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1、高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news教案2 新人教版必修5高中英语 Unit 4 Making the news教案2 新人教版必修5年级:姓名:Making the news内容学科英语年级高二时间节次Period 2主备人 复备人课题Unit4 Warming up and reading教学目标Practice students skimming and scanning skills.Learn how to make a newspaper.Learn what skills are needed to be a good journalist.重点Improve

2、students reading skills 难点Find detail information in the text课堂模式内容提要时间设计意图方法、策略个人备课检查预习(或当堂预习)导入、目标、重难点呈现新授 Leading in Step 1 Teacher ask students to look at some pictures, and guess what they are?1. Who interviews people and writes news stories? reporter/journalist2. Who takes photos of important

3、people or events? Photographer3. who make sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks facts Editor4. who lay out the article and photographs Designer5. who give opinion on plays and books Critic6. who print the newspaper PrinterStep 2 According to the pictures teacher ask students to mak

4、e the correct order How to make a newspaper? A. Designers design (lay out) the article.B. Photographers take photographs.C. Editors check the facts.D. Reporters interview people or find out the event. E. Printers print the newspaper. D B C A EPresentation Step1 Fast readingTeacher ask students to sk

5、im the text and find out the main idea of the text.Step2 Careful readingTeacher ask students to read the text carefully and answer the following questions.1.Which of the following is not included in Hu Xins list of “dos” and “donts”? DA. Dont be rude.B. Dont talk too much yourself but make sure you

6、listen to the interviewee carefully.C. Dont miss your deadline.D. Dont laugh at the people being interviewed.2825用填空的方式让学生回忆上节课新学的单词用图片的方式可以吸引学生的注意力,充分调动积极性采用边读边练的方法,学生在读的过程中寻找需要的重要信息,培养学生的阅读理解能力课内练习(及检测) 课堂小结 布置作业及预习任务2. Who will take pictures when Zhou Yang goes out on a story for the first time?

7、BA. Zhou Yang himself.B. A professional photographer.C. Hu Xin.D. A more experienced reporter.3.Zhou Yang can cover a story on his own only when_A_.A. he has a “nose” for a storyB. he listens to the answers carefullyC. he is interested in photographyD. he has seen what an experienced reporter doesDi

8、scuss 1How to deal with accusations of printing lies?Use small recorders to get all the facts straight. Find out the truth. Prove oneself right.2What skills are needed to be a good journalist? work in a team (work with colleagues) research a story (have a “nose” for a story) be accurate (get all fac

9、ts straight) protect a story from accusationsSummaryIt is Zhou Yangs first day at the office of China Daily. He is _ (delight) and eager to go out on a story _ his own, but he cant and he has a professional photographer to assist him. His new boss, Hu Xin, is sharing with him _to be a good reporter.

10、 To be a good reporter, one needs _(curious), which enables one to ask many different_ (question)and acquire all the information he needs to know.Besides, it is important for a reporter to have a nose_ a story, _ (assess) if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people, a reporter has

11、 to listen for the _(detail) facts andprepare the next question _(depend) on what people say. If possible, a reporter can _(recorder) the interview in case he _(accuse) of printing lies.Homework1.Read the passage after class to understand it better.2.Preview the language points in the text.551检查学生对本课文的理解,这个环节需要学生合上课本用填空的方式帮助学生回顾课本内容,充分掌握本课的重点和难点总评或反思

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