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1、(完整版)典范英语6中文教学参考6_09 蒙面清洁女工面对海盗典范英语(6_09)教学参考The Masked Cleaning Ladies Meet the Pirates教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色.一、教学目标1语言目标:学生能够听懂并理解故事的内容;能够有感情地、绘声绘色地朗读;能够复述故事的主要情节;能够完成与故事相关的写作任务。2非语言目标:引导学生体会正义终能战胜邪恶的真理;鼓励学生遇到困境时积极动脑,以智取胜;鼓励学生助人从善,传播真善美;引导学生通过劳动

2、获得财富。说明:语言目标由教师负责检查,确保学生完成任务,达到要求。非语言目标具有开放性,需要教师围绕有意义的话题与学生进行真诚交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与热情,让学生在有思想、有内容的开放性语言实践活动中习得语言,树立正确的价值观。二、课时安排要求学生每周完成一部作品,每周安排一节或两节实验课,课时安排在学生读完该部作品之后。三、课前任务要求学生每天朗读15-20分钟,辅以默读。做到听读结合,认真把握和体会故事的内容,并适当积累好词好句.四、课堂教学基本步骤1。 导入(Leadin):启发学生思考问候学生后,展示一下课本封面。然后提出几个关于海盗的问题请学生自由作答,如:Do you kn

3、ow pirates? / Do you know any pirate stories? What do pirates look like? What do pirates usually do? What do you think about pirates? 提问过程中,教师配合问题将一些关于海盗的图片展示给学生.教师可以将学生回答的关键词写在黑板上,进行简要总结,随后引导学生回到故事情景:It seems that you are very interested in pirates. As we know, people who hate them take them as rob

4、bers。 Those who love them think they are heroes。 What are the pirates like those masked cleaning ladies meet?(展示本课中海盗图片)What happened to them?(展示海盗与清洁女工对阵图片) Lets find it out together. 2. 朗读(Reading aloud):朗读与思考相结合(1)检查学生朗读:What did the pirates in this story look like? What happened between the clea

5、ning ladies and the pirates? Lets read from Page 9 to Page 18. 请学生朗读第二章海盗出场的部分。提醒学生注意录音中海盗们说话的语气,以及那些描述动作的词汇.鼓励学生大声地惟妙惟肖地模仿录音。教师可模仿示范.(2)让学生选择喜欢的章节中的对话,两人一组,轮流扮演海盗,大声朗读海盗们的对白。(参见英文教案Teaching Notes)3。 复述(Retelling):关注内容与语言表达的准确性,锻炼学生连贯表达思想的能力教师引导学生从海盗出场的章节(第2章)开始,根据故事的情节变化(The pirates came,Masked cle

6、aning ladies VS。 pirates: first fight,Masked Cleaning ladies VS。 pirates: royal treasures)复述故事。过程中,可以用图片加提问的方式进行启发。教师给出开头:It was Monday。 Queen Norah went to her sisters castle。 The masked cleaning ladies went to do the cleaning as usual, but suddenly, they heard something different。.What was that di

7、fferent cry? Where was the cry from?(引出pirates)What did they do?(参考one announcement, two orders, two threats)What did Princess Jane plan to do with the pirates?(She planned to fight with them.)How did they fight? King Harry had a good idea。 What was it? Who won at last?Captain SmithCaptain JonesKing

8、 HarryPrincess JaneActionspolish a big shield in the main hallpolish the floorrun a nice, hot, soapy bathkeep talking with the piratesEffectsdazzle the pirates with the shiny royal shield, make them hide their eyes, unable to see the floormake the “blind” pirates skid on the slippery floor, slide do

9、wn the hall, straight into the bathroomscrub and soap the piratesdraw the pirates attention and save time for King Harry and the two captains(声东击西)Queen Norah came back. What did she do with the pirates?What did the pirates do with the royal treasures?4。 情节分析(Plot Analysis):启发学生思考经过以上的复述与理解环节,学生对故事情

10、节有了整体的把握.教师可通过这个环节进行及时的检测.教师先简单说明故事/记叙文中的几个要素。然后,引导学生分析这个故事的背景、发展、高潮和结局。为了降低这个活动的难度,教师可以给出一些句子(建议放在学案里),让学生将句子填到对应的要素框里。教师可参照如下操作:This story is one of the Masked Cleaning Ladies series. It alone makes a complete story, including the parts a narrative usually has. That is, introduction, buildup, clim

11、ax and resolution。 Introduction consists of setting, characters and hints at the conflict. Setting is the time and place of the action。 Then the story unfolds itself following a certain thread。 This is its build-up. Later, you may feel the tension of the story and get the strongest feeling of terror

12、, excitement, or whatever。 That means the story reaches its climax。 Finally comes the endingresolution. Now go through the plot again and rearrange the sentences on the sheet。 You need to put their numbers in the right box of the story map. After you finish, one of you will be asked to read the whol

13、e simplified plot to us。 需给出的句子可参考以下:(1) Queen Norah found the treasures missing but they were safe. (2) Queen Norah left for her sister and she asked the Royal Treasures to be well attended to。 (3) King Harry and the two captains got dressed and started cleaning when a gang of dirty pirates came to

14、 rob. (4) Queen Norah was back and the pirates were taken as masked cleaning ladies。 (5) Queen Norah paid the pirate cleaning ladies and asked them to polish the Royal Treasures。(6) King Harry, Princess Jane and the captains successfully defeated the pirates and the pirates promised to do anything f

15、or them。 (7) The pirates stole the treasures but King Harry and his two colleagues appeared in time to stop. Climax: 7Resolution: 1Build-up: 3、6、4、5Introduction: 8、2(8) Queen Norah valued a lot the Royal Treasures. 5。 表演(Role Play):(可选)锻炼学生的表达能力让学生分组提前将故事的第3章节改编成短剧,课上进行分角色表演。在学生表演之前,教师从intonation an

16、d pronunciation,fluency,acting,teamwork几方面明确评价的标准。表演完后,评出各种奖项,见课件。6。 讨论(Discussion):培养学生的批判性思维能力分组讨论,针对第3章节的内容讨论以下问题,每组请一位代表发言(可以把以下问题放在PPT上显示出来,让学生分组进行讨论,问题前的关键词语不要在PPT上显示,此处仅供教师参考): MAKE INFERRENCES How do you think the pirates would feel when they finally leave the castle? Why? MAKE ASSUMPTIONS I

17、f you could talk to the pirates, what would you say to them? 提醒学生进行讨论的规则是:(1)每个人都要有说话的机会;(2)别人讲话说不得打断、干扰;(3)支持并补充他人的观点;(4)如果不想说可以不说;(5)提问要深思熟虑.鼓励学生在该环节畅所欲言。7拼读练习(Phonics Practising):培养拼读意识,掌握拼读技能从下表中选取一组具有相同拼读规律的单词,引导学生发现其中的拼读规律,然后给几个新的含有同一字母组合的单词,以此增强学生的拼读意识。也可以选取几组课堂听写,但听写时切勿给汉语让学生写英文.具体数量视课上时间而定。

18、该环节最多占用课堂时间23分钟。low knowshow throwgoldenstolengiven heartbrokenfindkind behindremindjustdustmust trustoutaboutshoutlandhandgrandexpectcorrectskidslid8. 布置作业(Homework)(1)写作(任选一题) 读完本故事,请学生采用海盗的视角改写故事,用第一人称叙述海盗去城堡抢劫的经历,借鉴作品中的词汇和描写手法,力求具体、生动。字数不限。(参见英文教案Teaching Notes) 根据本故事写一篇摘要(summary),不少于100词.(2)读下

19、一部作品,注意体会作品内容,积累生词和好句。五、教师自我反思:培养学生的思考能力教师每堂课后要进行自我反思,反思的问题包括:1. 提问。我问的问题值得讨论吗?问了多少个问题?什么类型的问题?2. 讨论。老师和学生讨论了什么?学生是否试图回答了要问的问题?大家进行了很好的讨论了吗?3. 听.师生相互认真倾听了吗?师生对他人的说法作出回应了吗?讨论中彼此互相尊重吗?4. 说.师生清楚了解自己的想法吗?有什么好的想法吗?师生在这些想法上能够产生更好的想法吗?每个人都有机会表达自己的观点了吗?谁说得最多?5. 思考.师生对问题找到答案了吗?答案给出的理由令人信服吗?师生愿意改变自己的想法吗?师生进行了怎样的思考?师生从讨论中学到了什么?师生提升了自己的思考吗?有或没有?下一次讨论什么?下一次讨论的最好方式是什么?师生需要记住什么?4

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