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1、Youre supposed to shake hands.直击课标要求1语言目标Tell what you are supposed to do2重点词汇shake bow kiss greet land pick wipe napkin stick chopstick rude point manner behave fork full gradually compliment toast unfamiliar spoon crowd dead dead-end die succeed subject slip military army soldier sacrifice pathbe

2、supposed to shake hands drop by after all pick up table manners be/ get used to cut up at the end of get into trouble give up3关键句型Youre supposed to shake hands.Theyre supposed to bow.How was the dinner at Pauls house last night? Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do? The first thing is to gre

3、et the teacher.You arent supposed to .Its polite .Its rude to .4语法be supposed to do sth.的使用动词不定式作主语课前学习提示一、词汇1shake eik vt.& vi.摇,抖动,动摇,挥舞,摆脱,它的过去式和过去分词是shook和shaken,此外它还可作名词用表示“摇动,震动,一刹那”。【例】(1)Shake the liquid medicine up before taking it.这药水在服用前要把它摇匀。(2)No impediment could shake my determination.

4、任何障碍都不能动摇我的决心。(3)The man shook his fist as he spoke.这人在讲话时挥舞拳头。(4)I found it hard to shake off the responsibility.我发现难以摆脱这个责任。(5)She responded to my request with a shake of the head.她以摇头来回答我的请求。(6)In two shakes the juggler produced a duck out of his handkerchief.一瞬间魔术师从手帕中变出一只鸭子来。注 shake down是个短语,表示

5、“适应新环境”。【例】Soon the students from the south shook down nicely.南方学生们不久就很好地适应了环境。2bow b u vt.& vi.鞠躬,俯首,点头,屈服,它可作名词用,表示:“弓,蝴蝶扣;鞠躬,点头”。【例】(1)They bowed before the old man.他们向老人鞠躬。(2)I have a bowing acquaintance with Mr. Green.我同格林先生有点头之交。(3)They refused to bow to the power of the church.他们不向教会势力屈服。(4)T

6、hey bowed their heads in shame.他们羞愧地低下头来。(5)The Japanese guest bowed her thanks.日本客人鞠躬表示感谢。(6)He drew his bow.他拉弓。(7)She tied her shoelace in a bow.她把鞋带系成蝴蝶扣。(8)He made his bow to everyone in the room.他向屋里每人都点头招呼。3greet gri t vt.向致意,欢迎,迎接,被觉察。【例】(1)They greeted each other with a smile.他们互相微笑致意。(2)An

7、 angry crowd greeted him with a shower of stones.愤怒的人群向他投掷雨点般的石子。(3)The first thing that greeted my eyes was a pagoda.我首先看到的是一座塔。4pick pik vt.& vi.凿,掘,挖,剔,撬,摘,采,挑选等。可作名词用,表示“最优秀部分,选择”。【例】(1)She picked the sweet potatoes up.她刨出白薯来。(2)They picked every bit of meat from the bones.他们把骨头上的肉剔干净。(3)He pick

8、ed the door open.他撬开了门。(4)The girls were picking cotton in the field.姑娘们在地里采棉花。(5)He picked the biggest apple.他挑中了最大的苹果。(6)Ripe peaches pick easily.桃子熟了好摘。(7)These students were the pick of the school.这些学生是全校最优秀的。(8)Take your pick, please.请你挑选。5stick stik vt.& vi.刺,戳,放置,粘贴,塞,使进退两难,伸出,容忍,坚持等。它的过去式和过去

9、分词是:stuck、stuck。可作名词用,表示“枝条、棍、手杖”等。【例】(1)He stuck his fork into a potato.他用叉子叉住土豆。(2)He stuck the stamps on the envelope after licking them.他把邮票舔一下,然后贴到信封上。(3)She stuck all the photos into her drawer.她把所有相片都塞进了抽屉。(4)The left front wheel of the truck got stuck in the mud.卡车左前轮陷在泥里了。(5)The doctor told

10、 the girl to stick her tongue out.医生叫这女孩伸出舌头。(6)I just cant stick his insults any longer.我再也不能忍受他的种种侮辱。(7)The boy stuck to his elder brother wherever he went.那男孩跟着哥哥,寸步不离。(8)She stuck to her post when everybody else had left.别人离开后,她一个人坚守岗位。(9)The old man walks with a stick.那老人拄着拐杖走路。6behave biheiv v

11、i.& vt.举动,表现,运转,举止端正;使表现好。它的名词形式behaviour的意思是“行为,态度”等。【例】(1)He behaved well while his brother behaved badly.他表现良好,但他的弟弟行为恶劣。(2)The generator behaves quite normally.发电机运转十分正常。(3)She taught all the children to behave.她教所有的孩子都有礼貌。(4)He behaved himself like a man.他为人有男子汉气概。(5)Youd better behave yourself

12、.你要放规矩些。(6)His behaviour towards me shows that he doesnt like me.他对我的态度表明他并不喜欢我。(7)He is like a beast in behaviour.他的行为等于禽兽。7slip slip vi.& vt.滑(倒),滑掉,匆忙穿(或脱),失误;松开,遗漏等。它可作名词用。【例】(1)Mr Brown slipped on the road and broke his arm.布朗先生在路上滑倒,折断了胳膊。(2)It is silly of you to let this wonderful opportunity

13、 slip.你真糊涂让这个大好机会给溜掉了。(3)The boy slipped out of his shirt and jumped into the water.孩子匆匆脱下衬衣,跳进水中。(4)She slipped from the path of virtue.她的行为失于检点。(5)He slipped his dog from the leash.他轻轻松开皮带把狗放了。(6)That mistake slipped the teachers attention.这个错误老师未曾注意。(7)The old woman had a slip and died of heart t

14、rouble.老太太滑倒了,随即因心脏病发作而死亡。(8)It was just a slip of the pen.那不过是一个笔误。二、交际用语1应该做,被期望做In your country, what are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time? Youre supposed to shake hands.Theyre supposed to bow.Can you tell me the things Im supposed to do? Were supposed to .2询问对某事的看法或有什么

15、How was the dinner at Pauls house last night? What kinds of rules do they have in Columbia? Well, they have pretty relaxed rules.三、语法1be supposed to do的用法1)表示“应该,被期望”。【例】(1)We are supposed to be here at seven.我们应该七点钟到。(2)The library is supposed to open at eight in the morning.图书馆应在早晨八点钟开门。(3)What ar

16、e you supposed to do when you meet someone? 当你遇到某人的时候应该怎么做?(4)Youre supposed to kiss.你应该亲吻。(5)Youre not supposed to shake hands.你不应该握手。2)用于否定句中可表示“获准”。【例】(1)You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.你不可以在公共汽车上抽烟。(2)You are not supposed to take photos in the hall.你可不能在大厅里拍照。2动词不定式或动词不定式短语作主语不定式的用法前面已讲

17、过,这里主要是不定式作主语的用法。通常使用的句式是it isto do sth.。【例】(1)It is important for us to learn English well.学好英语对我们来说是很重要的。(2)It is very difficult to work out this problem.算出这道题是很难的。(3)It is very kind of you to help me.你能帮助我,你真好。(4)To see one time is better than to hear a hundred times.百闻不如一见。(5)How would it be to

18、start tomorrow? 明天动身怎么样?(6)It takes thirty hours to get there by train.坐火车到那儿要三十个小时。点拨重点难点1be supposed to do sth.的用法。2动词不定式作主语的句式及用法。3本单元所学的常用词语,如shake, bow, greet, pick, point, behave以及drop by, after all, pick up, be (get) used to, cut up和give up等的用法。4父母怎样帮助和教育子女的方法和恒心。5现在完成时态的被动语态。拓展发散思维发散思维分析1.it

19、s okay if you are a bit late.如果你稍迟一点还行。a bit在此作状语修饰late,表示“稍微,一点儿”,可以与a little互用;此外a bit of与a little of可互用。但要注意not a bit与not a little的区别,前者表示“一点也不”,而后者表示“许多、很”。【例】(1)He feels a bit cold.或He feels a little cold.他感觉有点儿冷。(2)He had a bit of bread for his breakfast.他早上吃了点儿面包。(3)He has got a nice bit of m

20、oney for his book.他那本书得到了相当可观的一笔钱。(4)I know a little about what he did.关于他干的事,我知道一点儿。(5)Theres a little of time.还有一点时间。(6)Are you tired? 你累吗?No, not a bit.一点也不累。(7)Im not a bit like what you think.我根本不是你想像的那种人。(8)He gives me not a little trouble.他给我带来许多麻烦。(9)The old man is not a little bewildered.那位

21、老人大惑不解。2Spending time with family and friends is very important to us.对我们来说与家人和朋友共度时光是很重要的。本句是动名词短语作主语。【例】(1)Talking mends no holes.(谚语)空谈无济于事。(2)There is no joking about such matters.这种事开不得玩笑。(3)Breathing became difficult on the summits.在山顶上呼吸变得困难了。(4)It was very difficult getting everything ready

22、in time.要把一切按时准备好很困难。3We often just drop by our friends homes.我们只是访问朋友的家。drop by“访问,拜访”,是美式英语,与drop in (on sb.)“顺便走访(某人)”近义。【例】(1)Would you drop in tomorrow evening for a chat? 你明晚有时间来谈谈吗?(2)I dropped in on the Browns on my way home.我在回家的路上顺便走访了布朗夫妇。(3)The young man used to drop by his uncle.那年轻人过去常

23、拜访他叔叔。(4)Do you often drop by your neighbours home.你经常走访邻居家吗?4Its very important to be on time.准时是非常重要的。不定式短语to be on time在此作主语;on time是个短语,表示“准时,按时”于指定时。而in time则表示“及时,总有一天,最后,终于,迟早”等。【例】(1)The train pulled in on time.火车准时进站。(2)Be sure to get there on time and help them.一定要准时到那儿并帮助他们。(3)We were jus

24、t in time for the bus.我们正好赶上那班公共汽车。(4)If you keep on, youll succeed in time.如果坚持下去,你们总有一天会成功的。5Thanks for your message.谢谢你的来信。thanks for“为而感谢”,而thanks to则表示“由于,幸亏”。【例】(1)Thanks to sufficient supply of consumer goods, the price remained stable.由于消费品供应充足,物价保持稳定。(2)Thanks to your help, we finished the

25、word ahead of schedule.多亏你们的帮助,我们提前完成了工作。(3)Thanks for giving me such a nice present.谢谢你送我这么精美的礼物。(4)Thanks for teaching so well.谢谢教我们教得这样好。6.things are really different from the way theyre at home.事情与他们在家确实真正的不相同。be different from是个短语,意思是“与不同”。【例】(1)This book is different from that one.这本书与那本不同。(2)

26、His plan is different from yours.他的计划跟你的不同。(3)Now he is quite a different man from what he was.现在他同过去比起来变成一个完全不同的人了。7His mother worked three jobs to pay for her three childrens education.他母亲为能使三个孩子得到教育而做三份工作。不定式to pay for在此作目的状语。【例】(1)He ran so fast as to catch the first bus.他飞快地跑以使赶上第一趟公共汽车。(2)I co

27、me here only to say good-bye to you.我来仅仅是为了向你告别。(3)Learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones.惩前毖后。(4)She decided to work harder in order to catch up with others.她决定加紧学习好赶上别人。8Studying did not interest him.学习不能使他感兴趣。interest在这作及物动词用,意思是“使发生兴趣,引起的注意”;interest sb. in sth.是“劝使(说服)某人参与某事”,而be interes

28、ted in是“对感兴趣”。【例】(1)This new method will certainly interest you.这种新方法肯定会引起你的兴趣。(2)This book interests me.这本书使我感到兴趣。(3)The teacher interests his students in English.老师劝使学生学习英语。(4)Are you interested in that story-book? 你对那本小说感兴趣吗?9He got into trouble at school and with the police.他惹麻烦招致学校和警察的责罚。get in

29、to表示“进入,穿上”,at school“在学校”意思是指上学或求学,school前不加冠词,类似的结构还有:at work, at home, in bed, in hospital等。【例】(1)He got into a wrong room.他进错了房间。(2)I cant get into these shoes, they are too small.这双鞋我穿不上,太小了。(3)His father is at work.他父亲在工作。(4)Hes ill in hospital.他生病住院了。10Luckily, his mother never gave up trying

30、 to help.幸运的是他母亲从不放弃尽力的帮助。give up是个短语,表示“放弃,让给,认输”,此外drop也可表示“放弃”。【例】(1)He gave up his seat to an old man.他把座位让给了一位老人。(2)He didnt give up smoking until he got lung cancer.直到得了肺癌,他才戒烟。(3)He had to give up at last.他最后只好认输。(4)I have dropped smoking.我戒烟了。发散思维应用典型例题1Neither you nor she hard at English.A

31、workB worksC are workingD to work解析 答案:B 本题主要考查neithernor连接两个主语时,谓语动词该如何与主语保持一致的问题。我们知道neithernor连接两个主语时,谓语动词在人称和数方面与第二个主语保持一致,这就是英语的就近一致原则,第二个主语是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词用单数。典型例题2He saw her come out of the library.(改为被动语态)误:She was seen come out of the library.正:She was seen to come out of the library.解析 凡主动语态

32、的句子中有省去不定式符号to的不定式作宾语补足语时,改为被动语态,必须将不定式符号to加上,此时的不定式事实上是主语的补足语了,而且也能在谓语动词后紧跟一个动词原形(help除外)。【题型发散】发散1 单项选择填空( )1 useful work they have done! AWhatBHowCWhat aDWhat an( )2His school backpack by a woman ten minutes ago.Atook awayBwas taken awayCwere take awayDhad taken away( )3Tom often makes some in hi

33、s tests.AmistakesBmistakeCmistakenDmistaking( )4The first thing is the teacher.AgreetingBto greetCgreetedDbeing greeted( )5We never visit a friends house without first.AcallBto callCcallingDcalls解析 答案:1A work为名词且不可数,应为what。2B 此句为一般过去时的被动语态,一般过去时的被动语态的构成是“was/were过去分词”。3A 此题主要考查英语的固定搭配,make a mistake

34、是个词组,以此推出make some mistakes也是个固定的词组。4B 本题必须先搞清is后所跟的是什么句子成分,这里应是作表语,这样根据句义,只能用不定式。5C without是个介词,它后跟名词或代词作宾语,那么这里只能用动名词calling。发散2 根据汉语完成下列各句1学好英语是件不易的事。 is not easy work.2我们通常作出访问朋友的计划。We usually to see our friends.3在中国飞机总是准点到达的。In China, the planes time.4他通常是周五晚上在电影院会见他的女友。He usually his girlfrien

35、d the cinema Friday nights.5由于他改变想法,他的生活也改变了。His life changed he his .解析 答案:1Learning English wellan 2make a plan 3always arrive on 4meetsinon 5becausechangedideas本题主要考查对本单元的熟练程度及如何应用所学知识。发散3 按要求变换下列各词1found(指人的名词) 2real(副词) 3surprise(形容词) 4invention(动词) 5across(动词) 6dead(动词) 7stranger(形容词) 8forget(

36、形容词) 解析 答案:1founder 2really 3surprised (surprising) 4invent 5cross 6die 7strange 8forgetful本题是词性或词形的转变,主要是要求学生掌握一些基本的构词法。【词义发散】找出一个与划线部分意思相同或相近的词语,将序号填入括号内( )1We have friends all over the world.A throughB throughoutC togetherD together with( )2There are many trees on each side of the road.A either s

37、ideB all sidesC both sideD another side( )3Sam enjoys playing football.A often playsB does well inC is interested inD is good at( )4Thanks to your help, I finished the work in time.A BecauseB UnderC WithoutD With( )5Neither Tim nor Jack is at school.A Everyone of themB Neither of themC Not both of t

38、hemD Not all of them解析 答案:1B throughout作介词用,意思是“遍及”。2A either指两者中任何一个,因路只有两边,side是单数,只能用either或each。3C 划线词是“喜欢、爱好”。下面四个词语中只能用be interested in表示“对感兴趣”。4D 原句划线部分是“幸亏”,可以理解为在的帮助下。5B neithernor“既不也不”,可理解为两者(个)中任何一个也不。【转化发散】按要求改写下列各句1At the age of six, Tom weighed 25 kilos.(对划线部分提问)did Tom weigh at the a

39、ge of six? 2Your bedroom is very bright.(改为感叹句) your bedroom is! 3We must keep the noise under 50 dB(分贝)here.(改为被动语态)The noise must under 50 dB here.4The exam today is very important to us.(改为感叹句) important exam it is! 5Youd better not ask your teacher.(改为否定祈使句) your teacher, please.解析 答案:1How much

40、询问价格,重量以及不可数名词的多少时用how much。2How bright 本题强调的是形容词,那么构成感叹句应用how,how是用来修饰形容词和副词以及整个句子的。3be kept 含情态动词的被动结构是:情态动词be过去分词。4What an 依据改后的句式,强调的词应是名词exam,该用what,what是用来修饰名词的,且exam是可数名词,又是单数形式,该加不定冠词,而其前有important一词,important是以元音开头,故不定冠词用an。5Dont ask 祈使句的否定形式就是在动词原形前加dont。【正误发散】下列各句均有一处错误,找出并将序号填入题前的括号内( )1

41、Lucy likes to be on red. A B C D( )2Neither of them are workers. A B C D( )3Can you stop the boy about breaking the young trees? A B C D( )4Neither I nor he have been to America. A B C D( )5We should dig a hole enough large to plant a tree. A B C D解析 答案:1C 表示“穿、戴”可以用in服装或颜色名词。2A neither作主语时,谓语动词应用单数

42、形式。3B stopfrom doing sth.,是固定搭配,不能用其他的介词来替换from。4C neithernor连接两个主语时,谓语应和第二个主语在人称和数方面保持一致。5C enough修饰形容词或副词时,应放在后面。【综合发散】完形填空Once, there was a tiger 1 a forest. One day it 2 very hungry. It was walking in the forest and wanted 3 something to eat. Suddenly, it saw a fox. The fox was sleeping 4 a tree

43、. It came up slowly and quietly and jumped on the fox.“What should I do? ” the fox thought hard, and 5 it had an idea. It shouted at the tiger loudly, “ 6 dare you eat me? ” “Why? ” the tiger was very 7 . “Dont you know I am the king in this forest? ” said the fox. “I am sent by the God.” At first,

44、the tiger didnt 8 . The fox went 9 saying, “If you dont believe me, you can walk 10 me. All the animals are 1 to see me.”Then the tiger and the fox walked through the 12 together. All the animals ran away as soon as they saw the tiger 13 towards them.( )1A inB onC outsideD about( )2 A wereB wasC areD is( )3 A to seeB to lookC to findD look for( )4 A onB inC withD under( )5 A thenB tha

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