1、1/22简单的英语小故事(短篇带翻译)合集【1】目录 英语成语故事:画蛇添足 The Wolf and the Crane 狼与鹭鹭 小学生英语寓言故事:The Lion and the Mouse 英语成语故事:破釜沉舟 英语成语故事;画饼充饥 英语寓言故事:孩子与芝麻 英语成语故事:骑虎难下 英语故事阅读:蛇的三片叶子 The Charcoal-B urner and the Fuller 烧炭人与漂布人 英语成语故事:狼狈为奸 英语成语故事:天花乱坠 格林童话:聪明的老兄 相信自己,追随梦想 英语成语故事:名落孙山 驴和买驴的人The ass and his purchaser2/22英
2、语成语故事:画蛇添足战国时代有个楚国人祭他的祖先,仪式结束后,他拿出一壶酒赏给手下的几个人。大家商量 说:“我们都来画蛇,谁先画好谁就喝这壶酒”。其中有一个人先画好了。但他看到同伴还没有 画完,就又给蛇添上了脚。这时,另一个人也画好了,夺过酒壶把酒喝了,并且说:“蛇本来是 没有脚的,你怎么能给它添上脚呢?”“画蛇添足”这个成语比喻作了多余而不恰当的事,反而把事情弄糟了。D rawing a Snake and Adding FeetIn the Warring States Period,a man in the state of Chu was offering a sacrifice to
3、 his ancestors.After the ceremony,the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants.The servants thought that there was not enought wine for al 1 of them,and decided to each draw a piecture of snake;the one who finished the piecture first would get the wine.One of them drew very rapidly.Seeing that the
4、others were still busy drawing,he added feet to the snake.At this moment,another man finished,snatched the beaker and drank the wine,saying,A snake doesnt have feet.How can you add feet to a snake?”This idiom refers to ruining a venture by doing unnecessary and surplus things.3/22The Wolf and the Cr
5、ane 牙良与鹭鹭The Wolf and the Crane狼与鹭莺A WOLF who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane,for a large sum,to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone.When the Crane had extracted the bone and demanded the promised payment,the Wolf,grinning and grinding his teeth,exclaimed:Why,you have sure
6、ly already had a sufficient recompense,in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf.”In serving the wicked,expect no reward,and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains.狼误吞下了一块骨头,十分难受,四处奔走,寻访医生。他遇见了鹭莺,谈定酬 金请他取出骨头,鹭鹭把自己的头伸进狼的喉咙里,叼出了骨头,便向狼要定好的酬金。狼回
7、答说:“喂,朋友,你能从狼嘴里平安无事地收回头来,难道还不满足,怎么还要讲报 酬?”这故事说明,对坏人行善的报酬,就是认识坏人不讲信用的本质。4/22小学生英语寓言故事:The Lion and the MouseA LION was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face.Rising up angrily,he caught him and was about to kill him,when the Mouse piteously entreated,saying:If you would only spare my li
8、fe,I would be sure to repay your kindness.The Lion laughed and let him go.It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters,who bound him by strong ropes to the ground.The Mouse,recognizing his roar,came and gnawed the rope with his teeth and set him free,exclaiming:“You ridicu
9、led the idea of my ever being able to help you,expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor;now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to con benefits on a Lion.”狮子睡着了,有只老鼠跳到了他身上。狮子猛然站起来,把他抓住,准备吃掉。老鼠请 求饶 命,并说如果保住性命,必将报恩,狮子轻蔑地笑了笑,便把他放走了。不久,狮子真的被老鼠救了 性命。原来狮子被一个猎人抓获,并用绳索把他捆在一棵树上。老鼠听到
10、了他的哀嚎,走过去咬断 绳索,放走了狮子,并说:“你当时嘲笑我,不相信能得到我的报答,现在可清楚了,老鼠也能报恩。”这故事说明,时运交替变更,强者也会有需要弱者的时候。5/22英语成语故事:破釜沉舟破釜沉舟秦朝(公元前221-前206年)末年,楚霸王项羽率领部队与秦军作战。部队渡过漳河以后,项 羽命令士兵把所有的船只都毁掉沉到河底,把行军的饭锅全部打碎,每人只发给三天的干粮。项羽这样做的目的,是向大家表示只能胜利前进,不能失败后退的决心。果然部队经过九次激 烈的战斗终于打垮了秦军。二破釜沉埔”这个成宿比喻下定最后的决心,不顾一切干到底。Smasking the Canldrons and Si
11、nking the B oatsD uring the late years of the Qi D ynasty(221-206B C),Xiang Yu led a rebellion.After crossing the Zhang River,Xiang Yu ordered his men to sink all their boats and break their cooking pots.He issued each soldier three days,rations and warned them that there was no way to retreat;the o
12、nly thing they could do to survive was to advance and fight.After mine fierce battles,the Qin army was finally defeated.This idiom is used to indicate one,s firm determination to achieve one,s goal at any cost.6/22英语成语故事;画饼充饥三国时代魏国的皇帝曹睿,准备选拔一个有才能的人到朝廷来做官。曹睿对他的大臣说:“选拔 人才,不能光找有虚名的人。虚名好比是地上画的一块饼,只能看,不能
13、解决肚子饥饿的问题 啊!”后来人们就用“画饼充饥”这个成语比喻用空想安慰自己,不能解决实际问题。Allaying Hunger with Pictures of CakesIn the Three Kingdom Period(220-280),the king of the state of Wei,Cao Rui,wanted to select a very capable man to work for him.He said to his ministers:when choosing a talented person,always beware of one with a fal
14、se reputatiopn.A false reputation is just like a picture of a cake,it cant relieve hunger.”Later,this idiom came to be used to mean comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts,without solving practical problems.7/22英语寓言故事:孩子与芭麻一个小孩不小心被芭麻刺了,他急忙跑回家,告诉妈妈说:“我只轻轻地碰它一下,它就刺得我很 痛。”妈妈说:“正因为如此,它才会刺你。下次你如果再碰到
15、芭麻,要勇敢地一把抓住它,它就会 在你的手中变得柔软如丝,不再会刺伤你了。A child was careless Ramie stabbed,he rushed home and told his mother:I only lightly Pengyi what,it was my painful thorns.Mom said:B ecause of this,it will thorn you.if the next time you met Ramie,to a courageous and seize it,it wi11 be in your hands become soft
16、as silk,you will no longer be stabbed.这是说,许多人都是服硬不服软的。It is said that many people are serving hard against soft.8/22英语成语故事:骑虎难下北周最后一个皇帝年龄很小,大臣杨坚掌握了国家大权。杨坚的妻子劝告杨坚说:“北周已经 不行了。你现在就像骑在老虎背上,形势逼迫着你不能下来,只好干下去吧!”杨坚决的很有 道理,后来就自己当了皇帝,建立了隋朝(581-618),并且统一了中国。“骑虎难下”这个成语用来比喻做事中途遇到很大困难,但形势所迫,又不能中止。When One Rides a
17、 Tiger It is Hard to D ismountYang Jian was the regent of the last king of Northern Zhou(557-581).His wife advised him:Northern Zhou is dying.Now it is as if you are riding on the back of a tiger.It will be dangerous to dismount.You can do nothing but continue.Yang Jian thought this quite reasonable
18、.Later,he founded the Sui D ynasty,and united China once more.This idom is used as a metaphor meaning that one is in a difficult situation and cannot help but ontinue to pursue one,s sourse.9/22英语故事阅读:蛇的三片叶子Once upon a time there was a poor man who could no longer afford to keep his only son.So his
19、son said:D ear father,you have fallen on very hard times and Im a burden to you;it will be better if I go away and try to earn my living.His father gave him his blessing and took leave of him with great sadness.At this time the king of a powerful kingdom was engaged in a war;the young man took servi
20、ce with him and joined the fighting.And when they met the enemy a battle took place,and there was great peril and a great hail of bullets,with his comrades falling all round him.And when even the commander was killed the rest wanted to take to their heels,but the young man stepped forward and rallie
21、d them,crying:We must not let our fatherland perish.At this the others followed him,and he pressed forward and defeated the enemy.When the king heard that he owed the victory to him alone,he raised him above all the others,gave him great wealth and made him the first man in his kingdom.The king had
22、a daughter who was very beautiful,but there was also something very strange about her.She had made a vow to take no man for her lord and husband unless he promised to let himself be buried alive with her if she died before him.“If he truly loves me,“she said,“why would he want to go on living?”In re
23、turn she was prepared to do the same for him and go down into the grave with him if he died first.This strange vow had hitherto deterred all suitors,but the young man was so entranced by her beauty that he was heedless of everything,and asked her father for her hand.B ut do you know what promise you
24、 will have to make?”said the king.I shall have to go to her grave with her if I outlive her,“he replied,“but my love is so great that I care not for this danger.Then the king consented and the marriage was celebrated with great magnificence.They now lived happily and contentedly for a time,and then
25、it happened that the young queen fell seriously ill and no doctor could help her.And when she lay there dead,the young king remembered what he had had to promise,and he was filled with horror at the thought of being buried alive,but there was no help for it:the king had ordered all the gates to be w
26、atched,and there was no way of escaping his fate.When the day came for the queen,s dead body to be laid to rest in the royal vault,he was taken down into it with her,and then the door was locked and bolted.B eside the coffin stood a table on which there were four candles,four loavesof bread and four
27、 bottles of wine.As soon as these pro visions gave out he wouldhave to die of hunger.So there he sat full of grief and sorrow,eating only a morsel of bread each day and drinking only a mouthful of wine,and yet he realized that hisdeath was coming closer and closer.Now as he sat there staring in fron
28、t of him,hesaw a snake crawl out of one corner of the vault and approach the coffin.Thinking it was going to gnaw at the dead body,he drew his sword and exclaimed:You shant touch her so long as I am alive!”And he hacked the snake into three pieces.A few moments later a second snake came crawling out
29、 of the corner,but when it saw the other one lying dead and dismembered it turned back,and presently approached again carrying three green leaves in its mouth.Then it took the three pieces of the snake,put them together the way they belonged,and laid one of the leaves on each of the wounds.At once t
30、he dismembered parts joined,the snake stirred and came to life again,and both snakes crawled quickly away leaving the leaves behind them.The unfortunate prince had watched all this,and he now began to wonder whether the miraculous power of the leaves which had restored the snake to life might also h
31、elp a human being.So he picked up the leaves and laid one of them on the dead woman5 s mouth and the other two on her eyes,and scarcely had he done so when her blood stirred in her veins,rose into her pallid countenance and gave it the flush of10/22 life again.She drew breath,opened her eyes and sai
32、d:Alas,where am I?”You arewith me,my dear wife,“he answered and told her all that had happened and how he hadrevived her.Then he gave her some wine and bread and when she had recovered herstrength she stood up,and they went to the door and knocked on it and shouted soloudly that the guards heard the
33、m and reported it to the king.The king himself came down and opened the door;he found both of them in full health and vigor,and rejoiced with them that now all their troubles were over.B ut the young king took the three snake-leaves with him,gave them to a servant and said:Keep them carefully for me
34、,and carry them on you wherever you go;who knows what trouble they may yet help us out of.”B ut since being brought back to life his wife had undergone a change:it was as if all her love for husband had been drained out of her heart.Some time later he decided to make a voyage across the sea to visit
35、 his old father,and after they had boarded the ship she forgot the great love and grace he had shown her and how he had saved her from death,and conceived a guilty passion for the ship,s captain.One day when the young king was lying there asleep,she called the captain and seized her sleeping husband
36、 by the head and made the captain take him by the feet,and thus they threw him into the sea.When this shameful deed had been done she said to the captain:Now lets go home,and we 11 say he died at sea.You can leave it to me to keep singing your praises to my father till he marries me to you and makes
37、 you heir to his crown.B ut the faithful servant,who had witnessed the whole thing,secretly lowered a small boat from the ship and set out in it,following his master and letting the traitors sail away.He fished up the drowned man,and by putting the three snake-leaves,which he had with him,on the you
38、ng kings eyes and mouth,he successfully restored him to life.Then they both rowed day and night with might and main,and their boat sped along so quickly that they got home to the old king before the others.He was astonished to see them arriving alone,and asked what had happened to them.When he heard
39、 of his daughters wickedness he said:I cant believe that she did so evil a thing,but the truth will soon come to light.He told them both to go into a secret room and let no one know of their presence.Soon after this the big ship came sailing in,and the prince,s godless wife appeared before her fathe
40、r with a sorrowful air.He said:Why have you returned alone?Where is your husband?“0h,dear father,“she replied,“I have come home in great grief:during the voyage my husband suddenly fell sick and died,and if the kind ships captain had not helped me it wou1d have gone ill with me.B ut he was present a
41、t my husband5 s death and can tell you all that happened.The king said:I will bring this dead man back to life.And he opened the door of the room and told the two men to come out.When the woman saw her husband she stood as if thunderstruck,then fell to her knees and begged for mercy.The king said:Th
42、ere can be no mercy for you:he was ready to die with you,and he gave you your life back again,but you murdered him in his sleep and you shall have your just reward.Then she and her accomplice were put on board a ship full of holes and sent out to sea,where they soon perished in the waves.I.Reference
43、 Version(参考译文)蛇的三片叶子从前,有个穷人。他穷得连自己的独生儿子都养不起。于是他儿子说:“爸爸,您的处境太 困难了,我也是您的负担。这样倒不如让我出去闯一闯,挣口饭吃。”父亲为儿子祈祷祝福,非常难 过地和儿子分手了。恰在这个时候,有个强国的国王正在作战,这个年轻人就跟随着国王上了战 场。他们遇到敌人,开始战斗了。在枪林弹雨中,身边的战友都倒下了,甚至有的军官也战死了,活 着的都想逃跑。这时候年轻人走上前来为大家鼓气,他大声喊道:“不能让我们的祖国灭亡!”于 是,人们都跟随他向前冲,打垮了敌军。国王听说多亏了这个年轻人才取得胜利的消息,就把他提升 到很高的位置,并给了他很多财宝。他
44、在王宫里是一人之下,万人之上。国王有个公主,非常美丽,只是性情有些古怪。她选择丈夫的条件是:如果公主先死,活着的 丈夫必须和她一起埋葬,否则,就不能成为她的丈夫。公主说:“如果他真心爱我,我死了,他为什么 还要活着呢?”同样,如果丈夫先死了,她也准备跟着一起进坟墓。这个古怪的誓约,吓退了所有的 求婚人。可是,公主的美貌,让这个年轻人陶醉。他义无返顾地向国王要求娶公主为妻。国王说:“你知道应该答应她些什么吗?”“如果公主死了,而我还活着,我就会和她一起进坟墓。”年轻人回 答说:“我爱她爱得那么强烈,深沉,就顾不得什么危险了。”于是国王同意了。他们举行了非常隆11/22重的婚礼。他们一起幸福,快乐
45、地过了一些日子。突然,年轻的王后患了重病,医生们都认为不可救药 To王后死了,年轻的国王回想起从前的誓约,想到就要被活埋,不由得直打哆嗦。老国王派了卫 兵,看住了所有的城门。看来,这悲惨的命运是不能逃避了。在年轻的王后遗体装进王家墓穴的那 一天,那年轻的国王也被一同带进墓穴。墓穴的门关上了,还上了锁。在棺材的旁边放着一张桌子,上面有四支蜡烛,四个面包和四瓶葡萄酒。这些东西用完了,他也就要饿死了。他在无限痛苦和悲伤中,每天只吃一点面包,喝一小口酒。可是他依然意识到死 期越来越近了。正当他一动不动向前看着的时候,突然见到墓穴的一角爬出一条蛇,直向棺材爬 去。他想,蛇是来咬公主尸体的。于是,他拔出宝
46、剑说:“只要我还活着,你就别想碰她。”他把这 条蛇砍成四段。不一会儿,又一条蛇爬了过来,看见这条蛇死了并被分了尸,就立刻退回去了。随后 那条蛇叼着三张绿叶又出现了。然后,那条蛇把死去的蛇按原样摆好,在每个伤口处放上一张绿 叶。不大一会,那断开的地方,又接到了一起。死了的蛇,又复活了,动弹了。接着,两条蛇很快地爬 走了。可绿叶还留在那儿。这不幸的国王,看到这一切,开始考虑:这绿色的叶子具有能使死蛇复活 的神奇效力,不知会不会让死人复活。于是他拣起三片叶子,一片放在妻子的嘴上,另两片放在眼睛 o刚放好,王后的血就在血管里流动起来。她苍白的脸上出现r红润。她吸r一口气,睁开了眼 睛,说:“哎呀,我这
47、是在哪里呀?他回答道:“你在我的身边,我亲爱的妻子!”他又把发生的一切 和她复活的经过讲给她听。然后,他给王后喝了点酒,吃了点面包。她有了力气,站了起来。于是,他们到墓穴口,敲打着大门,大声呼喊起来。卫兵听到后,急忙报告了国王。国王亲自来了,打开了 大门,看到他们既健壮,又精神,自然是十分惊喜。年轻的国王带回来了三片蛇的叶子,把它们交给 了仆人说:“好好保存着,要随身携带,说不定以后遇到什么危难,它会帮助我们的!”可是,自从王后复活后,变化很大,好象对丈夫的爱,一下子全都消失了似的。过了一些日 子,年轻的国王想要越海航行去看望他年老的父亲。他们上船后,王后完全忘记了丈夫对她的一片 真情和救命之
48、恩,竟对船长产生了不该产生的爱情。一天,当年轻的国王正在睡觉的时候,她喊来船 长,自己揪住丈夫的头,让船长抱着丈夫的两只脚,把丈夫扔到大海里去了。干完这卑鄙的勾当,她 对船长说:“现在咱们就可以回家了。就说他半道上死了。我在父王面前好好夸夸你,让他准许我 们结婚,那时你就是他的王冠继承人!”可是,那个忠实的仆人,把他们那些卑鄙的勾当全看在眼 里。他偷偷地从大船上下来,放下一只小船,向主人的方向追去,让那些坏人驾着大船先走了。仆人 把死了的国王捞上船,把带在身边蛇的三片绿叶放在他眼睛上,嘴上。国王竟真的复活了。他们两人使出了全身的力气,白天黑夜地划船,小船像箭似的飞奔,竟比大船提早到了老国 王那
49、儿。国王见到只是他们两个人回来,非常惊讶,问发生了什么事。当他一听说女儿干了那样的 坏事以后,就说:“我还不相信她那么坏,真相会很快弄清楚的!”然后,吩咐他们到一个密室里藏起 来,不让任何人知道他俩回来了。不久,大船到了。那无法无天的妻子带着悲伤的面容,走到父亲面 前。国王问:“你怎么一个人回来了?你的丈夫呢?”“啊,爸爸!”她回答说,“真是难过死了。丈 夫在航海中死了。要是没有这好心的船长帮助的话,我也会遭受不幸的命运的。我丈夫死的时候他 就在跟前,他能告诉你发生的一切。”国王说:“我要让死人复活。”国王打开了密室的门,把那两 个人叫了出来。妻子一看见丈夫,犹如遭到了雷击,马上跪下请求饶命。
50、国王说:“不能宽容你!他 愿意和你一起死,救你复活。而你呢,竟在他睡觉的时候害死他,你应该得到报应!”然后,她和船长 一起被装进一个凿了孔的船上,船被推到海里去了,不一会儿,就沉进了浪涛里。12/22The Charcoal-B urner and the Fuller 烧 炭人与漂布人A CHARCOAL-B URNER carried on his trade in his own house.One day he met a friend,a Fuller,and entreated him to come and live with him,saying that they shoul