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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-酒店英语培训外包服务Hotel English Training Outsourcing Service (HETOS)一、外包服务简介Introduction to HETOS在北京奥运会即将来临之际,北京迦南地人力资源顾问公司向北京地区星级酒店提供专业化的英语培训外包服务,服务项目:As the Olympic game is coming around the corner, Beijing Canaan Human Resource Consulting Co., Ltd. is providin

2、g professional hotel English training outsourcing service to the star hotels. Our service content is as follow: 1. 派送外籍培训讲师服务 Training by foreign teacher 2. 酒店英语课程开发服务Training course development service3. 员工英语能力训练服务English proficiency test and skill training 二、外包服务目标 HETOS Goal我们的英语培训外包服务是根据酒店需求量身订制

3、开发课程,以帮助酒店制定并完善现有培训体系,通过灵活多样的训练方式在短时间内帮助员工提高英语服务能力,达到国际化的专业服务水准。The HETOS service is specially designed according to the needs of the hotel and tailor made to help the hotels develop and implement an English training system which enhance the capacity of the staff service in English, strengthen the o

4、verall hotel service quality, in order to reach the international professional level.三、 外包服务特色 HETOS Characteristic1. 确保使用国际水准英语教学内容We ensure the HETOS training content is using the international hotel English.2. 确保外籍讲师具有专业讲师资格We ensure that our teacher possess professional certificate of teaching E

5、nglish 3. 确保教学内容量身定做实用有效We ensure our teaching content is specially designed which is practical and effective四、外包服务内容 HETOS Content:1. 前厅英语服务Front Office Englisha) 接待与预定Reception & Reservationb) 礼宾部Concierge Service c) 商务中心 Business Center Service d) 总机服务 Hotel Operator Service培训目标 Training Goal作为酒店

6、之窗的前厅服务部门,通过我们专业的酒店英语训练,可在较短时间内提升员工酒店预定、入驻登记、信息咨询、商务服务、投诉处理、离店登记等服务能力。Front office is an open window of the hotel, through our professional hotel English training, the staff will be able to master the language when they serve the guests in reservation, check-in, enquires, complaints, business matter

7、s, check-out etc. 2. 客房英语服务 Housekeeping English a) 楼层服务员Room Attendantb) 洗衣服务 Laundry Servicec) 客房接线员Housekeeping Operator 培训目标Training Goal:干净、舒适的客人房间,周到个性的员工服务,能直接影响酒店的服务品牌,通过专业的酒店英语服务训练,能提升员工房间清洁、洗衣、物品提供、设备使用、服务介绍、问题处理的能力,使客人时刻感到宾至如归!A clean, comfortable room in hotel, a thoughtful and individua

8、lity staff service willinfluence the hotel service product directly. The professional Hotel English training will help raise the housekeeping staff standard of English in their job when they do cleaning, laundry, providing extra stuff for guests, introducing the room facilities, dealing with enquire

9、s and complaints etc to make the guests feel at home!3. 餐饮英语服务 Food & Beverages Englisha) 服务员Waiter/waitressb) 中餐 Chinese Restaurantc) 西餐 Western Restaurantd) 宴会 Banquet Servicee) 送餐服务 Room Servicef) 经理/主管/领班Restaurant manager/supervisor/captain培训目标 Training Goal:快捷、热情、个性的餐厅服务是整个酒店服务水准的重要标志,通过对员工进行系

10、统的预定、点菜、宴会、送餐、结帐、投诉处理等方面的英语训练,可以帮助酒店建立国际化的餐厅服务标准及服务流程,同时提升酒店服务口碑效应。An efficient, passion, individuality service in food & beverages department is an important sign of the hotel; the training will help the staff in using professional English to serve the guests, for reservation, taking orders, banque

11、t, room service, billing, dealing with complaints etc. in order to help build an international restaurant service standard and service process, and at the same time, elevate the hotel reputation. 4. 酒店附加服务 Auxiliary Servicea) 会议服务b) 会展服务c) 健身服务d) 娱乐服务e) 美容美发培训目标Training Goal:作为酒店行业另一支柱型的服务产品,通过对员工进行

12、专业化的英语语言训练,可以为更多国际客人提供快捷、方便的个性化服务,同时最大化提升客人的满意程度。As a hotel leading pillar of the service product, the training will help the staff to provide fast, convenient and individuality service to international guests with professional English, and to give the guests the greatest satisfaction of the service

13、.5. 酒店行政管理人员 Hotel Office Staff:a) 行政管理Administrativeb) 人力资源管理Human Resource c) 酒店秘书Secretaryd) 市场销售Sales & Marketinge) 商务英语Business English培训目标Training Goal:专业、高效的后台运营体系直接影响着整个酒店的运作效率。通过专业的秘书英语、商务英语、部门专业英语口语及书写方面的训练,可提高酒店运营支持人员的英语工作能力,同时提升酒店管理的专业水准。A professional and high efficient background opera

14、tion system has an influence of the overall hotel operational efficiency. Through our training in speaking and writing of professional secretarial English, business English, and English for each department, the staff can help to elevate professional standard of the hotel management. 五、外包服务流程HETOS Pr

15、ocess1. 培训前调查阶段 Training & Survey Stage通过座谈、测试、实地考察方式来了解酒店的语言环境,员工的英语水平及酒店的服务流程。 Through informal discussion, test, field study, we will get to understand about the language environment in the hotel, staff English standard and the hotel service process2. 培训课程开发阶段Training Course Development Stage根据调查

16、的结果和酒店的要求、各类的场景训练教学内容、课时计划、按照酒店需要培训特定的岗位及员工的具体课程安排计划及其他教学资料开发课程We implement the course base on the result of the survey and the requirement of hotel, using various scenery drills teaching method, planning class hours, and planning lesson plans to training of specific position and staff according to

17、the hotel needs and using other teaching resources 3. 培训课程实施阶段 Training Course Implementation Stage 根据不同英语教学内容, 通过角色扮演、实地训练、讲师与员工进行实地 演练,讲师给予评估等方式实施教学计划。 The implementation stage include role play, field exercise, the teacher will monitor the trainee on job, and teacher gives evaluation to trainee p

18、erformance etc teaching methods六、 外籍老师介绍Introduction To Our Foreign Teacher本公司所派送的讲师为外籍新加坡教师,拥有伦敦师范学院的英语教学文凭,有丰富的英语培训与教学经验,尤其是口语教学及能力训练方面。 课上她会采用实际场景演练的教学方法,以生动活泼热情激发等方式帮助和激励员工提高英语学习兴趣和表达能力。Our companys teacher is a Singaporean, she possess a certificate of English teaching from London Teachers Trai

19、ning College. She has years of teaching English experience especially in oral and skill training. Her teaching style is stimulating and inspiring; she will use various scenery drill teaching methods to arouse the interest of learning English and to help students master the language effectively.七、 外包服务报价 HETOS Price Quote1咨询测试、课程开发、跟踪指导、评估审核-免费Consultancies、Assessment, Training Course Development, Evaluation are free2讲师授课费:按RMB200/小时收取Lecture Fees: 200RMB/hour/lesson北京酒店工作网培训中心Beijing Hotel Job Training Center-精品 文档-

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