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1、*连连 词词conjunction小组成员:田焜鹏,韦栋,明谣连词是一种虚词,连词是一种虚词,它不能独它不能独立担任句子成分。用来连接词,立担任句子成分。用来连接词,短语,从句与句子。短语,从句与句子。连词主要可分为两类:l并列连词l从属连词一一.并列连词表示词,短语,并列连词表示词,短语,从句或句子之间具有并列关系。从句或句子之间具有并列关系。可以表示并列关系,转折关系,可以表示并列关系,转折关系,和因果关系。和因果关系。and(and(和和)both)both and and(和(和,两者都)两者都)oror(或者)(或者)neitherneither nor nor(既不(既不也不也不)

2、not onlynot only but also(but also(不但不但 而且而且)as well as (as well as (和和,也也,除除外外,而且而且)1.1.表示并列关系的连词:表示并列关系的连词:as well(as well(也也,而且而且,),)用于句末用于句末.1.He is a scientist,but he is a poet as 1.He is a scientist,but he is a poet as well.well.2.He is a scientist as well as a poet.2.He is a scientist as well

3、 as a poet.4.Both New York and London have 4.Both New York and London have traffic problems.traffic problems.3.Are they coming as well?3.Are they coming as well?2.2.表示转折关系的连词表示转折关系的连词:but while(but while(而而,虽然虽然)yet ()yet (可是可是)however(however(而而)Somebody borrowed my pen,but I donSomebody borrowed m

4、y pen,but I dont t remember who.remember who.He said he was our friend,yet he would He said he was our friend,yet he would help us.help us.4.4.表示因果关系的连词表示因果关系的连词 so for thus(so for thus(因此因此)thereforetherefore(因此)(因此)consequentlyconsequently(因而,所以)(因而,所以)1.The child has a bad cough,so his mother 1.T

5、he child has a bad cough,so his mother take him to the doctor.take him to the doctor.2.You are supposed to get rid of 2.You are supposed to get rid of carelessness,for it often leads to serious carelessness,for it often leads to serious errors.errors.注意注意:for:for通常不能用于句首,也不能单独使用。通常不能用于句首,也不能单独使用。二二.

6、从属连词是用来引导连接主句和从句的连词。从属连词是用来引导连接主句和从句的连词。分为引导名词性从句的连词和引导状语分为引导名词性从句的连词和引导状语 从句的连词。(分为连接代词和连接副词)从句的连词。(分为连接代词和连接副词)(1).that,whether,if(1).that,whether,if 不充当成分不充当成分.(2).(2).连接代词连接代词 who,whom,which,what who,whom,which,what 充当主充当主,宾宾,定定,表语等表语等.(3).(3).连接副词连接副词 when,where,how,why when,where,how,why 状语状语.

7、1.引导名词性从句的连词引导名词性从句的连词(1 1)ThatThat,whetherwhether,ifif不充当句子成分的。不充当句子成分的。其其 中中thatthat不仅没有充当句子成分,不仅没有充当句子成分,而且没有词义,在句子中只起连接作用。而而且没有词义,在句子中只起连接作用。而ifif,whetherwhether虽然不充当句子成分,但有词虽然不充当句子成分,但有词义,表示义,表示“是否是否”。如。如He replied that he was going by train.He replied that he was going by train.I wonder if itI

8、 wonder if its large enough.s large enough.I worry about whether I hurt her I worry about whether I hurt her feelings.feelings.(2 2)连接代词)连接代词whowho,whomwhom,whichwhich,whatwhat充当主,充当主,宾,定,表语等。宾,定,表语等。The boys who are playing football are The boys who are playing football are from Class One.from Clas

9、s One.(充当主语)(充当主语)He is not what he used to be.He is not what he used to be.(充当表语)(充当表语)Which team has won the game is not known Which team has won the game is not known yet.yet.(充当定语)(充当定语)He asked whom I borrowed the money He asked whom I borrowed the money from.from.(充当宾语)(充当宾语)(3).(3).连接副词连接副词 w

10、hen,where,how,why when,where,how,why 2.引导状语从句的连词引导状语从句的连词(1).(1).时间时间:when,while,as:when,while,as 当当时时 as+as+瞬间瞬间,延续性动词延续性动词 “一边一边一边一边”since,till/until,as soon as(since,till/until,as soon as(一一就就),the moment/instant(),the moment/instant(一一就就),),DonDont talk while you are eating.t talk while you are

11、eating.SheShes been playing tennis since she was s been playing tennis since she was eight.eight.The moment I finish IThe moment I finish Ill give you a call.ll give you a call.(2).(2).原因原因:as because for since as because for since ForFor语气最弱语气最弱,引导的分句放在句末引导的分句放在句末.Because Because 语气最强语气最强,句首句首,句末均可

12、句末均可.As(As(因为因为)置于句首置于句首.Since(Since(既然既然)通常置于句首通常置于句首.(3).(3).地点地点:where,wherever,anywhere:where,wherever,anywhereI Ill take you anywhere you like.ll take you anywhere you like.(4).(4).条件条件:if,unless=if:if,unless=if not,so/as long not,so/as long as,suppose(that)as,suppose(that)假使假使 Do you mind if I

13、 open the window?Do you mind if I open the window?Don Dont come unless I telephone.t come unless I telephone.注意:在条件状语从句中,通常要用一般现在时注意:在条件状语从句中,通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态。不过,表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态。不过,有时条件的有时条件的ifif后可能用后可能用will,will,但那不是表示将来时但那不是表示将来时态,而是表示意愿或委婉的请求。如:态,而是表示意愿或委婉的请求。如:If you will sit down

14、for a few moments,If you will sit down for a few moments,I Ill tell the manager you are here.ll tell the manager you are here.(5).(5).让步让步:though/although:though/although不与不与butbut连用连用.as(as(尽管尽管),even if/though(),even if/though(即使即使)however(however(无论怎样无论怎样),whatever),whatever no matter how/who/whi

15、ch no matter how/who/whichAlthough they are twins,they look Although they are twins,they look entirely different.entirely different.Whoever you are,you canWhoever you are,you cant pass this way.t pass this way.Whenever I see him I speak to him.Whenever I see him I speak to him.(6 6).结果结果:So.that,suc

16、h.that:So.that,such.thatI went to the lecture so early that I I went to the lecture so early that I got a good seat.got a good seat.(7 7).目的目的:so that,in order that:so that,in order thatHe raised his voice so that everyone He raised his voice so that everyone could hear.could hear.(8 8).方式:方式:asas(按照)(按照),as if,as,as if,as thoughthoughWhy didnWhy didnt you catch the last bus as t you catch the last bus as I told you to.I told you to.

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