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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 高考题型组合练 组合练5 阅读理解2篇+完形填空参考练习2021届高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 高考题型组合练 组合练5 阅读理解2篇+完形填空参考练习年级:姓名:组合练5阅读理解2篇完形填空(限时30分钟).阅读理解A体裁主题词数限时记叙文人与自然动物保护2787分钟Much of the island, Borneo, is the tropical rain forest.Its the worlds third largest island.I once lived on Borneo for a while with my family and i

2、t was joyful to see many wild animals visit my backyard.Actually, I should say that it was I who was the visitor.During the first week, I found a clutch of eggs under our bamboo trees.I was told they were the eggs of a black spitting cobra (射毒眼镜蛇)The snake is common in the area.Poison from its bite

3、can kill a person in one to six hours.My husband and I and our three children thought of many ways to be on the lookout, especially when we stepped into the yard.We even made up a song, which went: Cobra, cobra, are you there? Please dont fall onto my hair.One afternoon, we saw the cobra the first t

4、ime.Our friends and our family had just finished our lunch, and a few of us were chatting when one of the guests saw the cobra.She was on a branch of a palm tree, less than ten feet from where we were chatting. Everyone came out to see her, and chairs were arranged as if for a concert.The cobra lay

5、still.Only through a pair of binoculars (双筒望远镜) could we see her breathing.She seemed to enjoy all the attention.We were surprised by her beauty.Later, I realized that a cobra would naturally stay near the palm tree.Its coconuts (椰子) are a rich source of food for mice and squirrels, and therefore th

6、e tree was a great place for a cobra.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者在婆罗洲居住期间,院子里有一条射毒眼镜蛇和它的一窝蛇蛋,他们能和平相处吗?请阅读本篇文章。1What did the author mean by saying she was the visitor?AShe was amazed at the number of wild animals.BShe was not familiar with the wild animals.CShe was frightened of the animals.DShe was not a local

7、person.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知,作者在院子里能邂逅许多野生动物,那里好像是它们的家,自己反而像访客。2Why did the authors family create a song?ATo amuse the cobra.BTo remind themselves.CTo prepare for a concert.DTo entertain their friends.解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段的“My husband and I and our three children thought of many ways to be on the lookout

8、, especially when we stepped into the yard.”可知,因为射毒眼镜蛇有剧毒,作者一家想出各种办法来提醒家人要小心,后来甚至还编了一首歌来互相提醒。3Why does a cobra like staying near a palm tree?AThe tree gives cool shade.BIts a perfect place to hide.CIts a good hunting ground.DThe tree offers it coconuts.解析:选C推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,椰子能吸引来老鼠、松鼠等小动物,这样方便射毒眼镜

9、蛇捕食。B体裁主题词数限时议论文人与社会“成年”的概念3388分钟(2019成都诊断)Japan recently lowered its voting age from 20 to 18. This decision was in part to help young people feel more engaged in politics. But it may also signal the change of social views regarding the beginning of adulthood.Adulthood has traditionally been define

10、d by a combination of age and the achievement of social milestones (里程碑). Most countries have a legally defined age to determine when a person becomes an adult the age of majority. In Australia, most states consider a person to be an adult in court at 18. The age of 18 is also consistent with other

11、adult privileges, such as the right to purchase alcohol and to marry. However, 17yearolds can serve in the army and get a drivers licence. The law defines adulthood on the basis of age and it also recognizes the process of becoming an adult as involving himself gradually in social responsibility. Th

12、is legal approach to adulthood is mirrored in other countries, where there are differences between the age of majority and social responsibility given to young people.Socially, determinants of adulthood traditionally focus on a person taking increasing responsibility for their lives in various ways.

13、 Completing school, taking fulltime employment, getting married and parenthood these are all observable indicators to determine when a person is viewed as an adult.Since the 1980s, however, people have achieved some of these observable milestones at later ages. Increased access to education has dela

14、yed young people leaving home and developing romantic relationships. Economic changes have also resulted in unstable employment markets and increases in costs of living, prompting many young people to remain at home and dependent on parents.Due to these social changes, our expectations of young peop

15、le and their level of social responsibility have also changed. The recognition of a new life stage emerging (发展初期的) adulthood has been recommended to account for the changes to social milestones that have traditionally represented adulthood.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文,主要论述了由于教育机会的增加、经济上的变化等社会变化,年轻人进入成年人生阶段的时间推迟了。

16、4What can we learn about adulthood from the text?APeople reach observable indicators much later.BAge alone is a reliable determinant of adulthood.CParticipation in politics is a responsibility for adulthood.DEconomic changes mainly shift peoples views on adulthood.解析:选C推理判断题。根据第一段第一、二句“Japan recentl

17、y lowered its voting age from 20 to 18. This decision was in part to help young people feel more engaged in politics.”可知,日本最近将投票年龄从20岁降至18岁,这一决定在某种程度上是为了帮助年轻人更好地参与政治;又根据本段第三句中的“it may also signal the change of social views regarding the beginning of adulthood”可推知,参与政治是成年人的责任,故C项正确。5What right can pe

18、ople enjoy at the age of 17 in most states of Australia?AVoting.BBuying wines.CGetting married.DDriving legally.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第二段的内容,尤其是第五句“However, 17yearolds can serve in the army and get a drivers licence.”可知,在澳大利亚的大部分州,人们在17岁时可以服兵役和获得驾照,故D项正确。6What does the underlined word “prompting” in paragrap

19、h 4 probably mean?AEncouraging.BAdvising.CForbidding.DPersuading.解析:选A词义猜测题。根据第四段尾句“Economic changes have also resulted in unstable employment markets and increases in costs of living, prompting many young people to remain at home and dependent on parents.”可知,经济上的变化也导致了不稳定的就业市场和生活成本的增加,这促使许多年轻人留在家里并

20、依赖父母;据此可推知,A项“促进,助长”与画线词意思相近,故A项正确。7Whats the main idea of the text?AEmerging adulthood reflects a new life stage.BAdulthood is defined differently in different places.CSocial changes are challenging the idea of adulthood.DAdulthood is a combination of rights and responsibilities.解析:选C主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文

21、章尾段第一句“Due to these social changes, our expectations of young people and their level of social responsibility have also changed.”为全文的主题句;又结合全文内容可知,本文主要论述了由于社会的变化,年轻人进入成年人生阶段的时间发生了变化,而人们关于“成年”这一概念的看法也发生了变化,故C项正确。.完形填空体裁主题词数限时议论文人与社会历史学科27515分钟(2019广州调研)Why study history?People live in the present. Th

22、ey plan for the _8_. History, however, is the study of the past. Given all the _9_ and pressures that come from living in the present and _10_ what is yet to come, why bother with what has happened? Given all the available branches of knowledge, why insist as most _11_ systems do on history? And why

23、 urge many students to study even more history than they are _12_ to?Any subject of study needs _13_: supporters must explain why it is worth _14_. Like most widely accepted _15_, history attracts people who simply _16_ the information and modes of thought involved. But for people who are less inter

24、ested in the subject and more _17_ about why they should bother with it, a clearer explanation of its purpose is required._18_ do not perform heart transplants, improve highway design, or arrest criminals. In a society that quite correctly expects education to serve _19_ purposes, historys functions

25、 can seem more difficult to _20_ than those of engineering or medicine. History is in fact very useful, actually _21_, but the products of historical study are often less _22_ and immediate than those of other subjects.History helps us understand people, societies and how they _23_. For example, how

26、 can we _24_ past wars and future threats without using historical materials? Unfortunately, major aspects of the societys operation cannot be set up as precise experiments. _25_, history must serve, however imperfectly, as our _26_, helping us understand who we are and why we do what we do. This, f

27、undamentally, is why we cannot _27_ history.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。很多人有这样的疑惑:我们所有的需求和压力都来自于活在当下,以及对未来的预期,为什么还要在已经发生的事情上花费时间呢?虽然历史研究的成果往往不如其他学科那样立竿见影,但是,历史学科实际上是非常重要的,它能帮助我们了解我们是谁和我们为什么要做我们所做的事情。8A.processBresultCfutureDenvironment解析:选C根据该句中的“plan for”,并结合常识可知,人们为未来做计划。C项意为“未来”,故C项正确。A项意为“过程”;B项意为“结果”;D项意为“环境

28、”。9A.causesBdemandsCchoicesDorders解析:选B根据该句中的“and pressures that come from living in the present”并结合选项可知,空处与名词“pressures”对应,表示“来自活在当下的需求和压力”。B项意为“需求”,故B项正确。A项意为“原因”,C项意为“选择”,D项意为“次序”,都与语境不符。10A.avoidingBfearingCcelebratingDanticipating解析:选D根据上文的“They plan for the _8_.”以及该句中的“_10_ what is yet to come

29、”,并结合语境可知,此处是说对未来的预期。D项意为“预期”,故D项正确。11A.financialBsocialCeducationalDpolitical解析:选C根据下文中的“urge many students to study even more history than they are _12_ to”可知,我们总是敦促许多学生学习比他们被要求(required)学习的还要多的历史知识;结合该句中的“Given all the available branches of knowledge, why insist as most _11_ systems do on history

30、?”可知,考虑到所有可用的知识分支,为什么大多数教育体系坚持教授历史?C项意为“教育的”,符合语境。A项意为“财政的”,B项意为“社会的”,D项意为“政治的”,都与语境不符。12A.requiredBinvitedCforcedDpermitted解析:选A参见上题解析。13A.directionBexplorationCjustificationDrevolution解析:选C根据该句“Any subject of study needs _13_: supporters must explain why it is worth _14_.”,并结合常识可知,任何学科的研究都需要正当的理由(


32、项意为“忧虑”,都与语境不符。16A.provideBreceiveCshareDlike解析:选D根据该句中的“history attracts people who simply _16_ the information and modes of thought involved”并结合语境可知,历史吸引了喜欢这些信息以及相关的思维方式的人。D项意为“喜欢”,故D项正确。A项意为“提供”,B项意为“接受”,C项意为“分享”,都与语境不符。17A.doubtfulBworriedCthoughtfulDcertain解析:选A根据该句中的“why they should bother wit

33、h it”可知,对于那些对这门学科不太感兴趣,而且对为什么要花费时间学这门学科有疑问的人来说,需要更清楚地解释学这门学科的目的。A项意为“怀疑”,故A项正确。B项意为“担心的”,C项意为“思考的,深思的”,D项意为“肯定”,都与语境不符。18A.SupportersBHistoriansCAudiencesDTeachers解析:选B根据上文可知,历史学科吸引了喜欢历史信息和相关思维方式的人;而对于对历史学科不太感兴趣的人来说,则需要更清楚地向他们解释学习这一学科的目的;并结合语境可知,该处说明历史学家的特点,并引出对上述问题的解释。B项意为“历史学家”,故B项正确。19A.publicBmu

34、ltipleCdifferentDuseful解析:选D根据该句中的“In a society that quite correctly expects education to serve _19_ purposes”,并结合该段尾句中的“History is in fact very useful”和常识可知,社会期望教育有作用。D项意为“有用的”,故D项正确。A项意为“公共的”,B项意为“多种多样的”,C项意为“不同的”,都与语境不符。20A.defineBexpectCsatisfyDignore解析:选A根据该句中的“historys functions can seem more

35、difficult to _20_ than those of engineering or medicine”,并结合常识可知,历史学科的功能似乎比工程或医学学科的功能更难定义。A项意为“给下定义”,故A项正确。B项意为“预期”,C项意为“满足”,D项意为“忽视”,都与语境不符。21A.optionalBattractiveCaccessibleDessential解析:选D根据该句中的“History is in fact very useful, actually _21_”,并结合语境可推知,空处和“very useful”对应,说明历史事实上是非常有用的,实际上是非常重要的。D项意为

36、“极其重要的”,故D项正确。A项意为“可选择的”,B项意为“吸引人的”,C项意为“可进入的”,都与语境不符。22A.valuableBinterestingCinstructiveDaccurate解析:选C根据该句中的“but the products of historical study are often less _22_ and immediate than those of other subjects”可知,历史研究的成果往往不如其他学科的成果更有教育意义和即时的效果。C项意为“有教育意义的”,故C项正确。A项意为“有价值的”,B项意为“有趣的”,D项意为“精确的”,都与语境不

37、符。23A.imagineBbehaveCfightDfade解析:选B根据下文所举的例子,并结合该句“History helps us understand people, societies and how they _23_.”可知,历史帮助我们了解人、社会以及他们是如何表现的。B项意为“表现”,故B项正确。A项意为“想象”,C项意为“战斗”,D项意为“褪色”,都与语境不符。24A.preventBrememberCevaluateDdeclare解析:选C根据下文“Unfortunately, major aspects of the societys operation cannot

38、 be set up as precise experiments.”;并结合该句中的“how can we _24_ past wars and future threats without using historical materials”可推知,如果不使用历史资料,我们如何评估过去的战争和未来的威胁呢?C项意为“评估”,故C项正确。A项意为“阻止”;B项意为“记得”;D项意为“宣告”。25A.ConsequentlyBAlternativelyCFortunatelyDAdmittedly解析:选A根据上文可知,社会运转的重要方面不能作为精确的实验来设置,并结合该句可知,因此,历史必

39、须作为我们的实验室(laboratory),帮助我们了解我们是谁和我们为什么要做我们所做的事情。A项意为“因此”,故A项正确。B项意为“或者”,C项意为“幸运地”,D项意为“不可否认地”,都与语境不符。26A.libraryBlaboratoryCclinicDmuseum解析:选B参见上题解析。B项意为“实验室”,故B项正确。A项意为“图书馆”,C项意为“诊所”,D项意为“博物馆”,都与语境不符。27A.make up forBgive in toCget close toDstay away from解析:选D根据上文可知,历史帮助我们了解我们是谁和我们为什么要做我们所做的事情;据此可知,此处是说我们不能远离历史。D项意为“远离”,故D项正确。A项意为“弥补”,B项意为“屈服”,C项意为“接近”,都与语境不符。

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