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1、(完整版)中考英语名词专项复习中考英语名词专题复习名词分为:普通名词、专有名词和复合名词专有名词:1.表示人名 如:Jim Kate Li Lei Miss Gao 2。表示地名: 如: China USA England Beijing3.表示星期、月份等时间概念的名称,如: Sunday Monday Tuesday January February4.表示中外节日: 国际性节日:New Year May Day Childrens Day Womens Day 中国节日: Spring Festival Midautumn Day National Day西方节日: Christmas

2、Day Easter(复活节)Fathers Day Mothers Day Saint Valentines Day(情人节)5. 机构或一些社会团体的名称,它们往往缩写,如: CCTV UN WTO PLA PRC UFO BBC SOS UN IT NBA IQ EQ PE RMB VIP 1。drink-coffee, milk,tea2。foodrice,bread,meatporridge, tofu,3.sugar,salt,pepper,butter4。weather-rain,snow,ice,cloud,wind5。cotton,silk,wool,mental,paper

3、,wood,glass, plastic可数名词单数一般可用a,an,one来修饰 注:a用于辅音音素开头的单词前,an用于元音音素开头的单词前*a book, an English book, an hour。名词的复数形式规则变化 (1) 一般在复数名词后加“s dog dogs book books (2) 以s、x、ch、sh结尾的名词加“es” box boxes watch watches bus-buses(3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加“es country countries factory factories 请区别:如果是元音字母加y 结尾的名词则只须加“s b

4、oy boys holidayholidays monkey monkeys (4) 以f、fe 结尾的名词,变f、fe 为v再加“es” half halves shelf shelves knife knives leaf leaves 特殊:belief-beliefs roof-roofs(5) 以o结尾的名词,一般情况加s,读作/z/。potato,tomato,hero除外 piano pianos zoo zoos radio-radios bamboo-bamboos 2。不规则变化 (1)单复数同形fishfish Japanese Japanese Chinese-Chin

5、ese sheepsheep (2)变元音字母oo为ee tooth teeth foot feet (3).变man为 men man men woman women policeman policemen Frenchman Frenchmen 请区别:German(德国人) Germans (“中日”不变“英法”变,其余s加后面)(4)。常以复数形式出现的名词 people clothes shoes trousers glasses 这些名词作主语时,注意它们的谓语用复数 My clothes are newer than yours。3。可数名词可以被a, an, one, two以

6、及 how many,many,a few,few,any,lots of, a lot of , some等修饰There are a few people in the park。*How many knives are there in your pencilbox?1.Several _ are talking under the treeAnd they are talking about_. Awoman; children Bwoman; child Cwomen; children2. There are three in my family. A。 people B. per

7、son C。 child3。 Some _ came to our school for a visit that day。 A。 Germans B。 Germen C。 Germany D。 Germanies 4. In the picture there are many_ and two_。 A。 sheeps; knifes B。 sheeps; knife C。 sheep; knives D. sheep; knife 5. There are four_and two_in the group. A。 Japanese,Germen B。 Japaneses,Germen C

8、. Japanese,German D. Japanese,Germans不可数名词 物质名词和抽象名词属于不可数名词如: water,rice,fish,meat 等. work chalk time space music money weather homework wood information news medicine1。单个的不可数名词作主语时谓语动词用单数 Some bread is over there. No news is good news.2.不可数名词不能被a, an, one, two等修饰,常用how much, much, a little, little,

9、 a lot of, lots of, some, any,plenty of 等修饰 They had much money。 He does little housework at home. a rice (X) two bread (X)3.有些可数名词或不可数名词在一定情况下可相互转化,同一个词,但意思不同 glass(玻璃) a glass(玻璃杯) work(工作) a work(著作) time(时间) times(次数)练习。 Please give me _ paper。 A. one B。 a pieces C。 a piece D。 a piece of。 This t

10、able is made of_。 A。 many glass B。 some glasses C. glasses D. glass。 What can I do for you, sir? Id like two_. A.bottle of milk B。bottles of milks C.bottles of milk D.bottle of milks。 We can do the work better with_money and _ people。A。 less, fewer B. fewer, less C. little, little D。 few, few 当peopl

11、e, class, family, team, group, public, police 等集体名词做主语时,如果看成一个整体,动词就用单数;看成一个个具体成员时,就用复数。e.g The class are waiting for her。 Toms family _ rather big. Toms family _ film fans。 news, maths, politics 表示单数意义,动词用单数。 e。g The news makes her very happy。 Maths _ not easy for him.名词所有格表示名词间的所有关系“ 的”一。名词所有格的构成方

12、法 1。一般情况下,在有生命的名词后加“s” Kangkangs father Lucys book 2.以s结尾的复数名词,则在s后加“ ”即可 Teachers office The Greens house3.不以s结尾的复数名词的所有格,仍按惯例加“s” Children s Day men s shoes 4.无生命名词的所有关系用of *a picture of the classroom加名词,构成所属关系的短语 the color of the wall 5。 双重所有格, of+名词性物主代词/名词后加” s”,A photo of MarysJune 1st is _Day

13、。 All the Children enjoy it very much. A。 Children B. Childrens C. Childrens D。 ChildThe two bedroom are the _。 A. twins B. twins C 。twins D。 twins6。如果事物为 2人或2人以上共同所有,在最后一个名词后加s; 如果事物不是 2人或2人共同所有,而是分别有的,则在 2个名词后都加s。 Lucy is _ sister. A。 Mary and Jack B。 Marys and Jacks C。 Mary and Jacks D. Mary and

14、Jacks。有些表示时间、距离、国家、城市、团体的等无生命的东西,也可以加 -s 构成所有格 Its _from our school to my home.A。 ten minutes walk B. ten minutes walkC。 ten minute walk D. ten minutes walk1 广东的省会the capital of Guangdong2 教室的门the doors of the classroom3 我父亲的一个朋友a friend of my fathers 4 他的两个兄弟two brothers of his5 爱迪生的一些发明some invent

15、ions of Edisons 6 他弟弟的一张照片(照片属于他弟弟) a picture of his brothers7 他弟弟的一张照片(照片里的人是他弟弟) a picture of his brother 1.修饰另一名词时,一般用单数 * There are three banana trees over there. 2. man woman用做定语时,应与后面的名词保持数的一致 We need a man teacher。 *They are all women workers。 3。sports,clothes做定语时,仍用复数形式 *a sports star a clot

16、hes shop练习Our hospital needs two_doctors, Mrs. Li. You can ask your son to have a try. A. women B。 man C。woman D. menOur hospital needs two_doctors, Mrs。 Li. You can ask your son to have a try。 A. women B。 man C.woman D。 men名词所有格的几个注意点 可用名词所有格表示地点, 地点名词习惯上省略 * my aunts ( home) (我姑姑家) * go to the tea

17、chers ( office) (去老师办公室) Go to the doctors练习题1、Is it true that some colors can make us feel relaxed?-Yes.Colors do have the _ to change our feelings and moods.Asecret Bpower Cidea Dexperience2、In western countries, _ are thrown away each day. A。 mountains of rubbishB。 mountains of rubbishes C. a lot

18、 of rubbishD。 a lot of rubbishes3、How soon shall we start the bicycle trip? - _.A。 In five days timeB。 In five days time C。 In five days timeD。 For five days4、Do you have any _and _for lunch?A。 chicken; tomatoesB. chicken; tomato C。 chickens; tomatoesD. chickens; tomato5、What _ will global warming (

19、全球变暖) bring us? Scientists have given us a clear list. Anews Bdangers Ccourses Dadvantages6、-You won first prize in the physics competition. Are you kidding? I made several terrible _A. mistake B. mistakes C. problem D。 problems7、The first World Internet Conference was held in Wuzhen, Zhejiang last

20、November.Yes.It is the largest and the highest _of Internet conference which was held in our country.Apower Bknowledge Cenergy Dlevel 8、Why are you so late today?Because the _ was so heavy。I spent about two hours driving here。Atraffic Broad Csituation9、 Ted was facing a difficult _between staying wi

21、th his family and working abroad。Achoose Bchose Cchoice Dchosen10、What would you like to say to your _ before leaving school?Id like to say “Thank you very much! Ive learnt a lot from you in the past three years.” A。 teachers B。 workers C。 doctors D. engineers11、-Yesterday, my father bought me a new

22、 mobile phone as a present, but I dont know how to use it。 -Why not read the _first before using it? A。 expressions B。 contributions C。 advertisements D. instructions12、Chinas hot words,like Duang,tuhao,are of the timesThey have become known abroadAcontributions Bexamples Cproducts Dachievements13、N

23、owadays some_made in China are both good and cheap, such as Xiaomi mobile phones, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers。 A。 tools B。 products C。 materials D。 instruments14、Could you give me a few _ on how to spend the coming summer holiday? -OK。 Let me see.A. hobbies B. knowledge C. suggestions D. info

24、rmation15、May I take your order?-I would like _。A。 two large bowls of soup B。 two large bowl of soup C .two large bowls soup D. two large bowls of soups16、We believe One Belt,One Road will help China improve the _ with lots of countriesApopulation Bsituation Cenvironment Drelationship17、Nowadays mor

25、e and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing OperaThats trueIts an important part of Chinese_Aculture Binvention Ccustom18、I dont know how to deal with my family problem。 Can you give me some_?A. messages B.instructions C。advice D。 information19、-I wonder if youve made a decision on the

26、project, Eric。 -Not yet. I cant make it until I have firsthand on prices. A. news B。 knowledge C。 information D. education 20、 _about Japan earthquake keep everyone in deep sorrow.(悲痛)A. News B。 Information C. Advice D. Messages21、Its said that more than 100 _ will attend this meeting in Shanghai。Am

27、an teachersBwoman teachers Cmen teachers Dwomans teachers22、Do you know Mr。 Bake? He is _teacherAJenny and Danny BJenny and Danny sCJenny s and Danny s DJenny or Danny s23、I dont think _ should be allowed to driveAfourteen years olds Bfourteen years oldsCfourteen year-olds Dfourteen years olds24、Can

28、 I help you?Id like _ for my twin daughters.Atwo pair of shoesBtwo pairs of shoe Ctwo pair of shoeDtwo pairs of shoes25、Wang Ning likes talking with people, writing stories and working for a TV station, maybe he will be _ when he grows up。.Aan actor Ba policeman Ca doctor Da reporter26、The land in t

29、he southwest of China is in great need of Yes ,it hasnt rained for a long time thereAmilk Btea Ccoffee Dwater27、She always gets the highest marks in the examShe is one of _ in her classAbest students Bthe top students Cthe best student Dtop student28、I have realized the _ of learning EnglishI must w

30、ork bardAsecret Bexperience Cimportance Dimportant29、You have a _You should stop eating anythingAheadache Bbackache Cstomachache Dfever30、We have three _ jobs for you And they are _ interestingAkinds of; kinds of B kind of; kinds ofCkind of; kind of D kinds of; kind of31、Sam eats too much _。 He does

31、nt eat any _.A. chickens; tomato B. tomato; chickenC。 chicken; tomatoes D. tomatoes; chicken32、He can play . And he can play , too。Abasketball the piano Ba basketball a guitarCthe basketball piano Dbasketball guitar33、All the _ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th, because it was their own holid

32、ay.A. man B. men C。 woman D. women34、Mrs. Bond is an old friend of .AJack mother BJack mothers CJacks mother DJacks mothers35、-Where are the two ?They are talking in the officeAwoman writers Bwomen writer Cwomans writer Dwomen writers36、Come on,childrenHelp yourselves to some if you likeAfish and ch

33、icken Bfishes and chicken Cfish and chickens Dfishes and chickens37、As a student, working hard is your _。A。 response B. responsible C. responsibility D. responsibly38、Mr 。Smith always has _ to tell us。 A。 some good pieces of news B. some pieces of good news C。 some good piece of newes D。 some piece

34、of good newes39、It would be _ good_ for me to achieve my dream.A. an; experience B./; experiences C. a; experience D./; experience40、I have three pen pals. One is , the other two are A。 Japanese, AmericaB. Russian, GermanyC. Canada。 Australia D. English, Frenchmen1、 There were a lot of _at the party

35、. 有许多人参加聚会2、 At least ten_were killed in the traffic accident. 至少有10人在这次交通事故中丧生。3、 The book is about the history of the_of China.这是一本关于中国各民族的历史的书。4、 Hundreds of _were trying to control the violence.数以百计的警察在奋力控制暴力行为。5、 Kevins _lives in an apartment building near the Lover River。 凯文家住在爱河河畔的公寓大楼。6、 The

36、re are about fifty _in the building。7、 Peter usually orders_, a vegetable soup and a cup of coffee for lunch.彼得经常点一份鱼、一份蔬菜汤和一杯咖啡当午餐。8、 _ is my favourite food, but my brother refuses_all the time.鱼肉是我最喜爱的食物,可是我弟弟绝不吃鱼肉.9、 You can find two_by Lu Xun in that bookstore。在那家书店你能找到两部鲁迅的作品。10、There is a chem

37、ical _near the village。那个村庄附近有一家化工厂。11、There are three _ of milk on the table. 桌子上有3瓶牛奶。12、It is made of _那是由玻璃制成的。13、She was so angry that she broke two glasses yesterday。她非常生气,昨天打碎了两个玻璃杯.14、Little Tom is being schooled at the _(名词所有格)小汤姆正在老师的办公室15、The _will fall in autumn。(名词所有格)在秋天,大部分的树叶都会掉落。16。

38、Mom, could you pass me some_? Its delicious。 _OK, but only a little。A、butter B、apples C、tomatoes D、sandwiches17、All the_teachers and the _students there are playing basketball on the playground.A、men; boys B、men; boy C、man; boy D、man; boys18、Miss Li, could you give me_on English learning?_Certainly,

39、 First you should speak English every day.A、any advices B、many advices C、some advice19、Can I help you, sir?Id like to have 100_, I want my students to draw pictures.A、piece of paper B、pieces of paper C、pieces of papers D、pieces of papers20、_mothers cant come to the meeting because they have gone to Dalian。A、Sallys and Jane B、Sally and Janes C、Sally and Jane D、Sallys and Janes21、_are going to come

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