,and when she saw the pond she leaned out over it and was about to drink it up.But the duck quickly came swimming toward her,took hold of her head with its beak,and pulled her into the water,where the old witch drowned.Then the children went home together,and were very happy

22、,and if they have not died,they are still alive.从前,有一位林务员到森林里去狩猎。他刚走进森林,就听见尖声的哭叫,好像不远处有个小 孩儿。他循着哭声往前走,最后来到一棵大树前,只见树上坐着一个小孩儿。原来有位母亲带 着小孩儿在一棵树下睡着了,一只老鹰发现了她怀里的小孩儿,就猛扑下来把小孩儿叼走了,6/28放在了眼前这棵大树上。林务员爬到树上,把小孩从树上接了下来,心里想:你就把这孩子带回家去吧,把他和你的 小莉娜一块儿抚养成人。他真的就把小孩儿带回家里,於是两个小伙便一块儿成长。他从树 上捡回来的那个孩子,因为是被鸟叼走的,所以就起名叫鸟弃儿。鸟

23、弃儿和小莉娜相亲相爱,俩人只要不在一起,就会感到难过。7/28英语成语故事:日暮途穷春秋时代,楚平王听信谗言,杀了伍子胥的父亲。伍子胥逃到吴国,十多年后帮助吴王打到楚国 的都城,报了仇。伍子胥虽然报了仇,但是受到国人的责备。伍子胥内心十分痛苦,说:“我就 像一个行路的人,天已经晚了,而路途还十分遥远,不知道该怎么办啊?”这个故事后来变成成语“日暮途穷”,比喻处境十分困难,力量用尽了,计策没有了。The Day Is Waning and the Road Is EndingIn the Spring and A utumn P eriod,Duke P ing of Chu was misle

24、d by slanderers,and had Wu Zixus father executed.Wu Zixu fled to the State of Wu.More than then years later,Wu Zixu took his revenge by helping.Wu conquer Chu.Yet he suffered agonies of remorse,because his countrymen called him a traitor.He protested,Im just like a traveller.Its already late,but I s

25、till have a long way to go.I simply dont know what to do.”This idiom comes from the above story.It means being in a very difficult situation at the end of ones tether.8/28痛苦源于自身Suffering Is SelfSuffering Is Self-ManufacturedI believe the immediate purpose of life is to live-to survive.A ll known for

26、ms of life go through life cycles.The basic plan is:birth-maturing-mating-reproducing-death.Thus the immediate purpose of human life is for each individual to fulfill his life cycle.This involves proper maturing into the fully developed adult of the specie.The pine tree grows straight unless harmful

27、 influences warp it.So does the human being.It is a finding of the greatest significance that the mature man and woman have the nature and characteristics of the good spouse and parent:the ability to enjoy responsible working and loving.If the world consisted primarily of mature persons-loving,respo

28、nsible,productive,toward family,friends and the world-most of our human problems would be resolved.But most people have suffered in childhood from influences which have warped their development.Hence,as adults they have not realized their full and proper nature.They feel something is wrong without k

29、nowing what it is.They feel inferior,frustrated,insecure,and anxious.A nd they react to these inner feelings just as any animal reacts to any hurt or threat:by readiness to fight or to flee.Flight carries them into alcoholism and other mental disorders.Fight impels them to crime,cruelty,war.This rea

30、diness to violence,this inhumanity of man to man,is the basic problem of human life-for,in the form of war,it now threatens to extinguish us.Without the fight-flight reaction,man would never have survived the cave and the jungle.But now,through social living,man has made himself relatively safe from

31、 the elements and wild beasts.He is even learning to protect himself against disease.He can produce adequate food,clothing and shelter for the present population of the earth.Barring a possible astronomical accident,he now faces no serious threat to his existence,except one-the fight-flight reaction

32、 within himself.This jungle readiness to hurt and to kill is now a vestigial hangover like the appendix,which interferes with the new and more powerful means of coping with nature through civilization.Trying to solve every problem by fighting or fleeing is the primitive method,still central for the

33、immature child.The later method,understanding and co-operation,requires the mature capacities of the adult.In an infantile world,fighting may be forced upon one.Then it is more effective if handled maturely for mature goals.P robably war will cease only when enough people are mature.The basic proble

34、m is social adaptation and biologic survival.The basic solution is for people to understand the nature of their own biological emotional maturity,to work toward it,to help the children in their development toward it.9/28Human suffering is mostly made by man himself.It is primarily the result of the

35、failure of adults,because of improper child-rearing,to mature emotionally.Hence instead of enjoying their capacities for responsible work and love,they are grasping,egocentric,insecure,frustrated,anxious and hostile.Maturity is the path from madness and murder to inner peace and satisfying living fo

36、r each individual and for the human specie.This I believe on the evidence of science and through personal observation and experience.痛苦源于自身我认为生命最首要的目的就是生活一一活着。一切已知的生命形式都要经过盛衰周期,即出 生、成长、交配、繁衍、直至死亡。正因如此,人生的首要目的就是要走完生命的一个周期,这包括要茁壮成长,长成一个真正成 熟的个体。松树笔直而挺拔,除非有后天的不良影响将其扭曲。人类也是一样。成年男女都具备成为忠诚 伴侣和慈爱父母的本性与特点,那

37、就是乐于尽责地工作,乐于献出尽责的爱一一这一发现具有 非常重要的意义。如果世上所有的人都是真正成熟的个体,都能对家庭、对朋友乃至对整个世界充满爱心、负起 责任、多做贡献,那人类所面临的许多困难都可迎刃而解。然而,幼年时受到的不良影响扭曲了许多人的成长。这些人在成年以后失去了部分人格,虽然 他们意识到出了问题,却不知道问题在哪里。他们自卑而又焦虑,灰心丧气,缺乏安全感。内 心的折磨使他们像受到伤害或威胁的野兽,要么选择争斗,要么选择逃逸。选择逃避的人用酒 精来麻醉自己,甚至落到精神错乱的地步;选择争斗的人变得残暴,或犯下罪行,或掀起战 乱。暴力一触即发,人类自相残杀一一这就是人类社会面临的基本问

38、题,因为暴力和残杀演变为战 争,威胁到了全人类的生存。人类作出争斗或逃避的反应使其在远古时代得以在洞穴或丛林中生存。时至今日,随着社会的 发展,恶劣的自然环境与凶猛的野兽对人类生存不再构成多大威胁。人类甚至学会了战胜疾 病,地球上现有人口的衣食与住房也很充足。除非宇宙有什么不测,否则人类的生存只面临着 一个严重的威胁:那就是人类内心深处那争斗或逃避的心态。这种随时准备与敌人作殊死搏斗 的丛林法则在现在看来就好像人体器官中的阑尾,是退化落后的。它干扰了人与自然文明相处 这一更有效的新方式。用争斗或逃避这一原始做法来解决问题是懵懂孩童的行为。后发展起来 的一种理解与合作的新方法则需要成年人成熟的心

39、智才能实现。在孩童的世界里,争斗可能是 迫不得已,而成年人若想达到目标,采用成熟的方式会更加有效。也许,有足够多的人成熟 了,战争才会停止.10/28英语童话小故事:猫和玉米The Cats and The CornThe cats from the cat village went to the river for a picnic.A cat found a corn stalk.What can the cats do with the corn stalk?He must be hungry.He is eating the kernels of corn.O h,look!He st

40、opped eating.Meow made a new tooth from a kernel of corn!This cat ate the ear of corn.He made a harmonica out of the corncob.O h,look!The cats are brushing their teeth with the Harmonica.Chi-ka,chi-ka.”Up and down,up and down.That s right.Teeth have to be cleaned after eating.Good cat!The cats are t

41、hinking of something.They are full and have brushed their teeth.Nowit s time to play.What game can they play with the corn?First,this cat is making a net with corn silks.Yes!He must be planning to catch his favorite fish.The stalks and the leaves of the corn are being made into a sailboat.The corn s

42、talks are woven into a raft.The sails are made by attaching the leaves.“Lu=Lu,La-La!Lu-Lu,La-La!”O ne cat plays the harmonica as the other cats ride on their sailboat.A nother cat brought a net.He is going to catch some fish.A ren,t they very funny cats?英文童话译文:猫和玉米来自猫村庄的猫去河边野餐。一只猫发现了一根玉米杆。猫会如何处置这根玉米


44、些非常有趣的猫么?11/2812/28英语双语故事:渔夫和他的妻子The Fisherman and His WifeO nce upon a time there were a fisherman and his wife who lived together in a filthy shack near the sea.Every day the fisherman went out fishing,and he fished,and he fished.O nce he was sitting there fishing and looking into the clear water,

45、and he sat,and he sat.Then his hook went to the bottom,deep down,and when he pulled it out,he had caught a large flounder.Then the flounder said to him,“Listen,fisherman,I beg you to let me live.I am not an ordinary flounder,but an enchanted prince.How will it help you to kill me?I would not taste g

46、ood to you.P ut me back into the water,and let me swim.“Well,“said the man,“theres no need to say more.I can certainly let a fish swim away who knows how to talk.”With that he put it back into the clear water,and the flounder disappeared to the bottom,leaving a long trail of blood behind him.Then th

47、e fisherman got up and went home to his wife in the filthy shack.“Husband,“said the woman,didnt you catch anything today?”“No,said the man.I caught a flounder,but he told me that he was an enchanted prince,so I let him swim away.Didnt you ask for anything first?”said the woman.No,said the man.What s

48、hould I have asked for?”0h,said the woman.It is terrible living in this shack.It stinks and is filthy.You should have asked for a little cottage for us.Go back and call him.Tell him that we want to have a little cottage.He will surely give it to us.”0h,said the man.Why should I go back there?”“Look,

49、said the woman,“you did catch him,and then you let him swim away.He will surely do this for us.Go right now.The man did not want to go,but neither did he want to oppose his wife,so he went back to the sea.When he arrived there it was no longer clear,but yellow and green.He stood there and said:Mandj

50、e!Mandje!Timpe Te!Flounder,flounder,in the sea!My wife,my wife Ilsebi11,Wants not,wants not,what I willThe flounder swam up and said,“What does she want then?”“O h,said the man,“I did catch you,and now my wife says that I really should have asked for something.She doesnt want to live in a filthy sha

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