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1、第十章 介词一、基础练习1. Henry, Mary and Tom, is coming to China for a visit? Which is WRONG?A. together with B. like C. besides D. but in addition to2. His father will be back from Londona few days.A. since B. in C. on D. after3. He usually goes to work on time .A. except for raining days B. besides it rains

2、 C. but that it rains D. except on rainy days4. Did you have trouble the post office?A. to have found B. with findingC. to find D. in finding5. If you keep on, youll succeed .A. in time B. at one timeC. at the same time D. on time6. The train leaves6:00 pm, so I have to be at the station5:40 pm at t

3、he latest?A. at; until B. for; afterC. at; by D. before; around7. the gate and youll find the entrancethe parkthe other side.A. Through; to; on B. Along; of; onC. Down; to; at D. Up; of; by8. One five will have the chance to join in thegame.A. within B. among C. in D. from9. Do you go there bus? No,

4、 we go there a train.A. in; on B. on; on C. by; in D. by; with10. I made the coat my own hands. It was madehand, not with a machine.A. in; in B. in; withC. with; by D. with; with11. The trees front of the house are the charge of Mr. Li.A. in; in B. at; in C. in; by D. from; in12. The old man died co

5、ld a cold night.A. from; at B. of; inC. of; on D. for; during13. My uncle lives116 Changhe Street. His room is the sixth floor.A. at; on B. to; at C. on; in D. of; to14. I dont think you can work out the maths problemher help.A. since B. unless C. with D. without15. He is runningthe wind towards the

6、 stationTom running the right.A. down; and; on B. against; with; onC. for; with; in D. with; while; to16. In Hangzhou Mr. Black was so struckthe beauty of nature that he stayedanother night.A. at; on B. with; at C. for; in D. by; for17. How long has the bookshop been in business? 1987.A. After B. In

7、 C. From D. Since18. We offered him our congratulationshis passing the college entrance exams.A. at B. on C. for D. of19. Guangdong liesthe south of China and Fujian isthe east of it. Hainan isthe coast of the mainland.A. in; in; on B. in; on; offC. on; to; on D. in; to; away20. The student, whom al

8、l the teachers are pleased,is very strict himself everything.A. to; with; in B. with; with; inC. with; at; with D. at; with; at21. Some doctors were sent t?the front where medical workers were .A. in great need B. in great need ofC. needed great D. needed in22. hearing the good news, they jumped wit

9、h joy.A. For B. To C. On D. At23. She is well-knownher poems and she is also famous an actress.A. for; for B. as; for C. for; as D. by; for 24. He climbed silentlyseizing the thief.A. in the purpose; by surprise B. with purpose of; surprisinglyC. with purpose of; surprisedly D. with the purpose of;

10、by surprise25. The touch they had both kept in many years broke.A. for B. on C. into D. with26. The pianist began to play and the girl in red began to sing the music.A. with B. along C. through D. to27. He divided the sweetsthe children who were divided three groups.A. in; in B. into; intoC. between

11、; in D. among; into28. Early the morning of May 1, we started offthe mountain village.A. in; for B. in; t? C. on; D. on; for29. Ted has been absentclass for quite some time.A. for B. with C. of D. from30. The railway was openedtraffic April 4, 1985.A. to; on B. to; in C. by; on D. for; on答案及简析1.D。“名

12、词介词短语”作主语时,谓语动词要与前面的名词保持一致。D项表达错误。2.B。表示“从现在起多长时间之后”用in。3.D。except后接动词不定式可与but连用,但except后还可接that, when, where等从句或介词短语,在表示对细节加以纠正之意时用except for。 4.D。have troubledifficulty in doing sth.with sth.是一个习惯用法,表示“做某事吃力、费劲”。5.A。in time除平时熟悉的“及时”之意外,还有“迟早”的意思,相当于sooner or later。6.C。具体时间即点时间前常用介词at, 表示“到为止”用by。

13、7.A。through指“从某事物的内部空间穿过”;entrance后习惯接to;表示“在边”用on。8.C。“one in five”指“五人中有一个”,即“one out of five”。9.C。“乘坐交通工具”时,用by抽象名词(无冠词的名词)或用inon加冠词再加交通工具。10.C。“由手工制作”用固定词组with ones hands或by hand。11.A。in front of表示“在前面”;in the charge of表示“在掌管控制下”。12.C。die of用于疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷等原因造成的死亡,die from指除了疾病、情感、饥饿、寒冷以外的原因造成的死亡,

14、on a cold night为特定时间。13.A。在相对小的地点或门牌前用at;房间“在第几层”用“on. floor”。14.D。“在帮助下”用with,“没有帮助”用without。15.B。“逆顶风而跑”用against;“with 宾宾补”表示伴随;表示“在左右边”用on。16.D。“be struck by”意为“被迷住打动”,stay for the night表示“留下来过夜”。17.D。since常与现在完成时连用。18.B。offer sb. congratulations on sth. or doing sth.congratulate sb. on sth. or d

15、oing sth.19.B。in the south表示在“一个范围之内的南部”,on the east表示“在东边接壤”,off the coast表示“离开海岸”。20.B。表示“对感到满意”,用be pleased with。此句为定语从句; 主句中用了be strict with sb. in sth.句型。21.A。如果选C,great应改为greatly。22.C。on (ones) doing意为“当时”,相当于when引导的时间状语从句。如:On (my) asking for information, I heard a loud noise outside.23.C。be

16、well-knownfamous for 意为“因而著名”,be well-knownfamous as意为“作为而著名”。24.D。with the purpose of是一个固定词组,意为“怀着意图”;by surprise相当于suddenly。 25.A。keep in touch为固定短语,for.表示一段时间。26.D。sing to the music意为“伴随着音乐而唱”。27.D。介词between指“两者之间”;among用于“三者或三者以上之间”。根据定语从句可知children应是三者以上。28.D。表示在“某一天的早晨”常说“on the morning of.”;后

17、面用for表示去的目的地。29.D。be absent from是一个固定短语,意思是“缺席”。30.A。be opened to traffic的意思是“通车”;在具体的某一天之前通常用on。二、提高练习1. The speech by the mayor of Shanghai before the final voting for Expo 2010 is strongly impressed _ my memory. A. to B. over C. by D. on2. The trees in that thick forest are so dose together that

18、there is hardly any room to move_ them. A. between B. in C. among D. across3. So far, several ships have been reported missing _ the coast of Bermuda Island.A. off B. alongC. on D. around4. It was easier to move about _ the fringe of the crowd.A. at B. inC. on D. to 5. For miles around me there is n

19、othing but a desert, without a single plant of tree _.A. in sight B.on the earth C. at a distance D. in a place6. I wanted two seats _ Madame Gurie for Friday night, so I rang the cinema to seeif I could book two tickets.A. of B. aboutC. to D. for 7. -Has the train arrived?-No, it all will be late _

20、 half an hour.A. atB. for C. in D. by 8. I like traveling by sea _ it is not rough.A. unless B. in case C. as long as D. although9. -Poor Tom! He will have to work all the next month.-Luckily, _ the basketball games are held.A. except B. except that C. except when D. except for 10. _ sick or well, m

21、y grandfather is always cheerful.A. Either B. No matter C. Even if D. whether11. The oil must be used up, _ the light went out.A. for B. becauseC. since D. as 12. The two countries were _ between 1989 and 1992.A. peace B. at no war C. at peace D. at peaceful13. The bridge is 1000 meters _ length.A.

22、with B. in C. at D. on14. Look out _ the traffic when crossing the road.A. at B. of C. for D. with 15. We often call Martin Luther King M.L.King _ .A. in shortB. for short C. at short D. to short16. _ the end of last term, every student in the school, I think, has taken at least five maths tests.A.

23、By B. Since C. From D. In17. -How can I get to the island you mentioned?-You cant get there _ by swimming.A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than18. -I find reading comprehension the hardest in learning a foreign language. -Well, _ youd better practise reading short passage every day.

24、A. so that B. now that C. for that D. with that19. -Do you like coffee or milk?-Both. But I prefer coffee _ milk.A. to B. for C. with D. from20. Spider was up and standing at the door, with every hair of her body _ .A. stood up B. on its end C. on end D. on the end答案:1-5 DBACA6-10 DDCCD11-15 ACBCB16-20 BACCC

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