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1、Part 国国 际际 音音 标标崭新天地初高中知识衔接崭新天地初高中知识衔接一、一、语语音知音知识识1英英语语共有共有48个音素,分个音素,分为为元音和元音和辅辅音两大音两大类类。元音有。元音有20个,分个,分为单为单元音和双元音。元音和双元音。辅辅音有音有28个,按个,按 声声带带 振振动动情情 况况分分为浊辅为浊辅音和清音和清 辅辅音。英音。英语语音素中半元音音素中半元音 音素是音素是/w/和和/j/,鼻音是鼻音是/m/、/n/、/。2英英语语中元音字母有中元音字母有5个,它个,它们们 分分别别是是a,e,i,o,u,一,一个半元音字母是个半元音字母是y。元音字母在重。元音字母在重读读开音

2、开音节节中中发发字母的字母的 名称名称音,在重音,在重读闭读闭音音节节中中发发短音。短音。元音元音单单元元音音短元音短元音/I/、/e/、/、/、/、/、/长长元音元音/i/、/、/u/、/、/双元音双元音/eI/、/aI/、/I/、/I/、/e/、/、/、/a/辅辅音音清清辅辅音音/p/、/t/、/k/、/f/、/s/、/、/、/t/、/tr/、/ts/浊辅浊辅音音/b/、/d/、/、/v/、/z/、/、/、/d/、/dr/、/dz/鼻音鼻音/m/、/n/、/似拼音似拼音/h/(清清辅辅音音)、/r/、/l/半元音半元音/w/、/j/二、国二、国际际音音标标/h/、/r/、/l/,由于它由于

3、它 们们 三个的三个的发发音非常相似音非常相似,所以称之所以称之为为似拼似拼音。音。三、三、读读音方法音方法在学在学习习字母在字母在单词单词中的中的读读音音时时有三有三 种方法,第一种是去尾法,种方法,第一种是去尾法,有九个:有九个:b、d、c、p、t、v、z、j、k。比。比 如:能根据如:能根据读读音把音把b分成两个音分成两个音标标/b/、/i/,去尾,去尾顾顾名思名思义义,就,就是把最后一个音去掉,第一个音,就是是把最后一个音去掉,第一个音,就是 在在单词单词中的中的发发音;第二音;第二种是掐种是掐头头法,有六个:法,有六个:f、l、m、n、s、x。比如。比如f能根据能根据读读音把音把f分

4、成两个音分成两个音标标/e/、/f/,把第一个音去掉就是,把第一个音去掉就是 在在单词单词中的中的发发音;音;第三种就是第三种就是对对比法,就是把字母在比法,就是把字母在单词单词中的中的发发音音 和在和在汉语汉语拼音拼音中的中的发发音音对对比,有五个:比,有五个:g、h、y、w、r。我。我 们们可以可以 发现发现,这这五个音和拼音中的音很相似,所以可以五个音和拼音中的音很相似,所以可以这样记这样记。从每小从每小题题的的A、B、C、D四个四个选项选项中中选选出划出划线线部分与所部分与所给单给单词词划划线线部分部分读读音相同的音相同的选项选项。1comeAcold BhostClovelyDimp

5、rove2headlineAeager Bgreat Cleast Dbread3unitedAuse Bunder Cupstairs Dput4authorAtheory Bweather Cmouths Dworthy5thirtyAtheatre Bthus Calthough Dfeather答案:答案:CDAAAPart 词词法法第一第一讲讲英英语词类语词类第二第二讲讲构构词词法法用所用所给单词给单词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1Li Na is an outstanding tennis_(play)2 Anna had a fever yesterday,so she was

6、_(able)to go to school.3 The movie was interesting,but Grace was not _(interest)in it.4Thanks to your _(suggest),I got to complete the job in time.playerunableinterestedsuggestion5It is always _(sun)here in winter.6Emily used to be short,but now she is much _(tall)7I was so hungry that I had a _(thr

7、ee)bowl of rice.8We cant go out to have a picnic because it is raining _(heavy)outside.9Justin Biebers first single,One Time,is about one of his favorite _(topic),puppy love.10 To everyones _(satisfy),the girl finished the job quite well.sunnytallerthirdheavilysatisfactiontopics第三第三讲讲动词动词的分的分类类及及时态时

8、态和和语态语态一、一、动词动词的分的分类类二、二、动词动词的的时态时态和和语态语态用所用所给动词给动词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1 Peter turned off the computer after he finished _(write)an email.2Mr.Liu isnt here now.He _(go)to Beijing.3The children will go to the zoo if it _(not rain)this Saturday.4Mr.Green _(watch)TV at this time last night.5Youd better _(eat

9、)less food before you go to bed.6My teacher told me that light _(travel)much faster than sound.writinghas gonedoesnt rainwas watchingtravelseat7Look!There are many old people _(do)morning exercise at the square.8 Im sorry that I didnt answer your phone.I _(listen)to music and didnt hear the ring.9Th

10、e old computer _(break)down easily,so I had to restart it again and again.10 Did the old soldiers from Taiwan enjoy the welcome party last Friday?Yes.They were so excited to see their friends again.Most of them _(not see)each other since 1949.doingwas listeningbrokehadnt seenPart 句法句法第一第一讲讲句子成分句子成分表

11、表语语宾语宾语宾语补宾语补足足语语定定语语目的状目的状语语主主语语宾语补宾语补足足语语主主语补语补足足语语方式状方式状语语谓语谓语第二第二讲讲句子种句子种类类I like playing football.There arent any pictures on the wall.We are waiting for the bus.We cant live without air.Yes,I haveNo,I haventYes,I am No,I am notYes,she doesNo,she doesntWhy WhoWhom/What Whose Where WhichWhen Wha

12、t How singing or dancingTea,pleasearent youcant hewont hedoesnt hedid shehave theyWhatWhat How HowWhatHow Please come inDont be afraidLet him not come in/Dont let him come inSVP SV SVO SVOiOd SVOOcMr.Liu teaches us EnglishHe has blue eyesShe dances wellApples are my favourite fruitbut alsobut and or so When he knocked at the doorAlthough/Though it rained hardhow she can work wellwho/that are playing footballwhere I was born

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