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1、(完整版)Unit 4 Wildlife Protection综合训练(学生版)B2U4综合训练一。词汇1.词形变化1)。protection _ (v。) 2)。 mercy _ (adj.)3).respond _(n。) 4).importance_ (adj。) 5)。 powerful _ (n。) 6)。appreciate _ (n。) 7). secure _ (n。) 8)。 relief _ (v。) 9). loss _(v。)_ (adj.迷失的;沉迷的) 10). succeed _ (n.) _ (adj.) _ (adv。)11)。employ_ (n。雇用) _

2、(n。雇用者,雇主) _(n. 受雇者,雇工) 12)。 harm_ (adj。有害的) _ (adj。没有损害的) 2。 用所给的词的适当形式填空1) We could hear her _ (laugh) from the street. 2) His speech is so powerful that the audience are completely_ (absorb). 3) Your mistake resulted in heavy _ (lose)。 4) China is getting more and more _ (power) in the world。 5)

3、He made a great _ (succeed) in the clone field。 3.单词拼写1) Compared with last year, our income has _ (下降)by 20%. 2) The boss _ (雇用)about 20 more people to work for him yesterday. 3) It is of great_ (重要) that you arrive on time . 4) He showed no m_ to his enemies。5) Very few people s_ in losing weight

4、and keeping it off. 4。写出下列短语,并用其适当形式填空。1)在。的危险中_ 2)如释重负;松了一口气_3)突然大笑起来 _ 4)注意 _5)形成;产生_ 6)按照;根据所说 _7)灭亡;逐渐消失_ 8)和平地;和睦地 _9) 保护不受_ 10) 对做出反应_11) 成功做某事_ 12) 以至于;结果_13)渴望做某事_ 14)对有影响_15)任由的摆布_ 16) 对有害_1。 The Smiths were living _ with the neighbors. 2。 Hearing that her son came back safe and sound, she

5、smiled _ 3。 Please _ the difference between the two words。4. Trees should _ the cold during winter。5. Upon hearing the funny story, everybody _ 6。 Dave didnt _ any of her emails, which made her angry.二单项选择.1。 In the film, those poor slaves were at the _ of their owners。 A. mercy B。 fortune C。 contro

6、l D. master 2. The group waiting outside _ ten people, _two old men。 A. includes; containing B。 includes; including C. contains; containing D. contains; including3. We are concerned about the weather because it _ what we wear and even how we feel。A。 benefits B. guides C. affects D。 causes4。 Much att

7、ention should be paid to _ the rainforest being cut down。 A. stopping B. protecting C. keeping D。 helping5。 When he knew that he had passed the driving test, he smiled _。 A. in doubt B。 in relief C。 in peace D. in return6. After several months hard work, he finally _in finishing the work on time。A。

8、succeeded B。 failed C. solved D. admitted 7. The funny story made all the people present _laughter. A. burst outB。 burst into C. broken into D。 began with8。 Suddenly there was a big hole in the ground and the building near it was _. A. out of danger B。 in danger C. in order D。 out of place9。 People

9、who often stay up too late are more likely to die of heart disease, _a study. A。 with the help of B。 because of C. according to D。 as a result 10. We were astonished _ the temple still in its original condition。A. finding B。 to find C。 find D。 to be found 11.An _happened on my trip to the Great Wall

10、。 That is, my camera was left on the bus。 A. accident B. thing C。 incident D。 affair12。 The new generation of computers, with artificial intelligence, _ and perfected now.A。 developed B. have developed C。 are being developed D. will develop13。 A plan about building a new neighborhood along the river

11、 _now.A。 will be discussed B. is discussing C。 has been discussed D. is being discussed 14。 Dont make any noise 。Her mother _ by a doctor.A。 examined B. is being examined C。 has been examined D。 is examined 15。 The mother looks upset outside the operating room, whose son _ now. A。 is being operated

12、B。 is operated C. has been operated D。 was operated 三.句子翻译。1。 他成功地通过了入学考试._2。 看到这,我们如释重负地大笑了._3。 体育(physical)锻炼可以预防心脏病。_4. 睡眠不足会影响你的课业表现。_5. 不久后他就得到了那个消息。_6。 在阳光下读书对你的眼睛有害。_between the requirements. And in the encounter the tedious work, complex things, sometimes take the method of escape, that brid

13、ge the boat to the bridge straight , not their own force please find countermeasures, but to wait for the self, the lack of a spirit of hard research.Two, the cause of the problemThrough the analysis, I feel that there are many reasons for these problems.One idea is obsolete. The failure to do system research on the essence of reading the original, palm and master the theory of quality read without thorough understanding, has not been effectively3

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